The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 30, 1947, Image 4
, ’ : “ ! -V Community Chest Campaign Begins Monday, November 3 inity cheat ca r, November , J. D. Prewit '• v wwwnvpv, haa announce, mv by the committee last week, after all requesta had ■elully considered, Prewit aaid. The annual college community cheat campaign is ached- Med to wt underway Monday, November 3 with 4 of $8,243.60 as this year's goal, J. D. Prewit, chairman of oommunity cheat committee, haa announced. The budget iras act ‘ been care “Th« committee hope* to wind op the projram in a week'* time," he HU ted. ThU year’* budfet foal it a ■light reduction over last year and the committee (eel* that the final budget ia at fair aa possible from the contributor’! itandpoint, Prew it aaid. Through the ute of the commu nity cheat, the needs of all organ iaationa seeking funds in the com munity art cSred for in one drive, instead of a doten or more cam paigns which otherwise would be made. Contributors on last year’s com munity cheat included members of the A4M College syeUm, it* staffs and Ka divisions, Y.M.C.A., ex change store, Production and Mar keting Administration, Consoli dated school, Collage Station mer chants and many cititens of the community. Solicitors for the college include: hoada of all departaieata and sions. H. E. Burgess, Manning Smith and butineasmen will canvaa ness section. Bill ChcnauH la tol- CORKY-HURD CLOTHIERS' fr. ■sting Administration. As a fMe In answering the misstion, "How mueh to ftte," Prrtlt tald the committee Has suggested a contribution of one. half of one day's pay from each cltlaen in order to raise the amount budgeted this year. Last year an amount of three-fourths of a day's pay was suggested The approved budget for this year's community chest drive In* cludoa: American Red Crots, 91,800; Boy Scouts, 91,044; Girl Scouts, 91.047; YMCA, inoO; Mother’s and Dad’s Club. AAM Consolidated School, 9600; World Studont Serv- ice fund, 9500; Biatos County Health unit, $500; College tSation Re-national council, 1600; Tuber cular fund, 9S00; County hospiul- ixation, 1800; Salvation Army, 9200; Contingent fund, 9150; Local chanty, 9100. Member* of the college commu- 'nity chest committee include R. L Elkins, J. E Roberts, M. L. Cash- Ion, S. k Frost, H. E. Burgess, W. N. Colson, Manning Smith, P. A. Vaughn, Taylor Wilkins, r. L Dahlberg, Major 4 W. Magrudcr, Jr., and Dr. John H. Milliff. Jo<- Sorrels is aacrstary-treasurer and Pn-wit chairman. , . • . in your atiRwer! f. t ' % f ; Don't waste time lookinf elsewhere ,,,, 1 IN I. all . ' ; 1 * \ • If i j t. - . Wo hive numerous patterns (at maonablo prioes) to be tailored eapeclally for you. — THEY FIT — ^ f f ( ' . . ORDER NOW FOR What’s Cooking? | AGGIE AEROCKATS (Mods! Alndaas Club), 7:80 p. m., wad* naaiay, ME Bbop HuiUlmg. Room me. COLLEGE WOMAN’S SOCIAL CLUB ^ », Friday, Lounge of CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH, 4 p m., Thursday, Academic, Room CONVERSATIONAL GERMAN, 4£.m., Friday, Academic, DEBATE AND DISCUSSION CLUB, 7:80 p. m. Monday, YMCA Assembly Room. DENTON COUNTY CLUB MEET, following yell practice, Thursday. Goodwin, Room 803. ECONOMICS CLUB, 7:80 p. m. Tueada; DKX KMBKK DELIVERY m-. CORKY & HURD CLOTHES “The Store of Personal Attention" 2 Blocks N. of P.O. — College Station Mothers-Dads To Give Pet Show | i The Mother’s end Dad’s GMb of A. A M. Consolidated School will present their Rth annual Dog and |j*st Show Thursday, November ■ from 6 to R p. m. in th* Animtl Husbandry Pavilion, It was an nounced yesterday. There will be thirteen cotnootl* live clataos, open to all children. Hi* classos will be for pure-bred dogs divided into large, medium, and small slata with