Ti 4*6 *4^ '.r.< if ah,.... ***| ,y,Mo ^e'* ^^tenttu*A the sttnUiOi -' j.. / • '. our prices for s taUor-msde t « Muprlsed. OCR ' SL °0*ti- *****11 1 i ^loor ejc Coo *<»X • A G>/ij v ’ Hurd u. — ^ a ’H* r 7 ' e 0f ^ne s ^ :ond ietter V./ If'. TRINE srifwra. Broadway Church of Chiint ? P. O. Box 4«1 Psdncah, Kentucky ’ October 8, 1947 Mr. James F. Fowler, Minister A. A M. Church of Christ College Station, Texas Dear Bro. Fowler: mi*7.7 ! 1*1 '•• 1 Since writing you a few days ago relative to the first sermon of the series, I have continued preparation for other messages which should be of general interest to A. A M. students, profsasors, professional men and members of the College Church of Christ in general. In view of the doubts and fears entertained by some, and the need for a clear re-statement of the fundamentals of our fatfh for all, I wish to speak one evening during the meeting on the subject "WHY I AM NOT AN INFIDEL". , When you have determined the most appropriate evening for this message, in view of the schedule of students, you may make any formal announcement you deem advisable. Fraternally yours, wNssnurai //■ ^*Sdh'ii ; J- fflir 7’ . « et *0 0Qt ^ ^nojv 89 J . ..juateea. PERSONAUZED SERVICE ! . t , i > We plan your birthday party — sug gest favors — select sod wrap gifts for your busy mothers. JOYCE’S TOGS TV’ TOYS J • i- South College Avenue 1 t»lf r.-r-:- ^-;"r BE! v/iim rv W III 1 liCi I f for Good Iwd Cara ' T L Bryan, Tmtas i / Y/. , < • 7 -v . “••“•aao ^ rr *Of» w t 1 l Thu — is that u'wear you really like. Shorts have that patented Y-front construction. No bind, no cut, no squirming. Con- toured shirts to match. Hot your supply today! Shorln 9.V s hitu H'llll it