A . - Layne-W alker Duel Top SWC Williamson's Ratings WlUlamaitN, l>. ft* A*M V Bi hatiirti rial Uamii nvir»»l tlajfW Artwnna* la in TOw It WmM t’SC, Vlrfihla, ai moved up into the , 1. Toana ..i.-j-.u.. 1 Michigan U Pennaylvania Tech 10 Penn 3. Ponncylva 4. Ooorfia 1 6 8. ML U. 9TJ tr: $ »4.a 0. Notr* Dame 1 9KJ 7. Vlrghila 1 M.7 8. L 8. U 94.5 ». So. Cal. & .... ^ .I.. 94.0 10. Penn St&ta 93.9 Upaeta were the rule of the day rather than the exception but the survey managed to maintain an 83 percent for this week. Not only dM Army finally Ohtp ita 14 lame winning atreak. (Mi llUaole, lay- M »i|l f^mtl^^rnaatM llmlr icir, ■nn a ■iiMprni* %nwir unbeaten wreath. Callfomla’a leaa to Southern Cal. waa notice hie mainly for Ha I8*14 aura. * the eloae akave department, the Little Brown Jug tueale be tween Michigan and Mlnneeota wai a Ut t&kitar than the eiperta pick ed; Michigan won by 4 pointa. SMI’ just went ahead of UCLA by a TD and eonvenioii in another tilt that w«» anybody * game. Thm week’* addition* to the top ten were Virginia, LSU, Southern Col., and Penn Stale. The Trejaga took the biggwt Jump, all under their own power, ae they skipped from 18th to 9th position. All the other place teams arrived in the •elect circle by virtue of other teams defeats. Ayn^'ilker Duel Saturday Aa Texan Meets SMU S fiat to II on O P 0 r R T a TIIRHIIAV. OCTXmmi M. IMT r*s> i , A Aga, Hogs Vie for 22nd Time Two Free Ticket* For Winner* ,. Quarterback Club Contest Blank The contestant who comes ckweet to guening the exact scores of the games listed below will be awarded two reserve seat tickets to the Texas A&M-SMU game to be played at College Station on November 8. This contest will be run weekly in the Battalion during football season in coojieration with the quarterback club. The winner will be awarded his tickets at the regular meet ing of the -Chib on Thursday night, November 6. - 'i Texas A*)( , (ismes of November 1 vs. Arkansas Texah U,. DALLAM, TEX., Get. 8* Hobby Uyne of Tets* and D«nk Walker of Southern Methodist Will duel her* Bnturdar and the man wh« produced both of Ual all-Americas My you know dam well whom he will be root- mg for. 11. N. (Rusty) RomoU, an Ahc Lincolnesque man who stands for football offonse, declam ho quite happy to see Layne so a cessful “except when plays Texas." Back in the early forties, Russell Was head coach at Highland Park high school of Dallas. For two of thorn years, Layne and Walker were teammates. • winning rombi- r.ation in the Highland Park back- fiold. Layne graduated in 1943, and wont to Texas. Walker carried on In 1944, and became an all-state player as had Layne in 194t|H Then Russell moved to Southern Methodist University as assistant Coach. In 1946 he watched Layne and Walker duel when S. M. U. met Texas at Dalla*. It was pretty much of s stand-off as each star red for his team. Texas won, how or, 12-7. Walker entered the Army in 194* but he returned this season and Saturday Walker and Layne will put on their final duel in college football “It should be a colorful event," -serve* Russell. “But I’m going ON KYLE FIELD ■™_ — By PAUL MARTIN Texas, Michigan Hold Natlon'i Lead As A. & M. Advances, Baylor, Rice Slide Arkanaaa Favored n Saturday (llaali Mi.ua aaata (teaek ltu*i»r n's Tsibi Allies ytitet s mtest M the uhdonlogs In enonirtf rlMh wHh tteon In Fsyette- rdk the Cadets f*ee a team WMaiHMy