The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 29, 1947, Image 3

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P 0 R TO
wbdneiiday, cktorkh 21., 1047
P»f* 3
■by M**y COODWYN
Comparative Scores Prove Nothing
Toward Naming Saturday 1 ! Favorite
After havinc taken one kwk at
if^W WUlWn~tbe
n»»ted but quf«lion»!.|,. footb«l)
Kandleapper, we’re anxioualy a-
*»toni ♦bat tlw bonarMe handi-
^rjer*. pwodo-frtd experta, pan-
bWHUera. bookiaa and other ^a-
ed collectiona of forecaatera of
th>PMt famea, have to aay
»ut the A. A M. . Arkanaaa game
l ’* woek-end. Rxrludmf William-
who aeema to he quite aure
°f hiasirif on the game, thet*
Wema to be an element of doubt
^Deeming who ahould be favored
Jhen the in-and-out Afgies meet
the hot-an<l-c<>ld Porker*
‘ A'k \ ^
A glance at comparative acorea
produce* nothing but a headache
.and a <M point inaccuracy. A *4
point bulge ia pretty tremendoua,
' n thia upoet-ridden confer
ence, but the figure* speak for
toemoelve* Arkanaaa topped TCV
5? P°' n ^* * n< l the Frog* dump-
A. A M. by more making the
fit* appaar 32 pointa better on
paper thaa the Aggiea.
Then of course, the Aggie* rack
ed up a *4-0 win over Baylor, the
aame chib that two weeka earlier
had apillad the Porker* by eight
point*, which add* up to the same
fnaUgln of S2 pointa—only this
time* in favor of A. A M AH or
which mean* little or nothing, ex
cept possibly that football i* no
field for a mathematician, not even
Vyintamaon and hit fabled ratinga
Incidentally, speaking of Will
iamson brings to mind that Ulus-
triooa forecaster’s ratings of the
part week. Froan this angle, Wiil-
tamaon ratines stand as shining
examples of now a drunken idiot
would judge football teams. About
the only thing that looks right
from where we ait, ia regard to
the Southwest Conference, i* Will-
iamson'a ratings of Rice and 8MU
Hia rankings qf Baylor, Texas.
Arkansas and TCU
with a telescope
illiamson Ranks Baylor Eleventh
Even After Defeat by Aggies
Baylor csnecially, seem* to hold
dWPe Medal attraction for For*
t daster Williamson. He ratod Bay-
tenth nationally before the
Ina were dubbed by the Aggie*
w said dubbing. Baylor slid
•ii the way to llta. By William-
••na standards, fen Agfir team
hfeving Just polished Off Ifeylor In
# jywlfew »«♦»•, sull rates fp
IJb^ ht|M that fefenw t#«m.
If that'a an saampl* of mathe
JNfetlea fet work. wrVe only tun
tti be maMny In Kiigli^i.
Tefeaa’ Iwlng seledoit a« th* tap
INini_lh the nallmt for 4h< p«.t
/JWrtfel weeka, we nI«o aan’t
l| hMn Ihai wa don't Mmeede TeV
«l h«« « i.hsI, pneaikly great, ball
•ih, In fart, we wrr* one nt th*
Jir the Nwt i hamplonahlp, Rut th-
yrtf" pei^WWWlp to dale ret
f'"•l »« ImlWfeU a national
|wampl«n. The Teaa* defei
• levs rtimpat leaks
to (he fine
of Mat national champion*
jVegon and Oklahoma both puhr-
jured II for two tnUrfcdnwn*, the
latter team rulliag up enough yar-
dage to win sny milinary ball
S ame. And well go on reyi.H with
U predletlon tW Wilier and
ni. ; r t i*.iiml"ni* ''i 1 ’ 0 "’ 1
nw m rne ismvnvnnOTIWWwall
thi* week-end. Text* *till rate* is
the logical choice, from this angle.
to cop conference honors, big
iamson seem* to be forgetjtii
i . ” ——-Jng •
couple of food teams, .gamely
Michigan and Notra Dame, when
he sticks the Capital City boy* on
to P j
And |f there are any dlaeentera
remaining m the crowd, brethren,
Williamaoa'a foreeaat on the TCIK
““‘ lor game thia week end should
II all dotlbta. Flaring TCI! II
behind hia Baytye bty*. in
pm*'e, Willtamapa We> no ra-
rourao but to al* Ifc Irulmi ”to
l^miml oveb TClJ.’ , Frankly, w.
rant sew hna^ an o^and nonlng
iho TCU ltd W ii
Itwlcrdog to a Baylor doh
ktly mtpl aelompliahmeal hi
on* iomni
I’" 1 *' -r i
to note mi|i
There U on#
alaml Wllllamsi
• his week.'
