The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 06, 1947, Image 4
^What’s Cooking? j 1 i 4T Af ImlMtrini Uttan astronomical nocimr, 3-30 p. nin ttnraday. Roow ». P>iWki Buildin*. AGGIE .WlVfB CIRCLE of col- Wf# lUtion Motkoditt Church, 7:80 i-r rjiuiouncmo n Monday, af Mn. at ham# < 114 Lao 8t I.l'R, 7 p. ». Thar*- dot in Mothoro Loungt of piCA. for Chriot»a» Dane*, BRAZOS COUNTY CLUl, 7:10 WEaTHERPORD CLUB, 7:80 m., Thunday, Room SOS, Act- NEW TRANSOCEANIC STANDARD and SHORT WAVE . a Portable \* < o-upat t potkoqt* ol R(.v) o Powt r built •Mly ZENITH bet ill tblil ‘wOWIWMMMAIff ' OtHMt WON - ’ tn TmOm, Hmmw, Hm4 \ MdRp,lwalaipaM j iCmmIkI /• (MI.T.HIAH...COAIPAII pwwar (u# irn>i umi wm laadnYIIMORT* . AVI BAH Pi Puak<Mil Audio In * MV NM WVTtN ^SdtiTJBntt) No. • MM ^r-^C/DC Of UNory Powoftd J irtTN ion 0 PMHT TOM M ANV rottAaUMMB 10N04IM lATTIRV PACtt « yoor ohoodl . .V ’ • Lbtev to the Mnalcal L Q. Show Over K-O-R-A at 4:4fi Tuesday 1 Friday r- 1M am, Thurtdar YMCA. waco .McLennan county CLUB. 7:80 p. m., Tkomity, Plana p. m., Thttraday, Room 118, Ac* domic. BEAUMONT CLUB, Thnraday, Room 108. Academic. CONVERSATIONAL GERMAN p. m., Friday, Room 188, Aca demic. CONVERSATIONAL 4 p. m., Thunday, Room 188, Aca- ‘ mic. DALLAS A AM CLUB Thunday night, 7:80 p.m^ YMCA ChapaL EASTLAND COUNTY CLUB to diacuu Thanksgiving party ton at 7:80 in Room 323 Academic Building. FAlXS COUNTY CLUB, 7:80 p. m„ Thunday, Room 188, Aca- HEART '*0 TEXAS CLUB, Thursday, 7:80, M.E. Shops Lee- tore Room. KAUFMAN COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p, m., Thunday, loom 806, Academic. MARKETING AND FINANCE CLUB, 7:10 p. m., Tuesday, Room 818 Agriculture Building. SAN ANGELO CLUB, 7:80 p. m. Thunday, Room 818, Agrieultunl Building. SENIOR CLASS, 7:80 pm., Tuoa. Room 801, (.oihU i TRI-DELTR 7iI0 p. m., Thun day. Foe further Information call l ?7Hii TYLBl CLUB, 7i»0 p. m., Thurs. day. Room 104, Aeademic. TRI.CITIWI CLUB, 7i80 a, Thursday, Academic, Koum \m vurrokiA <n)uVty club, 7iIH) p. m., Thunday, Boom lift, VETERANS WIVBI CLUB, WILUAMSON COUNTY CLUB, 7:80 p. m., Thunday, Room 804, Academic. . SWEETWATER ING tonight at 7: Academic. A' ’Jr JC The Battalion Psft 4 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER «, 1947 ron SAIJ; Ratek t» ims. ^Sassse spssS it*^T ■ cat— mm •as^^M Experiment Shows Phosphorus Helps Animal Production By M. M. COMPTON The Bureau of Animal Industry, headed by Lowell H. Tash and the Texas Agrieultunl Experiment Station, under the direction a( J. M. Jonhs, have recently found that feeding phoaphorus as a min eral supplement to range cattle in South Texas greatly Increased the gain and percent of reproduction of the animals. Experiments hart been bi prog nsa of the King Ranch since Aug uiL 1041 as to the most beneficial and MHalfVtN|r AlwfMllAJ fWi f wi.