The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 06, 1947, Image 3
it Itself on Same ears Apart-? By CABBY CORBETT WU1 history repeat itaetf? wwk - ^ of Texas ■*. < MethodutmVt oiT Ky\ e fiilfk Tw'Meth'od'ist*, pecortl > "«* favored to aarch to the con- -, T ^ A "‘“ •» erratic affreganon which h^J onljr one ciamt to Usae—it was M by Joel Hunt. Texas team the same to 1 yrupzx m a crucial" clash and were heavy favoritas to do Africa. Bu t V**??!* when ^ mn went dowa that Saturday after noon on Kyle Field was A. A M. 39. S. M. U.U. In jhe words of Jinx Tucker. Sports E<Utor of The Waco News '* co ^ rp *d the fame, Hunt “rose to heights such ss has ronniny back in the history of the Southweet" •PMt«| the adjectives, went on to shy “Never has there 1 which could approach this Aggie standard of play to- Itwaa more than aa inspired team. It was a team toyed to h, C** t P»t«h Poesthie and led by a cool, calculating general." Hunt ganiei over 300 yards that day by himself, and the favored Po^U. mrer had a^ahanoe The Ag^es scored twkein the first half and went o» lo win easily, j That was twenty years ago on KyU Field, and time is sup posed to change all things. But certain oddities have been known U) influence of time and appear again. Will history repeat Caa two Aggie teams, both underdogs, beat a champ 8MU team st the aams field twanty years apart! — —r- S - Battalion P OR T S Tribune never come to Tuctot, not been i tear day. Ii the ion THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1947 Pt#3 r^. a eam Plays NTAC Here The Aggie Tew the North Texas i will play team hart awtm uomu f" ' NOTICE FELLO LOW0BIIT- , v M»tt tait -wont KKAMONAni. K 1 TIES turn I1.M W.00 |9 AO Specialist* In Tatlnr Made ClothM CORKY & rftiRD CLOTHES "Store of Peraonal Attention" (Don't for||rt our fiW Record Making Service. 1 £A/£ ,ee C> wu'C mh met uoucil-HO ItTTHMN- IKHH /J U HCMJ OLD A^ics Have Won Pony Series; SUfo By DON ENGEL KING Southern Method!! tennis team Saturday morning ad IS aa a part of the week-end etkletie conteata. Both singiaa and dpubla matches will be played, sccording to ach W. M. Dowell. Hie Aggie tennis team will con- list of tha following players: Bill B' nnett, Rodney Sellers, Bennie Stanford, and Duffy Stanley. Coach Dowell has not as yet decided which will he paired for the team. /j NT AC la sending only two men, Dick Whits and Robert Weaver, “ «■ stty clay oourts scmsi DeWare field house. on the var- m from the Oa of the _ team will squad on thsir court*. Novtruber IN, the Rke gam*, the Aggie t t the U. of Roui morning RBtennU »ton'» Methotfist University's MuatAnjBtWffl be seeking their first fcxitball victory over the Texas Aggies in eight years when the two teams tingle on Kyle Field Sat urday. Since 1938 when the Mustangs downed the Aggies 10 to 7 in Dallas A. 4 ML has been* victorious in every gridiron battle ed 60 aUngtos hi with SMO. Last year the Aggie victory margin was 14-0. Saturday appears to be the beat chance tha Mustangs have had in the past right years to break tha Aggie winning streak. WcD their way to their firat undefei season since 1936 and rated third in the natiolL in the AP football pod, Matty Beil's charges will en ter the gaMe-ws definite favorite*. Doek Walker, the nucleus of the Muiun* football machine and shoo-in for all conference honors, will b* th* big noim for 8MU in Saturday's tussle. Walker, who is also a leading candidate for all- America laurels, Is eammonly re ferred to ss a quadruple threat, h* runs, kicks, passes, receives passes, and is a great defensive player. (Incidentally, Doek play- be Sun Holluug, great punter *nd passer, and Ed Duask leading Ag gie ground-gainer and defensive powerhouse. Buryi Baty, Aggie passer deluxe who alternate* with