He picks Arkensas ever AAM.
miwflng note
fwreiasia for
- llroetora of the Unghom'hase
for league memkMahlp In Ban^An-
iclu. provided an eighth riVy dt
^rthr^gne membership ban meet
league roqulrnnnto.
select your smart new '
r* i'*
5h Hit Vyti, Nmtlfei md
Viiw CMtkiN n Miki
nut Thi tat h MmiwI
TWil leak tharp—apd he
Nomey ahead la «*»- with
one of aur new AMgator i
Fear Man, fm rakb hail,
WHldfeMio.ll Matohleaa la
protertiva prueMt* "
•omionM wnh Impaeafebte
toHorifei aM high
•tvliito Tiy orm
Next Campus Tbaatrt
Saturday Crucial Bay in Southwest Warfare
I^QiniA flaaMe^s
Provide Answers
To 1947 Puzzles
Sjtajfcy. Nov«mber 1, will
probably be remembered An
the Southwent's ri*y of deci
sion when the I^IT foothtll
ieiwon finfelly akidfe to a halt
New Year s Day in the Cot-
tonjfowl. Saturday’s three
conference games will go a
long way in answering the
numerous puzzle*' built up
through in upset-ridden first
six weeks of the campaign.
Two undefeatod, untied teams.
£ «-£“j5SH2
odiat MuaUnga, Ungle in the Cot
ton Bowl in Dallas before a sell
out crowd of 48,000. Thia game
•nd SMD’s Doak Walker, the
Southweat's two best All-America
back candidate*, in the nation’*
number one game of the day. In
most quarter* it ia conceded that
the winner wiB go on to take the
conference championship and high
national honor* with the possibility
that the national championship
may depend on the outcome. The
•porta aenbes all say that it will
be the best game the year in
fte Southwest, and the 60,000 foot-
Sail fans who can’t get tickets
**etn to agree.
Other conference games send
AAM to Fayetteville to battle Ar-
kk^®aa, and TCU travels to Waco
to matt Baylor in a clash that will
toe one removed from the cham
pionship race. Arkanaaa is already
out of the conferenca race, but the
Rasortachs are always tough on
•rtr home sod. and their IP-It up
»t win over Mississippi lart gatur-
dfey indicates that they are play,
tog hall again. The Farmer* fan
a rugged afternoon with alimlna
tton from ronfwumi contention
atorlng (hem m the faee. TCU will
toMjaWy rat. a siifbt edge over
Baylor due |o the imureaalv* show-
uV . lhit 5t» MU" rtwlc th«
Imi twa Aaturdays. 1*1 a win by
Sartor would I* a maidered no up
Stor plays ••fi dwaten Tefea« Tarh
1* % W tonal clash.
aM Ike Owls shoukl get hack in
W,M **** »" K.Haider.
Hi to la the
S IMM this rear Tile Houalon cluh
». already lo.i two ronferoaiv
ashes, l.uti sltll fe |e.irM
mill team,
lish^aiimr Majorta
^ponwr Barbrniu
' fUP «bi th* -VedT „f
a get acquainted barbecue for fish
rr professor*, amt
W V rt P™** afternoon from
8:10 until T p, m.
Besides gittin« acquainted and
hying a good time i n general, the
afternoon was highlighted by sev-
era! spirited volley ball game*, the
last of tohid was almost called
hecauaa of darkness.
