The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 21, 1947, Image 1

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, r ■
WACO> Tm., OeA ft (AP)~8lx
n*w dam* and rtaanroln ar* "bt-
inf conatdarad” by U. 8. (<>rp» of
Army «nfbM«n for contrul- of
flood* in th« lower watmhod of
Bra to* River, Col. Hoary Hatch
inf*. Jr., division onfinoor, told
director* of Braio* K v, r i or>. r
vation and Reclamation Dietrict.
One would be on tho N*vas<>t»
River, about 18 milea eoutheaat of
! i—I
NEW YORK, Oct ft (AP)-Mi-
ehifan has been stamped as (he
, No. 1 team of the nation by the
»pert*writer* partieiaatinf in the
weekly Associated, Press football
poll. Notre Dame remained a
strong second choice. Ten writer*
» thought Teats had the U »t ball
club in the land and there were
enough who were impressed to give
them third place.
Bob <'ro»by, who chested 4mth s
thousand times on bucking broncs
and wild •eved steers, is dand from
t Jeep a«ldaat • •
•Tbs “Ring of tbs Cowboy." .IlM
of head and tbeat injuriee
here yeetarday when his key
plunged 80 feet into the dry river
bed of the Pecos River
Hsm Wood, veteran Hollywood
WWNsty and direetor, said yeatar*
dtp M i tight, dlsslpllnsd group of
• ( ummtnlat Party Membsrs and
party liners" la Making (a gall con
trol of unions and guttda In tbs
movie 'ifMfe:
Jock L Warner, Hollywood
movie predbser, told the cemmltte#
that people "with un-American
leaning" have Infiltrated Into tke
movie Indastry,
Volumn 47
Number BO
Soldier, Statoman, Knightly Gentleman • . .
Italian Sculptor, Pompco Coppini, Quits
Engineering, Produces ‘Sully 9 Monument
—Secretary of Agriculture A ruler-
won said yesterday he was "paying
no attention" to reports that he
might resign from the Truman
cabinet to seek a seat la the Bsnate
from his home state af New
new York, oet « -cap)
The United Nations assembly fail
ed today in a new effort to break
the throe-week deadlock between
India and the Soviet Ukraine in the
contest for. the security council
neat which Poland wfll vacate De-
Lika a beacon in a aUrray sea, the statue of General Sullivan
Rom stands at the center of the ARM Campus.
For those who ware never able to know Lawrence Sullivan Roes,
the statue stands aa a monument to a man who started AAM on ha
way to haroming an educational institution.
To thooe who attondod AAM in tho oarty days
and know Gonoral Ross, tho statue is Hardly neces
MB?. As one old tinier put it, "The statue is only a
reminder, and those of us who know him coul.i never
forget You mo, ho engraved his memory on the
hoorta and minds of thooe students who attondod
AAM when ho was president."
"I have never heard anyone who attended AAM
utter aa unkind word about Him," bo added
Tbs Ross statue was modelled in Iftl by Pom-
pea Coppini, .Italian-bon sculptor wbo still Uvm
• II San Antonio Pram his studio thora cams many
of Texas' rommemorativ* monuments.
To an avorago porsorg to "build* a status, you
mavuly taka kamiuar, chtsal, and g piece of raek.
and with • ship kars and a slat thaw (aagmantad
by a stick or taro of dynamite) you have a full
blown sutuo, U la thinking like tbie which make*
K possible for an artist to llvo, to mato and build,
and dio bofars he la appreciated or aeslalMd,
Capplni, an aatlva liUU 7? year «MHallan.
like* to *hoot tho brooM ovtr a sup af eaffo# and
•ImroMea aa well aa anyaua. Drop around to ana
of the IKlte sida *traat aaffba shop* in San Antonio,
•nd you! find him drinkng coffee, talking, and
Jurt living. < i
- tame af the other work* of Healptor Coppini
aiu tuck well known pieoo* a* the LittWMd Mem
orial Fountain at Teas* Untvsaalty, the Con fade rate
Group located in front of the itote Capital at Aus
tin, the Baylor Memorial and Burleson Sutuo at MonaaMnL
Waco, the Hammeratein Statu* for
the Haromearteln Theatre in New
York, and the aia brvnie figure* in
th* Hail of Teas* Heroes which
were aahlhitod at th* Centennial
in Dallas in 1M«.
