The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 21, 1947, Image 3

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    - ,11 - —
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11“ »'
OCTOBER 11, 1947 Ptt , s
to See
Movies of IM '
Sugar Bowl GainJ
5»»OHf "Jarring Jawn" KimBmcti
rollwimaahort bo.tfi#M mwt-
"•« »V • Pin, lb flub will tbit b
«h<*wn IN ploturwi of |K« |U40
• S ,, r 1 ' " whkh A*M op-
i. powoWtfl (lr**n
Wm iMbiirtb ttfUrtoi* on
• U to II wor» that mado thorn
a ^‘.C:
tho T Club aakod thm all
nboni who can not attend th*
lineaa mootinr to ploaao tend
•ji postal card with theiVium,
nttum address to the “T Asko
Ration, core of th. AthlcJic <>S£
TfP"» dMir. to hooMat^on
Wrtlvt mdfcbor.
Strength May Prove Deckling
Cadets Face Problem of Matching
Bruin's Reserve- * M JJ ' rM
w BOBBY GRIPPIN starred on
top brokon field ninfior, the 19-
year-old back from Houst<>n is
also used for kickinf duties.
G. M. NKVIIJ,. Baylor right
•"d, la a U-ycar-old soph hail-
In* from Bryan. The l»0 pouml.
« foot one ineh reserrr aqoad-
Mm. spent time with the army
in the Pacif
the Pacific during the war.
DALLAS, TEX., Oct. 21 -<AP)
—The State Fair of Texas made
more money and drew more people
tRla year than ip any previous
year, fair official! said as ‘the 1« NEW YORK, Oct. 21 —<AP)—
run came to a close yesterday. A dosen major college football
teams sflll own all-ricUnrioas ro-
I ( iilifornia Battle Tops Nation:
Texas, SMG, Baylor Among Unbeaten
Quality Service at a Minimum Co*t
— ; • j.
Hoyd's Radio Shop
located at LoupoU Trading Po«t
■ !
Tliig Way Out
for Active Style
Going outdoors for your share"
of Autumn sunshine!
Go by the way of our store ...
where the assortment of new
Sport and Leisure Shirts are
the handsomest you’ve seen 7
' in many a year, v
For example, the big double-
poeketed, long-sleeved model
pictured above . .. here in a
fresh range of colors.
:T , i
^ Just picture youraelf in it,
mister . . . anywhere under
the sun!
Rich Colors in ...
mmmymm rayon
1 v* ^
d .. f ^ t i
GoUeft and Bryan
eonto today but aevcral of them
wdl have to do aomc fancy step-
pln* i’aturday to keep from join
ing oHher other, which were
tumbled from the rank, of the un
beaten and untied during the past
Among tfte topflight aggrega
tions. those whooe perfect re-
«*rda rorvived the weekend flr-
hf include Michigan. Notre
Dame. Teaaa. (aHfoniia, Geor-
!*■ Tech, fWanaylraaia. Penn
State. Soathern Mctkodmt. Bay-
Wake Poreut, Virgiai. and
Wast Virginia.
Probably the toughest chore Im
mediately ahead for any of this
■elect group it that faced by the
Golden Bean of California, who
t«n*W with Southern Califomia’i
unbegtan but once tied Trojans at
Banwley Saturday in one of the
top gamta of the day.
jjliehifan, looking more and
more like the claaa of the country
after crushing Northwestern 4»
fr, will he at home againat Minna-
••ta, while Illinois, 40-12 conquer
or of Minnesota and still unbeaten
nwwahs Pbrdue in big nine engage-
Texas, which downed Arkansas..
II 4, to cltar its first ftoathwest
Conferawce hurdle, gd. after Its
BojMk.rn WM>|<M| gaidea Ita
'Daah Walkar spa dal againat tho
I Rlvaretty ^T.llforal. at l^a
JhWlN ua the Pacific CaMt.
Tcxaa Christian pi.). Oklahoma
at Normaa. Ohio., and Arkansas
tmit Mtaaiaalnpi at Memphis.