Following the volleyball games
cveprone helped themselves to the
hurbaeue which was eaten by the
light of a campflro. -
Odessa, Corpus Top
Schoolboy Elevens
Pallas, Oct »- wh_ texa*
, 'P® r ^ j wr,U r « Placed Wiehlta Falls
amt Odessa on an equal footing a*
the strongest high school football
team* incite state, the Dallas
Morning New*’ weekly poll dis
Od***n. defending state cham-
l»on had baan rated no. I team
for five straight weeks and Wichita
Frtla no f. Th e p^, ^ wwk
•bowed they had »*d for first with
•68 point* etch.
Corpus Uhristi nosed out Long-
V wa P 1 *** in the rilthig*.
whito Marshall waa fifth and
Bracken ridge (San Antonio) and
«ooae Crock tksi for sixth poai-
tton. Waeo, Arlington Heights
(Port Worth) and Amarillo round
ed out the top ton teams.
Hog’s Cagey John Barnhill May Stop Aggie* ] S, * ,is,i( * 9»w
A. A M.’a football team is boat ft.
Arktnwui John Rarnhltl ia a coach who to mightv atinav iwith itu.» • ..
‘ - awsum
gtoa gut Inside the Fork
tr’a ton yard line on thrsa
different occasion*, only
to ha stopped by the tight
Arkanaaa defense.
This strong lint was na
accident, far Coach Barn
hill believes to condition
ing; he had his squad run
over l.oon miles during
lart year's football aeaaon
to increase their endur
ance. He worked hia boys
so hard that they were
glad to go on ah out-of-
town trip—they got more
feat on the train than they
did at home.
This year la Barnhill's
second season at Arkan
sas. Last year he took
over an ailing dark-horse
team and piloted It into
Conference Co-Champions
and a Cotton Bowl game
in Dallas.
Ha waa catted to Arimn-
m. from tl). University totratod by the f.glro.
of Tennessee Where ha Statlslkfe ot IMPfegfert Ctmftr-
«... w—j *. *- ^ fence football *" m *
for the
One of Coach Barnhill’s
main asset* to Ms abiHty
was head coach In
Neytonds absence. In 1*41
hi. Tenntaaae team tost m lf not' ort/ iTVV^aY mirter’mlt Ar '* nM> •»raly prMfeing him.
only otto game whito wfe- that he's ftie heart and aoXof the ♦«• t*"* 1*0 yard* net
ning nine. Aggie offense. | 7» runs, Scott has made 38T
The big boy from Honda ha* f" * 1 - ^orft Walmstoy of Rice to
booted 46 times and averaged 40.0 ♦HB 8)1 on 46 carries.
* ^ 8P * Hiife despite me fact Hodrard Hughes ot Arkansas to 1
to get a team into mental lh * t ^ *Hray« aims at the eoffln th. punting £dt r tn actual ^var-
•hape for a game. Strong- ti, na% places the ye Wt, has kicked only five times
ly-fm-ored tic, ta*, Uli. b- !! "S* »» ^ »' * 5 1 ^ c'-Hf
out tost vear »i»« u B t ‘J 10 * to P P**»er Texas has 4L6 on IS. Rut Holl
u . t . ^ ?* r,n )“ “«»nd to Texas’ Bobby 1 mig ia the real leader.
Hoga held them for little Woe with 862 yard* on 31 com \ m
or no rain at Little Rock. Potion* ^ 7 & “tteaspu. Ha has
■ , \ u » f |V * touchdowns with*
Arkansas la “ ^ "—
good on the
»» voumaowna witn'
la especially “•
their home romptotod 34 out of!
k * .u- !®. ,0r . *•? ***• as one of thej
grounds with almost the
entire crowd their own
mpporter*. They also
have the advanUge of
making their conference
opponent* travel clear up
to the Oxarka on Arkan
aaa' ‘Toonerrille Trolley"
Notre Dame Regains Lead
In National Gridiron Race
-Notre Dame, still toying with the opposition as
, nu. * 'a* No. 1
(Wt* Mil
ll.!"”* 1 ?** **« >i”- • -iih' Amy, n. buk u No, 1
After giving the Irish second hilling to MirhWan for twn w ,. M k.
*5*;- "Sirriokll^
••Id familiar firsi-place ranking ! — w
—• - *nn> pnaa* running
ami dropped the wolverines to th*
ruruttr-up mtsliimt.
