The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 21, 1947, Image 4

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\ et’s Wife to Run Nureery Saturday
Mrt. Mtrr'fl BarfWId, wif# of an
Akv>« vpfchiir win oporat* a
wry for itud+nU' chiVdron on
unity afUrnoon to uonait pa
•Baylor vamo.
ro of th« chll-
^ •ntll afUr Uto
|ama. cSarfinf raaaonabl*
for im» aftorntma, Barfltld
to attand th« A. A
Hho will tiSi
dr«<i from | m
Ution : U> baby-
aarva licht it-
yaaUrday. In a<
aittiny, aha will
froahmantf t| hlddioa.
Tha Barfiald* Ufjrin tha fifth
homa on th* laft, Mtadowland St.,
batwaan Grant lartlaa Station on
Highway I and Collaga Viaw Ap-
Needs Ri
And Apartments
atatad I artmanta.
Am made to order to pkmne the moot exciting
cattleman, rodeo performer, or canoal wearer—
— Ahao —
A Very Nice Line of Stock Roota
i V • . *
(a i ■
; "Z I li ; I |
North Gate — College Station
An appaal waa iaauad today for
rooma, apartmanu and houaaa,
iLtodlerda and homaownan id
i m t<, * I W ok Mm la^^aa aamlatMl Ia tlmft
_ invrtii nAYt D##n mmmki to iii%
aurh vataneiaa, avan for ovar tha
waah-ond with tha rhlaf of houalng,
tataphona, 4-MU.
Football fan* and rtaltora for
* gam# hara Saturday with Bay*
r and waoh-ond funetlona, hart
iwquaalail room* far In aaaaaa of
a iupply now llatod, it waa point-
Tha applteatlon for pormanant
oma, houaaa and apartmant* I*
almOat an bfiak aa tho damand for
waah-and fattiltlaa, It waa aUtod.
Agronomy Society
IReet Wednesday
New member* of tho Agronomy
Society will bo initiated Wednoe-
day evening at 7)10 p. m. in tho
AI Lecture Room, it waa announc
ed Friday.
Student* wiahing to join the chib
thou Id get a copy of the constitu
tion in the agronomy department'*
office, Experiment Station Build
At last Tuesday’* meeting chang-
* were^recommended in the club
conatitution. These changes will
be voted upon at the first regular
meeting in November.
W. H. Gaston, summer parlia
mentarian from Waxahachie, waa
elected treasurer, while Claude B.
Cook of Fort Worth waa appointed
junior representative to the Agri
cultural Council.
Four member* of the Agronomy
Society will be aelected to attend
the crop judging contest to be held
in Chicago during the middle of
Welcoming Croup
Leaves for Baylor
A portion of tho Aggie Welcom
ing Committee loft thia morning
for Huy lor Unhroralty on a good
will mission connottod
annual Baylor-A. A I
with the
■■■HE' iwosi
to bo ployed Saturday
Throe eaoota and two veteran
students war* slated to gtvo ■Wl
talk* to tho Bovlor student
amphaoialng friendship between
the two athooia. They Included
Cadet Colonel Jaok K, Jart.on,
Cadet LA. Cm. John T, Milter. Co
dot Major Dovld Fait, l H kirh
ardaon, and tho fhalrmon nf th*
rommlttoo, Ralph Rothman
Mirbardapn ami Rothman a
her* af tho rommlt
son and Fort have been requested
to iM tho group In formulating
plana for tho aotivltlei this week-
to mem-
while Jack
of properation* for
handling tho |amo crowd hove boon
dlacuaaod by the committee In pre-
vioua meeting*. Final plan* will
be diaeloted later thia week In or
der that all Aggie* may do thoir
part toward affording the Baylor
rooter* a royal welcome to th*
Garden Club Hears
Talks on Flowers
I Enjoy the lavish lather, of
“Scafnrth Shaving Soap,
Dr. A. F. DeWerth, professor in
the landscape art department,
•poke to the AAM Garden Club
on the culture of rooea. Dr. De-
Werth llatod that guosawork had
boon tektn out of gardoning and
that it la a aclonllfk endeavor
He suggested that roeoa be trim
med at a twenty four inch height
in th* aprinf, and also said that
•a could ba grown anywhere In
Texas If th* eoll and planta were
treated properly,
Mr* J. K Roberta, an authority
on flower* In thia aeetion, a poke
on th* rer* of hulhe. She aald that
bulbs had to he lifted each year
aa they had a tendency to sink
further down In th* aeU.