MflMf fur the th* This past week-end proved mnfte crucial than at first supposed 4b the Southwest Conference teams. With only two conference hattlae, for honors shaped up more rapidly than usual. Rico was eliminated from Ute conference l • ve *ovmro4a»mg*»*****♦*•«« ii*v *nt* v». va. va. Baylor Tex mm Toch j vt*«o«^r»tv|vvetervote Hoom **rvnet»f*fv»o»***w*t*et*«oee setspsteeee**»**•* k. r, 0, Box •%*stttst*t»|k*»vs»t«*sM*oetf ACCURATE REPAIR SERVICE Wofk Guaranteed McCarty j k w e l >: K North Gate ■WAY'S Smirk llnr 'I TASTY RANPWICfUCB • FOUNTAIN t DRINKS It / Open 11 a.m. — 10:00 p.m. North Gate M> be yelling for Walker to get the job done. Bobby is a fine boy but for 18 minutes Sslurday he won't havo any barking from me " But you can't got Russell to say which n# thinks is the hotter foot- luill player. "They both are great ha Bilim Tkev are different types, have a different style of C ‘ ly. I would be happy to have yne on the R. M, U. team. Hut I am not raying which I think is the hottei " Figures bear RttsselJ out Uyne is the n.mil,west's mightiest pas* ef, ramplrting ;i! in M aliempu for I* yards and sli teurhdnwns II* has rairted (he hall only limes, ihosi- on nuaHerhark sneaks for la yards. Walksr la th* ran fertnra's top ball carrier He has taken Hm pigskin 77 times and gained 41d yards II* also has dime some excellent passing, mnnectlni <>n 14 out of 89 stirmpts for I4 F yards and he hqs scorad 59 of the teem'l 99 poinM. Walker IS a gn at defensive play or, Layne Isn't even used on fense; he goes In only when Texas has the ball. Ruasell Is looking forward eager ly to the big duel. Right now ho r for both Layne an«V Walker hut Saturday afternoon \at 2 o’clock he's dropping Layne like a hot potato. He’ll get friendly again along about 4 o'clock—when the game is over. and In addition dropped their first tilt to Tex as U. k four years. The 0*1 eon fwrcnce opener was dropped by the Walker pil Mustangs 0 a week earllqr. In the Stem Rice fray, the Longhorns fail ed to pluck the Martla Owls aa com pletely as was expected. Texas AAM exploded Baylor’s unbeatan and untied record Wav ing only Texas U. and Southern Methodist clinging to this distinc tion—leaving next week-end to de cide which waa to remain alone. The 8MU-Texaa classic la Dal las will probably be the mot im portant battle of the SWC this aeasaa and may well have aa ef fect that will he heard all aver the nation. In intoraertional clashes, South- West Conference representatives added three more notches to the Hat of 10 wins, fuar defeats, and HERE RIGHT NOW! THE NEW Use, sowing up ow* of the finest records over piled up by ! circuit Only two htteruoctlenal la an left on the beoha-- Arkansas and To Isa and Baylor and Tulsa on November 18 and 27 res pact! vely. r* SMU’s 7-0 win over U. C. L A. la significant in that the Uclaoa are one of the stronger teams the West ( oast and considaring Rice's 7-7 Go with Southern Cal four weeks ago followed by the Trojans 39-14 shellacking of the California Golden Boars, this loaves the Southwestern league high in National standings. The UBC-Cal match almom cinch,-d Trojans for a Roee Bowl bid. la other parts of the aattosi VrkHne*- made the Southeast ern Conference anhappy by thumping one of ita beat teams, namely Ok Mbs, 19-14. TCI toppled Bwd Wilkoroost's Sooner* 29-7 to aaaot last rear's Mg Six co-champions. Inndeatly, Wilker