The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 22, 1947, Image 2

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I’aRO 2
To Round-Out Engineers...
Harvard College, oldest in the nation, has
been teaching young men for SOP years, but
it has not grown so old lhat it thinks it
knows all the answers. •
One quastjpn to which it does not know
the answer is how to turn out an engineer
or other specialist who is well-rounded, well
ago—Harvard tried to find the answer by
this method:
Let a man concentrate in one special field
but at the same time let him study things
fairly general such a*:
1. The humaaitiea—studies of things like
, - , ' "i v-^7-’Boewr’e Iliad, the Old Tentaaient, Plats—
educated, adequately prepared for life. (We to give him a view of the ideas which helped
don t know the answer here at A. 4 M. either, sh - ~ -
and are trying to find one.)
According to a report from James Marlow
of the Associated Press, Harvard College—
not Harvard University but the undergrad
uate college which forms the core of the unU
Varsity—(s now trying an experiment.
Included In Harvard University are the
bualneae school, the medical school and other
special training grounds for men who have
graduated from college.
Harvard College Is a fnur«year tourae for
men liM>klng for a Hachelor of Arts degree
before going on to the urdverslly school* for
shape western civilization.
> 1 The eoeial science*, which would tah
cludc things like eresoaiic and philo*ophi.
and political thinking m It was develop^
In western civilisation.
1 The Cultural seieseea, which would In
dude the prinrlplr* umlrrlvlng sciences like
physics and chemlslry. A man tsklng the
natural sdencea wouldn't come out n sclent
1st hut he'd knew the thinking behind science
It would work like this: A man could
sperlallie In engineering. But, Instead of
Uklng a side study like economics alone, he’d
take * general course which Included eco-
The University Itself seems pretty sure wxnlc* hut gave a broader view of the world
that It knows exactly what Is net. ^srv for thhn economic*.
" ■ ‘ Tit
graduate students.
It’s the college which le trying to pre
pare students for the life they'll have to lead
once they leave college or go into the grad
uate schools.
The question Harvard College is try
ing to solve is one which botheres s lot of
„ A specialist in one field—such as engi
neering—is not necessarily’ an educated man.
But how do you turn out a rounded-man who
has a broader vision of the world than his
own speciality?
, last year—other colleges started it years
Continued from Yesterday...
Harvard experiment Is one that could
well be repeated hen Of course, we are try
ing to cram much work, both undergraduate
and graduate, Into four years. There is bare
ly time to crowd in a single "side couree" In
economics—Kco 403 U that court*—let alone
a broader view of the world.
But we've got to do it, or we will moat
certainly fall down on our task of becoming
educated men.
Harvard’s experiment should be watched
most carefully by all departments at A. 4
M., technical or liberal. Borne day soon this
school will have to do likewise.
A» MacKenile 8ee« It,
French Now Tired of Reds;
DeUaulle Comeback is Proof
Filmland Talks
Taxes Instead
Of Communists
—Contrary to opinion in aomc
quarters, the moat common con
versational topic in Hollywood is
neither sex. Communism nor the
weather. It’s taxes.
The No. 1 economic problem for
movie stars is not to make an
honest dollar, which comet easy
to most of them, but to keep it
Listen to the experience of William
“I hired a business manager
when I was making $60 a weak,"
Bill told me on the "Rachel" sat
"By the time I want into the army
we (wife Brenda Marshall) had
raved MS,000, which ws thought
was pretty good.” But apparently
It wasn't good enough.
"Today, I am making twias as
much aa 1 did bafart the war," ha
oontinuad. "Yat wa'ra just about
Hy Dewrrr MwitrNxnc
a train Aseim
Yesterday we were discussing what is
*n*UR with Texas education. We are.still at
it today, for disturbing Word has come from
Austin, where the Texas Association of
School Administrators has been meeting.
Chants that the State Board of Educa-
The Dallas educator Urged school leaders
to back a change in the law so that textbooks
for elementary grades could be chosen from
multiple lists as is now done in high schools.