-l tua” Am bai*a« ftalsh. Suill Mp mad bumps smi cSala. ‘ . MV *4»mov r Henry A. Miller Co. Hardware and Furniture • -N. Gat* — Phone 4-1145 — We WU1 Deliver •arh fit - II r Serving Texas Aggies economical way of supplement ing the phosphorus. Methods such as putting dls- odium phosphate in the watar sup* ply, fertilising the pasturss with Mil wmmfmfmtb WtdjMMa honsmeil to self feeders were tried ind ill pmvsd HtlsfacUwy from the stindpoihi of heiny benefielil ind eeonnmlcsl In deeMlny which of the three methods Is (he hast, Tish ind Jones dissevered thit M limits Itaslf te iposL cress Pur eiimpte, In certain parts cf Tcaca where welts ere used is • Bourse of witer. the water method Is sitlafirtory, but In ims where the cattle ire witsred by soring or river witer It la Impossible to use this method. Likewise some lend sin be fertilised with phos phorus while In other areas the land ia too rough to fertilise. In cases where the water and fertili sation methods srt both Impracti cable the self-feeder method may be used; however, this is the least satisf ctory method of the three. BrazoH A&M Club To Reorganize The Brasos County AAM Club, after wartime inactivity, will re organise tonight in Room 123, Aca demic Building after Yell Prac tier. The club was deactivated dur ing the war for lack of students to keep it operating. At tonight’s meeting officers will be elected and functions for the year will be planned. Texas Farm, Ranch Values Increasing, Says Ag Economist By ROBERT FLY Farm and ranch land values in Taxaa are increasing at one per cent of their total value each month, Joe R. Motheral of the Ag ricultural Experiment Station stat ed Tuesday night before a meeting of the Economics Club. Mothers! discussed methods us ed and problems involved in gath ering data for the bulletin "The Prica of Texas Farm and Ranch Lands, 1920-1946” which he and his associates recently compl. t.'d Data for the prices and trends in prices of Texas agricultural land were obtained from records of land transactions in county offices Three sample counties wars used at the beginning of the project but mors were added until com plete records of lend transaction* in twenty four counties were ob- CLASSIFIED ADS MU. WITH A BATTS rtuo AD. Isa MCI|S wMl , . TMas la CIsmUM CLASSI a »ofS pm OffW All a* WmM ha turtle la he 1*)SS A. H. af the Say hafWa pahli. THX SCRIBE SHOP - Ty*i»« mlm erashtae^, Srairtas. Phaas MISS. ISM ATTENTION ENGINEERS - G* , •acteasr's math chart at the Eschaa«« POR SALK: in FOR SALE: war I, si ne ss to is •a Hift,- sf asm aaS rrsatas* lachtSsS lacs Park, slur S:« T N. run bale OssUratsr - Park Ptost. Cause* Park. lOkT jams C-S. Lsft twa ' i Ims u» law aarth ta RO Nsaiy IIT-S FOR RENT - Saull mm wMi privets af Campuc. SSS y four countl Uinsd. These rountlss represent various type* af l*m| end agrieul tural ueagp. Its stated that iti present our firm ind rinch lend In Telia ta valued it iiproilmitely five and one-fourth billion dollars Inrreess la vilu* after World War I wie twice ie mush is It la it present He ettributea Ihle dlfferene* large ly to the work ef the Bureau of Agrieutluril BeonemVe whleh has ItauMl much InformeUon regenllni inflation. Motheril itated that mlnaril rights on land have affected lie value to a (feat eahent. In many Inetaneoe the reservation of miner al rights in the sale of land has decreased the value of the land as much as one half. Many orvatniatiuna, farm papen and individuals hsvs received cop ies of this bulletin. Reeerve copies are available In the mating room of the Agricultural Experiment Station and may be obtained by asking. rOI IALR Class 11*4 fart, la* he. lw**a • SS aaS I iM si AsfMssf Barv. ill BALK 4».