son. hi annoeaeing his acbedale for '43 has iarladed Texas aa the Hat aa well as Santa Clara. This leaves TCU tat a good peat- tion to nuke a Wd for conference Only Two'QJIack Contestants Pick I All The winners As Reoer Wins E iffisWr "V: I ItenOf Who Wai* 1 and Hvaa .In M . Ami Across the nation, a poets wore the nils rather than the exception and this includes leaden who bsr, ly edged out their • rather than smaahlng over to a decisive victory Inrludad In this lattor group are Michigan and Net* Dams. IISTRAMVRALS 1 If Cliff A*barman four vti terloa and twi, dofrate under ita boh, Inch* Wf » 44 to troundag of Northwoatorn Louisiana Stoto aad a 19 to 14 upset over Ok Miss. ■ Batchy Koch, who scouted Ar kansas for A. A M. in the Hog Ole Miss tussle said that the Porkars had a tough but smooth-working squad . and that the spirit was good. Clyde Scott, at that time, played Urn kind of ball that made turn a reputation at Annapolis, and the line showed up excellently, 4n addition, Arkan- is expected to have back into the line-up several players who have been out-dor several weeks with injuries. AAM has taken the heavy end of the previous 21 encounter*, racking up 283 points against 161 for the Porkers though each school ■Mr Aa. U was last year's 7-0 win over the Aggies that sat the Hags on the road to a co-championshlp of the SWC. The mast one-akkd score waa a 41-0 count tn favor of the Farmers In 1948. The Rasartecks will bo tough la that they will be ting horn • oomtng which should five thorn further incentive. BamhtlTs chargos have «to by rlrttte of dr I the hands at Baylor and Texas, they may rat nerve in take mu fttherx-IMmNiii ABM, {kt ojwSb I***. ScuAwb Li vs^). U. 8, Arkanee* f< vs. Ok Oooflgo L Vinson St, U’ van whose vs O. U. Runnenip waa ef 8217 EchoU tangs orar lha Urkns of U. An Am A mWm —*m^ m M , _ajamwiw MB ■•••• awwajim www&ey vww ■anai. by many entrants was not foioeen •ither. doubly Though RarnhtU's charcoa h »Iroady been allminated from slraady hm frats at th PASSENGERS RELY ON COCA-COLA AND 1 TRAm REFRESHED 1 k Intramural hasNthall la thrar MMarters of ihe way thraugh Ito season WHh aUnit tarn wpeks lift In play, The fir!liming standings nr* up in and Including Friday, October Hi military lkaouks ! Uague A TEAM WON lAMtT hW. SEEM THlMLANIHI HOPE C Fluid H Infantry C Air Fort-e C Cavalry B Engineer / . - ✓ Extra handsome y Extra long wearing 4 Three Unbeaten High School Teams Still In Race . '■'t By Associated Press The Texas schoolboy football campaign blusters into the Novem ber stretch with nine undefeated ms, three of them standing out like mountains against the sky. Mighty Odesa, Wichita Falls and orpus Christi sot a terrific para s the field lopes down the autumn trail toward district championahips and the play-offa. Each of these teams is averaging more than 30 pointa per game with Odessa, defending state champion, the bellwethor. The Broncs have stampeded for 24* points in seven, contests. This week finds Odessa I enjoying an open date to allow Wichita Falla and Corpus Christ! to eateh up Records of Texas high school un defeated teams i Tram WLT PtaOp pet, Odeasa 7 » 0 34* 36 1 MW Corpus Chrlsll 7 0 0 8lM 47 1.000 UngVlew 1 0 0 99 0 I.WM 4 2 2 1 ' 0 League B C Infantry 3 E Field 2 A Aif Force 3 Senior Co. 3 A Infantry 2 B Cavalry 0 League C B Composite 4 D Field 3 C Composite 2 A Engineer 2 A Composite 2 B Air Force 1 N Vat 4 0 1,0 A Field 4 0 l a I Rkld k I [1 A Cavalry | f .388 A Vi* 1 8 Mo VETERA NLEAGUE l-eagae A TEAM WON LOST PCT, Dorm 18 10 1.000 Dina 7 4 1 jqo Mitchell Hall I I 418 Mail laU 1 8 .880 Dorm 9 1 8 : JM Walton Halt 0 8 ' .000 Milner Halt 0 1.000 Dorm 14 2 0 1400 DorkS 1 2 483 Dona 17 0 2 MM Bissell Hall . 