The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 29, 1947, Image 2

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Aggieland Forever (Again)...
The letters we nuked for have befun to
cmoe In. Here U one:
"If I remember correctly, we had quite
a dUcUMion last spring on the name of our
winter resort, namely changing College Sta
tion to Ag|island, After a few feeble ea-
cum* the subject was dropped; but 1 can
amuro you, It was not forfoNML
"If there Is anything that can be done,
there am many of ua who wonld appreciate
tht'hMi,." r
(SI*nWI) R,.h Wc««lllff,
Tinker Ler
imefeld, *40.
U— . . /t ^
lauit year the Ratt begun a cam
change trie name of the city
t year the Butt begun a camnabrn to
i.*...,,* trie name of the city, poet office and
railroad station here. Regular resident^ of
the city were dubious, the ooet-office was
sheotical and the railroad uninterested.
Sole result of that first campaign wga
the insertion of the word (Aggieland) fol*
Late Batt-But Finally Made It..
lowing College Station in the date line on th«
front page of every Battalion. The KKr-
ville Bus Co. had previously beaten us to
the draw by labelling their buaee M Aggie-
land" when headed in this direction.
For a time, many students used as a re
turn address on their mail "College Station
(Aggieland)." That it aa far as the move
ment wont.
At the time the HatUHon was told that If
any official statements Were to be made, or
setion taken, It would be necessary for the
student body to present a petition. This was
never done, as other things (sic!) soon oc
cupied our minds.
So now we suggest to the Student Senate
that at their next meeting they diaeuas the
nutter, and decide whether nr not to take
a poll of students to see how many would
favor the change to Aggieland. how many
are indifferent, and fk>W many (if any)
would oppose.
i 1 ' Lettets
Btrrims THE IIOOKEm.
The Natfcxi Today
BKM HbBY—<>R ELSE! by tot-
H*n is tts latest ootWcttan of
Bsnckkysna, for ttoos of yos who
devoteM of Ute hit* pursuer
pre nonsense. Hers fol exam-
S , fend for your pUssere, is his
sous and spirited dsauneiatten
• (Down with Pigeons
PUsk nieidjf confeanoti
atons killwi RaapsUn (J’-
he telle the tralh
i who
sssusw* mses
of pigeons
end his fi
that he alo
Anise) ( hi
about ihondentomu; tekoa the
»sk for Hne-etand-
Yesterday’s Battalion was late in getting
off the presses. Terribly late. ^ »
Having been jinxed by the National Wit
ches and Necromancers Association, Incor
porated, The Battalion finally reached the
dormitories and post office about 10 o’clock
last night instead of the usual hour of 4 p. m.
Through no fault of tho editorial staff,
The Battalion was six. hours late. The staff
met sll deadlines; the paper was "locked up”
and ready to roll at the usual hour (12 noon)
toft the presS would not roll.
New "chases” (frames into which the
metal type is placed) made it difficult for
pressmen to adjust the Goss Press to accom
modate the inch-longer page. The new
frames allow 32 inches more news to appear
in each four-page paper.
Crew men in the print shop who usually
watch the clock when the Batt make-up man
is two minutes past deadline were nowhere
to be found. They had meekly crawled into
a nearby hole to avoid shouts of "deadline!
deadline!" coming from Batt editors.
The paper rolls broke no less than fifteen
times yesterday afternoon, each break caus
ing at least fifteen minutes’ delay.
When papers began rolling off the press
at 7 o'clock last night, there were no circul
ation men to be found. So two men worked
till the wee hours doing a five-man job.
After all is said and done, the Battalion
regrets the delay m yesterday’s publication.
It won’t happen again—we hoi>e!
'Outlaw Communists' Easy
To Say But Harder to Do
We Wouldn’t Dare Suggest...
We would hardly dare suggest that Ag-
gllpi.try this on a football week-end.
But veterans at Kent Htate University,
Ohio, tried it and got awsy with It.
measured the heijjht of girls’ skirts
from the floor, and put gold stars of approval
on the foreheferi* of girla whose skirts were
UMl fMttfh to (ttss.
Of the few married women checked at
Kant, all conformed to the standards set by
the chairman of the skirt'committee, but
fftw of the co-eds did. In fact, thsy started
a counter-movement to bar datee with men
More Scientists Needed...
work at A. A M. But we will continue <"
frown, eourly, at every lovely Isss who con
reals herself in six yards of black muslin.
law the Communift party”, says
the witness. “That’s how to get rid
of Communism in this country."
