The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 24, 1947, Image 3
1 ..» L ] » . t | r . ■" ; ! 5 P .*,1 . J | X • • t | Baylor Seven-Point Favorite Over The Aggies Here Tomorrow Bruim Seek Pint CRYSTAL GAZING ^ hi Tea Years On Aggie Gr Vbc icoiVa oi the Uaita d Tfo* i ?nc# tilt* fare net M awe contaata U he pUyad Ihla waah and. (Of aawraa, don’t rand thi* rolumn and ■omeUmM foil to eonform.l week finds tha Sootharaai Confaraooa Uarna in two m and thraa inUraectionol rlashaa which Uavaa all maml ■(■aali haiy. the thraa as rat andafaa alavana, Texas U., Southern Methodlat, i Baylor, look as If they have a chance of hanf- inf onto their recarda. SMU la slated to Unvle with UCLA wiy out on the Pacific Coast and tha Ponies p abb hare the toughest job of the three. Uclans are among the stronger teams on coast this season. Thay have never wan a game with tha Mustangs since the two t ing in 1935. That year the Ponies Californians 21-0. Two years later bowed 2<C1S and in 1940 it was 9-6. Well the Ponies tha nod here. Sparked by Walker and Gilbert Johnson, the visitors should, frfatd out a 14-12 victory. ^ John Bamhill’a Arkansas Rasorbacks will probably declare Memphis jinxed and off- limits after this week. After dropping a deci sive tflt to Texas U. in Crump Stadium there only last week, the Porkers are slated for a match with the powerful Ole Miss etaren this Satorda; il l I Mirth !TCU, after the decisive thrash-K* 0 ® Landry, the Longhorns inf it gave AkM last week, should ihouldn’t have much trouble with bounce, but ill the wrong way. We believe the Purple aren’t make muck headway against the Okla homa line No upeet appears in the offing here so we’U confidently call it Oklahoma 14, TCU 6. . The Texas University-Rice tilt tops the SWC clashes this week with everyone reraemiiering last year’* 18-13 upeet The Owls are back with 26 of their 29 lettermen of last year ia the ranks; and are given a chance in this match-but the Steers haven’t shown any signs slowing down yet Despite a few injuries Including fallback the visiting Owls. 32-14, Texas. Getting around to the Aggie- Bruin tilt, here there will be rooaa for an upeet Baylor enters I game as seven-point favorites way of their unbeaten and unti record and their surprise drubbing of Arkansas. Tha poor showing made by the Cadets in Fort Worth last week leaves room for doubl but Coach Homer Norton notod that the Farmers have looked bet ter in work-outs this week in their closed-door sessions than at any time this season. As things stand now, however, well call it Baylor by about IS O. ty AH Howard Btylor’i unbaaten and un tied Bran will be definite fa* voritea when they invade A* inHand tomorrow to nUy A. & M ,* hapless football team. Rated as the tenth team in the nation, Conch Bob Woodruffs squad k • eeven-point favorite to hand the Aggies their fourth straight loot. Weak only at the guard position. Baylor will be trying to rack up its first game on Kyle Field in ten yeam. But since neith er teanp ■ a high scoring outfit, two touchdowns is expected to in sure a win for either side. For the first time ia years the ^ ;,:r:, l n 5!Ur\£ here more or less en aaaae. This seaaa that the probable attend- nrr will Iv 20 00*1 fan* After three straight out-of-town losses, the Aggies will be trying to get back into the win column. The Farmers will be short on sig nal callers with Jimmy Csshion and Bans ntUmark on the injured WHAft tOUB CHOlil \POR f ALLY Prom thru thru ARROW tporlt ibtrti for toiltp moo *4 € I \, COkOUHOT - Soft as • rtkhit i mi. So - •' nkf you'll wtti It to t- - hod. An Arrow oi- duiivo, $7.SO J H\V 1 0AIANAIkl-iThi» iithible rugged iron royon wonder thirt comet in ) flit Colorv. $V95 . - — 1 FIANNHAnobf i v "Redpath Flsnncli' 100% pure woaI. Solid (olorv---solid - shift. $7.93 i \ All Arrow sports shirts for fall hive the smooth fitting Arrow collar apd expert Arrow tailoring throughout. PS—Vow II slwsyt t* s sowS 4tsl si yeuf Arrow Ssalsr'a ARROW SHIRTS and TIBS UNDKRWIAk • HANBKIICNIlfS • SPOtTS SHIRTS X WHITE SHIRTS \Y Ki.75 4 W.95 ■ OUR WHITES ARE OUTSTANDING VALUES Pino quality cotton, well-made — the kind of shirt you like to live In L Several collar styles and button-downs. • uf t • • - ^ LEON B. WEISS vr J ifX.' -n • Next to Campus Theatre list Don Nicholas, who hag bean red up from the B team to spell Stan Hollmig and Burl Baty, was reported