« NsrWv watorsysls. OaaS •aaMMaa. B. M. KsaaeSr, Reaa N. OPWCIAL NOTICE ^ F • 7 I i *• Nvvwaher hut ill see sdsl M. saf Mlsisi Hvsw el ihe| kisaw* M hu ilurs Hea 1 nsSc n.» 'i! SEATING PLAN - (Continued from Page 1) stand on the discontinuance of throwing "Aggie confetti” at yell practices and before and after football games. According to Bob Murray, an assistant to the dean of men, a shortage of Aggie con fetti is forthcoming, and the Col lege Station sewer system cannot stand the influx of newspaper* RADIATOR . REPAIR Clmning - R«ooring All Makes and ONE DAY SERVICE DISHMAN Pontiac Co. Acroes from P.O. Bryan, Texas Ph. 2-1664 fv l*ekwp» saw Iw SSW 4m*s la •harthaaS clnermwQSI Be the drlffl ffiSS fn iWfainJ Wkvnyov Wwlorprowf ftalawMrt, ■Fit You can’t gsi wet!— because Alligatei VtuIerpro<i/ Kainwea) shade water— sea t absorb M Treated by aa eecluaive water- proofiai proeeaa that ftlla every ft bee ef the doth I Pliable, erushahle, rollahlo, paehahla without ettah- IN « eeaehiigl Full, •mart drapa. Wear It ova* -rm, A. w LEON B. WEISS Next to Campus Theatre . i y. r - | it nj I * For COLLEGE STATION housewive*! If a correct! For Uw long our town haa had the unearned reputation of being a n? s£ 1**8^ grocery town. Here i* a repul of current grocery price* and probable future price* hawed on reliable informa- lion. A few year* ago, a grfK»ery ad of thi* nature would have been worthle**, a* few per*on* would have read it, and ev- pslto.h.l^^hSrs^OS^.r^ fn fewer would have under*tood it. In the pu*t year or *<s however, the public ha* been kept ported by the pre** on mur- _ , _ , ket (rends in hmmI prices. ’ ,,f ’ } h ll MW s»a*rsllr ssewstooS that H toba* *n*v*l »«-k. !•» a kvW* *4vsa** *f SmIIm aa a "svl«»srr" msrk*i to r*a*S Ih* Ntoll v’M u-»i U • *• aa •ursrW, UmwIow. that wtoraa* »k*at »rUw hN M M a baths) s waatk Brises e4*M**S h*«* aah Ihli *«*41 that whit* kav* hats hw w*»to IluM aulk aaiy ihu waA, Ak4 s*f*'« Ih* salttl af mu ahul* stuff l A lilt*AT MANY O* TIIRMR PMC* ADVAM UR* ttIIJ. NOT HIT (HR CtHTIhMRRM FOR MOVtllK TO (ItMR, AND aOM*. f* Mil APR NRVRR Mllh ss4 hftoS sm SaMw-ikw r»«r«*HWa» W* Htasto Cm mdpt spsei ».•«••***« •» *as, **4 mh* 4wIMIm» has*. W» S*«* l-a-sri asr-ttuuM tf*to *a4 ia Ih* SUM f»a wtoha-to*! tof-r* th* ta*i Bus* »t a»t** s4- » toa*h*4 IM •ImiWmI* i—i w* ha— fufVha—S tff—at- isee •*•»* taw* —1—1*4 mawmaBm Thai f«t ail*M —• (Mlnltolf haw ('alhfa Stoltaa h*a«* Wlfto wilt h»a*fH tmm Ihk. w* quato la ssH trm a* SMkl* to Ih* Rsestoa Chraalrl* of WmI Itoa4a». Navwah*. 1. ISO. NHkMtorlr s*nto*M I* aar M*t I* th* tntaaia twins Mftaai mmwnW B*as»r> kftfw Is Rsastoa. if takln* ih* pM— •huwa la «hl* Mluain *nS aSiias itor.,.. th* ■eef**«4 ■artBS* totohlkhfS to Ih* O. f A. Surtog th* fWSM »f* of .U>W artow. w* arrl— at "NoiMtoa —toll ffW— •• Th* awt skiuBM ■ aar avtoal 4af-to-4af prto* aa th* It—. a«4 th* ftoal aatoat* Siva* aa Nttaaat* ST'th* toa«th *f ttow aar itoch* *f thsap a—haa4to» I* wllauttsd V> last, tasvUwr wNh otl—? waarh* DESPITE EXTREMES, SOME FOODS NEAR PREWAR LEVEL No Ad Ih ('.omplrtf Without a Few “Specials” for