All around the big hearing room
people — but mot all the people —
nod their heads
yes, y«s.
For two days
It’s been like
that at the un-
American acti
vities committee
hearing on whe
ther there’s
Communist in
fluence hi Hol
One witness
after another
Jsaws SteSsw [ h«s climbed up
on'the stand,
talked about Communism, and then
said: "Outlaw the Party.”
It’s easier to talk of outlawing
the party than It is to do it. Out-
tsw It how?
Seeking a definite answer to
that question, this writer called a
number of lawyers hers and In
New York, lawyers inside mid out
side the government. They are men
who are specialists in civ
end liberties,
Bunched togethei, their ans
wer was: "Ihsl’s s 1*4 question,”
They didn’t agree on how h
courts up to the Supreme Court
And the high court might decide
that trying tfe outlaw a political
party is unconstitutional and can’t
be done in this country.
Even so, where the Communist
party was outlawed by name, the
Communists could easily adopt
some other tisme and carry on
their wort, fighting through the
courts any attempt to interfen;
with them.
One thing to remember is this:
The constitution guarantees the
right of free speech.
Editor, The BatUhon: >
I am writinc this letter to the
Editor not in criticism but for By MRS. W1LNORA B. ARNOLD
help. Header's Adviser
How many Aggies are planning
to invite dates to the Thanksgiv
ing game this year? How many
Aggies have the necessary tickets
and room resarvattona for their
dates? The demand is great, but
the accommodations are small, I’m
Tbs sthletk department confi-
dentialiy announced when question
ed as to ths likelihood of tlcksts for
our dates, "Hmmm- maybe
The room situation la even w
Many of ths loeut lestrianta
rent room* for ths home gs
are expecting guests of their i
during Thansagiftng, Must of the
remainder have already reaei
their moms for Aggie dates
The housing office d«ieen’t expect
in provide dormitory spam unless
the demand la great enough
I hose students who have not
fiwnd moms for their dates
the Tex*, game wmild dmp
Knom KM), Goodwin Hall, and re
ouest dorm space, I’m sure the su
t nor it ln» will see fit to provide
(Kd. Noie: In order to obtain
alt estimate of the number of
dstes expected for the Tbsnks-
giving game, the housing office
is accepting advance reservations
from students. Vs yet nothing
definite esn be said regarding
the use of a dorm in which to
house guests.
B. Ownby, business mana
ger of athietir*. said yesterday
that a very limited number of
date tickets would he placed on
sale before the Thanksgiving
game. Further information re
garding the sale of date tickets
will be announced later.)
‘Benchley or Else’ Is Pure
Nonsense Fro* Soup to Nuts
> it
Hitler. It mewls
fe few courugious
thought the
worth si
operations of
College View Will j
Have Gravel Path* *
School in Number
nrollees - 4261
ivil rights
Will th« United BUtes run abort of
Hclenttat* in the near future? John R. Steel
man, presidential assistant in Waahington,
thinks *o. In fact, he thinks that the aitnation
?rous to the nation's security, and
a national system of aoholarahips
lowihipa to keep potential scientists
|yen after the GI program is
At A. A M. such a program would no
doubt involve the shifting of some students
from engineering courses to the scientific
cwriculum. This would necessitate building
I up our "pure-science” departments to'the
saine level as our applied courses. A small
start has already been made in^hfa direction,
with the physics department an excellent
example of what can be done, not by tearing
down the engineering program but by sup
plementing it.
At the same time, we would have to
• bloiden our program in the humanities, if
we want to produce scientists who under
stand what they are doing, in relatioa to
oilier functions of the world.
Steelman’s report said such important
v science projects as the atomic energy pro
gram have had to be reduced, and a major
armv program on guided missies "is only
tlirw-quarters staffed.”
"There is scarcely a large employer of
rimarch investigation who does not have
I Motions which he cannot fill, or which he
mtist fill with scientists less well trained
tfytn is desirable." Steelman said.
; A larger and better science program
students who failed to wear shirt, tie and
Judging from the king skirts worn by
most Aggie dates at games here this year,
none of them yvould-pa** any such standard
as Aggies set up. On the other hand, most
of the veterans wives would. (There's a
reason. Money.)