“We are one of ^iRht states that still
follow the law of basal adoptions restricted
tion's practice in selecting textbooks is "in- . to one book," White continued. "This out-
tolerable" were made by W.T . White, super
intendent of Dallas city schools. White point
ed out that only prdfessional educators are
fully qualified to ^ choose books for use in
public schools, but that the State Board
'‘tiabitually ignores the recommendations of
its self-appointed text-book committee.
• "Textbooks are adopted because people
are presenting the books through friendship"
White said. "The textbook* committee is a
statutory organization, but its members *re
selected on a personal basis by members of
the board.
'This wouldn't be so bad if the board fol
lowed their advice."
moded method holds down the most progres
sive schools system to the pace of the most
Is it any wonder that Texas secondary
schools are rated so low nationally? Is it
any wonder that Texas high schools have
trouble building on inferior secondary train
ing? Or that colleges have tragic difficulty
building on weak high school foundations?
That so many drop-out cards at A. 4 M. read
“insufficient preparation?"
Certainly text-book selection is'one of
(he problems that needs to be solved before
Texas schools can hold up their heads with
pride, as every Texas surely wishes.
Alcoholiot Synonyii)piiN
. A sourre with which newspapermen an
supposed to hsv« at best only » nodding'ac
quaintance last week produced aobennK
statistics on tHkfhaftl-drlnklng newspaper
man of Hollywood legend. The Keeley Insti
tute of Chicago reported that of. 12,012
drunks treated betweun 1D80 and 1046, only
06 were newspaperman.
This put newsmen In fifth place, a notch
above clergymen (40) and a notch below
saloonkeepers (188). As if thjs weren't
IfeOHffa to aomma city-room romantic* that
newspapers have gone to pieces, the Keeley
figures showed farmers in the lead with
1,347 cases; salesmen next with 1,138, and
doctors third with 280.
Newsweek, July
The hard-working staff of HpriagfMd
(Mass.) Dally News was proud of the par
ade edition, prepared for the national con
vention of the Yankee Division Veterans As
sociation. But street boys hawked it under
a scorching sun: “Get your late Daily News.
Swell for a sun shade, good to fan yourself
with. Great for sitting on.- Get the Daily
Hot weather personal in the Muscle
find I Morning Star: "Mr. and Mrs. Charles;
H. Blackburn of Decatur, Ql. are v i s i t i n g
A feeble old man mads his way ur
the sditorinl office of Tacoma (Wash.)
News Tribune and left a piece of paper on
the citv editor’s desk, without a word he
left Here is what was written:
Saucer* floating in the air,
Going places, here and there;
At terrific pace* gailf,
Going, going, «ver going
Conjectures flying just aa fast;
Are they here our world to blaat?
Can they be a Russian plot?!
Men from Mars? Maybe not
Men may worry, but not me.
I’vs the power the thing to see,
Only I the answer know,
till 1 teUL I
Ha, ha, ha, you little runts.
Saucers floating, doing stunts—
Pm the guy who put them there,
Try to catch me if you dare.
Th® French Municipal KWtlenV^^
rraulta itUl remain a grab-bag out
of which further surpriaea may be
extracted, but nothing la expect
ed to change the aenaational po
litical come-back itaged by Gen
eral Charles De Gaulle through hie
call to the
public to follow
him in the new
movement which
he baa designa
ted “the rallv
of the French
people" to com
bat Communtam
and rehabilitate
the stricken
The leader of
the “Free
French" during
the dark day*
of the German occupation again is
making a powerful bid for the
generalship to lend them out of
the wilderness. Naturally his votes
haven’t rotne from the Communist
party, but rather from the Social
ists, the popular Republican move
ment and various other parties.
Thus we have the extraordinary
circumstance of De Gaulle com
manding a large public following
which represent* a new group that
has not yet appeared in the na
tional parliament.
