The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 07, 1947, Image 3

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    H^dlinc Nation’s Grid Attractions
iS^ISl SrCSStK ESaSS^SS^SSl! m^isaM
& wA^FSfer 5«^vi^Twr^:.";j. :;ir'•assoswr- ^TE&X.'ttBSt J 1 ?4kte*^i^"'^■'i.^mss ari^v« j»'^'
^— ^ i " i ^ jsygTuarsj^^; a^y*; ^ r^S^gi.^j ggsSwftNB
Southern Methodist Favored in Clash With AggiesonKyte'Field
CRYSTAL Ciwittdfcfaj ii* r^' . ., ., ~=—?~—_I
XtlhJTi'Al'C '’'T* I ErfST t^wu" JKI";
bX viiiSl^Su l Sif ^‘Virfinl. nm^ftir
kM» UUmo uriU aiMV »m MMk
V W »^ ( FwiiL*r£37
, the nation • number on* team
Waitani Mkbiian
Tenntaaoe, i
Nary In a
—i sr "j^Cc^r.:
*** 0N «« 1 Mtiit KtaM by two t^Mown.
Tol- Dayton taktny M
««.Bf w lp^
i»i>pin, wyo«i*» hi. C |^, sriapjaasi jramJm>
Marylana eaaily over l>uqu^«ne;
.** «rd wfll ftra Nevada •
M that of Um opiHMOtkN^S
ynme of the *W(\ la tntom'
IpnKIni eeneaMally
I .. the mom
K ». *'H feel* whtrh t« U have
riil at the aallar.
; !• raptitedly In falriy RtMid
shape for Uila tilt while the fork-
•re haven't falK reett|»cate«l from
* Mat week's tueele with the Cadet*
. On the other hand, the Hot alrnal
•ller/Clydt liiackover' Scott, le
iVtumllng up Into top ahape. Xp-
C rently the bt* rx-Navv <Ur la
■t finding hi* Tx'unnga tor it waa
onlv in the laat two battle* that
he has been Mrticwlariy ouUUnd
ih» Though Rice la favored In tht*
C trh, well call this our upset of
week and five the vie.tom a
r 13-6 edge.
Getting around to the Texas Ag•
tie-SMU Mustang nine, which,
Stridently i* the bigge.t tilt in
, rtrekeo tht* weHr, bring* the
Nation’s number three team up
agalnat one rated somewhere m
the vicinity of fortieth. The odd*
an this clash aren't as bad as they
sound in that the \M*roon and
, White isn't to be nold short against
anyone at any given time.
At the firet of the week, the
Ponies were eight point favorites
on the cards but when it was as-
e-mr. uiat is I may rovtat the eattmates of
TlTl V V n M ‘ow the consis-
tajHf ftaadaid of others (including yours
^ *r»<* ‘wti* in am-
Un H It iwmauw lo be sees whether the close
^Wn dropped to the ponies last treek will
■u!tl ^ (he Uaghorns.
SSfeii •• a Mas to the Rtaers,
^•MM Ornage i. oa the rhsm-
.1* Tesaa Id, Haylor l|,
mm • Km amMe > v Maustan,
^5 •h *«• mi-
that last patr'i ae-ehampion*, ea. h
a* gaod a rfodlttan as was at Drat
Mievad. the tun* might lav* been
MM* Wt at teait two of the
boat men on the team will be able
to turn In only partial perform-
anm. Big Kd OMek, thlnTleadtng
ground-gainer in Urt conference
an average of] ft.M yard!
■IM up on every try, has not
been coming along as et firet ex
pected ead has not been able to
go through a hard sertmmage all
this week.
r i«tam X ri^t end Norton Hig
Mustang Battle
Slated to Begin
At £30 Saturday
.h osac capacity crowd of 16.000
football fans is expected to ba la
5l‘l rW i? 9Udiuw when
A4II wiQ try to knock undefeated
Southern Methodiet off the top
perch of th* Southwest Conference
w*r* or m i/aiias
has wea oaiy onaa in the laet fl
The Agglea h*v* 7 » season roc-
•H Of throe Vletoriea, throe de
feat, and a tie a. romparod io
|P^» •••■»•• Uro triumphs,
TW reapeet Daalr 1|alk*r and
J«mpa«P, but ihay have no fear
Jw the highly lavi,(Ml »Wmi*
Other team* af prtaa Muetoogi
huv# keen roped and rnrraled reg
gUrvUT SS! *fy
giaa is Ukewiee kampered by In
juries and though both gndster*
will be able to pUy tome, neither
can Be expected to go the dock.
The toss of Jimmy fashion from
the quarterback slot Is still being
felt, leaving the Aggie* thin m
that position.
All this add* op to SMU by (hero
well be pessimistic) two touch
downs. Thi* total* about 21-7.
(John Ba Dentine may have the op
portunity to dump the pigskin
through the posta from about the
24.) V
Fife S
Can They Stop Walker?