We’re sfraid mighty afraid—that such
a! skirl-measuring campaign iust wouldn't j
will cnntHltie to «ould U dims They sll point»4 etrt
that thv Hupr«m« Court might
throw out a law hanfifox thr party.
Thv answrrx of ihm< lauryvrt,
snntr of whom admitted they afr
iniBtltd about th* wholr huxinrxx
of outlawing the Communist party
arv given here:
1. Congress might try to pass a
law not only banning the party
bat Making membership ip it
S. The Individual stale* might
try to crash the party by outlaw
ing it and mAing membership
in it a crime.
The states might claim they had
_ | a constitutional right 41 BhIsI
pand and improve facilities and equipment what political parties can operate
for schools, colleges and universities is the
solution for the problem, Steelman concluded.
He listed these problems and suggested a way
they can be overcome.
1. Declining revenue and increased en
rollments have created financial problems
for many teaching institutions. He proposed
that new sources of financial support be
found so school* can pay better salaries; ex-
and increase teaching staffs. j ln their territory. ■
2. It is estimated one half of the ablest . 8
high school gradqjttes never enter college, < wrtv to lowur
because they lack finances. And 12.4 per election«u unless it htJprev
cent of students drop out of college because '«u*i> won. My. SMM votes
of lack of money. Steelman proposed a na- * 1**1 elrrtlon -
tional system of sc
, On the UP wire in California
IflOCKV FHre-flfhtert today patrolled tha
imbf ft brush and timber fire which black-
< ni d mors tKkn 20,000 padrea baCoitJfiic
bumight * m
and fellowidiips
to finance able students and continue federal
assistance for them after the G. I. bill, which
aids student veterans, expires.
3. The war caused greater emphasis to
be placed on the development field in science
and less on basic research. The report rec
ommended a broad program for the support
of basic research in colleges, with federal
Explaining this third point, Steelman
said basic research is the search for funda
mental knowledge about nature and the
principles that govern Us operation. Applied
and developmental research directs these dis
coveries toward definite objectives.
Thus, he said, the discovery that an atom
can be split was made during fundamental
inquiries into the nature of the atom. Ap
plied research created the atomic bomb.
(It) (
the birth of triplet*. The reporter
The Communist psrty has navvr
won 50,000 votes in any state
Total membtrship in the party Is
probably not more than 100,000 al
though many more people than
that, in sympathy with Communiats
might vote for their candidates.
But then this would ct-rtainly
The Communists. Outlawed
the state or federal governments
would certainly fight through the
PORTLAND, ORE. Oct. 29 -<*i
—The stars of British and Ameri
can golf were warming up today
ngineering Leads:
tional Ryder cup matches.
Members of the challeaging Bri
tish team arrived this morning land
most of the ten United States’ pro
stars, who will defend the gold cup
emblem of golf supremacy, are ex
pected by nightfall.
The school of engineering leads
number of students enrolltd
with 42*1 out of a total enrollment
of 8418 for the college, according
a release from the registrar's
office. The school of agriculture is
second with 22*7, followed by the
school of arta ami srteaces with
The department of geneml agri
culture heads all others with 1824
enrolled. The mechanical engineer-
ng is second with H*l,
A breakdown of the enrollment
by rlessee shows i nwkm and
fifth year students, 15*7; Janlor*
120*1 sophomores. woii/rfoAtmin,
111 11 special students, It, The
graduate school has broken pre
vious enrollment records'with 3ft3.
I, bemoans the wreek of the
inlsy paper, end settles the reil-
id neiMf problem. Here alee
la shrewd advice on how to stop
hieeoughs and how to deal with
people who greet yon over the
telephone with, One minute, pleaee.
Bui for sheer eMllenmnt wo ro-
commend Mr. Benchley on his en
counter with Truffle on the hoof
Pome sty mot It MHn'a certain
type of peroon to fin* such humor
wmesinf—We always wonder how
that statement la meaat, but al-
most everyone will enjoy relax
ing with three little feme by th<
man whom Stephen Leacock call
ed "the moat finished master o
the techaique of literary fun it
LEK. Edited by Gerev 8. Gawer
nits. .. | |
Thr bomb that exploded at Hit
ler’s headquarters on July, 20, 1944
marked the end of a secret war.