Coppini was bon in tho Italian
Providence of Moglia. in 1*70. Hi*
father, a musician, was th* des
cendant of a noble, wMlthy family
which was ruined by the Aus
trians in th* War of IMd. Cop
pini could carry the name of a
nobleman, but refused to lot any
one know this, m he wanted only
those things in life that he could
attain himself. ^
After studying in
Batt Co-Editor To
Attend Minnesota
ACP Convention
UuhCm Chora, Magician, Acrobat
Florence and opened t studio.
Upon his arrival in the United SUtes in 1898, he found that the
golden “land of opportunity" did not necesMrily exist for sculptor*
He spent several months wandering about New York before he finally
received a commission to make portrait boats of
aeveral New York notables. He went to Omaha
where he modeled all tho groups and other sculp
ture work for the government building at tho Oma
ha Exposition. Ho also prepared many of tho group*
for the Pan-American Export Exposition held in
Philadelphia in 1899. Upon hia return to New York,
he and Arthur Fendtl opened a studio. Though the
partnership soon dissolved, Coppini continued the
operation of the studio.
After a whirlwind courtship, Coppini married
the former Miss Elisabeth De Borbieri of New
Haven, Conn. She became a real helpmate and hia
sonatant aid and inapirstion. They moved to San
Antonio in 1910 and built tho now famous- Coppini
Homo and studio located at the corner of BraS«way
and Arendia Place In Alamo Heights. Though he
has an offtro on West 14th Street In New York,
be prefer* to spend m murk time aa possible in
San Antonio.
Coppini rosorves o warm spot In his
the (ionerol Nul Russ Statue, which was
front of the Academic Building In 1918,
honor to do • statue of such a groat man,"! „
Sculptor "1 think that In addition to keeping this
statue dean, th* frrohmen should try to model their
lives after Rom. He was a groat Indkaa ftoktor,
A bora I POMPID COPPINI. particlpallito In 188 Utiles and had flva kofaso
sculptor of the Roes MUler Be- ahot under him. As governor, he woe elected twice
lowi The Leorooer Seltkaa Rom by a handsome majority and died as president of
w /
Charlie Murray, co-editor of The
Battalion, w|N leave tomorrow
morning by plane for Minneapolis
to attend a three-day Associated
Collegiate Press conference.
The convention, to bo held Oc
tober 23 through 28 will cover all
phases of newspaper, yearbook,
and magaxine publishing.
Desipied to aid student Journa
list* in all fields, the ACP parley
will provide a program including
such speakers aa: George Preedlcy,
drams critic for the New York
Moraiog Telegraph; Dr. Ralph D
Casey, director of the University
cf Minnesota school of Journalism;
Gideon Seymour, executive editor
of the MinnMpolia Star and Trt-
bone; Graham B. Hovey, staff
member of the New RepebUc who
was on th# "Inside" as th* Mar
shall Plan took shapo; and Georg*
Grim, foreign correspondent for
th* Minnoapolia Triboa*, Just back
from a round-the-world tour by
The Associated Collegiate Press,
th* college version of the Associa
ted press, is directed by the Uni
versity of Minnesota, ft conducts
soml-ant usl critical survoys of col-
Um JuMWations In lu last sur
vey The Battalion reMived sn All-
American rating, top honors for
s student paper.
Murray will return to Coltego
Sunday evening.
NTSC Variety Show
To Appear at Annex,
Guion Hall on Nov. 1
AAM College.
^ WASHINGTON, Oet. ft -(AP)
—Kgrtou Thursday will continue
even If poultry less Thursday is
abandoned, citisen* food commit
tee official* predicted yesterday
They told reporters it is )>rob-
would be restored to Tbnrsday
menus ar a result of conference*
starting today.
LUFKIN, TEX.. Oet 21 (AP)
—41J,. Kurth, asserting there was
no doubt that fires had boon wt
deliberately In timber laads in
Polk County Friday and Saturday,
today offered a reward of $2<hi f,,i
arrest and conviction of tbe (h-i-
or person* who art thorn. Kurth is
• president of th* Angelina County
Lumber Compauy.