Bollmig at the quarterback slot, will be depended upon fbr a let of action Saturday. int wont (leteat er%r nnoeo the MusUnga by an Aggie teanf was in U16 when tha Methodbu ware swamped 62 0. The beet 8MU the SWTJ Tcxa* I he* done against th* Aggie* was m 1994 when the Mirabfi won 21 to 8. FROM THIS ANGLE h| LARRY OOOOWYW (Wet Fuh - B Team Tanelea Villi lindefealeH SMI Calta onKvIeField The weekend's grid activities get underway tomorrow at 1:00 p. m when the Aggie Fish-Bees meet I he potent KMU Colts on Kyle Field. Th* Colts are undefeated for the season and have victories over the Texas Shorthorns and th* Rke Blue Bolts while the Aggie* have Dsllai Scribes Doing All They Can To Help B.M.U. Cause Here Wsll It look* llks th» DsIIm IpoH* IsPtbM •llshtly (isvloug rouis, ilolni awry thing they iutharn Mrihodhit oontlnus It* HmiiWn MpthoflMt oontlnus fts ttnbsstsn msirh towsi KouthwMt CohfbtbW* ohamplotuihlp. It hM lotit bt I iftiiiiit ■ -L— Herr, In nar rieaa produce department, yautl find a wonderful. icing assortment of fresh, tasty fruits and vegrta- our courteous clerk assist you la ordertiag the cboW - eat. mast firm vegetables! Hell he glad to help . . loe lf*s riHHELL'H policy that yeu MI ST he deUghted wtth the fresh frails and vegetables you purchase hero! PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER It oa. RAM BAKED BEANS 19 adk 1 Consolidated High Vs. Buffalo Friday AAM Consolidated High School’s ; Tigers will meet the Buffalo Yel- lowjacket* Friday at 7:80 p. m , on Tiger Field, in a district 27-B grid battle. The Tigers will enter the game In the favorites role al- though a close battle is expected. Consolidated is undefeated sol far ;thls season in district play and should they get by Buffalo Friday night their biggest oroblem will be to best Marquez, the derision* to NT AC and the TCU I’nllywngs Leas of Kyle Rota, the vt-Thom- as Jefferson star, will hinder the Colt’s attack, but they still enter the game favored to hand the Ags their third straight setback. The Aggie Bees have been show, ing steady improvement since the season’s opener against NT AC and will try to get the ole upset cart rolling for the weekend. Spirit is good and the Fish should play their best game of the season thus far. tot tff t« • flyl «r*, ihf" (HUt til ) IfWili _ ^ bfbtt if! MUbllihtd fat thst ons of ths l**t wsy* • ncrilw otn hell) hi* home town Usm slong townpd victory I* to poms out on thn strt of tho fBRie with ons of two thtiun; (a) • blkst st ths homs-townem otlllng them everything In the hook* or (b) t lottf-winded fun«r»l orstlon on how "tough** ths oppos ing team is. game of the season Starting lineups will be: problem other un defeated team A. A M Murray Miller Molherg Bates Spencer Long Chppin Wiggens Dohoney SMU Flkcs Johnson Davis Richardson Duncan Cook Goodwyn verize the oppoaiti George White of scare intof- r to prevent figured to throw a big the home boys in order overconfidence. We have Ion* bejrf an exponent of “roasting" the Attics occasion ally in fhe hope somebody will get mad sod take it out on the opposi tion. However, th. one falling in JThs first method is dmignsd, of course, to make the home team (in the case of the Pulla* scribes, this means SMU) roaring mad so they will go out the next day and pul- on. The second method (which is the one the Dallas News is enrreritty using) is will be played on November this method is that, sometimes, the Barnett Aggies decide to take it out oa us Hunt (Note to Prof: This is the real Misell, reason why we are sometimes Owen “forced" to cut 8 o’riock classes— Lcedcker to get patched up at the hospital) With ih* mamv rich lalhet of IWnrih NttavStg Knap, the hcethsrifhwit ridtliaration at 2 Vsihrth Minn, you’re headed (hr briltr, pleasanter grooming. , > K Enjoy them ynurtelf... •oonl nieee and other Beeforth essential*, packaged in handsome stoneware, only 11. Saa forth, JO Rocktfrlltr Plata, N. Y JO "‘7' ' around Kyle Field about 6 O’clock Saturday'afternoon. Of course, In view of the fact that the Aggies always seem to do the opposite on what we predict, perhaps it would be better if we called them a bunch of “stumble-bums" this week and picked SMU, 40-0. But, that hunch still keeps cropping up. Peruna may he In for a rough dgi •to. FOR SEAFORTH SETS * r.