! he leaden of the German under
round, sure that their attempt
it<l succeeded, betrayed themselves
| to the watching (a-supo Many
thousands of men lost their lives
and it was only bv a miracle that*
Fabian vton Bchlahnndorff escap
ed. Hie was one of the leaden af
a large group whs plotted,again*
Hitler dpring the war and twice
attempted to kill him and set up
a new government
' It is a thrilling story he has to
ten, and only hint* of it have pre
viously reached tha public. It la
a story of conapirmc; ’ and intrigue,
of narrow aacapea a ul breath-tak
mg chance taken Ini a country at
war, full of Gestapo agents.
This la a book baaed Upon the
personal account of one of the men
who nearly succeeded in killing
i ten oners chairs
i hi Oaten Hall.
One hundred and <
m mm aa
lave been installed tn the asuin *
Ay room of the YM0A, acoirdlng
M. V Gaakloo, general secre
tary of the YMCA. r
The seat* are covered with red
leatherette and have applied up
holitered mohair Irnrh with the A
M College liutgna an the end
fumllhed the < hairs
and are taking In mam the over
stuff, d furniture ln>m the cabinet
mom af the YMCA, The fumitura
via Hi rewerhad and placed in
tha lounges of Dottns • and 10.
rum' aattkday
Miser mom
Vaughn to Head
Panhandle (Huh
J. D. Vaughn, Tulia, was elect
ed president of the Panhandle Club
at a recent meeting. Elected to
serve with Vaughn were D. E.
Home, Plainview, vice-president;
J. Scott, Borger, secretary-
treasurer; C. J. Maisel, Borger,
social chairman; R. K. Gilchrist,
Pampa, reporter; and “Slim” Rob
ertson, Plainview, sergeant, Lat
Plans for Thanksgiving and
Christmas parties were made dur-
ill he
m-O-M*! nn*ft aitelmwe
n*A as
the meeting. Meetings will
on the second and fourth
Thursday of every month in Room
123, Academic Building.
and the best in—
>ud father galled up the Balt Lake
ihl Tribune editorial department to
under control
rrtd It xxx 2(1,000 aersa.
In 2nd line abv
didn't quit# caUh the m«Mfe and aaked,
"WUI you repeat thntr Prood pnMnt re-
plied: "Not if 1 can help It!"
New gplpntrat of
Fall and Spring
Your Rxi luatve Fabric
fee** eesi n Bryan. Texas .... ...»
The Battalion
r* n The Bettalion,
of (teilige Station,
newspoper of the Agricultural and Mechanical Coilago of Texaa and tk# City
. is published ftvv timas a week and circulated every Monday through Friday
i, except luring holiday* and examinattea period*. During the summer The Botulion is put
ml-weekly.j Sabacription rate 14 per school year. Advertising rates furnished on reqtmak V
, Goodwin
may be mad,- by ulephone (4-4444) (
Claasifiod ads may ba placed by telephone (4-4324)
in Hall v \
or at tho editorial office, Room 201, ( oo<i
or at the Studeat Activities Office, Room
Member of the Associated Press
, The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for re publication of all news dispatches credi
ted to it or act otherwise credited in the paper and local newt of spontaneous origin published
Rights of
icpublication of all other matter herein art also reserved.
tte A«t ef i
fmaa ate
I. IK*.
Associated Collegiate Press
v» . ^ ixmtftrtmallw kw Vmftii^ml A J-
vertlsmt !»«.. a, New York OW.
ckkeew te* a—slw. sse Sss rrsactsco.
Opm lift* P.M. — 4-llftt
vouft NCART H
f wex CIENN IIUEIoeousm* 1
|| 20a, cmmarr roxm
rsyr- BlMk. (tek* SteW. J. T. MUter.
r*m seiim j *** si
tx»s Ar,hur Swee*. Uvnr OwOwr*. *a%
IbmW trn tsMul. Henhdl SW*r »I-»U Writer*
rl W. g. CoHUN. L. Gr«T Cwiow
U*n> Mores*. Kranrtk Bote
a. p. SrtMa Jr, Bewste tesem
— Plus —
rtew C artnoa — Veers
Featurea Start >
2:45 - 4:4* 2:25 • X 1ft • 1*
Doable Fenian-
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ItV Shifrt and t ull!
It Hub a Hood!
Just what you want for atadium-wear
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GENIE — Manager