long and short short hair. Two groups will be for long and short-halrod Heim varieties or crota-brsods, and a ■peels! class will be open for dog tricks. Another daes will be for eats, one for rabbits, and, on* for all other pets. In addition there will bt a final class for pets over 200 pounds. All entries must be at the weet entrance of the Pavilion for regie tration at 9 p. m. except those peti weighing oyer £00 pounds, which will be registered at the east en* trance. All animal* must be under control either on leash or in cages. Spectators should plan to eat their tapper at the show l frsshments will be sold. Clowns, tumbling acts, and other entertainment wifi be on throughout the evening. Proceeds of the show will be used for the benefit of the A. A M. Consolidated School. following ye! rarsday, Goodwin, Room 303. ECONOMICS CLUB, 7:30 u. leeday, Room 307, Academic. dor GALVESTON COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, after yell practice, Room 129, Academic. LAMAR COUNTY CLl B, af- ter yell practice, Thursday, Room 120, Academic. NAVARRO COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, after yell practice, Room 224, Academic. PRE LAW SOCIETY, 7:80 p. m. Tuesday, YMCA Lounge, second floor. PANHANDLE CLUB MEET, 7:90 p.m., Thursday, Aeadomlc, Room 129. SOCIETY FOR THE AD- VANCKMENT OF MANAGE- MENT Bar-B-Q 0 p.m., Friday, at Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Fair**, 110 Walton Dr. Tlte Veterans Wives Bridge Club will mast Thursday, October 30 1947, at 7:80 P.M. at th* Y.M.C.A Smith to Conduct Range Experiment On King Ranch Ntd A. Smith of Dm Ring* Management Depart ment will conduct an txperi- ment to determine the carry- Ing capacity and vegetative trend of phosphorus deficient rang* land on the King Ranch. Previous experiment*, in prog- rets since 1919, have shown th* affect of pho*phoru« deficient range on livestock. Th* object of this experiment it to determine how a phosphorus deficiency af fects the carrying capacity and vegetation trend of the range un- different management prac- - ■ 'mmmm The'Battalion Pan 4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30,1047 CLAI8IF1KD ads ’TihWi Attack Turkey Farm Cooperating in th* experiment with the Range Manage meat De partment will be the U. 8. Depart ment of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industries and the King Ranch. Funds used by the Range Management Department are pro vided by th* state through th* Swift Grant and AM Program. Smith, a graduate student from Santa Barbara, California, will con duct the experiment under the supervision of Dr. V. A. Young, head of th* Range Management Department. Beekeepers Group To Meet Nov. 3-4 Dogs Beat Aggies To Thanksgiving By 1. C. HART If your mouth is already drool ing in anticipation of those large braxed turkeys with gravy and dressing st Thanksgiving, you may be disappointed if th* local packs of dogs are not kept from again the College, turkey pens, last Monday turning, turkeys weft still on the roost, a pack of huagry dogs got inside the pens and started to work with a vim. About 30 turkeys in aH, including both broad bn anted bronte mid BelUville small white turkeys, were lost. Th* doga were making good their escape, each with a turkey in hi* mouth, when a few belated blasts from a shotgun caused thorn to scatter turkeys all up and down a ravin* near the collage turkey P*n». Four of flvo of the turkeys war* bruised by the dogs but will mover. Th# value of the turkeys < estimated at 9260, according Dr. J. H. Quissnberry, head of | poultry' hgabandry department. Than MoRIl hop#, however, as Dr. QuManborry thinks there will be 2 Cows Complete Producing Records Security Office Nabs 51 Violators