The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 22, 1947, Image 3
- 7 ON KYLE FIELD By PAIL MARTIN Aggie Fish Team Prospects Look None Too Bright With Toughest Tttta Ahead Rolling into the second week of conference pity, the Ames h«ve definitely established themselves as the under dog, Baylor, next week’s opponents, ground out an impres sive record against a hapless Texas Tech team, drubbing the Raiders 32-6. A&# clashing with Tech three weeks earlier downed the Raidas* 29-6. Baylor will be shooting to keep an unde feated record which it shares with Texas U. and 8MU. The Bruins are under the tutor- shit) of Rob Woodruff who is having his first r as head coach there. The new mentor instituted few changes to date and has le the most of material available. Wusiruff’s charges have had a relatively ly schedule so far, opening against Btepheit , Austin In what proved to be a uush<ovar, king on next quastlunabie Miami U, team THE BATTALION SPORTS OCTOBER tt, 1947 Pa* S A -M Swimmers LayPlamfor ’48 in Worlds with an upset, and roundly upsetting the apple cart of the big Arkansas Rsmirhacks. In the latter contest, Uw U*t yMtr*! WVM &*iuS»KS Xi'iC hirfil WN ^ HI#* Blue (dared 1«. s weriSa U* li lh*lr h«m» irttumlt by lh< TSU wm nsnlly 1«*4m1 r tem* who hwl Uv Is '44 os rt iht' dwirs gskWd Bolts, entf the rrooh sheed. tzrlz nlvertliy sn sport by torn* who hmi doubted th« ettenirth of the I'orhor sctro- > -fattnn eves sfUr their (howins 'Uuit (•••on. Th* BSylorltr* Mldpm dmp a Hog tUt Whrn pUylQC in Wato. I C Throuch tho yran, dot ins back to 1919, ASM hao tied ftvo «f its 24 tllta with Baylor, losinc aevan snd winning twvhre. Woodruff* ehorfM (tick to the ground where they manage moot of their gains. In garnet Una. aaa- ->^(on, the'Bean have picked up 1082 yard* thta way while holding their opponents to 284 yards. Only 2*0 yards have been picked up passing. ASM on the other hand has gained yardage by bpth the aerial and routes about equally—984 and 500 yards respectively. • Prospects for Charlie DeWare’s Aggie freshman team look none ' Aoo'bright with twp losses behind them and tilts with tho Kyle Rote As things look now. tho Colts have • loam that would stamWuh to any Hi thotr class. Tbs imn prosonoo of Roto In the backfleld moans that the HMD fish have a first etaoa back to build a tram around. Roto was tho most soufbt* after school boy athlete in tho state following his graduation last (roar. On tho Toxas U. fish and B team art six lino-men who arc capable of ploying on the vanity. This leave* the Aggies somewhere in the background. White moot of the fish teams started work on the ftnt of September, the Cadets did not begin until September 12, plac ing them at a further disadvantage. The loos of a number of good men Jiaa further weakened tho aqua<f and injuries have done their share of damage. HNevertheleas, we could name several men who are definitely varsity material or who will bo after a bit more poliahing up. V PIVOT POWRR—If the old astern about tho most dootruttlvc part of a hurrtoano being the ooutor la truo, Jack OlHo, Bay- stormy coutor, la certainly ig up hlo end of the pro verb. The otar Hruln center has been o rook Hi “thet Good Old Baylor line" all ygar. rrmi i (or s si holding Intramural Notes . For Your Sporting Good* Nerd* JONES SPORTING GOODS Hill S. Muio Iti \ nn Sturdily constructed unfinished desks, chest of drawers. All types custom built furniture. • MTi mm RAtT oo. 4 blocks north. North Gate on old Bryan cut-off. r ' K 0 UK MIDI "ON*,, , I Teams in Action In Three Sport* By CLIFF ACKERMAN Intramural teams swung back into action Monday following the long TCU weekend with compe tition in football, basketball and volleyball. MONDAY’S RESULTS Basketball C Infantry's powerhouse rolled up t 38 to 12 score against B Cav alry. Hanson paced the winners with 21 points. C Field and B In fantry staged a tight defensive battle with the Artillerymen eop- ping the verdict, 19 to 13. Lyman Blanks for B Field and Hank As- que for B Infantry shared high peint honors with sight points each. Football A last . minute 9-2 victory by B Composite over A Air