0 2 .MM League C ; Leggett Hall 3 0 1.0M Dorm 1 2 1 .**< T. C. - V. V. 2 1 6M ; Puryear Hall 2 2 .5M Law Hall 0 2 .MX Dorm 15 0 3 .M» AUSTIN, Tex, Oct 88 <*-* to Texas Attorney (kOtoaFi nf m Mid today the United SUtoa Supreme Oeurt has stricken th# ■d M pra|Aletor*hl|i’' from the California ttdelands judgment, saU Ing the nation “the flint real vic tory for the ststea In the tidalanda I , r \ "nr <«|Hirtlng Gontle N« ,1 lONKS spuKMNt. 8«3 S Main B in PLiBta mm I BBY 118MB AFTOO COCA-COLA ■ratoatoarii or aa eoebeou coarwrr it A BOTTLIN'O COMPANY I Qtesr.ite cwwcrai / Wichita Falls 6 0 0 187 7 1.000 Austin (El P) * 0 0 111 20 1.000 Marshall * 0 0 123 38 1.000 Corsicana 5 0 0 1*6 38 1.000 Goose Creek 6 0 1 95 19 .917 Forest (Dallas) 2 0 3 31 7 .700 ' New Zealand square miles. occupies 103,043 ALLBN RATED JMCI WASHINGTON, Oct 28-<4h_ The Army notified the office of Rep. Teague (D-Tox) yesterday that it has approved tentatively the designation of Alien Academy at Bryan, Texas, as a Junior Col lege Military institute. I, • V. rings a bell. I Wn : ,r Tmi es is hove th# Is teat thing In men's soaks-ths now Ktquiri Bocks! / Eaquino are In bandeone now styles, dtwigDcd by aMM of the country'* Isodi g stylists. They wear longer, too—becasiH they have ths as- dukvo Multi-Ply heels aad toea, and an pro tooted 6 ways for addod wear! Why not have a look at kn LEON B. WEISS Next to Campus Theatre YOCH KNTIMK WKF4CN WASH DONK IN . . . Ml NINCTKMt 4- t. Bring ynur wult to the Latin- 1 fetott* and pkro It in tho Bon- dta. 1. Add snap-«wait or ahop i while the Bendtx does your ‘Tirti aalwallraBy i 3 Take your wash home In 3* 1 minutes — dean, sweet - white, damp-dry. LAUNDERETTE \ TWO LOCATIONS 10* N. Washington Phone 3-1304 — Bryan - South Side - Phono 4-1170 College Station Better Shoes mean a Better Game ■rulw — Sato — Km Ur 'fuulworh la oftan lha mariln lhal wins lha game. That's why we yeanmntond anil sell ianulne HAM,-HAM) Basketball aheea — Ihejf'rt hulll for Ihe ganta. Com# In and Iry thorn on—they ovon/oof apoody on your foot. 30 miles Ik Look for (ho RED BALL on tho $oU y* BALL-BAND FOOTV SAB OYERS'FUft HATTERS 1585' THEIEXCHANGE STORE Zldff1111 and llto damapp la dongi A bulUl.i,lit—d>d for Ramentp4nM M eanoaad irlrttliiMtr rable. • Owen neou^raww v ranoow'f 'tttatantly. huntlmla of wires are open to die ruinous effweta of mnlature, Instantly, too, nitrogen gaam Mnred In the cable under preraun i s t begins Ita alow escape, keeping dangeroMe moisture outi And, aa the c.«* preaaure fella, a small coo- tact doses and an alarm Is sounded in a Bell Telephone testroom many miles away; Through matlirm ut i< al plotting the break, la readily located and, withia minutes, an emergency crew is on its way*. Repairs are baqueatly mode before telephone service is interrupted. This alarm system is but one of count I era Apedient* all of which reflect the iautiative gnd ingenuity gf Bell System personnel;«i men who find highly interesting and ret warding careens in an ev er grow ing buaineaN u a ii t f “Serving Twee Agglee’ BELL SYSTEM