* —Gov. Boauford H. Jester of Tex-
V M ftoterday warned the southern
< 'inference of governor* that th*
United State* Supreme ( uurt’s re
fusal tv reconsider the California
ttdelsnd* cose tightened tho
■ -lianirlmtr loop of . t >p*r-fedrrul
control at the throats of ‘mere
property owners,' the sovereign
Rtstee of the unit*."
had to offer at that tins,
and Rivaka, he grodualad
from the Academia de Bell* Arts.
He finished the eight year acad
emy coarse in thro* yean, win
ning highest henon and prise
money over students of eight to
twelve yean training.
Hia parent* ebjeett-d violent
ly to his training as an artist aa
they hod hopes of his becoming
a civil engineer. Though their
hopes never completely material
ised. he was forced to work aa an
engineer oa a dam in northern
Italy for a whilo when they re
fused to finaeee further art train-
hie attempt to follow his
chosen ftoid of work, ho waa fon
ts spend several yeon in the
Itellnn Army, point signs, clerk in
stero, and be a wins salesman
From tho money accumulated as a
win* merchant, he returned to
NEW YORK. Oct. tlrordAP)
The fir* department wa*'Wiled to
put out a mum fog in th* HhMK,
A woman apartment Houm deoler,
awakened by a neighbor*! cc
ing, saw th* fog rolling post her
window in smoke-llh# clomri Sh*
iu reamed, “Flro!" an alarm was
turned h and H was almast dawn
before the neighborhood gat back
to sloop.
—The United Slates has formally
rejected Russia's proposal that So
viet arm Aasorican occupation
troops Withdraw *imultan«-ou«ly
from Kona.
CARIH, Oet tl -(AP)- A 21
day old cholera epidemic has cost
2,128 live* In Egypt the public
health mtnictrv announced today.
M the Egyptian government
Rioted new fands and mapped
the diaea*
Ministry i
plana for combating the
1 NEW OBI LANS Oct tl (A) >
—A mobile operating roam, mount
ed in an automobnc trailer and
equipped with fadlitios compar-
abte to those of largo hospitals,
will bo station<»d bp the Navy at
th* Naval hospital in (button for
disaster relief work, Eight Naval
District Headquarters her*
nounced. 1
LONDON, Oft. tl —(AF)—
! omimi newspapers reported that
Yehudi Menuhin, tl, world renewu.
sd violinist, and Diana Gould, 14
•CtTOM and ballerina, wars mar
ried hero Sunday meraiif.
Menuhin divorced hia flrat wife.
At the college Rons was I
and admired, not ae an ex
nor bat because of bis love far the
students He loved the college suf
ficently to reject a nomination si
Railroad Commissioner. In spite
of hia outstanding record aa an
Indian fighter and general In the!
Confederate Army, I think ike is
woll depicted m a statesman and 1
coltego president "
In regards to the Sul Ross Sta
tue, here is a letter dated 26 Oc
tober, 1918 from President William
B. Biasell to Sculptor Coppini:
“Dear Mr. Coppini. I am delighted
with the photograph of the Gov
ernor Rom Statue, and I shall take
plaaaaro in having it framed and
placed in a coMatcious place In
my reception office. It ia vary
gratifying to me that you are tak
ing ao much pride in the produc
tion of this artistic work. I am
sure it will be a credit to you as
well as to the greet state which
National Students
Association Given
Seat on UNESCO
The newly formed United States
National Student Association has
been granted membership in th*
National Commission for UNESCO
(United Nations Economic, Scien
tific, and Cultural Organisation).
Notification to this effect waa
received by the national office of
the W8NSA located in Madison,
Wisconsin from the State Depart-
ment m wr ash i n gt <> n. ^ *
William B. Welsh, president of
the USNSA. announced that Rob
•rt 8. Smith, viea-proaident of the
association, would be represents
live of the National Student Asso-
4 Ace« of Collegeland Band 1 to Play
For Dance in Shiga Following Show .