Force featured a four game card of flag football games Monday. A late fourth quarter pass from Andrews to Mummers overcame a 1*0 Air Fares lead and preduced the win ning margin far R. Oompoaiu lit other games, A Field Wiped A Vet, 11 to • aod M Field dropped a cloe* 7-1 <|edsU>nju K Ftslil C Composite and M Vet hatilwl the full three games before Com posit* '-merged with a M duels- luK r (omposlte won the opening t ame, 15-10, dropped the seoond 3-lft and took the rietldlng game 19-1, The setup-spiking learn of Hodges and Wlltman paved the way to the Composite victory. Huff shlnmHor the Inoefs, SVC Teams Rest; Ags Brill Secretly The Aggie football team driUod long hours Tuesday behind deaed gate* in a secret practice session as tha ether Southweot Conference teams continued taking It saey fol lowing Ssturdsy's gurnet. Hood Gooch Homor Morton do- els red the teem hod forgotten tho M-0 loss to T. C. U. nag poring for the Invuelon of unbouton Boons, ranked Oonnlly in Wllllamsen’s Bsylor meenwhlle went 1 s light defensive drill. 'Die reported no tnjurtee fallowing surprisingly susy >1-6 of Tsxus Tech Tests minor he I with In t mg Harters In Undry field I minor T. C. V. got off with u II workout as a rewinJ for the I upset win ever A. A M. lest Rice, meanwhile, checked off two reserves, and went though a light drill. Rnd Nick Unrn and Half, hack Harold 8to<kbridir«- are eut with injurtee. Southern Methedist and Arkan sas emerged mors or less ttn- ■sothed physicslly and are expec ted to field well-conditioned teems Saturday against UCLA and Mias. State respectively. New Diving Coach Added to Staff By ZBRO HAMMONDS ways thia wudk with last year’s powurful talented newcomers The addition of are I Janes berk sldllnsd with Scribe Serum* I \ iH From Attack WACO. TBX, Ost. IV-(AP) —N. H. (Jins) Tuehsr, Dew of Mouth wuolovn sports vrettors whs Jhm mis apaeW usmif 4f the Wueo News - Trihan# for more lhaa • gusrter ef a eon- I IIas km In A mmoigaASa f SlIliHtitttt from • heort altoeh. Iht I , I he M a Moturduy Ike press hoi at a. bulks, to tover tome, He warh- M|)#rn filled CHERRY HAPPY MEMPHIS, TENN., Oct. 22 (AP)—Cooch Blair Cherry is oot Nuwc> tor. u Anal role ho far the post IT flWMb Hs hod a restful niuhl la the hospital hut his condition «m worse today. Tucker la one of the beet-known sports writers la the eoaatry end one if Mi most preHfle. evevwv The Agfie awimming taam, already getting in ita prac lice licks for the coming apring campaign, took to the water hopes for the ’48 season. Most ol is returning and several note to the '48 picture is expected to ease the bottleneck that developed in tbst department Met year to cost the Aggies the conference crown. Divers returning from last yesre team are John Heeman, Joe Can ning, and Mack MeCulleugh snd is new divers looking good ere w J. Bonnet, Jack Moee, Lewis Crow, Wllllom Potter, Luther Dul- n, Joel Lender, Chat Winter, and . C. Tlpaa. From thle group it la hoped thet some point winners will .develop Ig Mat spring. TRs Medley Relay Teem ami the Free Mlyl* Relay Team both of whieh wen In (he mnNrene* last year rttum intact The Medley ■mixsj im mini/ULif •%# || foWIMy • WMm IB wwefTr^wTMWf* 1*1 fl»*W an! Mpeneer who Is aMo the mn- feronce haehslrttk* rhamp, Jimmie t* At ready yet to declare his Texas foot bait Goliath "great," but he eon cedes one pointr-the untarnished Longhorns, rich in resources and versatility, are more then a t punch team. ar*--' a • a <’ mo tJWWWTSl ca.’X.wvrar . "1C. e - ^ Apywwf >Msd^ steTlwf p Igsel* roua lesgeeps, teww VOi* . V* S» Masalas YOU hem boos woiaag MAIL IMIS COUPON t(»0< SttJhuvattitr who la the htaMMiroke Md Jerry Fisher, the na« MlyW member of the team, dene Nimuners, Tommy Knos, John Wettervoll, and Jerry Fisher maki up the Fro* Htyl* Relay Team Other old iplashmon returning are Danny Green the IM yd. cham pion, Nil Flamming a veteran return* who swam In ’44, Dick Lee a breaststroke man, Jack Riley another member of the relay team, Bsnmn Ryfan e Free Styter, and Paul Clevenger a Met year’s squad- man. Expected to bolster the team ma terially are several new men who are out for the first time. They are Dave Vardaman, Jack Valde- ras, George Disk, Buddy Fisher, Bill Hauser, G. B. Klatt, Billy Move. J. W. Nix, William Strait, and R. R. Vernon. 