AAM Garden Cluo members
mndr plana for a November fhry
aanthemum show to he held In the
"Y" Chapel.
Sanderson Heads
Graduate Club
Charles Sanderson waa elected
president of the Graduate Club at
a recent meeting. Also choaen to
head the organisation were A. S.
Heiba, vice-president; Hugh Lof-
land, secretary; and W. J. Graff,
Dr. Paul B. Pearson, dean of the
graduate school, aa guest apeaker,
discussed the graduates’ problems
and how the dean’s office planned
to cop* with these difficulties. He
emphasised the need and suggested
the appointment of an advisory
committee of graduate students to
serve with him in discussing the
problems of th* graduate school.
Following his speech, Dr. Pearson
held an open discussion, answering
questions from the floor.
A social period with cold drinks
and cookies concluded th* meeting.
An announcement that the Urn* of
the next meeting would be Novem
her I was mad*.
No ASMK Tonight
The arlglaally scheduled meet
ing of the American Iter let y of
Mechanical Raglneers will net
he held tonight due to unforeseen
rlreumetuneea, it was announced
Those ond other Sea forth essentials...
o*'h packaged in handsome stoneware, only II Gift seta, $2 to $7.
Seaforth. 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. z v
HIT N. Main
4 U
Sturdily constructed unfinished
desks, cheat of drawers All
typeo custom built furniture.
4 blocks north. North Oat* on
old Bryan cut-off.
Smart Shop
Lack's Auto Stores
Whiner Bike Motor*
Bicycle Rupplleo
Ootteg* Bta.
>. I
217 Bo
14 :
Andrews Elected
Chairman of SAM
Donald Andrews, veteran etudent
from Dallas, waa elected rhatrman
of the Society for th* Advance
ment of Management at the first
meeting of the school year,
Phil toaok from Bon Antonio,
waa named vice-chairman and Dn-
mon Godwin of Port Arthur, see-
retery-troaaurer 0. L. Street man,
member of B Air Fore* from
Orapolond, waa elected Junior rep-
reeentetlve y> the Student Kngl-
saute MM.
UsNe Dupuy of Waro and Jack
Turner of San Antonio will servo
as senior and junior ropresents
thres, respectively, to the Engineer
magaalne. Turner will also be pub
lic relations officer for th* seeloty,
A committee under the leader
ship of Koeub will meet soon to
discuss plans for a barbecue to
be held during the week-end of a
home football game.
Johnson Chib To
Sponsor Barbecue
Friday night the Johnson County
AAM Club will have a free barbe-
i cue at ricnie anit number 1, Hen-
sel Pare beginning at < p. m., It
waa announced yesterday
| Student! planning to attend
should contact A. R. Buckner,
Room 8 L, Puryear before noon,
Allen To Speak
To Architects
W. R. Allen, who recently jointed
th* A. A M. Architecture depart
ment, will speak before the Archi
tectural Society Tuesday night in
the architectural lecture r -oim'H
Allen received his B. A. degi
from Carnegie Tech, and completed
hie masters work at Harvard.
1 .
Limited j
^ l v ' f _ “• r h*-'-
Immmliete Intkllatlon
V: 1 H b ** ; f \ t li , " i ■ ■ * ¥>
Arrow from Post Office PR—o f-IIM
MI.M \ M
vl I | | II
l.'IU < N|mi| tin,; IiImhIh
Ml I 4
III • ‘M!
Snack Bar
Opto 11 a.m. — 10:00 p.m.
North Oats