The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 30, 1947, Image 1
labor squeaks by LONDON, Oct SO Britain*. Ubor (orernment arcrted defeat by Imc than 80 rote* on two oc> caaions in tha House of Common, today—the narrowest margins it haa had since the party came to power in August, 194&. Vote was in i tp 100. •" H)PE DENOUNCES “ISMS" VATICAN CTTY, Oct. SO (Ah- Po;*> Pina XII today denounced postwar totalitarianism which he said sought to submit church to state, although he declared it an error to believe the tsfo could be - entirely separate. FIND YOUNG BOKMANN . VIENNA, Oct SO (^-Martin Hermann, Jr., 17-year-old son of Adolf Hitler’s long missing right hand man, was arrested Monday 4 by American troops near Salstftrg. BAYLOR SEEKS MILLION BAN ANTONIO, Ten., Oct SO l** —Baylor University haa filed •alt for declaratory J ‘ ' against Mrs. Raymond OgUvie. and ethers, iavehiac moat 11,000,000 Uft in the will », Or. Henry Hoaaton Ogilvee. prom inent San Antonie doctor who died Juno IS, INK nes iueu imlgmi'nl irigg. thing el- PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER ARM COLLEGE Volume 47 COLLEGE STATION (Affteland), TEXAS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30,1947 Or- < Number 57 Veteran Uses All His In-Laws To Make House At Home , COLLBOB WOMAN HI RT HKARNE, Tea., Oct SO <*- Mrt persons were Injured, one seriously yeeterday when e ear body of an Infant to Qtoia, Tbine, for Imrlsl and an* othsp nutemobile collided nenr Alma Meoro of Callage Station was taken to a hoapital at Bryan for treatment of head Injuriea. MUST LBAVK GERMANY FRANKFURT. GERMANY. Oct :i(v '.A 1 ' Bron*on R. Alexander of Cushing, Tex., was officially noti fied that he ain not remain in oc cupied Germany with his German Unde, even though the.U. 8. Army did—by mistake—authorise her re turn from Texas to Germany. PARIS INJURY COUNT PARIS, Oct. SO —(^—Unoffi cial counts of the number injured in Tuesday night’s bloody, head- rrecking street fight between Com munists and Paris PoKee ranged from 40 to SOD. I JfBLB DRAWS UNB WASHINGTON. Oct. SO A union whose officers have fail ed to ewear they are not Common lets may not aompote in collective slectlons with unions aon- Lahor Belattons board ruled DANB CABINET CALLED . COPENHAGEN, Oct SO —(^— Premier Knud Kristonaen sailed hie Cabinet Into eeeeion yesterday to decide its course after partiamen- tory elections In which no party gnlndB a majority and ths-QiiB- munlata lost half their II senU. •HATIONINTFRARIBLr WASHINGTON. Oet. SO (Eh— a Benater Basil said reeteraUan af ••Mime an i limited Beale sible" la ardec to By MACK T. NOUN If anyone needs proof that the pioneer spirit has not disappeared from the American scene, let him talk to the Andrew Sikea family. Sikee, a C. E. student from Wells Texas, returned to A. A M. in Feb. 1040, but could not locate a place to live. Getting desperate, be ap plied to the college business man ager for permission to build a house on college land. The okay came through two weeks before school started. He recruited hie gmnd-father-in-lew, father-in-law, end three brothers-in-law and set about with a will. When school started the Sihea* moved Into their new, nnd then unpatnted, house. This house-building venture set I • precedent which many other vet eran's families have followed. Andy, It months old. and Gwen 11 months old, comprise the young* tr generation af the likes clan. Andy helps his father with little around the house such as mowlna the lawn. Gwen, still In the baby food class, helps around the pines by running the food bill up to 7ft a month. For recreation the Sikee play tennis on the nearby college courts and occasionally go t« a picture show The children stay with s neighbor on these nights, but the system is not fool it works both ways. When the neighbors want to see the latest Hop slung Cassidy, they leave their progeny with the Sikes. ‘Aces of Collegeland’ Orchestra Will Play for Saturday Dance VA Representatives to Aid Vets in Untangling Finances By O. A. PONDER