2 FREE TICKETS FOR WINNER Quarterback Club Contest Blank The contestant who comes closest to guessing the exart scores of the games listed below will be swarded two reserve seat tickets to Texas AAM-Arkanaas football game to be played in Fayettevile on November 1. This contest will be vfn weekly in the Battelion during football season in cooperation with the Quarterback Club. The winner will he awarded his tickets at the regular meeting of the Club on Thursday night. •eeotetteefeMti } ftfntsmttrtnew i Games af October 29 vs. Barter •Vu- Rise •vu. UCLA ..... ..vt. Oklahoma Ole Mias Score >H*»Mt**ft|««tt*V»*| »*M»*»» »••••*'*»»*»•* MV* Pit Ipppipgi i * »tt»eeM»« ■ i •tMi«ueii*Mic*i««e«HtMt«iiT*M«|e«fi4i*i*ti*(iM*iMe»teeise«ttiiv«vM*<itMMi ■*■■■! ■ 11 ■ I Itertn f, 0, Ron -■r Visit A. ft M. GRILL Fer Home Ceefced Feed N. Gate —4 ; i } . 4^ 11 * JACK’S [PASTRY SHOP I ! * ■ • ; l. *; PULL LINE OP CAKES AND PASTRIES Come in for HOT DOUGHNUTS after 3 P.M. North Gate *TII read tha last line brat— it aays Dentyne Chawing Gum.” “My •ymighl may be weak, k«i I css slway* see Destyse. It *Us4* right out fer flaewr. Y*», sir, Dtntyn* Chewteg Gum’* la s rtsM by' it**lf far JEsirethiag, teag-lsstiag Haver. lAad H tare kelps keep teeth white, tee!” Dentyne Gum Made Only by Adsau Starting Ignition li *•' N A WORSTED SUIT- Hand Finished - J No Muiting fabric ia more aatiafactory than a worsted. Oura art exceptional^ m. — • . - eg f • J * # ^ worated* — hardy,-parlkularly mistant to surfaoa wear. And thay’rc extra xmart . ’ L.1 bacause they're Rochester Tailored—ex* pert designerx and taiiora. And ... they I *► f fit perfectly. ... Try one on today at— LEON B. X WE188 \: OdesRa Pace» State Schoolboy Teams By Associated Press DALLAS, Oet 22 -(AP)- (blesits still tnppvd the state as schoolboy football ratings shifted considerably last weak-end. The moat notable drop* being Waxa hachie and North Side (Ft. Worth) which were upset by Waco and Poly (Ft Worth) respaetively. Here are the top 20: 1. Odessa; Wichita Falls; t. Corpus Christi; 4. Austin; 9. Longview; fl. Mar shall; 7. Waco; 8. Corsicana; 9 Waxahachie; 10. Thomas Jefferson (San Antonio); 11. Amsrilto; 12. Port Arthur; 13. Forest (Dallas) J4. Poly (Fort Worth); 16 Texar ksna^ 16. Austin (El Paso); 17. | North Side (Ft Worth); 18. John Reagan (Houston); 19. Brocken- | rid^a; 20. Brackenridge (San An- STRIKERS RETURN NEW YORK, Oct 22 -(AP) Striking grooms and exercise boy* were scheduled to return to the Jamaica race track under a two- year “cods of honor" agreement today as the Metropolitan Jockey Club resumed its fall meeting with the program which was called off Saturday because of Qu walkout More than 100 swnsrs and train, •re already had signed the agree ment with the AFL teamsters union, bargaining agent for the groom* and sxerclae riders, and Others wars expected to do so with in the next 49 hours. Bp«clalla*d Barvlca on STARTERS — GENERATORS — MAGNETOS BATTERIES - GAfigURKTOM - TUNE UP Bruner Battery & Electric Co. 113 But 38th Strut - Brwn Uaing Parta From Original Equipment Manufacturer! GENUINE PONTIAC HEATERS HEATERS FOR Y01R PONTIAC, qMu-M A 1 Immmllala Intallatlon AUK) UKATKRM FOR OTHER MAKES AND MODEL ( ARM DISHMAN PONTIAC Acroaa from Poat Office Phone t*lBH4 . I The Three Sunt — resdmg dett-e: Morty Dunn Artie Dunn Al Net in* EkF \ •. lotBst disk by Tht THfbb Suns for RCA Victor B ACK in *25 everybody w* humming bout that “Sleepy Time Gul" Now “Gel” is hock in a new and wonderful record. And here’s another favorite with a great record: cook mild, flavorful Camel cigarettes. More men and more women are amoktng Camels than ever before. Why? The answer is in your “T-loos’’ (T for Tarts and T for Throat). \ . Try Camels. Discover tor yourself why. with smoker* who have tried aod compared, Camels are the “choice of experience"! S: -:J] RAY’S Snack Bar TASTY ^ ” ' ' ' % SANDWICHES FOUNTAIN j DRINKS Open 11 x-sl —10:00 pjn. North Gate More peopk«$*0fcotg CMOS