Fred Hiekman, chief of campus security, revealed today that SI persona have had their licenses re voked and paid a II reinstatement fee this semester because of viola tions of campus traffic regulations. Hickman emphasised that viola tors of moving regulations war* more severely penalised than those who violated standing regulations. These 51 persons who received tickets were requested to report to the campus security office. There they paid a minimum of a $1 reinstatement fee for their re voked license end promised not to commit the offense again. The Holstcin-FriePian Assoc * tMn of Anwrioa recently attounr ed that two ragisterod Holstem- Friesiaa cows In th* dairy herd of A. A M. have completed official production records ia Hard Im provement Registry T.-st R. E. Leighton, assistant profes sor in the dairy husbandry depart- ment, ia ia charge of the herd The higher producer of the two was Poach Orrasby Princess, with a record of 969 pounds of butter fat and 16,822 pounds of milk. Th* record was made in 809 days on two milkings daily, and at the | of 9 years. Th* other high producer I Pooch Orasby Payne, with 506 P©»nda of butterfst and 10,196 pounds of milk, mad.i hi 3t»5 days, on two milkings daily, at the age of 9 years 4 month* Coal of 20 Million Home Cardens Set The U. 8. Department of A*n culture has a goal of 20 ’mill ion home gardens for 1943, Dr Ide P. 7‘rotter, director of the AAM Extension Service, has been ad vised. He has been asked to send rep resentatives to s regions! confer ence in New Oi leans Oct. 22, where federal and state officials and community garden Isadora will dis cuss methods of reaching the goal. A similar meeting will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, on October 20. Economic Majors All Economics majors are re quested to register with the bead of the department. Room 215, Academic Building, aa toon MA possible* This ia neceooary ia order to complete the liat being pre pared of Economic* majors. (College View Cels Cravel Pathways The Texas B*i>k*cp*n' Asso ciation will moot at A. A M. Nov ember 9-4 In th* tirat mooting to havt boon hold her# In sovoral y*ar«. Glenn Jones, sscroUry-troasuror of th* National Federation H.'. keepers' Association of Atlantic, Iowa, will bt th* main sp* akor at a banquet at Ibis* Hall on the night of Novrmber 8. Dr. F. L Thomas, state entomo logist, is in charge of the program committee, and loading authorities on boss from over the stats and nation, will doltvsr addresses. Engineers Needed By US Government Vacancies exist in engineering positions at th* Philideiphia Navy Air Material Center and other Fed eral agencies in th* Pennsylvania- Delaware area as well as safety inspector positions throughout the United States, th* Civil Service Commission announced Wednesday. Salaries range from 93,397 to 97,102 a year for the engineering position*, while safety inspector jobs in the Interstate Commerce Commission pay 14,149 a year, th* release stated. Residents of this area who are haa ma*tt$v4a*^ pL. _ . i it rv^ifqi m Iw* idV above positions should contact H. N. Yardley, local secretary of the Civil Service Commission, at the Collage post office. looter ajyturfc bSSt- s i * ImmAm --- Oh ruur auannoa cou r tmmrtm la atorv inu.’L- WOtev. Inn LOOT: tore* ■ «« lg|ll*SBl tm*. stent i , faosd. rH»r» to 1S4 POmC tor rreoH. ron aitXi M»«k witoedUr tote tamer. (»>h* 1 fooitlRiosi 1B6bbBBbIUm RfftBR tpyrp* NO, Trailer H-S. LOOE SHAXr. TW vrrS-wd arros CTO JoteaL aim St - StSJS Abo site ao* ■PBSO Mate Sin SS-St — SlLSS ms*. Ibv MHMt —• IfeMB. BtnAtilt Coonmk Early Romans used concrete with liia* in buiMlng aque- and bridge*. Kg of th* condor are to fly until they art a year oM. I ' enough turkeys