$ .-7 V Graduate Gab Wfll See Palesline Film Mr A LttiUd NatioM film on con dition* in Palntino will be ahown ■t • meeting of the Graduate Club tonight at 7:30, in the Aaaembly I Room of the YliCA. A Wo on the t be aeveral apeaker* _ I . ■ Ml* of Art* and Science* and Engineering. Re- fraahmenta will be nerved. Plana will la diacuaaed for the coming Thankagiving dinner and program will from the ark *r»- p ti-ii 1 Hi College Womans Social Qub Thu Battalion Holds Fir* Fall Meeting " [® 4 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1947 i ^ -■■■ , , , , „ , , The fall meeting of the Collate*— ■ ... I AbpaiMOA , Wwi iadedi Wdaeal tea. » r ••Walt uaintii* w\ , Keepsake IM^UeJU D IXJ L - r lM*M athar fnmou> nan. ipiMnd aea'ivn.nNii ; Wdantimattsalb : I'Sankey Park Bryan AwWaad B. W. L The fall Woman’s Social Club which was a tea honoring incoming officer*, new member* and president* of other local woman's cluba was held Friday afternoon in the lounge of Sbtsa Hall The lounge was doc- orated with arrangement* of au tumn flowers, palm* and other groom ry. Guests were by Mr*. W. L. the receiving line Were Gibb Gitebriat, E. B. J. H. Milllff, R. G. Re a mi-- a J fnnlith You 11 bo a ftw dollar* to tho good withtMl auto insurance (J w mm hm m mid**, Om •kUnt oould aoat you your ma, your «f, your aovin#, on or your Oominm throu«h oarnMhM. a ww oouori ip tor • Butt Form Mutual policy to • wWt tnvortmapt thaea dan- itrouadnvtnf day*. Stop worry* Inf—aoa ma Wap/ U. M. \LBXANDRR, JA, '40 1118. Main v Ph. 2-2029 , Bryan, .Taaha b ITATt Mm WUTUAt 1 ' AUlOMOBIkl INMtAHCI COMPANY V WniralwM <4toaawi twaaddm teMMM Ce. ■■■■■■■■a 1 GIFT HAT—PRMIUKNT THOM AH trie* on a "l.aekr" tea-|allon hat areoeatad to him at the White House la Waahlniion by JOHN HEN MHKPPKKU (right) of tllaOeeater, Teiaa, areal- deat of the VB Juaior ( haaiher of Camateree. The donor aaM that the hat had heea rubbed with the left hind foot of a Teta* lack* rabbit. (AP Wlrephoto) MM vh rltwttiirtl tha ptoak CORKY AND HURD CLOTHES t OFFER ALL AQOIES THE OPPORTUNITY MAKING RECORDS FREE OVER THEIR RECORDIO The record nude will be kept by the person nuking it Corky and Hurd fumiphes the blank disc^ Aggies, this is on the House! WE HOPE YOU WILL TAKE OF OUR OFFER ADVANTAGE I What’s Cooking? CLASSIFIED ADS Always feel at home at CORKY AND BIRD CLOTHES North Gate — Collage ). u JACK'S PASTRY SHOP pm i.inh or CAKES AGGIE WIVES CIRCLE of col- lege station Methodist Church, 7:30 p. m., Monday, at home of Mrs. J. 8. Mogfoad, 214 Lee St ABILENE CLUB, 7 p. m. Thurs day in Mother* Lounge of YMCA. AIEE MEET, 7:30 p. m., Wed nesday, EE Lecture Room. AGGIE AEROCRATS (Model Airplane Club), 7:30 p. m., Wed nesday, ME Shop Building, Room 108. BRAZOS COUNTY CLUB, 7:80 p, m., Thursday, Room 123, Aca demia. BEAUMONT CLUB, Thursday, Room 106, Academic. COOKE COUNTY CLUB, Wed- neaday 7 p. m., Room 207, Act- < 1 ♦* in i e DALLAS AAM CLUB .meeU Thursday night, 7:30 p.m., YMCA Chapel. EAST TEXAS CLUB. 7:30 n. m., Thursday, Reading Room, YMCA. FALLS COUNTY CLUB. 7:30 ^ m., Thursday, Room 128, Acs- GREENBELT CLUB, 7 p. m., Wednesday, Room 203, Academic. GRADUATE CLUB, 7:30 p. m.. Wednesday, A»*embly Room of YMCA. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION CLUB, 7 p m., Wednesday, Club Room of Mechanical Engineering iBUrT •O TEXAS CLUB, Thuraday. 