3 SWCI lead liner*
B ill Be Broadcast
By Humble Nov. 8
four weeks
It is expected
no change as far as th* title hope
fuls aro conceraad. And with I.
IT U. a victory over Texe* lest
w<ku ^ 5©
tie for the confereue* title.
0*1) The
btfh-g**r*d Texae ■•«•))* not
^ exprotsd to have much trouble with
- wl1 ** k Au, •
A throe Uroshdown feverite M
AU the excitement and mounting I
suspense of the Southwest Confer- ■
ence championship battle will be
brought to radio listeners this Bat-
orday, as Humble Oh 4 Refining
Company broadcasts threehead
Inter football games.
The game between SMU and
#« the color aaaignayiit. He
Me^anf. heard from Kyk Field
will mart at 2:20 p. m. over sta
Uow WRR, Dallas; KFJZ. Fort
Horth; KRBC, AMteue; KBST,
BL2P£F: K GKU Ban Aagelo;
"^“d: NO*A. Odessa;
IfJEJs p »«»; KROD, a Paso;
WAOO. Waco; RTEM. Temple;
MrAllea; KXTZ Houston; KFDM
Lafhia; KBtfT, Mphur Aactof*
.~l WTAW.cJSrBuHr 0,
Humble's broadcast of the Texas
•Baylor match from Memorial
" Au, «r ,roe * on the ttr
at . .0 p, m. The game will be
••"**7, kphc, Hou*.
#tn Antonio; WKAA*
.ll^'.^boek; KRKJ, Ode.*a|
KI'ET, Umssa; and KTBC, Aus-
* •
Building new telephone lines
for you takes well planned
teamwork by
^ fttm'a e m e«
•vW 1 IVvTvCV
r N
t- )
Bebiad (Me giant plow train, barring a new
| transcontinental telephone cable, there’s a story
of typical teamwori by Veaterd Electric in help
ing the Bell Telephone Companies to give you
faster, even better service.
As the supplv member of the Bell Telephone
team, Western Electric is producing the coaxial
cable which can carry 1800 telephone messages
at once—can transmit television network pro-
grams, too. Complex machines — designed by
Western Electric engineers—are turning out this
cable mile after mile to keep the plow trains
pushing forward on schedule.
Ever since 1882, W estern Electric has been an in-
lagra) part of Bell Telephone service-helping to
make U the uvrld s 6*sf at the louesi possible coal.
Western Electric
’ to Show Film*
Sunday Afternoon
Throe films will b* shown for
vv; *? l \!L n4 W l« th*
.4 A »* * Bunds) afternoon
•* (Mhlen, secroUry ef
thr ) Ml A, announovd Thuroday,
rilme to be Included ur* "this
Is My ►nther'a World", a pkituro
■howlntt th* beauty ef th* earth.
Four offensive leader* who will try to tarn back » MU *a •
oaunt on Kyle Field Sstords,. B *T S, *k
Drawing to Decide
Cotton Bowl Crowd
DALLAS, TEX., Nov. A -<***-_
A drawing will be held Saturday
M iMMtoiae luckr applicants far
JA0O0 Seat* to the Cotton Bow!
f*"* January I, only one-
fourth of the tickets requested.
Ticket manager P. C. Cobb ef
the Cotton Bowl Athletic A**o, is
y'-otarday approximst.l)
JU.0U0 application* ware received
during the initial ticket sale period
November 1 to 4. Moat applicant*
'«f th* maximum of foar
tickeu. The howl only seats 41*109'
C.obh satlmated that the rom
Bjif iSi* wouW *** ■ ko * t
AppIlmnU who do not roeelvr
tlrimli In U|e drawing Saturday
,Mr opd#r * «n fib
WHB His sdaailatlon •etermlnei th*
v«*ct aumlwt Of tickets needed ha
rompetlng Mhnnla. If there an
oiura tkikeU, they will go to a»pH
••{7* (n th# order drawn BatuttCf.
^ rMt.rW,
llcheta will lav# their ordsra n
keyed to the Scriptures) "Trap.
- — ,»i n
(rocodlle*", depleting
trapring and netting \T ^’odHM,
•J^liove and Onlima", a comedy.
Starting Lighting Ignition
Specisligpd Service on
Bruner Battery & Electric Co.
iii ^ ^ E^t 28th Street _ Bryan *
8ing Part * Originsl Equipment Manufacturer*
C * F E T E * I a
featuring dishes of
tod the best In—
T(,l Most Feared
Upseter in SWC
PORT WORTH, jA, No. «-
'ip—The team most feared by
those with ahampionship aspira
tions in the Southwest Conference,
and that includes undefeated SMU,
U Texas Christian.
A humiliating Heptembo-r lick-
ng before th* home fens is crcdl-
Ud by players and aopche* of th*
Horned Frege with the team'e
•harp upturn through th* mlddl*
of th# saasan until TCU now must
ulr 1 • pow,rful «>"t*ndsr for
th* title.