Veteran students without service-connected diaebility who have been having difficulty In obtaining their subeiatance pay will have an opportunity to get their financial difficulties straightened out when Madleon B. Pruitt from the V|terans Administration, Waco, vlstu the '' 1 " eampua on or about November 5, Mrs. A. V. Moore j Critically Injured In Auto Collision Above: ANDY SIKES, JR., lend* toe to get thr grass cut before supper. Mew: ‘ OWEN SIKES goto wtok the net af the Jmn% father a helping head practice la the art of kea does outside her home. The children keep me busy enough for two she said. However, she does the do-it-yourxHf laundry isiou for the' neighborhood. She fumiehees the machine, and the customers do their own wash ing. On the subject of the “new look” fashions, Mrs. Sikes regis tered a flat, unconditienal “No!” Her husband arrives at the same conclusion, but with qualifications. According to him, not only is the expense in changing complete wardrobes prohibitive, but shorter iSOLn Mrs. A. V. Moore, wife of Pro fessor A. V. Moore of the Dairy Husbandry Department, suffered • brain concussion In am automobile accident that took place on the Hearn* highway yesterday after on. Mra. Moore also had eight riba broken In the automobile with her were R. C. Moore, of Lawrenceberv, Ind., her father-in-law. who suf fered a cracked kneecap, and her son Richard who was uninjured. The accident occurred in the midst of a rainstorm. The auto mobile which Mrs. Moore was driving hit an automobile driven by Joe D. Wilson of Houston in a head-on collision. According to reports, Wilson’s automobile had skidded off the pavement and he was trying to get hie vehicle back on the highway at the time of the collision. There were five other people riding in the Wilson automobile. All of them escaped injury. Prof. A: V. Moore had been la Miami, Florida, with the Dairy Products Judging Team. The Team :n. LAND WITNESS HR and No, I yesterday on the Hit ef movie fims tiled for contompt • If ist Mutt Committee on ua* American activHiM. I vtUSThs Witnosee in mittfo’sHitootigatioa of lent in Hollywood, they i reet answers to question Tsytor Wilkins, votorans advisor, stated today. The roprooonutive will be loca ted la Hart Hall, Ramp “A", and the eaaet time and place will be announced later. I’railt eapeeta to telephene la* dlvIdaaTs caeca and problems to the Wats office daily te obtain maslmem speed la haadtiag (hem. Veteraae are asked act te Imialre sheet (heir caeca at the Regional Office in Wee# by mall er in pemtot. but to present their cease to PraiU daring hie vialt. According to Wilkins the Veter ans Administration is determined to do ito part I ngetting the veter ans paid on time. Wilkins pointed out that few people realise the magnitude of the task involved In gstting six to seven thousand veterans on the payroll at the be ginning of a new school year. Wilkin’a office is hoping that the Veterans Administration can get all Veterans puid in full on er before November t. Veteran stu dents who have not received sub sistence checks for September should receive both their Septem bar end October checks on or about November 1, Wilkins said. In order to aid the veteran stii dent who had not received his eub- sistancc pay on time, loan funde have been created by both the Col lege and the Former Students As sociation from whkh loans rang ing from $11 to $90.80 have been made to needy students. Proceeds | from these loons wort used by the room, board, and New Jersey’s ‘Most Lovable irl’ Is Featured Vocalist 4- -■ The North Texas Statfc College “Acea of Collegeland*' and their variety troupe will play for a dance in Sbiaa Meat Hall Saturday night, C. G. "Spike” White, director of itudent activities, announced Wednesday. The variety ihow should appeal to Aggie*, Floyd Graham, diractor of the Aces, stat ed in a letter to Bill Turner, d!