-.v ‘ * i'W /*4i 187 N. Smart Shop 21' i ,,yi DEL MONTE PUMPKIIV BLACKEYED PEAS vjicatsip: RfTZ CRACKERS 20,000 AGUES HOW No t a ** fllOM E RED lot • tAPPLES 9 f FIRM YKI.IOW BANANAS PmitMl lie ... and Oreyhawnd fares are mighty law, tpa Orsyhmmd offers mlghfy low farsa to all part* of ths nation, Check with your Ortyhound •isat, ths very neat time you plan a trip. (irayhnuiMi Hue Terminal North t)ale—d oHege Hto -Fh. 4-1114 EYHOUND ALL MEAT FRANKS CKHAWK BACON 4— D1X CUT BEANS TOMATO JUICE . . ,■ lb. l.V 7 H>. 79c N0.2 Lie No. 2 -THIS COUPON GOOD FOB— oa Regular ntowwaa of Oar Pound of— F 0 L G E R 8 GOFFEE Just cat Oat Ataag Ltoe" .. FUSSELLS' ;:*SUPEB-MARKE T S £i/e>u/cUu/ 'himiy 4 M ' !« t RENT * * 1 „ , J “ \ t 1 ... A s ! e JEEP j ‘ 7 . ’ f! t the North Gate — 3 Doom Eaat of Bank I J 1 ■f -j | • v ■ • t . ) l>i.» A q*Af i none RATES - Hourly or Daily ' j ,, . a 1 L * Ip^' ft \ > Q . i. s r Aggie Jeep Joint 1 i 1 ft \ I : f V 7 . ■' C- , l ( Box 3047 !1. Like any human who resents his own tactics being used against him, we, quite naturally, take a narrow view of the Dow of oratory com ing from Dallas the past week. Probably in an attempt to stop overconfidence on th* part of SMU George White has spent the whole week praising the Aggies to the ■kies. From reading the news, one would think the Aggies will enter the SMU game Saturday as two- touchdown favorites. Wednesday's edition of the news referred to th* Ponies' coming gam* with the Aggies as "th# roughest game of the year." And Just la ease Walker and Co. might forget while rsadina their clip- pings about the BML^-Tsxa* game, the News ha* carried long stories | on the grraUies* at HoUmtg's punt ing, th* quality of the ball carry. Ing of Dusak and Goode, the nr- curacy of Bely's pesethg and the general overull strength of the Ag gie Una. [ Now, naturally, ws think tha Dalkee eeribes are writing all title hlnw with their tongue m their rheeh ■iwt thatr honeet opinion is that «Ml> will trample the Aggie* NnUiitodf, Wr're Just thlnklpg hew funny It would he |( ths propaganda mmee true and the Aggies artually de make It the "roughest gome of tha yanr." 8 Frankly, wa're Inrlined to be lieve they will. It's keen our opln- 1 all along that tk| Aggie* have • toughest, scrappiest and spirit- team in the league when they t mad. They were mad before 1 Baylor game and, in our opln- No. 1 gift with seniors at 20 universities "i :er — that day. If the (stopped A. A t*y decide to get George White’s Anyway, we’ve got lings might not he Agkintfus U&isttitti:Yafkef v 5r tt the J’s moat-wanted gift pen. In fact, leniorc l) gnat universities voted Parker mo%> wanted than the qp*r rArcc ffmAcj o/pew com-’ bined! AQ in aM, 77 surveys in 29 countries con- " ‘ l , i preference, a Incomparable in iu formancc—the “51" makes all So perfectly balanced—so .smooth gliding. And only.thg 1 firm this preference. • and performance—tk pleasure. So perfect) —so smooth gliding. of .uitom points to suit your individual of handwriting.. .'and smart gift colon. SI 5; J7.x>. I $15.00. Pencils,'$5.00; $7^0. Sets, $17.50 to M0 00. Parker V-S Pens, $1.75. Ptncila,'$4.0a The Parker Pen Company, Janesv M'' Wiscw. i n, U._SyA» aod.Tpronto, Canada, j