, I T 0, !1! hi'* U>7, on
part, rig Jim Bpavltol running a
punt hack more than 10 yanl*
[ After that on*, * v * *
Mm lead*
ind Feu
MBowor L
bid down UmImp
U* and drive, It
.f# Tk LE? i l h rl 1 • ,l ^
off losing to Arhensai 94 ■<
Ihvn cam* victories ovrr Mtan
Texas A. 4 M., Oklahoma ai
Bnylor In a row. H* team'll spii
!*• mounted with aarh triumph.
former number two team bested
the number one in e tough ecrim-
Ji»ge. From that time oa, the
te y .°m nf ' ,M " th *
wn« th# turning
The Largest Electrical
Appliance Store in
Come to and aee us for lam
or small appliance.: ^
«Udkto, Electric Irons, Sta-
dent Lamp*, Floor Lamps.
Csokers, Coffee
Makers ...
1 ond many othar useful*
Mth 4
SWC Teams Enter
Las t Four Weeks
Of Season Play
Aa the Southwest Conference
•on »oei into ke last
of piny this Saturdsy
eH^that there will be
f*we, th# Btesr* will probshly Uaadvy* n «
.r'X* “ ****** %Zr U * n *
Bk* ^M) va, Arhaasss (l |.T)
m ssnaro*-
»• »iOl ml'
UMI Mutof
>M team. It II bv murder," they say.
Wall *, we eay, R rounds good- lf lit |rua,
Biro, after dro|jNng~iw«
live ronferonTO
th* faveril
Mwhfi, Ths
hit their at
TCtT is taking the wvek off to
bfMl TT,
UtfhsriM were one of the upper
trout! In th* nation. (Pro.
ront Tease rating—Mb),
CAP to Present
Plane to Forest
petrol pk
Service by
to th* Tkta* Forest
. - * the w Texas Wing, Oril
Air Petrel, w{| tale rinse at * p.
nr Sundar *t Grand Prairie, ee a
frotoro of a CAP air show then
8- I* ‘'Jaek" Prost, information
and education chief of the Forest
Berries, announced yestoeday
Frest, wartime commander of
the Foie»t Service CAP unh with
the rank of major, wtll aecept the
P»ne from Col. D. Harold Bvrri
CAP Texas Wing Commander Mtes*
14«I McClain of Lufkin, Mias
Texas of 1947, will christen ths
Intramural Tennis
Finale Next Week
The Intramural Tannia program
came u a Haw wtto th* foilin g
Mama winning their league:
Veteran UagUMt
Ustue A-BSrm 14.
H Affw r1N«n Ibu,
U*gua (UUgfrtt |f«||.
- MHItery Uatuesi
I^agu* A C Compoalte
proiu# W-R Field
fttMtage Rucorini
All Mhkrei Mid Modedn
Pontiac Co.
Acrogg from P.a
Bryan, Texas
* Ph. 2-1884
L E T A N . . .
Aggie Student
Jyymm. u,
ami wtr f.
Field with Farmer
of this
”7 >uni seam *i)ir to
Anuprot Isn't within the realr
An tUNwi isn
friayW Ur bpoAtijMi
ofW°fCid h ri S
® n 1 ^ t»»# Aggie, gi
rom# num
•topped by two touchdo^ mn S.
•onl ^.laLHiiL^aVo- fm Um- N.ailn, non. „
pro etara toMelf TWH^wt ^ * import any
jjrt/X u
h~i. .tth..un, b.t'SJiii imXS!? t ™ “ «»l»
mmete* they never ceased to hustle. They were a
determined bunch of football ptayare who dida't
intead to be pushed around. Second^, the Aggies
riwuya play better when picked to lose by heavy
izi'il Jii w,r * quiu ^py
to aroapq with a narrow Mat-mmuto win M a game
they were doped to win ty loar toaahdowna.
. L ... A
. . And anytime i dob aan woat a train iiw<
14 pointy and still eonaback,
W silE '‘mL 01 B *' r—
a* % u
that didn't have have Ualf ihf riam <4%^ by t * m
Thlv-I? i!l! k r* A* - *** hav ® toe Will to Win
, Trojrr* going to play soma real football against the r
to*m . And pur guaas la that it’ll ba good anouahto wu
know what the acor* will b« But if w "' r* A>n t
A W i.. WUI t» UN. ta, "’I* 1 ’"'*.
MayW this %ondai team" will
oearo Saturday sight.
w ‘' u
• ID ba "wondering'' what happened,
bf DmM lUjrg • . »
Glove* that are Master-cut from the
flaa. Mather* and rtuhlfly tailored for
PWfect fit IB ”»'
!‘b new Fan Collection ... truly
!it, saiaSraiF 1
Uned and iiniiqgd riylm.
j 1 i
i . , it
L ■
Yrom this angle I
wp* 1 ilY'lr LAJUT ooodwth— 3k 1'
^ i—j