This Week-end Various Year* Made From WWoie- saloris Catalogum Oa* of Hoaston - * tom* wh»ltoal» fro— awS* Hi prte* —soH* avaitobl* to Th* Chraalcl* to ataktoc th* aarvar. Pf— to library of priatoS pric* catalactM* of th* past *S —an. votoa— w*r* wUrtaS tlrlnp th* prte** to Ma—h. IMS. ISIS. ISST. 1141 so4 ISO, sb4 th* prte* as af FrUay. Th* follnwtoa toht* show* wh*l«**li' prte** to ft— k*y T*ar*. f—p*—f with th* prte** a* af FrUap. Natch Oct 14 Ooto»a4to— ItSS 1SSS 1ST ISS1 IS4T 1447 CIGARETTES EvDry Wimhentl 8 Pk*. SAc - Cirton— 11.(5 1 0LE0 Hlur Ronnrt lb.3Jc ■—limit— 11JI, CAN CALUMET mkiv. POWDER ,1 17' 46 Oft. UiR (Krtvokl NMmt CITRIJS JUICES 19. Pour cinnod Julcoe back and forth ft couplt of tlm«ft to raptor* flavor. MARKET SPECIALS Porter House Steaks —IJI,— - Ii|i49« 1 •i ]■• I' Pork Pan Sausage i'Mt. ■ --- ‘ ■ - - For MfrUcm TUfmlRVR — 1 LB. JAR EVERIEST NOODLE CHICKEN GIBLET DINNER 17c CASE OF 12 . . . $1.94 MR8. TUCKER S SHORTENING 3 lb. Jar $1.09 FRUIT CAKE INGREDIENT^ ARE IN 17 OZ. CAN BAR-B ALL MEAT CHILI can 25 f >1 (Lb.) ■ Bto* Raw typa. 14S lb*. t.M IN 4.M 4J4 U N IAN .Tuaai M latotoa. to**—. N-lb. baa 1.N 17» l.N IAS ATI ».7» BarSlata. MB tNa. flat, all 4Je IA4 AN 4.TI ' • 1* 71 (Coffw) M Ftaar. 4S-R. (to, pw bar—1 AN 4N TAB ATI IASI ATS Fiawppto. *ll**4. (Crtaai pf Wtoal) .!• ww. « Ns, ra AN IN AN IJS • AU (Nottor . Oat., .44 Tun*, debt BiWt. (A. J. Pancake hat***, taa*. 44 No. H*A - AN IJS 44* 7.N • IMS Ftaar i J* Coffw. aaaa. U I4A was 11JS T.44 I N AN U N UN (| Ito. Cwa Haal) .14 C—aa. af Whaat. j iHatototl .91 saw. t4 14-a*. pkt* IN Alt IN t.N SJ4 IJ7 (Carato Baaf) V .44 Hwhar f Data, saw. It pks* I.U IN ATI 1.T1 IN l.N Aunt jfmimg’t PBitcRke* FVwr mm. M tawU . IN IJI IN IN AM AH pwalTljli*. •• N .11 N JT .41 144 toaaa ITB 4N All AU AN f.N Cara awal. I SawbaafT %F"~ toaaaS. mm af M's. tPtT £ 3 *3 w MO. Naatl i mu Mflf t.N IN AN AH IN IN l.N IN IN |N AM I.U I II IN AM IN IN IN«AN IN IN AN 18 I S Vi 18 is : s I S in IS 1.8 ,18 IN I.M AN Al* AN IN AN IN IN AN I N IN AN IN • • )» •ssa lira JRJft AN I N Ml AU AI4 to--.. f.N AN AN AM AN AN AN IN f.U 4i# UN IAN t« IN AN tM • UN l i i\..i' H IN All N .11 Remark, Time oar stork, ■houM tost Price IT to tS< I month. I awatto. Piltobary', B—t. M-U Says. Scar— Probably paM a p—mtum liar Labal Star Klat- I to S awaUw. Folccr . aad Maxwril Houm I ta S month, t to I awatto. I to t awatto. Aaal Jam fan* Naarty sat. Dtom*a4. I to I awatto. Uhhr'a. Wa* *aara* «* RFM^ftk^lp %ON IMUNIi R*4 Crown. 4 to • moatto. I awatto bat If Ukw aaoth- •r a4vaaw must follow sarUsDy. 17 to Ilf. | mooth mbs msn* I maatto. Mltoe h off hat martwt •aha. I ta • awatto It ta Nf. • maa. Wttok this Obviously we are sticking our neck a way out In short, we are gambling that market will not break hack back below the levels of our purchases (or months. The stakes-pretty high. A wrong guess could be fatal. What we stand to gain:- r ' 1 ■ 1 u ^ ' ,TH THINK THIS OVER VERY CAREFULLY sJSSr Ra, I MM nrw Ham almaR, A to* tar* Whu« ■rfif iit4 ■Inn LrIsnI, _ Ifar RshhH, I to I ato* (YmatoN) .U .14 I awatto B&Z. 3 i gjfe&k .til INI lDry lasts BnmI ll N BPtrit.. .n KS Mb KfEiftoNtmi 41 • Mm J-U.I.L (I lhaTllto Serving College SlaUtm vf