/ , t .fT »• * it's Cooking? | VAMKRICAM VKTKRANB 00 M- Austin club, 7*jo ».«. Room 108, Ac* It October 8S.1 _ tOMY SOGETY MEET, 7i80 p.m., Tuesday, AI Building. I AND BUSI- MEET, 7:30 p.m., Chemistry Lecture Room. CHEMICAL 80- ENT AFFILIATE f, 7:30 p.m., Tueeday, Chem- AiU^LETEAM MEET. 7:»0 p.m., Werioeaday, Indoor Rifle The largest Electrical 6 Store la Bryaa— . Oome ta tnd m* ua for lam tr email appHancea: Radkia Electric Itmm, Sta- icat Lamp*, floor Lamp*, Pronto Cooker*, Coffee Maker* • ■ • •ad many other uaefula UNITED /r APPLIANCES, lac. 7m LROI WOMAN’S POTIAI, , I p. Friday, Lounfe of Sbiaa Hall COLLEGE WOMAN'S SOCIAL CLUB, I *. Friday, Loanfe of Sbiaa Hall CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH, 4^p.w., Thursday, Academic, Room CONVERSATIONAL GERMAN, 4 p.m., Friday, Academic, Room -jDENTON COUNTY CLUB MEET, foHowing yell practice, Tharsday, Goodvin, Room 303. HOUSTON ASM CLUB MEET falknrinc yell practice, Tuesday, vac*. .. AT NEWMAN CLUB nuttinf W< neaday in basement of St. Man Chapel at 7:13 p.m. Joe CutHnan reporting on National Students Association conference. COUNTY CLUB, NAVARRO Thursday. PANHANDLE CLUB MEET 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Academic Room 123. - POULTRY SCIENCE CLUB MEET, 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, YMCA, Reading Room, J. 8. Mogfonl. guest speaker. SADDLE k SIRLOIN CLUB MEET, 7:10 p.m., Tuesday, AAI Lecture Room. SOPHOMORE CUSS meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday night in As- •emhly Hill. US Department Of Commerce Agent Visits Campus By W. M. HVTTS “Facta are the greatest raw material* in the world, H ac cording to £1 Ray Martin, buaineea consultant with the U. 8. Department of Commerce, who interviewed students at the Placement Office Friday afternoon Anyone who has entertairtH himself with dreams of a business of his own should look into the display of literature at the place ment office, made available by the department of commerce, through the recent visit of Martin. There is a series of booklets to answer the need for sound and use ful information on establishing and operating many kinds of Small businesses. The facts they contain are current and fundamental. Some of the ideas and informa tion available through the publu- ■ervice and publication* of the de partment of commerce would be difficult to obtain elsewhere; of ten being considered trade secret* by those in the business about which information is being sought. The placement office contains biMiorraphies of deeds of useful business | Uon*. and order blanks for their proruremfat OFFICIAL NOTICl! The Battalion Pat* 4 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1947 1*41. S UMi moat W plainly mariuS "RMa CwMtfwttaa at (VaaMaad OUT OMw aa4 WaraOaaM far U» City af Coliaot How.** TV saaraaafal MMar will V fw la aatrr latu s euntrart »Kh tV City Caaa^il a4 tV City a4 OsBm* ~ Tasaa: fcowavar, Um Chy Can aril Harass IV rW*l to raisst any and all MSa. A casWar’a or aartilM aVck. VaaS V a Taka* Bank. payabW without rarwursa to tV ordar af Krao>t Uaacfard. Mayor of tv car af CoUaeo Btottoa. Toaaa. V aa amount not lam than ftoa <*%) por aaat af tV laryaat yaailkli total tod. CLASSIFIED ADS ATTtdmOM iMMMWMt Oat nngtomr. m.th rVrt SI the Isri Bii, ... saf VrerLtaJ u ARTMi Tr bar StouMAase w«d«» «r to htryyW. ttorat. L. A. Ayt will i sad laatrartkm* to Mddm. A aarfomaaro band, la aa aaaoet to Oar Hundtod |1M%) yar rant to tV roa- srt yrtoa will V rtealnd. Attoatlaa la cmUad to tV fad that not si thya tV mtatmass way* ratoa yrt- ilUay la tV laaallty In wfcirk tV aroth 1s sarforawd for work of a atoillar rlmr- rr. and not Mas than tV yaaaral yro- valltns rate to yar dtna waaa. to Mmi holiday* aad aotottm* work, ahall V yaM to ail laVrari. workntra aad amrVaMa 1 -i im. * - ■ .tVi _/ a. kl . waaipmiy^ni iii v**w —rn jMMyiic work*, aad tv follow lay b IV yaaaral yiwraitoy rato to tV Ctty to Colbya Sta- . Braaoa County, Tosaa: Wf offtr you our Mptrl . , . UNIFORM ALTBRAT10N HER VICE CAMPUS CLEANERS • t * % —RODEO - (Continued from Pag# I) thy he i far shaved a blunt through a ml Die the tried Vo NMieete •Meitri U awarded tV eootraet. aa a yaarsato* ■mat. toa Uddar U • utti > IAS S COMPLETE RADIO REPAIR Quality Service at a Minimum Cost ~ v :.L • ONE DAY SERVICE • Floyd’s Radio Shop Located at Loupota Trading Poet -r 4i- * — COME IN for ALL KINDS SCHOOL SUPPLIES College Book Store North Gate front man's pocket In the stern position n few drops of milk ami eatrlenty the vnws hoof from his boot at the Mm# time, the boys on lay guitars broke inta an arrangement of ’The Milk (km mm? ■ - The final event was, as always, the Brahma Bull riding, perennially the roughest and moat dangerous of Mm event*. Running true to form, the event ended with almost as many Injuries ns rides. Dr Schrode, the MMlng prof of the A. H. department was one of the pre-performance favorites, and proved no dtsspointment in his riding ability, but the bull he drtgr evidently never read hi* press notices. He rode the big square bull the full tisse limit and then some be fore lookimg for a convenient place to abandon his moont, but as he leaped sff, he accidentally tripped. feU. and the bull whirled and charged him. The Brahma passed over hito in ■ cloud of dast and a tangle of arms and legs, to the accompaniment of screams from the stands. Aa the bull was lured away, and the stretcher bearers grabbed their Utters, the good doc tor calmly got ap, doated Mmaeif off. and walked away aieaUily up bin points toward top *7. 91 wot r i* tuti a Patotom i.kMUM I* t«et* l«ia ET Vss Year’s First Cadet Corps Review to Be Held Wednesday, Infantry Drill Field Th« firat Cadet Corpa review of the year will be held on the Infantry Drill Field behind Duncan Hall at K ». m. Wed nesday according to an announcement by Colonel of the Corpa William L. Brown. . Thia review will be held in preparation for the Thanka- givlng Review which will take place during the week of the AAM Texas U. football game, which due to the annual Thanksgiving Bon fire, will be held on the Infantry Drill Field in place of the accus tomed Field Artillery Drill Field, Brown further stated. The Corpa will form in front of their dorm* and march down Throckmorton Street toward Col lege Park, forming with companies, BatUlons and Regiments in line facing east toward the Houston highway. The reviewing stand will be lo cated directly aouth of Duncan Hall and facing west toward Kyle Field. The corps will march past the reviewing stand accompanied by the composite band and con- tinua up the route of approach. Guidons, colors, and sabens will be carriad, and the official uniform will be number two, khaki with HcKXNXIR-iALtWtW •-uni 8UM rot. be purchased at the Exchange Store. , Tuesday night after yell prac tic# Corpa staff officers, regimen tal staff officers, and regimental commander* will meet in Room 307 of Goodwin Hall to receive in structions as to staff procedures at the review. Research Projects Being Undertaken alto** 4to>i»Vi munm In •hort- WMAMgMSHHktf toSfcsl atilt. ^m*ni, wnn mtomw^ms * wsj pur** Dial t-SSSS, Break. Tscs*. FOE SALK: Fear tirss aad tuV* SSSa IS. Bw Frank Baton* ItoMa 1«. Otons IS. Lack's Auto Stores JOB FAULK 32 Whtaw Bike MoL.nt Bioyele SuppUea Southgate College Sta, 4-114B 217 So. Main Itofto* raawra la V to saw !■ VitoUar *wu7» RrtMeto. tis-ll. National Recreation Aaso- arehery la “rapidly popularity” ia the V L.