> rector of the Aggieland Ort heetr* "Besides the Aree of ('ollegeland Orchestra, I will have Virginia ('lark as vwallsi, who was just recently voted the "Moet Livable (Hrl" In the state «f New Jcraor I see no reason why the A A M boys should object te this number," Graham wrote Other entertainers s.tomimny- Ing the band will be Betty niwl Gene, tap dpnrorai L A. Mpeer, * magician who does * few nicks of magic while pulling a few cor ny jokes from a bettered assort* ment of Joe Miller jests; end Mary Lashley, an acrobatic dancer who will twiat and turn for tho crowd. An eccentric daarer. Gent Fflug, who worked at the Starlight Oper ettas in Dalles this summer, will wind up the act. D rotection Policy nsurance Forms hie Before Nov. 1 t. A. A M. employees who wish the seme protection far their deoen dents under the -'ullage uroup hoe pitot end surgical plan should mit their applications before vemher 1. Applications should he In by this date In order for the 7$ per cent participation required by the in- suranoe company to protect Itself agetMt advene selection la at tained. If applications for coverage of dependents are sent in by Nov. I, no evidence of good health of dependents Is requirtd. Under the college employees ho* pitsl plan, member* of the family are afforded essentially the same benefits as the employee, namely, 18 per day while In the hotpitid up to 70 days for any one illness reimbursement for surgery accord ing to scale up to $160; up to 126 for certain incidental hoapital dx penaas; and up to $10 for ambu lance service. Children under three months, and over IS or married are not covered in the plan and maternity benefits are not included. Payments and classification on eemi-ennual basis ars: employees only, $7; employee and wua, $17.20; emplo>4e*-wife grocery bills by veteran day stu dents. A total of 107 veteran students have token advantage of the loan fund privilegee. Loans totalling $6,774.16 have been made to needy veteran students, Wilkins tonclud •4* _ > . m witness! In the earn Common- C refused dt Done whether iCommuntnU. ORUiON OFFICIAL MISSING KLAMATH FALLS, Ore, Oct 30 '*’> Oregon’s Governor, sec retory of State and Senate Presi dent were overdue on • private pinna flight vesterdsy end bed weather grounded plants which had started a search for them. GREEK GUBRILI.A8 SHOT ATHENS. Oct. 30 -b*- Four members of an armed band which recently attacked a village IS mil*! north of Athens and killed one villager were executed by a firing tauad at dawn yesterday. About 100 persona witnessed the fircutioni. ROMANIAN ACCUSED BUCHAREST, Roumania, Oet. 10 -tin- A military tribunal in dictment sceuaed Dr JuHu Maniu, aged leader of the opposition na tional peasant party, yesterday of conniving with U. S. representa tives and striving to bring about ventton in Romania. 4— J' foreign intervent ERASE BBGRBGATION NOW! WASHINGTON. Oet Si (*- A committee appelated by Presi dent Trvmas prapmid yeeterday that racial segreyatiaa be wiped eat ef Aaisrleaa Ufa “new.“ PLAN BUTIHM ITALIAN alliancb LONDON, Oet SO In- fmsrammmLI sammimnwlmnr Alum6 IwrVfIVa! mm mj BeS^ie Mai Foreign Mmatar Carlo Sforsa had suggested the "edvis- abillty" ef a Bril&*UaHaa friend- ghlp alliance, similar to that he twyaa Hi <» " anil Kram-t., In Mm talhi he Is balding hers with Bri Hah government leaders, Rl BRATV DRY ri IND, MB.. Oet 10-(A nature beat hopeful hu man mlM-mahers la MM | ninth yeeterdav by wetting dmth-perck- td woodland! while drytiailid*’ plyee waited to tyke off la an detMtating'forest flree'S -Malm College Woman’s Social Oub to Honor Members At Friday Meet The first fall meeting of the College Woman's Social Club honoring incoming officers, new members, and presi dents of other local woihen’s clubs, will be held at S p. m., Friday, in Sbisa Hall, it .was announced yesterday. The Social Club, an outgrowth of the Christmas Party and the Red Croa, was organised ■ after World War I when every one connected with the college liv ed on the campus. Mrs. J. G. Nagle whose huebeUd was dean of engi- nearing, waa president of the Red i roiia organisation. The group then b.