DENTON, Tex., (SPL) Oct 2oXa 32-mewtber variety
troupe front North Texas State College win invade Agxie-
land Saturday, November 1, to pn-wnt two show* before
Akki«* audienctii and play for an A.AM. dance, Director
Floyd Graham announced this week.
Feattring number* by the 18-piece Acea of Collegeland
+bend, a can-can chorua, and stu
dent performers, this variety show
will be given at 5 p m. for AAM
froehawn and at 7;80 p.m. for oth
er itvdmts. Tho stag* band will,
play for a dance from V till ll
Saturday night
The SM»*a performance wilt be
presented at the gymaaelum,
okll# tile campus program *1H
be held on th* ntage of (iatea
Specialty numlwr* on the pro*
gram will Include songs by Vlrgb
nis < luck of Neptune City, N. J M
who wm choeen (he "most lovable
girl of the month" this summer In
New Jersey; the Dlpsy Dondlers,
a group of hllthlllv singers com-
poecd of Adrian Median, Reuben
Noel, and Jim Bolt Nance of Ama
rillo; Gene Pflug of Dallas, dancer
featured In the Dallas Starlight
Operettas this summer; 1 Betty
Stewart of Cleburne, special danc
er; L A. Speer Jr. of flenton, ms-
igieiaa; and Mary I-ashly of Port
^rtbur, an acrobatic dancer.
4 A&M Students
To Judge at Dairy
Show in Florida
W. R. Kamael, t 0. McWhlrter.
J. H, Walker, ami W. C. Magee will
represent A, A M at Miami, Fieri
da wbon the Colleglsi* Student
Inleroatioftal Contest In Judging
Dairy Fraduets (mivenea «nt Os-
| tober 17.
The rontoat Is held aa the fea
ture event at the annual meeting
of the International Association
of Milk Dealers and tha Interna*
ttonal Assmlatiurr of Milk Manu*
facturers At a kaaaaat fattSwM
tbs contest, the high man in the
contest will be awarded a scholar-
skip for • master's degree at the
school of bis choice. The Dairy In
duotry Supply Association is s;>on
soring the scholarship
The A. A M. team has been train
ia endeavoring to honor the mem- eiation to the National Commia-
ory of Goversor Roe*. Signed
B. Bisxell. r
ing on samples of creamery but
ter from Tavlor, Ice cream samples In th* can-can chorus will be
from Amartto, and milk samples Jackie Langham of Dallas, Jean-
from Houston, as well as various nine Hawthorne of Mexia, Katie
samples from the croamery hero Wisely of Denton, Fran Payae of
at eollaga. In this type of contort,
90 per rant of judgment is
Thg team has b<
who has
What’s Cooking? |
Tuesday, Architectural Lecture
AI Chi PICNIC. I p WU Wed-
netday, HtnaS Puik- TVanaporto-
lion at Pstroloum Buibiing
ULTY, 7:80 p. nk, Tuesday. Phy
sics Lecture Room.
AUSTIN CLUB. 7:80 pju.j
Monday, Room 10X Academic.
Irifinally October 13.)
m., Wednesday, At Lectors
AIEE moots Taeaday, 7:30 p.m.,
E.E. Lecture Room.
AGGIE RODEO. October 24-28.
ING SOCIETY, 7:10 p. m., 7W
day, Agricultural Engineering Lec
tor* Room.
ednosday, Room 261, t,oo<lwm
p. ss., Thursday, Room 807, Aca
TEBURY CLUB. 7 p. m.. Wednes
day, Pariah Houm.
ECONOMICS CLUB, 7:80 w m.,
issday, Room 807, Academic.
lish staff to entertain campu* Eng
lish faculty, 7:80 p. m., Thursday,
Annex Btmirnt Ontvt
p. m, Tuoaday, Oemery Lecture
Texas Nutrition Conference
To Be Held Here October 23-24
Experts In tha field of sninutl nutrition will convene it
A. 4 M. October 28-24 to make available to Texana their ac
cumulated knowledge on the production of the maximum
poundate of meat, poultry, and effn from available feeda.
The occasion la the third Texaa Nutrition Conference,
sponsored by tho collage far the*
~ Ibaa
hion for UNESCO. Smith is chair
men of the International Activities
Commission of the USNSA, which
is located at Harvard Univenity.