From this H Is dear that a eon-
niderabte portion of the anti-Com-
mumst section of the public, and
tbia represent* the majority of the
people, it seeking for additional
leadership in France's life and
death struggle. It isn’t particul
arly surprising that they should
rail again on the man who during
the hitter day* of the war against
HiOeriam became the symbol of
French retestenee. Apropos of this,
it is interssting to note that sloe-
lion night, Munday, th* battle cry
of the Free French in the world
war was being chanted in the
streets of Paris—"De Gaulle —
De Gaulle - De Gaulle."
Should th* complete rote show
that De Gaulle’s “rally" represents
the strongest porty, w* shall hanrr
the highly interesting situation of
n new anti-Communist leadership
against a Communist party which
apparently hasn’t been weakened
at the polls. The question then will
arise whether De Gaulle can com
mand the support of the other anti-
Communist elements.
are na frivolous
spender*, but il'a all they can do
U> keep paying esaenae* and laa**,
Rill said He's careful na( la ga into
ilebt beeaaae, “one* you gel be
on ikla kind af
mgr mu aat avtn again,
Thai's the kfhd af story 1 hear
over and over. Greer Uartan once
told me the only thing In the
world she owned is h, <J>n I ,,.1
.week Charlea llekfoN Mid he
was doing "Johnny Belinda” for
nothing, Iwcauae taxes would con
sume j)U profit.
Maureen O'Hara accepted
y" which
New Siren Lights
Pipe, Kills Mice
role in "Bitting Pretty" which was
previously turned down by Loretta
Young and Alice Faye . . . Philip
Dorn leaves for his native Holland
next month . . . Add Oecar Derby
entries: Robert Ryan in “Cross
fire;" Tyrone Power in "Night
mare An*or". ., ,
Errol Flynn cancelled his 1948
African Safari. He won’t finish
“Don Juan" in time for the good
hunting. . . Sight of the week:
Clark Gable painting hit Encino
ranch house on his day off from
work .. . Louis Hayward was aet
to do “Cagliostro" until Orson
Wells stepped in and took over
the role.
^ hat’s Cooking?
ABILENE CLUB, 7 p. m., Wed-
needav, YMCA. T
lege Sucon Methodist Cbarefc)
7:80 p m., home of Mrs. R. M
Pinkerton, College Hills Estates.
AIChB PICNIC, & p. m., Wad-
naaday, Heneel Park. Transport*
tion at Petroleum Bu UiiM.
AUSTIN CLUB 7:30 p.m.
Monday, Room 108, Academic.
(Orijrinally October 23.1
Wednesday, AI Lecture
AGGIE RODEO, October 24-S5
Wednesday, Room 201. Goodwin
p. »., Thursday, Room 207, Aca
m., Thursday, Room 303,
T KB CRY CLUB, 7 p. m.. Wednoa-
day, Parish Hou*,.
nah staff to entertain earnout Eng
lish faculty. 7i80 p. m , Thuradsy,
Annex Student Center.
9 m„ Thuradsy, Room 188, Am-
utf Itlif
Park, Cnnlset
Pgryrar, before
G nlutlonel meeting Mbnday, Or
»f ft, 8:80 p.m. In bdlldlng 847,
room 1, Annex.
meeting Thursday night after yell
practice In Room 84 Academic
it!' m -
Thursday, Room 807. Aca-
meeting^ in YMCA *t 7:10 Thum-
“tEXARKANA CLUB. 7:80 p. ».
YMCA Cabinet room, Thursday,
7:3d, riah
Science Service Staff Writer
humaiTeaMo hrar/gisvn* out ^ rom ^h^ ^ ‘"ttell
iRaped siren developed t ^ t
mination, elimination of the smoke
menace, and speeding up chemieal
When the human hand is placed
a lantern-shaped siren developed
here at the Pennsylvania State Col
lege, contains enough heat energy
to light a pipe, pop corn, or to kill
a mouse, it is now revealed.
The device is called an ultrasonic
Details of hs construction,
together with some of the biologi
cal effects secured with it, will ap
pear soon in the Journal of
are dose together but not quite
touching. Temperature* were mea
sured with a thermocouple attach
ed to the hand. They were also
measured with the thermocouple
attached to soft rubber tubing in
place of the fingers. Increases as
much as 43 degree* Centigrade
were noted. With stiff rubber tub-
Aeoustieal Society. The report H. &£* V n
by C. H. Allen and Dr. Dsdorv Jt!