7>il0, M E. Uh«ip» Lec- tura Baap. . KAUFMAN rOUNTY CLUB, 1 Hu p, m., Thurwlay, Muom auh A t toilfetHUt UIHjtTY COUHTY CLUB, 7 p n.. Atotoittomui .yBCLUPi T p m Wwliuiwlay, H'ww ttut, Aesiltmte Wul 7 p W , WedMM. m»w Jtitl ' HU p: m , thur*. IhfnrmaiiMH rail BILL WITH A BATTALION CLAMI PUD AD. Bate* . , . , fef * word set te*mt— whk a atC BtataMMa. Beaa« rate* la OaaairM Sactiaa . ... t04 per column Inch. Sand all (laMiflada wH* rmnhtancr to tW Htudant ActWt- tlm Office. AH ad* ahould be turned ia by «•:** A. M. of Urn day before pabli- WE SCEIBE SHOP — Typln* mtmeo rrapklac. drawias. Phone t47M. 1*01 ■ate ttrd. Bryan. -c ATTENTION ENGINEERS - Get year enrtneer’. math chart at the Kxrbance LOBT: Ooa .pur tie dtp with "T" Antaa ’tt; cotim bowl In center of ipur Re ward for return to C. W. Crawford. Median leal Enclneerln* Department FOR SAUK DM In Coite«a HlUa on Walton Drive, eontalaliw over an acre of land email dawn payment Kany term. Telephone 4-«ta*. FOR SALE a I ark cocker pupptee Cheap. MOO Todd. Bryan POR SAUK Whit cdlent condition DTT. tW- hike Ex- Colleao View r °g°. oar the Poet Office eotnetlme tire necklace Inquire at Rev. i'e office In the T.M.C.A. . POR SAI.E: 10 arree or mom on Hl|h- way a. nine mltea eoutk of Cotlege txi 00 to IM 00 per acre, depending upon the number of oerba and hl|h«a> front as* included tot Parb Place. Col- lee* Pork, after »:00 P M. POR SAI.E Cnoleraior — IM.OO MR Park Place. Collate Park POR NAI.E Senior boota ei*e 1A^D, earellem rnndition Cblf ran be mad* la fll. All acceeeortoe He* at Molicka AND s FOB SAI.K Cooteratar and portable waeiunt marina* Pvateically new Reaaoaably priced M R I'roaeley. Apt MU, OoBot* Vwti, the door . Forming Mesdamea Middleton, Reeve*. I. W. K. Rifga, E. 0. Siacke, F. C. Bolton, D. W. WiUiam., E. L. Angell, H. W. Dm low, C. N. Shop- ardaon. R. C. Dunn, M. T. Hairing, ton, Id* P, Trotta* R. D. Lewfa, W. E. White, Q. 8. Maloy, j. P Abbott, P. B. Prawon, and Cocil Wamble. Mrs, Middleton, president, Intro Mr*. Gllcnrtat, honorary Mrs, Middleton then the new members and Identa of the local wo- man'a eluhe. PreaMenta and their iluba were Mlaa Kllaebeih Holmea, Kvenlnt Ntody Club, Bryan| Mrs. W, M. Owen*, Reatjlng Chib, Bry ant Mr*. Barlow. AAM Garden Club) Mm. (1. R. Made lay, Campue Bludy (!lub| Mrs, M. C, Jaynes, Kxtenaion Service Clubs Mr* Nor man J, Danaby, Bryan Garden Clubs Mr*. Henry Rhode, Bryan Woman's Club. The president thanked Mr*. R. P. Mumtcllar for her cooperation in getting the background of the So- 1 cial Club before the member* Mr*. Middleton then introduced i Mr*. Milliff, vice-president in chaifee of the latereat Group* Mr*. Milliff introduced the chair man or representative! of the *ev eral groups who told something of the plans for groups represent ed: Mm. S. A. Lynch, Newcotn era; Mr*. Geo. E. Potter, Foods Group; Mrs. R. B. Hickerson, Swim ming; Mrs. W. A. Armiatead, Cir culating Library; Mr*. Ralph Steen, Music; Mr*. C. H. Grone man, College Employee* Dinner- Dance Group; Mrs. Jaynes, Writ er* Group; Mr*. J. S. Mogford, Art Group; and Mrs. R. E. Cal lender, Handicraft. Mr*. Middleton introduced Mr*. Reeves, general chairman, who thaaked the following committees for their work in making this meeting such a success. Decorat ing Committee: Mlrsdames J. A. Orr, W. E. Long, and D. W. Flem ing. Invitation: Mesdames H. L. Heaton, P. W. Barker, W. E. Bee- man, Bennie Zinn, and Penn Mul- lowney. Calendar: Mesdames A. L. Schipper, C. M. Himmang, and Manning Smith, ('oman: Met- dames F. W. Farrar, Zinn and Fred Hickman. Registration: Mrs dames Virgil B. Robinson, L. P. Hubbard, J. J. Bptrfy, L. R. Stark, Schipper, and Simmang. The Door • ommittae: Mesdames c. B. God- bey, W. M. Potto, Albert B. Stev ens, Potter, Lynch, C. W. Randle, E. D. Parnell, R. E. Sauggs and P. W. Burnt. Mrs. Reeves also thanked Mr*. R. H. Shuffler for securing the loud speaker for the afternoon. Mn. Reeves introduced Mrs. F I. Dahlberg, program dkaMMW, being a person whose name is synonomou* with music. M uahtotTf first pnaaated mSTl Grace Krug, who gave short re sume of the growth and plana of the choral group now known as the Harmony Choral Club. Mem- bent are Mr*. Steen, accompanist, Mesdamea Reeve*. James Jackson. W. R. Horsley, Ed Brush, F. W. Hansel, Tom Terrell, R. M. Hllder- brand, Daniel Russell Bee man, J Coon, Barker, M. P. Holleman, the tea room which was beautiful I with its lac* draped table decor ated with a centerpiece of roef*. I chrysanthemum* and plnmhsgo. flanked on either side with *Um candelabra holding graah taper*. [Mr*. Gilchrist and Mr*. MiddWtpn served tea from silver services at either end of the table during the first hoar and Mrs. Bolton and Mr*. William* during the last Dainty open faced sandwiches, In dividual fruitnut cakes, and green and white mint* were served. Mrs. Raymond Riser, dhaiymtn of the tea committee was assisted by Mtadame* F. P. Jaggi, J. E. Adams, A. D. Adamson. Frank Anderson, John 4*hton, Dell Bauer, It O. Berry, HtoaUe Bast, Rav Garrett, P. G. Murdock, J. D. Neal, 0. E. Porter, E, B. leynol.lv R H. Shuffler, and George Summty. Brazos A&M Qub To Reorganize The Brmio* County AAM Club, after wartimaj. inactivity, will re organise Thurwlay night is Room 123, Academic Building after Yell Practice. The dub was deactivated during the war for lack of students to keep it operating. AFThe Thurs day meeting officers wit be elect ed and function* for the year will miUMK; OFFICIAL NOTICE omew or the ukan or urn Uste. Daaee A«*mmli4»t.oft« fur 1*4 at « e m WEDNESDAY. November M. *a4 m«« be varue*. by • pm THl’IW- DAT l.u|sst* will he re wove* team Urn room* xr.d um door* locked promikly M • P St- The C«HIf coimql be re*poo- *IM* for hereonel prooen, of any nete enteeat* b*«umms Immodlately in A IS*. Ooa*win Halt W. U PENBERTHT Dem of Meo Rubjed re : aii I la eoblNUn** wuk m* r*ou**t of the Oommiuw in snarae P Q HoM win b* MtUMtoaB I,rig girts ittfifitoing m WEDNMIiaV n Hi* bun fire en* Sea.* IfM. Nu.ember M „ _ ■ x ^ ..... tovinf abate* mil be m* Panbarthy, lUnrtiwton, Tom U- land and kill ( audlll, The Choral ■riher ineteeeie* eTtlnte* ""itelm Group praaastoi tho following so- <• waie. lectioMi The Old Irod. by Prln. J "£**'*'«* i , 'l‘TTrLlTJ dui.ny lun i. rmS vuiin. is. , %2ir.'a. 1 y^rtr'S p i, Fo« i and Morning, by aemt hmst r*i u r* i* m* surmHwy l. ~ aHer lbs tftars When reesrvaitebs ».