to have been hurt in prac tice and may not see much srUon. Bafty weather reports indicate that H will ba hot aad dry Satur day, with no douds to protect the pie yen. Probable Starting Lineups: TUB BATTALION SPORTS OCTOltR 24 1947 Page 1 eterans, Corps Select Avrfes Toe Rent Baylor The Aggies will beat Baylor Saturday by about one touchdown, if the coneeneoe of opjmon of the student >ody ae reflected ia the Quartcrpaag Club Contact i-ntries, proves true. . .. . Of the 105 entry bltoki received by the Battalion late nSriSffn picked the Aggies and S3 saw the B*axs as winaers, s ratio in fiver of the Aggiea of over 2 to 1, IV remaining entry called the game a tie. SHU was the moet-heavily bask ed team with !>0 contestant* pick ing the Mustangs to trim UCLA. The Brum* poll.-.! only five vote* With one tie predicted. Oklshoma and Texas also polle*l 90 vote*, ; ith their opponents, TCU and Ire respectively receiving 15 vote* FROM THIS ANGLE •Ip LARST OOODWYN ] I^P—Mljl Nokia Aggies Have Pstontisl to Trim Beers; IfThejr’rs “Mot", BruinH Face Troubie Saturday afternoon on Kyle Field, Coach Home ton’i Affios lay thoir last bit* of pre«tit« on the lino agair Btif. Woodruff! cat Handball Tourney Open* Sr cure ackssmad The fall semester Intramural Tennis to Asstune More Prominence Athletle Director William R. Car lo 19 AAM Howsll Tulis Turley Gary Btautaenb'rgerRG S •Mir LH Smith RH Hillflill qi Dusek KB Baylor jHollon Heirontmus Orlffla Jam Strong Tinsley ■BOR Parker McKinnsy Pficf Pierce Mississippi was the lection over Arkansas, 84 with two ties. Splitting up the ballots among the veterans and the corps, it was seen that the two group* partin paled in the contest just about in pn.|ortion to their reUttve number with four out of every seven bal lot* carrying a veteran dorm ad dress. Unusually enough, the Fish and the Seniors la the Corps sent t far more entry blanks than phomerac and Juniors. The Ftah picked AAM by a ratio of four to three while the Seaiore were I to X In favor of A. A H. The veterans predicted the Aggiee to win In a little more than four unbaaten Baylor Bears. Not Aggiee remaining title ambition* riding on the outcome, bu they’ll fell almost out of sight in the Nation- el ranking of college teams ff they boW to the Bruins With tha (ting of the 24-0 TCU lacing still bitter In their memories, the Aggies tkould bounce, in some shape or fashion against the Bears. There is little doubt among those who have seen the Aggies play all their games this year, that AAM has a team quite capable of sending the Bears back to Waeo on the short end of the score. However, the same Id have been said before the TCU game, ether the Aggies WILL play up ties undoubtedly will be oi acton in Saturday’s gam*. They* can best Baylor if they wfll Furthsc, the team inters the conflict with the knowledge that they have the solid and frequent ly voiced support of the Csdct Corps. In fact, so rabid has the enthusiasm for the Bnylor game become, that should the Bear* tri umph, there will be very little coin, indeed, remaining in the cadet coffeia, , So, without further ado, we’ll climb right on the bandwagon and pick the Aggies to upset the Bear* The score? 14 to 13 sounds close enough. Intersectional one of the more dec: be ive charges, Texas should fightin' mood to reap some re venge. It couli bu s runaway for Texas. But, on the hunch that Bice's professed batted for the boys in Orangp will help keep the score down, We'll take Texas by oat thin touchdown. 20 to 18. mpchh! y good, la Ike re Hill RippcVw aad amuck, followed closely imullen. i, the top combi- ipetoe and Layne, aad Owen. Reese Hooten and Epps TS| tingles w Powell Sebumack, by Burke and Stnulian. In the doublet, tha tip cambl- nations were Rippetoe and La; and A and W ;ilho showed up vary well. I landbaA a fpak, tough game, has long boon a* Intramural fav orite. ‘niia year has been no ex- ception. The, present is tha laigast open handball tour nament In A. A M. Intramural his tory. HMjOW Trt Approxiatatey JfyJi become pair men under the job-training provisions of the OX Bit, VA re ported. Of some 600,000 veterans taking on-the-job training, me chanics led the list followed by aataoamlBBk flak retail ataaaga- ment with 80 000 veteran trainees. at years the Aggm tennis hsva bad only minor aue- with part-time eoaches and mt most of «|||1 was fur by Urn players , Jf the new Betup, proved by the athletic * hletk defartment will all balls, racquets and other necei- Mfft WMpAMb _ Also, the nettofi have thoir firtt full-time coach in W. N. DowOll who already is worting with although th« season *t start until next sprit task over as tennis last April. Tha Aggies finished third ipa Southwest conference com petition four lettermen are bert of the current six-man with another, Boots Gilbert of las, listed to report later. 