-<ame primarily social, therefore changing the name to its present title. The purpose of the club is to promote acquaintance and friend liness among the women of the college, and to appntor the forme tion of several fro In apaeial activities At present only five meetings S held annually on the last Fri day of October. January, February, March and April. Present officers ere Honorary President. Mrs. Gibb GHshriat; President, Mrs. E. B Middleton; Viee-Prealdenl, Mrs. J. H. Milltff; General Chairman, Mrs. R. U, Beevea; Secretory, Mrs. I W. Ru- belt Trenaurvr, In. J. K. Riggs; Fnriinmenurian, Mrs B. O, Mesmi and Reporter, Mrs. A. Cecil Warn ^ One of the nwat active and largest special tatereat Group, Mrs. M. C. Jaynes, chair man; Foods Group, Mrs. Bryant Holland, chairman; Bryan and Col lege Art Group, Mrs. A. P. Bar nett, chairman; .Swimming Group, Mra. R. B. Hickcreon, chairman; Music Group, Mra. Ralph Steen, temporary chairman; and Circulat ing Library Group, Mrs. W. W Armistead, chairman The Writers Gioup. now inactive will react (vat* if enough persona se vara I Manna 'teMuatodfa* Interested. The Foods Group, several groups Knsraetod JJJTJ £ flril FrW . y of 3 month, provides • aiogram of en tertainment for all m*mb« next meeting Will “Breakfast Call." the Newcomers Club, which me an the first and third Wsdneeday ef oath month. Mrs. B. A. Lynch is ehahrMUk I members. Its be entitled i/ The Bryan »nd College Art Group of about twenty members, In the raeDectU •very Wednesday. Mrs. Joe Meg ford te praaently acting as Social Club representing for this group The Swimming Group meets each Meaday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon at I a. m. In ths P L. Bawna Matalsnbm. OrgMlsatiaa oMh* Music Group will be r At the openlnf meeting of the Serial Hub a short business matt ing snd program will be followml by a aoelal hour to arguaint new other ititcrc*i gtoup* end their people with eld members ef tha shahrama are: Writers college *UfL Physics Students Will Use X-Ray Spectrometer Am X-ray spectrometer, employ ed to determine the fundametnal crystal structure Of materials, la being installed in the physics de partment at A. A M. it waa an nounced today. Dr. 3. G. Potter, pnysica depart ment head, said Lhiri the new in strument, developed during the war, probably would be used ex tensively by the agronomy snd civil engineering departments of the college for sod identification purposes, and that the geology de partment plans to employ it for study of crystal structure! Ths instrument determines the “lattice" or physical arrange as an' of atoms in crystals, Dt. Potter ex plained, “and, like MMM finger prints, no two materials have the same crystal structure." Positive identification of a substance may be mads by comparing ito Ibtttaa characteristics against those Ubu la tod in an Index. In operation, a low-power X-ray M* is passed through an amount of crushed eryetol, with the b«*m being diffracted through the cry* tol nnd forming a eharacteriatic pattern on the other side, A mow able Geiger counter than Seans' across the diffraction pattern and operates a rseardar, whose peaks and dips make It possible I* Inter pret the crystal lattice. When used hr*onjum-tioq with optical and infra-rad spectrometer already In operation, tha X-ray Instrument mahss It poMibls la identify praritealiy aay rah 24 4gpe Wives Of Baptist Church Meet, Plan Party Twenty . four members of the Winsome Sunday School ('Um, composed entirely of Aggie Wives of tho College Station First Bap tist Church, met In the home of Mrs R. L. Brawn for Its regular buslneea ,meeting Twaday night, Ortobsr IS. with Mrs. V. IV Ben nett, president, presiding. The meeting wee opened by sing ing the class aoni "Count Your Hleasings", after which Mrs. Brown passed out Invitations to all ladles present who had children, Inviting all the children and their mother* to a party whteh li to be given Friday, October II, at 4 p, m. In Mra. Brown’e home. The class which waa organised In February, 1146 voted to have a yearbook, and the committee hopes