Tana. In the power •packed
Routkern Methodist .ashed In on
the ouutde chance It was given to
taka Klee, While Teaaa dbrlatian
made its own breaks and wallotH. ( i
Teaat ABM. o, for the hlfgeat
upaet last week.
Bajrjcr came through with a ll-tl
- .... ■■ naAt*,. .
» Reserves in Kyle Field TiH
V _
Reserve atrength or lack of eamt and roamed far and wide
ra *f* P fftV# to be the differ- the Raiders. A Bryan product
enet Saturday afternoon 1 • F ■ ’
Baylor'a unbeaten Baara
thrtce-b<atcn ABM on KyW Pield
The Aggies have been hampered
by lack of aerond string power all
yaur. When the
#1 w#
clicking, Bie ( adeta wars winning
Laai week a«alact T. C. 0", fSa
rtoaryea, among other people wer*
** •ibklng. Therein he. the pat-
ale, wMek, H anlved, might prove
•Wlaive In Beturdey’a tussle with
the Bnnna.
umpha under Ita belt, has reserve
•(length, n laylor't convinrln*
«-d win over Teaes Tech last week
Ike reserves played a prominent
pan. Jatty Mangnim, Ui-yaar aid
Bophntnnre from Ban Antonin, eras-
rd hta name from the injured Bet
WWW NcvHl. figured prominently in Bay
mart lor’a aeeond teuchdown. taking one
" past foi 11 yards and then Ttaul-
In« lb a If yard aerial In tha end
atme for the payoff T
Reaerve halfback
also made hia presence knwbn to
one ami aH, raking in aeveral paaa-
es and Otharwlae conducting him
■•tf • first . stringer
(huek Stone, a defensive stand
harraaaing Tech paeeen aH
aft#rn«ion and recovering one fum-
Mete set up Baylor’s (mirth fourh
i In w I)
If Ike Afftec* second line nf at
tack can match throe Bruins Rat-
jrtef. the wrtlome may ahhek a
frw pewple In Waco. If not . well,
the Aggies have been knoWi
lose before.
tm to
Williamson Puts Three SWC
Teams in Nation’s Top Ten
Three Southwest Conference^
teams remained in the much cove
ted unbeaten class . as football
across the nation reached the half
way mark of the aoaaon William-
eon’s rating gives Urn Texas Long- 0 ——
horns top Position in the nation PriKPtinw On
and moves Southern Methodist and 114,1
Baylor into the top ten of the
country. ,
Here are the first ten in their
* M., Oklahoma will down TCU
and Mias. State to take cage of
Kyle Field Today
numerical order
and percentage
Position Team
1 Texas
Pennsylvania 97.3
Army W7.2
Illinois 97.2
California 96.(1
Georgia Tech 96.6
» 8. M. U. 9*2
’ Notre Dame 96.3
Baylor 94.9
teams in the south and
aouthweat with high ratings in
dude Louisiana State which stand
fifteenth, the Rice Institute Owls
who are holding down tha nine-
teenth spot in spite of their loss
tn 0. M. Arksnsas at number
twenty one. the TCU Frogs at
twenty-ievsnth spot The Texas
Affies slipped down to the 50th
poaitmn with an average percent
age of §7.1
Wggrot apeet of the week was
*ke Tf U victary over tke Texas
Affies. Another gsme tkat three
«*• Aousatera off »ss Kentuck>'s
l* l 5 # !* r “"k**‘*"-antled
\ snderbilt, Illinois's exeelleat
Waalni atteck clicked to mer-
throw Mlnueroi. io to || in «k«t
intended In he a light tool,
hall game.
Important games scheduled for
thle dwi'ing weekend imlude Cal.
tforoln* tili with l!H< with th.
Rnma barely favored. Tense •h.nild
win nver Rice to eontlnue to U th.
ngtinns numlier one team, W’ake
rifMt •hfiulil CfintlHUr (U IlhWil*
en record over Duke hut It will he
• Iteht game. Vanderbilts should
t» hmmtln* against Ut) this
week but take the Tiger, to win.