The twenty-six regional chair
men of the National Student As
sociation will coordinate their ef
fort* with those of the regional
UNESCO Committees to imple
ment the programs of the Nation
al Commiasion for UNESCO.
The USNSA is an organiaation
baaed upon the student government
bodies of rnllogos and universities
nil over the Olnited States. Dele
gates who attended the Constitut
ional Convention at Madison, Wis
consin came from SM campuses,
and were directly representing 1,-
389,000 American roltoM students.
Th* urograms of the USNSA will
benefit the individual col log* »tu-
dent through hia student govern
ing body.
Direct student exchange be
tween Canadian and th* US uni-
varsities la one of tho projects now
Mag devrlop*d. Special travel and
I study tour* tro bolng formulated |
In Europe
benefit of Texas ranchmen, pool
try men, and food men
Application of la tort aciontifk
information in tlMl fidkiA of QfliftlAl
nutrition and biochemistry to the
problems of feeding a hungry
world will bo discussed by Dr. R.
M. Rothko, in charge of nutritional
mve*tigat)ona at Ohio Agricultural
Experiment Station, and Dr. T. H
Jukes, head of the deportmoat of
nutrition and physiology rt-March
for Lodori* Laboratories of Poor!
River. N. Y.
Dr. Bothke, expert in the field
of poultry nutrition, ia past pram
dent of both the American I’oultn
Science Association and tha Ameri-
caa Society of Animal Production
Dr. Jukas waa formerly 'in the
staff of the University of Cailfor-
Other netritioners who plan to
tend the conference are H. R.
Guilbert, professor of animal hus
bandry at the University of Cali-
Dr. J. H. Quiranberry to
Tuesday, YMCA.
7:10 p. m., We*ine»day, Room 228,
7:80 p. m., Tuesday, Room 808,
Agrkaitural Building. . .
SOCIOLOGY CLUB, 7:80 p, m.
Room 8M, Agriculture R ilding.
ENC1MBBR8, 7:80 p m.. Tuoaday.
Ml Loctvro kooaa. Film "Some
thing to Shoot For", on Clove land
Air Ruml
•T" ARSOC^ liOO p.m., Wodnoa-
day, Oet It Lecture Room of C.C.
VOIXeYBALL CLU», following
HA KK8CUE 8 p. m. Friday, Hensi
Fark. Contact A R Buckor, 8-L
Puryoar. before noon, Thurmduy
PRE-LAW •ocorr. 7:80 p.m.,
Tuomtoy, Room It ftBMluf K | yell praetlco Tuesday, Gymnasium.
TY, 7:10 pto^ Tuesday, Science p. m.. Tur-Uy, YMCA Salad de-
Lecture Raom. Election of effleera. monetrotioa by Mtu. J, B. Medfsrd
fornia; J. W. Haywani. director
of the nutritional research depart
ment af Archer-Daniel* Midland
company of MtnnoapoHs; and C. F
Huffman, rsooarch professor of
dairying at Michigan State Col-
Papers dealing with problems of
securiM maximum rosulte in beef
and dairy cattle feeding and poul
try feeding with available feed*
will fill the two-day conference,
followed by a discussion and ques
tion period.
On Saturday following this pro
gram the group will tour the ex
perimental farms sad laboratories
of the College, and will attend the
AAM-Baylor football game.
Tha aunaal meeting cf the Tax
es State Nutrition Council will b*
held in Lubbock, October 28, in
th* Agriculture Auditorium of
J TUCknologictl College. Miss
W Wilmot, Associate Profes
sor of Home Economics, University
of Tsxas, is Chairman of tho Nu
trition Council.
Nutrition Education In The
School" will be the theme of the
mooting. J. C. Leukhardt of the
Nutrition Program Offtoo, Wash
ington, D. (X, will speak an "Cur
rant Work! Fond Problem*
What They Mean to Ut."
4 College Station
Men Nominated To
Regular Army, AF
Four men from College Station,
including throe members of the
staff of AAM, wore nominated last
week for racesa appointment* as
commissioned officer* in the Reg
ular Army and Air Foret, General
Thomas f. Handy, Fourth Army
commander, announced Saturduy.