Mivhigan'a narrow squeak lit
Fttllliig it |«.fe vietorv from Minii*-
MM mil «f lha fire apparently
vnlcro' ealimallan of
the Wnlvrtditoa, Tito wnai eaten
alvfe weekly HI In many yearn
N ." th ' "•‘W' “I
1T84 (III lednia for n flrot-ttlace
Haltot, » fur scenml, a for third,
rt*'.l. tytohlgait'. tnial was llMM)
Tm»»« mufelnfeil In IhlH place with
ill* a* a result nf the Ironghnros'
triumph over Rlev,
Two new trnantv appeared afeimia
the lop lea with Houlhera Maiho-
dUi aM I)akt sappl.nllag Call-
forato and llllaoi.. HMU' a Mu.
taate cHaihed from 12th i* eighth
y • T4 win over Un. \ aM now
fare Teas* thia Halurdav lo decide
*ynhwert (onferenre lead.
Duke s 1.1-4 caaqaest of W she For
est moved the Mae Devils from
ISth to »th la preparation for their
• Wl1 ■‘■O-^rr
1.corgis Treh this week.
Army, atill smarting from the 21
to 20 setback by Columbia that
men their
•Med tM f todrts' non-losing strofek
nftai M games, tumbled from .lath
plaro to DMh ju.t « notch ahead
•4 Itllnols, Aaturdu; victim nf Fur
due Ultm.l* fend Muhlgsn collide
?„' h riu by ?• ht « "th*
Wile Ihls week, while Army draw.
mi apparent hroaihot In Wash.
Ingjon and Lee,
Teal" atondltif* wiih tatiM* fl*-
wroil «n » Id it « |
Jtoato (flrat place votes in pfereit-
Flslt tWi 1YR4
!: ter 1 IS!
4 fwtyyffefenlfe jlh HU
h. Mont hern Callfnrnta (•) iifell
? Ueortto Tech (I) MT
T./fehn Mute (t) . niftl
J. Bouthorn MotUiut r.M
•• Duke (|) m
11. Illlnola, 206; If. Virgin*. 1M
« Ir'&tK 7 *' i4 ’ r «li*"iia.
66; 15. Wake Forest, 61; 16. Fur-
17 L ® u '»**h* SUte, 86;
18. Alabama, 33; 1». UCLA, 28
W. Columbia, 27; 21. Texas Chris’
tian, 12.
wide open.
The reaulta of Monday’s ball
games show that the cellar dwell-
or* are out to beat the top ranking
. a V? Hiriller of the day was the
t®; 1 * rotory of Hart Hall over
• hard fighting Mitchell Rail team.
Taking a 4-2 load in the first quar.
ter. Hart held on to • narrow
lead throughout. The first half was
a rough scrimmage all the way.
JyJ by Leroy Bodeman and Mays,
Hart Han finished the half with a
f E ln 5;£t d ;. G ® uJn * b** ,n thf
fight Mitchell stfttrod dosing the
gap In the last two quarters only
to have time run out with Hart
HilHI ObI Hip IIPAnty nf Vwtr (Mr.
• • Poliiihitig.. U axin^
Complete Luhrieatum
Intramural Roundball in Final Stag's:
Cross Country Set for December 11
^Iromural basketball team* 2 points out in front High »cor-
Jith nr!. h -»' r J ,n * • fa * et °f p'ay ers for the game were Davis and
to Th^w T* till t>U> Ho ? k * r ®f Schell with 6 point*
wide no?^ h the and Bw <*‘n'>n *ad Pitt* each
Ptn - #e ® nn f 7 point* for the winner*.
An mspirod fifth place A Infan
try team scored a runaway 34.9
victory over the secon* place E
Field team. Fergus lo<b the win
nmg team both on offense and de
B Field toerofeaed a 4 point lead
f® bwit A Vat 26 to 18.
With tha lead switching back and
ftortti, C Composite finally took
Field 33 to 22 Leading acorar of
was Richardson of D
Field with 13 potot*. For the losers
Hodges and JaniM tallied 10 HnU
The 1047-48 Intramural Cross
Country Meet will he nm on De
cember 11. Entry blanks will he
mit the laat of this month with
the closing daU- for entries dua
liiN'rnibtr 8.