Michigan will easily main the
The Aggies practiced for the last
time today before a large crowd of
onlookers, as they prepared to go
into secret workouts, Tueadap.
The first part of the day was
spent in light workou emphaaiaing
The remainder of the day was
spent on punting and punt returns,
with plenty of blocking and tackl
ing being worked in.
Monte Moncrief and Marion
Hanagan were on hand to help
out. T ]
Hate off to Frank “(Joloncl
Andy” Anderson ami the athletic
department- for selling tickets in
the lobby of the Texas Hcjtei to
students who had
get them here.
forgotten to
( Ml R4 H nTONK, notably a
good defenaiva guard, rvtatnwl
■to 1
position from last
when WtNidniff took «
Baylor a head coach.
Radio Features:
\&M • Baylor Tilt
Mowsrs. ih
P<iund fullback, has unusual
speed for a man Ito-site. The
19-year-oM Ban Antonio prod
uct has bteh out with injuries
moat of this fall hat may be able
to taka » share of the load
against the Aggies Saturday.
eal selections for the broadcast are
from f
Wednesday night, October 22, Wtl ^»b) these requeai
9:30 p. m. the Texas State Net- Wh,ch h * Ve Mready been sent irt.
work and eight of ita affiliated
stations including WACO. KXYZ g
and KNOW will feature the com
ing A AM-Bay lor football game on
its broadcast of the ABC Round
up. Zack Hurt, well known sports
broadcaster, will emesa the broad-
catt which will include the voices
or coach Homer Norton as well
as Coach Woodruff of Baylor.
During the broadcast the two
coaches will give the starting line
up for the game and their version
of what the spectators may etpect.
Request cards have been posted at
various parts of the campus during
the past two weeks and the musi-
Nine Undefeated.
Schoolboy l earns
Remain in State
By Associated Fragg
Important confer. >!o* games dot
tha Texas schoolboy fi-eMl wrhe-
rfult this week with'several at the
state's* nine undefasted, un-tted
la danger.
Malar battles are scheduled la
districts bat ef moat pro-
mvaaiga appear tke Can*
ifkla, Gaaae Creek • Port
Arthur aad HarUngat • McAllen
rtnafglea far dtateifl titles la
IHcC II 14 and II
Of a'must mi«*1 Intoorlnnca are
iht .lash ef Itonisori *nh Parts In
Wtonut ft, th# wiimro U* berome
the leu favorite for the title hut
with Rheman dangerpuai the IniI-
lie af Poly and Arlington Hetelits
In the Fart Worth msirtot, *nh
for to answer 1 te Paarhylt
the Brown wand'Mine'll I Wells trot
In Ptotrtot ». where a title np-
(•Mtt far Brackenridb«< will be
temlphed, and the <'«rpua Chrietl-
Kcmllle jouat In wfhlch Corpus
(Ytrlati gets another tough test
Ust week’s firing cut three
teams from the ttMefrated, un-
** AnuriUd fell before
Odrosa 21-0, Weatherford loat to
Mineral Wells 20-6 and Waxaha-
chit sue umbed to Waco 20-6. This
left Wichita Palle, Odessa. Austin
(El Paso}, Corsicana. Longview,
Marshall. Austin. C.rpus Christ!
•nd McAllen with perfect records.
Starting Lighting Ignition
Specialized Service on
- Carburetors — tune up
Bruner Battery & Kleetrie Co.
113 Ea*t 28th Street — Bryan
sing I ai I* rom Original Equipment Manufacturrnj
/ '
dedsfen over Texas Tech. TtoJ w,, l wmlly retain th.
Bearx looked good In doing It. Lltl,, ’ 8rw n a»Mn«t Minn.
Irovlng them In a very good poal-
. t J® n J^Mue unbeaten after
the 4BM wffair. • ABM couldn’t
I » oa the ground, nor in the air.
*d It couldn't stop Texas Chris'
Mua very often in either depart-
Walker jampsd smack iota the
AB-Amertcaa apolRght with km
UTOfermaace agateat Rice a ad
cUmbrd axtaOR the uttea'. lead
ing scartra with 62 peiats la faar
, ^ dropping Tea*.