«»* r.. IH.Mh.rf U»h IMr^ rjSfLXZPpanSgS Mlaa tuVerne Hunt who had way- J* P»to- Yte*[y«l a* «*n* am. wl while the guests saaemblteraml | \ who presented at thla time Throe .irvname. Picture Etude*, by Sergei Vaa*llle- 1 ♦ "s*’’* viuh R.rhmcinuff. Guento went then Invited Into I l ouaei* ami a* eOamtea w vooir •ns (lea* te at* will be it* win ba * je Ik Starting Lighting Ignition Speciiliied Service on , 1 STARTERS — GENERATORS — MAGNETOS BATTERIES - CARBURETORS — TUNE UP Bruner Battery & Electric Co. 113 East 28th Street — Bryan Using Parts From Original Equipment Manufacturers Ma>uSh CAFETERIA FEATURING DISHES OF INTERNATIONAL FAME and the best in— SOUTHERN AMERICAN COOKERY WITH YOUR CAR Give yourself, your fam ily, and your «sr tho added protection that# comes with having it in tip-top mechanical con-, dition... by bringing it "bade borne” to us for regular inspection and servicing. * We'll make your brakes quick-acting, and sure- stopping ... keep your car tuned up so it’ll give you the responsive per formance that helps you drive safely. Tune-ups help prevent smash-ups! j ’ Bryan Motor Co. puh »AI 0 Mater ptiSOteS f*4 fMf|. Mtek Mtek limiutml lAMtlltto* A K H •'I*- it* Vatm ul fulsoi w«m IteWi >S'M» StofMw mi mu ( line* nl fitea Wtl* N« Mm* | imi ~ ■ lUteM* I bite PliM Mlb hteUli MM I»m *IimII*i «w»il Hi lUlmk Ittr HSwl HmhM *41 aitMMi lata* **»* nuI *Mlf lire k| •Mwrfiieii Met a mm PteiUf tetaee n lit' Pulirtt in m., PASTRIES id. -rr* ft Come In for HOT DOUGHNUTS after 3 P.M. North Gate JNICLUMtiM p m , Thin*, day. Ruem IU4, Acoilvmlc TBU’ITtF.H atll, 7!lH> ii. i Thumlay. Arailamlc, Rimm I oh VICTORIA COUNTY CLUB. 7:30 p. m, Thurteiay, Rmim I0A, Arademle, VETERA NH WIVES CLUB. ! 7:30 p.m.. Thunday, YMCA waco - Mclennan county CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thunday, Plans i for Chriatmas Dance. WEATHERFORD CLUB. 7:30 p. m., Thunday. Room 303, Aca demic. WILUAMSON COUNTY CLUB. 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 304, Academic. I not' Aisn* MteM* (’ n, S liM-k* inONlKsaMI (NOH IN UMf Ml »»** MraeM M ft NMJ* »I1 y«* m Nm» i»n i»h ipMh te M HiN SAIiNt Kmiet i ’imtier *i fee* hi MwMet |f| NDMNNI 'w rhitefok at all M 0 M R PteUTSAl.l. (14MR* See Mf* Mateell ■ifileM ntlM liouee nil led M*mlt>* l.nrt'sifeei between Ofenl Sefvlr* kin IMm Ui* rolls* View N wil l, KP.KP (’IllUiRRN lot Mntebi. who wiek le eltend tome Returdey Ren- Mmable relee C-I1-X Pellefe View *1 I. Rite*. MAtelNII IAIIMiR I'alM* meelm* Rul Rnee l.od*e II.D , AP * AM. inn PM tburaday No vemlier • Work In P C. Degree Vlelt- mg Maeon. Welcome nibb utlrhrtel W M W H B .qgell *er y r M GIFTS T For MOKFL Alld’IWK Stril.IKS •lon(*s Sporting (hmhIh H<>3 S. Main I'rian Ph. I-28SJ IK Club Will Hear E. L. W illianiK Talk PHILIP MORRIS E. L William*, head of the In- du*trial Extension Service, will speak to the Induatrial Education i Club Wednesday night, 7 p. m., in the club room of the Mechanical | Engineering shops. Regular busine** will also be | diacuaaed, E. J. Laaik, club report- ! er, announced. IS much for all occasions h It to indeed a pleasure to browae over our ■helves and counter* for thoae novel and iind dtotinctive gift* — personal and for the home. I r * # *■ m ^ ***«* t ' • « • | - HASWELL’S 1 - Nerth Main J Hrytn — better to smoke) ■i VV4, y »» TTT What a Dikh! lee oroam at Ita moot (toltolwwa heal and a aoiwethmel itooaopt t The flmt Nome of loo ('ream The grandest smoke you’ve ever enjoyed! ii , . * c •. : It’s true, If every smoker knew what PHILIP MORRIS smokers know . . . they'd ALL change to PHILIP MORRIS. Yea. the PHILIP MORRIS smoker really gets Ii V « ‘ ' . *» * ^ ..A what other amoken only hope to get...PERFECT SMOKING PLEASURE. . So for perfect Hmoklng plaaaure ... try ■ pack today! INHI y^^WAYt •ITTIR-BITTIR Aii WAY! • ilto.