&M. Food Market FREE DELIVERY . COLLEGE STATION Ph.2-6189 I- I All rommlaalonad cadet officer* will wear whlta glove*, which can Two research projects in toil mechanics and sanitary engineer ing are being undertaken by the Civil Engineering depart ment and tha Engine# mant station. Monty was appropristad by the Stats legislature ment and lal members of the department. jointly depart- Engineering Experi- appropriated by the lure for tha anavi- being aupervised by tha Civil Engineering IMS IISI raeto to pi to B«»*e itfeHtlk# to (to aw«to«Mk MtoUkt ••• to. tosilkf totototo St S M eswed HMto iHSi Bto .♦*>( per sake*. sM tokiHflk# seriaiff ever s peftod set MMHlika hftoea llli rears (»•<**> iM» Ssto -Fisas M pm *4 Oato tk* (HfUe to I totke nir to CtoWa* « im tototot to tt.tt •• S *«f» tedim to Mto. Tto CM* wilt awk. krrai toes Met to eMato* r tto ('itr. Measaar •usrsnt** to t aetoweta tor tto FfltltfBFtolF Mt t||BplMMP »f Ito eerreate to«*te awetieato st eel Isa. ttok mC, tad tto MMtrartar «wt aeto. to deliver tto wsrraato at seek ertr* te tto perm *Hk wtow tto CHr to* aied. «m* at. raeceatokt*. RHNRST LANGFORD Mayor, Ctty to CetNe* Station. Tran. StudentH Return From New Mexico Harold Heady and David Wilson, students in the Range and Fores try department, returned list week froip U** Cruces, New Mexico, 1 where they attended as delegates i The Ranch Day meet. . About 4&0 ranchers and technk j cal men from Arisona, New Mexi co, and Texas attended the meet. ! Results of experiments on brush When the stock were driven back to the the rigging carefully JkitanxSU CAFETERIA FEATURING DIHHKH OF INTERNATIONAL FAME aid tha boat In—- ROUTHERN AMERICAN COOKERY Den*. collected, knd the arena lights went out, there were two thoughts in everyone* mind, first that it was a rodeo to be proud of in a state famed for its contests, and second ly that next years version would be bigger, rougher, and better. In the words of Bob Crosby, one of the state* real old timers and top hands, “You can quit drinking, and you can give up smoking, but once you've started rodeoin', you’ve got a lifetime habit!” and production of livestock on the range land were discussed during the meet For MODKL \lltri.\SK M TPI.IFS •l'»ni-N Sporting (iimkIh Mli;i S. Main Brwui l h R v HOUCK’S vf-l , Hand-Made Boots v Are made to order to please the moat exact ing cattleman. Rodeo Performer, or casual Fall Set . . . Md ant for fall la t b I« 4 o f t fkttPrinK hairdo .,, with lustrous soft rurls hmtlwl for th» top I I'hone 4*93M for a|i|Nilntmpnt. VOGUE BEAUTY SHOP East Gate \ 4 -ALSO- i A Very Nice line of Stock Boot* at L i * 'I - HOUCK'S BOOT SHOP North Gate — College Station JACK’S PASTRY SHOP FULL LINE OF CAKES AND PASTRIES Cone in for HOT DOUGHNUTS, . after 3 P.M. \ North OiU -IP10IAL- |v%.90 Dewuld Radio #2 UMI \ • ' 4 New Shipment of Akmi (lock* ♦ w% ^ * * Taylor's Campus Variety Store North G*te v CORKY ♦ HIIRB CLOTHES Are “Uie Wimt rrnwmnblr” I'Hlown, we uiMlemUiul nlNNit imif prieen fur • yntill lie Minirioeil, Ihe ollUfttkHi—iM»k Iwlkir mtMle wilt— SEE H. L WHITLEY, JR. for Good Used Cars Phone 2-7009 Bryan, Texaa OUR RtXXlAN “the Httrre of I'emoml Attention*' / 11; Oirky • Hurd r.l«lhrs " It 2 Blocks North of P. O. College Station A FREE 7 . 1ST PRIZE . PHILCO 1218 Radio and Phonograph Combination Eleven tubes with advinced-FM tube. New Philco deluxe record changer Drop penel mechanism Fentherweight tone arm with permanent Jewel Three tuning bands OT.95 value 2ND PRIZE Estate Home Freezer 6 Cubic Foot Capacity. Selective control for quick freeling and storage temperatures. Holds 300 lb*, frozen food. Unit hermetically sealed in oU . . . require* no litmtlon ] $269.50 All yon need to do for aa opportunity to win three beautiful aad useful prise* I* to bring your car or track to our nervier department for a FREE iimpeetion aad register. Remember—it cunt* yon nothing—juat . . . . < “BRING IT BACK TO CHEVROLET CONTEST CLOSES OCTOBER 31to-DONT DELAY-COME IN TODAY CORiniSIER CHEVROLET CO. Mala at 20th 21376