Rudnick who developed the siren rtbro. u ^ 17 un
under the direction of Dr. H. K. £5 bv a^totenlTIJaSl'fUut,'
Schilling, director of the “‘• ‘“’•■M MBM firni M
State acoustics laboratory.
In the siren, compressed air In
a small chamber escape* through
the region between them.
LET AN . . .
Aggie Student
1 block north Bronco Inn
on Houston Hery.
Owned A Operated by
I |. W. Schmidt . j
A AM 8tu. Vet Ci Clam *80
Wrtay Bstt|
will be in
in Muncie this
A dropped line in a RICHMOND (Vg.)
Times Dispatch item produced this version
of an old song:
"They’ll be singing that old, sad refrain,
Tve, Been Working on the standing-room
only crowd in the State Corporation Com
mission courtroom today,' and indications
are that not all the audience is prepared to
The Battalion
iDrar Editor,
I noticed in the Thureda:
that the Freedom train
Waco on th* first of February, sad
on the second It has an open date
jin W*go.
I think it would be a good idea
for somebody to ^ee if the train
couldn’t be brought hore. It isn’t
far, and Lord knows, there are
lough fellows here who were told
the things they fought for are the
things on the Freedom Train. 1
would be interested in seeing those
ireciou* documents, inspecting my
leritag*. so to speak. We are, aftet
all, the ones who have the immed
late future of the country la —T
all too incapable hands.
IflM. Note—According to BUM
Holton, Preaident Gilchrint has al
ready telegraphed the American
Heritage Committee ■■Msg that
the Freedom Train be brought to
(oiloge Sts tion February 3. the
day after the Spring aeaaka starts.
P ••CAMt
100 small hole* shaped like coh#*
and spaced equally on a six-inch
circle. As air escapes, a wheel with
100 teeth chop* the air Into pulsos.
Each pule* thert boeomos a sound
wave. When the wheel spine »t
IIJMO revolutions por minute, tb*
sound has a pitch of 10,000 eyelee.
and is too high for the humaa ear
to bear.
White mite placed la th* round
field died nftqr on* minute of **•
awure. Another mouno, eaposed a
Naif minute, dpimared normal eight
minute* later. The following day,
however. Its outer oar hod dolor-
I anted. IHk silent siren also
found effective In killing Inu.^
Mosquitoes died In 10 seconds but
a monarch butterfly caterpillar
livod 218 seconds.
Possible usee for the devise in
clude th* sterilisation of foods,
medical treatment* end surges,
treatment of seeda to increase ger-
Ntw and old favorits* lAr
I Supply <4 ntw |Hipultr
rtoorda «lao
« j
Fans, Hmml Playrra,
402 North Main
I ift’ “TC It K I Dl S J
WOM \\
r-UI 111
I fcUBi
i Ot I I)!
Th* Battalion, official newspaper o£ the Agricultural and Mechanical CdHIge of Texas and th* City
of College Station, Texaa, is publish.-d five times a weak and circulated every Monday through Friday
afternoon, except during holiday* and examination perioda. During the summer The Battalion la pub-
liahed *emi-
Subecription rate
Advertising rates furnished off request.
V News contribution* may -bt made by t . , , , . ^ _
win Hall. Claaaified ada may be placed by telephone (4-6324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room
; 208, Goodwin Hall.
The Associated Press le entitled exqluaively to the tme for republlcatlon of all nows dispatches credi
ted to it #r not otherwise credited .n the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published I
RlghU of re publics tion of all other matte* herein are also reserved. ■
gftlacte m «eseo4-^M* ewitot si Pmt
Collie* »•«*•*. 7»*m, **4#»
el °< U.rra l. tit).
iwMur, iismt hsuom—
lliui 11 ii t — —
XTra bk-t. fvte Itibte. J. f, MM*
uo.Hi NUmeed —•