1447 urammtn m iW7 The Registrar’s Office official ly announced yesterday that 1,417 students have graduated from A. A M. since January, 1941. This fig ure represents all students who were graduated in Jaauary, May, and August, 1947. eases out of I'ennw Team Take First Two Matehes ThMAM tennis tram, which has been Working out since the first day of echool, has two vletsrtei undvr Its belt already. Ust Saturday morning, Bill ’Bennett and Rennie Stanford de feated the top TCU doubles tram 3-6, 6-2. and 6-8. On October 4 the Aggies drubbed Southwestern University in one doubles aad three HinrifW iiMiirnr^. DrnnrTl flrTHHlrfl Bill Leak, the Texas Conference champion of last year, 6-2, 8-4. Duffy Stanley defeated Weldan Mays 8-4, 6-2, and Rodney Sellers defeated John Caldwell 6-2, 6-2. In the double* match Bennett and Stanford defeated Leak and Mays 6-2, 6-1. According to W. M. Dowell, head tennis eoacn, the tennis team will definitely be stronger than last year. Not many players have re ported for practice thus far, but several boys on the campus are expected to report soon, including Boots Gilbert of Dallas. William Moore, last years num ber one man, is again shaping up as this year's top ra< queteer, fol lowed by Stanley, Sellars, Stanford James Wallis, and C. A. Austin. Teague President ()(Capital Aggie* WAHMINUTON. Oct, II -IASI ITM4cM <X thi TMM A. S If. Club of Washington for the next •li months - offleora are elected semi annually will ba Key. Olin K. (Tiger) Teague, Ctaas of II, of Collett Station. Other newly sleeted officers art O. L. Mims, *88 class, an agricul ture department empieyoe. Rmt vice-president, and CapL William C. O'Drlly, '42_claat, of Houston, eioent Oklahoma over TCU—The Soon- m bowod to Texas this year, an tvsnt which might not happen whan tha Progs tackle the Steers, but, 16 this one. wall have to give the nod to Jack Mitchell and his Oklahoma cohorts, tl-ll. UCLA aver IMU-TMs la the K rfeet spot for ap upset. The mies after trimming Rice, should normally experience some degree uf • letdown Otis weak. On the hunch that 8MU might alao he lookM Mar the Udan game ta- ward the payoff ctbah with Texas naxt week, wall take the Oallfor nlans, 14-t. Miss, aver Arkanaaa—Just a ahoi in tha dark—4agether with aa ever increasing suspicion that Arkan •as was a hit overrated this year Mississippi 6 to 6. All of which brings us right down to the Texas-Rice get to- fethar. Aftar thraa straight up sets at the hands of Jess Neely’s A NEW LOCATION FOR STUDENT COMMISSARY TO SERVE YOU BETTER North Central Wing of Anchor Hall 1 i i 1 ' ' I BI/M KS SOUTH OK OLD LOCATION „, ' r T3 ] j * % Tf ^ Wall hr art up at imw loomtloA Momlapj Oct, 17—NdAty (NtrklBi apaur ^ 1 **iH mxV . fM9iAkch OPEN MONDAYS - WEDNESDAYS - FRIDAYS vice-president. The retiring presi dent ia H. H. Williamson, national extension service official, who formerly headed the Texaa Ex tension Service at College Station. The sensation of color can ba produced bv stimuli other than light: for instance, pressure on the eyeball while in complete darkness. 1 OI r, uitii.wr 1 I’1*1,1 FS •Ii>w*n Sportin" (-immIh WI.I .■». tiMiii lirvan l*h " Rye grass, make a g planted in October, will make a green lawn that lasts all winter and dies down when sumher grass revives in the spring. The Largest Electrical Appliance Store in Brynp— Coma in and aae us for large or sms Radkt, Electric I roan, Stu dent Lamps, Floor Lampa, Presto Cookers, Coffee Makers... and many athar useful! 1 UNITED APPLIANCES, Inc, UU A WaaMagtaa Ms. . PSaae 9-I4M JACK’S PASTRY SHOP FULL UNE OF CAKES PASTRIES Come in for HOT DOUGHNUTS after 3 P.M. North Gate RAY’S j Snack Bar TASTY SANDWICHES FOUNTAIN DRINKS v Open 11 aJi — 10:00 p.m. North Gate • * FOOTBALL Allen Academy VS. ’. Dsllus U. S. Naval Air Station Saturday Night, October 25 ; 8:15 pjn. BRONCO STADIUM BRYAN, TEXAS Stedeata 5flb Tax lac. Adults $1.00 Tax lac. Bedfeftt Methodlat Church Building Fuad