for the Thanks giving dinnora of Collogt Button residents. That ia—if th* dogs do not mak* another forty on the turkey pons. Pre-Lawyers Start Membership Drive A membership drive for members of Ute Pre-Law Society was Initia ted Monday at a meeting hold in Building K, C. P. McKnlght, club president, announced yesterday. C Postcards will be mailed to all ro-law students and a desk will maintained in th* Academic Building to contact other students interested. McKnight stated that a “amok er” would bt hold in the YMCA louugo on the second floor Tues day night after yell practice. DR. N. B. McNUTT DENTIST Office In Parker Building Over Canady's Pharmacy Phone 8-1497 Bryan, Tasas ifldNsKo to nv -HU9NI —UPMSS T. R. Spence, manager of th* construction program, has author nod the Student Apartment* Of fice to begin construction of gravol I paths connecting the even-number- < ed buildings in College View with th* parking areas and garbage collection arms at the roar. This arrangement will make each building readily accsaalbls during th* rainy aonaon with • minimum of walking nnd either gnsvol or concrete walks to us* alt the way. The work has been started and will be romploted be fore bad weather begins Ellis County Club To Form Thursday The Ellis County Club will < ganise Thursday following yell practice in th# upper lecture room of th* ME Shop Building, ji Officers will be sleeted for the coming semester, and a football movie it tentatively planned. WATCH REPAIRS ACCURATE REPAIR SERVICE RfcNT - T '^ | i . ^nr I « 1 L - ; JEEP At tht North Otto — S Door* Boat at Bank PbOM 4 HSM RATES - Hourly or Daily Aggie Jeep Joint Box 2047 Work tiuaraatood R.L McCarty JEWELER !WV. t AllOMW root sail *X IF* Jute Plata It la, the way wHOTtey, t PTMKLL that’s what CampiiN . Sandwich Shop for the beet RAMBl'RfiERS 31 year* of business QBO B (POP) SHAW Back of Legett Hall DEANS AT MKITTING W. L. Penborthy, dean of men, Robert Murray and W. G. Brea- ■eale, assistant deans of men, leave today to attend a meeting of the Association of Deans and Ad visors of Men, which will be held at the Baker Hotel in Dallas. h-| B.Y.D. i HAND pajamas I Nstirally, you want pajamas that art colorful, free-and-eaay-fitting. That’s r what you got in thooe supsr-comfortabl* ••‘B V. D. H pajamaa—cut with astra alooplng room, and loti of beautiful otylal Uundry-toatod fabrioa approved non-dhrtnklni •M^obUUy Got oot for a good night'i •iMp (or a midnight inaok) today I ! m» * » r* « * ClOCMta* Oolltge and Bryan Hiaif hi Handsome f|q|r CUCANINQ PREHUNG WATERPROOFING All Kindt of Rtptlr Work and Alteration* AGGIE CLEANERS N. Gate WaDrtf* Phona 4-4664 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE fimai TAMALKS — <ii die—fc—OSsyW—M—sMfc-te—swoo————atoOW—4SSI TOMATO SOUP * •••WWW* ■ ■Rl ■ ■» MW so murk tevlag*-magic every ttuso C l slog ta to shop! No matter Wttal ruaaXiX’B to wava a mafia wwi t ■ * imaal^ Mmi |irwuair i/tr \rrj WHN iniim, ortas thM 'aSw bayiafmore* tee Wfk 4h|NliM9|I^R9oadi * ■pl'v; i'Wm «o* s«s t • *(l *fio« * * i m *a««u |ai<A m 17c Noa L , wtft College Book Store Offers all kind* of SCHOOL SUPPUES A 1 AT REASONABLE PRICES Located at North Gate — College ' 9c K rail's i a. VBLVKKTA Loaf Cheeae . 89c | LIMA il aa. 1 Beann•. 35c MILK OF MAGNESIA ■eg. aae 39c Libby's Fruit Cocktail—No. 1.... 25c Libby's Tomato Juice—No. 2.... 12c JACK’S PASTRY SHOP rUlAUNSOF BABY | FOOD 3 •• 21c PABLtIM 22c •J ' I « i UaTKN TO THE MU1ICAL L Q. BNOW Over NONA 4t4« TtTRBDAY A FRIDAY Miller Hardware aad rsnltan Os. 1 S.OAT* CAKES AND CASTRIES Coma In for HOT DOUOKNUTI ifUrlFJL North GaU CALIFORNIA! * KlEPFMi* T k LETTUCE o r CALIFORNIA FAMCRAL CELERY BTALR lie • ■raouu roa nuMv and mtvsdav Nl mM fr;5liPED