to have the books ready by Decem ber. After the buainaaa meeting, Mrs. W. F. Cox, Fellowship Vice-presi dent, conducted a social consisting a getting-acquainted gam*, a itest, and group singing. Mra. Charles Sewell won the prise of jack-a-lantern for making the moat words of food beginning with the letters in Hallowe’en. After the social, the hostesses, Meeds me* Joe E. Smith, BUI Kioto. C. B. Hilde brand, and J. Rogers Rainey serv ed refreshments of hot gingerbread with whipped cream, candies and hot tea. Exes to Sponsor Tournament For Junior Colleges one or Anyone desiring at 4-6619. more children. $jb jt aiu£ af the insurance eees- ■41 a Present plena cell for three perfermencee: e show at 1.title Aggieland at 5 Betarda) after- naan; snpther ahuw an the atoge af Geien Hell at 7:36 that night, end the dance in Sbiaa Mew Hall •t * Biggest hit of previous perform ances was the 6-girl can-can chor us, ’Fctaor Graham wrote to Tur ner. Featured in the group will be Jackie La ogham of Dallas, Jennie Hawthorne of Mexia, Katie Wisely of Denton, Fran Payne of Neva- sots, and Pat Purdy of Diboll. According to Leader Graham, the Dipay Doodlera, three students and a guitar, imitate the Ink Spots to perfection. e few novelty anrt'wrw at the variety shows. will play ’ MMNIa Shorthorns, Bees To Play Charity Game in Austin The Braioa County A. A M. Oub will speneer • junior college baa- ketball tournament to to held at A. A II, In February or Marah, Ted Moeee, secretory of the club announced Wednesday. C. N. Hielerhtr, flub president, will aMelnt a committee to work with Marty Karuw. Aggie basket ball roach, In etaging the touma ment among the 1' top toema In junior college rank*. Htelecher told club mea meeting Tuesday evening In the Girl Scouts Little Houee, he would appoint committoee to work witk Aggie coachea on sporta in general, to make a survey to determine the practicability, of the ctiib building ito own meeting houee, to conduct e membership drive among former students who are not member* at present, and to plan the annual party for the Aggie football and croaa-country teams. Holloway Hughes and A. C. Wamble will get the reaction other active former students’ clubs to adopting e standard pin to give former dub presidents. Martele Denaby was selected to look after refreshments at monthly meetings of the dub. W. R. Carmichael haa an extra ticket for the Thanksgiving game for which members will draw at the next meeting to be held Nov ember 26. ►r pure mid. The AAM-Texas freshman game originally scheduled for College Station, will be played in Austin this year. Under a new plan, the freshman batO* will be an annual charity game held the Saturday before the traditional Longhorn Aggie Thanksgiving Day classic. The freshman contest will he played each year at the school whteh will be the visiting team In the vanity game, la order that the AdM Texas football rivalry will he an annual event both In Austin and In College Station. Proesads above expenses In the freshman game will be atvan'lo the Ban Hur Ohrin# crippled chil dren’s clinic at Bracken ridgr H,>* pltal in Aaatla. Arrangements far the dm game were made by D X. 1 Longhorn ethtette dt rector, Homer Norton. AAM coach. Bible te a member ef the B« Imp Tam ale crippled children's eiiate eom- ffUlMPVt mllM iwUrwft m m MwlOTvi Airplane, Aerial Camera Given To A-M Forest Service by CAP An airplane with an aerial camera has been presented the Ttgas : Forest Service of A. A M. by the Texes Forest Petrol Unit of the (’Ml Alf Patml, W K White, director, announced yesterday. The rolleg^ in accepting the plan* end camera with which to combat aad detect forest fires, now has three plane* fur this purpose fully equipped with radio, The Texas Forest Unit of the Civil Air Petrol waa aet up tlurina the war ami was the only one of Its kind aft up' aperifkcally for aerial fureat work. Colonel l). Harold Bird of Dal las, wing commander of the Texas CAP unit, In preaenllng the gift, pointed out that "I have always been proud of our Te«e* fnrtet patrol authorities throughnut the nation and our U. S. army air fotoe officiate were much Hnprveaed with the technique* of our operation.’ The petrol was made possible by East Texas Forest Industrie* who provided the original funds for Its organisation end operation end It te through this original or ganisation that the plane wea made possible for presentation to AdkM Pianos will be based at Wood- ’ ville, Kirbyville and Lufkin, White stated. White also pointed out that 16 states now use the Texas organisation as a model for their operations. White said that “due to the fact that we are continuing to have nn excessive number of forest fires in east Texas and the drought still continues, the uee of this plane and- aerial camera are needed at * the pfueent time in order to help keep the fire situation under con trol and prevent excessive damage to the timber resources of, east Texas.” Prairie View Gets Experiment Plant Texas Experiment Sub-station IS the first to be operated solely by Negroes, ie being established at Prairie View A. A M. College and will be in operation by the end o( this rear. This experiment station, accord ing to George L Smith, Director »f tho Division ef Agriculture at Prairie View, will be a groat aid in edvaaelng scientific farming song the Negro fanners of Tax- The Initial groat af $10,000 will oovtr th# b§§|f taUblUhmtfii of the experiment station, and a re- • fund af $6,010 will ha avail able for carrying out research an currant agricultural production and niNfkt’tihif I'roMf'fti* Awarding to Imtth, the wtoome of the Seven Extension Members to Attend lutlook Meeting Seven representative* of the A. M. Extension Service will attend the Nations! Outlook Conference in Washington November 6-7, tile Extension News Service announc ed Friday Those member* of the Eitenekat servtee attending the conference include Maurine Hearn, vice-direc tor and *t6te home demonstration agent; Tyrus R. Timm, adminis trative assistant and economist, Florence W. Low, associate speci alist in home management; M. C. Jaynes, organiia'ion and market ing specialist; Gladys Darden, as sistant specialist in home manage ment; C. H. Bates, farm manage ment specialist; snd Bernice Clay- tor, home management specialist. Beprsasntntlvss to the conference will get n preview of the nation's food and fiber needs for 1046 and estimates on the supply of farm equipment, feeds, fertiliser and other items which affect agricol tural production. Forecasts on materials for build ing or remodeling farm homes home furnishings end clothing wil also be given at the conference, which te sponsored annually the United States Department Agriculture. After the meeting the outlook mfoi matron will be pasted on to Texas county end home agents and to farm nnd ranch families through county of district end ex aeri mental itteTii win amount of . _ ,JHBI A^ti 4a s Mg* a ^psa^n t'Or Wvim III %ll# IMltoiw. W> 1h* ft 111 h'm t t*<l Hubka Addresses ‘ Battalion Staff Katil Hubka, Bngiteh Instructor hers and former member of the ■toff ef the Daily DUrLI the Mere ties* e( that, U of Illinois publication to the sltoa staff teat night, Hubka pointed tut that dtf inn between the two • _# * km i ## w n. t 4^. •i hbv wmvwwmm* Vwiwiwvi and that ea«h effec- the particular The patrol unit in cooperation with Texas Forest Service of A. M., made 600 minions ia the forest fire, area up to January 1, 1644, end dropped 464 metoage*. Biologists Hear Plans for Year Plans for the ensuing year were presented to the H i.»gy Ch»b by Dr. Charles LaMotte, club tponeor, •t the second called meeting held Tuesday night. Tha biology film projector will be rented to ether clubs end or ganisations for a nominal far, members of the flab decided. Buddy Riefehelager, newly elec ted club nreetdent, presided, seria ted by Bill Lewie, vic*-prasldaal and program chairman. J Dtekari, semtary, Nathan Byrd, treasurer, and Dan Calhoun, elhlatk efftiar. Refreshments were served aad a biology film was shown to every, one w at!