10 0. roe. to (roorgia. Auburn to
!“*“« *fd Louisiana State to Vaa- ia the Soathcaatero loop
Bavlor la due to take Tcxa.
i mr '*(wrtlnr \e«^.
Utile Moron Corner
Mohair Miwon, (he tiph.d.ierer'.tna,
wae 6nimt hiMhlttd iq. and thivermi
^ia Ms rsfrigerater oaa day. Ms es-;
I by saytog. "I «Tas th ihirtiy
fm\l*-pep4-(;uN44 and was l.mid
iieh.Hmhed'.irtmk ettenoiM. Now
J rei.dr.MNt. I’m ew«ddt M
Iwa don'i km* to ha a moeaa to
•rrtto (hero , . , fc«( (( help*. g«
far rark ereeptod me'M /•«>
ami imim penny more.
The Urxmt Electrical
Appliance Store in
Come in and aee us for large
or anall appliance*:
R*dk)w, Ucrtric Iron, Stu-
ilumt Lam pH, Floor lamps,
Prento Cooker*, Coffee
•nd assay other uaefuls
An« ■ srmg of eh pence, proiel. full .1
Bnagb. Here's the way ywu'll get it from
I r|w(-< «da I'a Make u* leugh ... if %mi
ran Se’ll pay It. M, 137,. as mmh
as *Ij (ur stuff we areepl - sm J p^nt
J h '" k ^ B- toU eaa retire. (,\s earl, as
* P. M. if you like.) t.Ni d<m t have
to meotioa l'ppe.-( <■!. hat that alwaye
—Hl"sH E "(,ACS ” "
If yoa'ro a Tw"*, . “she” ( u ^
pert) writing IIR-SHK johes dwHild ke
a riach for yaa. If sWre not a "he”
« • ’"■be” doaft hi alms Anyway, if
J CT ** J M,nu ld> to give us gags
like three, we alight he era** enough
to pay you a frw barks far litem.
• 0 •
Ue: Give me a kiro sad 111 buy you a
^■po-CMa -. - or eoarothing.
Sbec ( .-em tHin. Either you'll buy me a
Pep* ., .or nothing!
• • •
Me: ■ heu a mea kwM forward eagerly,
h|» |»rted» thirsting for luvekacro,
don’t you know what So do*
She: Sure, give him a POpei-Cote.
•aakee ro smile. Ai send In yut»r j.4es «nd
fT */! ^ • "da R. Kt«i
( .da Cm., Lmg (dead Uty, N. I.
IV very next day you met rrrolve t
-h hive redH.-|ihon.*ra|di crnibmathm ami
. nine-room prrf.lww.tml MroTlt won’t
V from ua. Se ll just arnd rou
we feet like it. Eaay Moaey, tis..
M tee end ,4 |V year we're going
to retirw all the stuff we hurt and
the Item weithink was best of ad h
going to gel «u extra
Ooow Is (w HOT DOUatlNUTH
North Qstc
(xga 16 to 19 plus)
- /
A faun ns. sage haa said test pruf ds w
fnnnwr thaa anyhady. If that were true,
***« I the digkarot Mae ahat well „.
This i# aaaier thaa takiag eaudv away hi mi a hah. \ad lew.
Mtyha yau dim't want to he rwh. hut just hwor Lu J V
yaa ftft. (h if you wad ue ymtr own cart,am idea we ll up n |«, till 1 ^
<Wl T~ Jr.. »S tmi . l-n .1 li “*!!/* •
fri«, S. CmII yim Mfm V* C-STC.
tvrt ( Mtmw, we It uauhl I- iteng. Id..
teero ualew we gel euaw eenw.
"Ml George, who will trot U 17 .m mm
Gay F.wkee I hi,, had hi. -,n*ndli .,
»to»*ed le«i MkaMh B haa the dm tor eA»l
him ahat kiwi uf sin,h.i.g ha d hks to
hava, Gatoge ro»d, 'tolure eelf
JWxMyaaltog^m, (to..