This is to remind all men who
plan mt entering tha meet to he
on their time and to work out ac
cordingly. ThU nieet i. espiN-ted
to be even tougher than last year’s
nMroMUUn will !•* imperstivo in
Und*(*rant School
Mwlinn Nov. 8-12
Th* annual meeting , nf (and
was announced May.
^Frrocntatlroa who
Iheir IndlvIdH fields Include:
F.C. Bolton, dean of Uto college,
C. N 8hepard*on, dean of agrirul
T ; ““"‘"r 0 ". dean of
Mta and actonces; H W. Barlow.
^B^ Pearson, dean of graduate
*L — PHONE 4-1124
CINCINNATI, Oct. 29 -tiFi-
The Cincinnati Rads baseball chib
announced today it had purchased
the rontrolHM interest in th* Tul-
?* ** M Texa* League, the
X* 1 ^•tUnal League outfit bought
71 percent of Die stock, it was
Stated. *
Wall bat yaw
I’J ** ^ K0U0W 0IOUN0 hUdfel,
••••FMaoady law to p*ut. wiM
ftvfe yav to* ktad •« ihavtof imMm.
Han yae’vfe keen laaklfeg to*
tha) "•feast they mmt §ht yaw qeXk,
«Uan, tort, economical ihavei.
TOU ar. toe ** ^
touted, return em to ut ond w* N tend
y«u ^ y 6 ,, jo*, money beak I Yfev win
•toec weyl Get e pm logs today
4 tor 10c • 10 tor Uc • 2S l«r Stc
.. end for real economy
50 *>• *!•*•> ‘I 00
Ro/ Hollow tyevad hoi the "edpe’
Ball High Plover
JFivsrm*. t«. <m »
5*5 SMMK
2 the eeaeon
TW Wdy tov keen retaeved la
LiT' - a death
r^Wfea keeea (bin after aeon
by fellew alhtotr.. Heaipel’a
ro *!! « L nrwt f,>0,han
fataltty to flitmtaa hlrtary.
yards _ w ^ ,
P****™ Ranking third J
behind Hollmig in th* eonlarenea
k Jack Price of ^ ‘ — -
Out of 61 for 32
Doak Walhemof Southern Math-
Mist continues tto lead the ball-
earners although Clyde Scott of
A sacAout* »s so
7 Jo on
fe tUATHO itt Jti JO
*U ties * j«7j «s
Is fUOmm 1300 HU*
•a "W Omm-w, *•*»•• m
•mm m mat m pat
O-e •• ***
Ww. Umni m
Bry’ga, Tvxm c
Lt 50
^A-BAillmna CfetoH up t«
40S mere hrltoent then toot* ef
ether Into.
"">i bHMence at lanf at toe paper
Mt. On Ihe everet*, 11 timet Fere
redttollt to todtofe tom, «ov*rament
•toodordt require.
tA)^tiw| # Th|» Ink ocbrelty
c! iet at h writeil Drtot up to 3 tones
r ,0, M Hum ordinory inks,
j 1 * impfovement
In 2 JO years! Bright as thfe piumafe
bird*—yet will not fade out
r weeks of intense tunlifht.
I5JM- TM*5 SUPPLY, 4 02.
• •tTk***....,,.,,
The Exchange Store
Serving Texas Aggies
Again! The Saturday Evening Post presents
one of the great inside stories of the war! *
General Patton’s
F** frml of thfe lilt (larowal
* l , iUtwt wfHItn whUa tto wm rflnwi lug
W* •tofini Kvmtpaan nim)Ml«n«ptimaa ttto
panonal rtory of brillUin vitiarv dteMto
whal ha larmc InarfoqtMla R fwoi
tha high rtmtmand In bin ••laa iaUy
America's moat conutul inldtor
talla yow lha inoide Kory of hie Itghlninf
raoa acroaa France ... tha Hattie of lha
Bulfa...hia impalianoa with Montgomery
•nd hia ocoartMUl UrnpirtifeiUi with
Eiaenhower and Bradley. Don't (Ail to
raad this bhint and candid journal by ana
of Uw gnatart mflilary BfuraaofaUtkka.
/ ». PATTON, JR.