U Col. Henry F. Murray, mili
tary property custodian, waa nom
inated for a permanent rank of
firat lieutenant in th* Regular Air
Korro, subject to confirmation by
the Senate when It roeonvenss.
U. Col. Gifford M. Slmroang,
professor in the mechanical engi-,
neering department, was nominated | for American students
for a roceaa appointment in the next summer. Tours an being
Angular Army, with a permanent plannod for students from foreign
rank of captain in the Field Ar- ~ ‘ *
2nd LL George G. Groenwail waa
nominated in th* Regular Air
Force for,the permanent rank of
second Heetenant.
on tent*
ing ainee
rent semester.
A. V. Moore
training tho team and will ac
company them to Miami, says that
the competition will be very keun.
It is expected that twenty team*
from the U. S. and Canada will
participate in the contest.
The 1947 contest will be the firat
held ufare 1941.'In 1941, the con
test waa held in Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, at which A. A M. waa
NavasoU, and Pat Purdy of Di
* 'Kdtog (saham'i variety show
begin mg of the C** ^te-wlde recognition
through tour* of army hospitals
and appearances throughout the
region, including performances be
fore AAM audiences.
During the Grot 18 days of the
school year, Graham’s troupe re- •
ceived SB request* to appear before
various groups througohut th*
Mate, i The bond i» booked solid
for dances Bie week of the
performanoai. according to
state. T
RIDING ia Iti* Aggie Rodeo
this we*k-oud will be girls from
other Texas school*. Inducted
■i* JANE TATUM of Jaactioo.
roprutomtiUg fCU, router, left;
80 ur.INHXK of (torpUB tHris-
tt, Texas A. A L router right;
from Texaa Tech, lowor loft;
Harper, from John Tarleteo
Agricoltarsl College.
Capt Charles A. Lewis to the, ....
fiscal office was named for the "v*
permanent rank of firat Iiouten
ant in the Regular Army.
General Handy pom tod that
these four appointment* were
among approximately 8,900 ghoMn
from 88,000 officers %nd former
officers of the Notional Guard,
Officers Reserve Corps, and
of the United States who
for commissions under the
Regular Army Integral
This latest list brings to
28,000 tbe number of
inated for the Regular
Air Force under th* two
Thera will bo
regulars after this increment is
confirmed by the Senate.
About 728 in the ftMMh;
Fourth Army Area raecivod ap
pointments, General Handy reveal-
countrio* to th* United States
Ono of the primary purposes of
forming tho USNSA was to pro
vide a moans by which all Ameri
can students, working through
their (l< niocrsticallv elected stu
dent governing bodies, can help to
create a world community besod
on better understanding Wtwoon
oil the people of the world.
Tom Roberts Will
Ride in Rodeo
A 8800 000 aaid-ia-advanee or
ew ww |*Wi*o »#e rose w teees^ va
for pig Iron has boon rooti
from Kaiser-Frnxor Corporation, R
B. Germany, proatdont of tb* L>n<>
•tar Stool Ooaa»any, onnouaa
Tom Roberta, a
janior animal
Donor of Librar>
To College Die*
Otto H.
who gave his M-
tetato and engi-
to A. A N. in 1S41 died
y at Me home ia Dallas.
Lang, wha came to Dallas fr
Germany in IMS. waa a plow
Dallas srohitert, having hel;>«>'l de
sign some of tho eity'a boat known
husbandry studeat from San An
tonio, will be one of the contes
tants in the Aggie Rodoo of Oc
tober 24-28.
Tom ia a veteran rodoo porform-
ar having entered hie font rodeo
in 1941 at Bandera oa a bareback
krone known aa Cedar Snag. Mince
then he has competed in numerous
rodeos, including the 1940 Inter
collegiate Rodoo at Taaam, Ari
sons sml RCA shows at Boulder
and Grand Lakes, Colorado
Ho la a member of tho Rodoo
Cowboys Association and has boon
a consisteat winner ia tho brone
riding events of th* weekly RCA
rodoo la Bandera. Tom
•tag* tho 1948
entered Jin J
year*! •now
Aggie Rodoo aad
he bullriding and
eronto of thin
This year's rodoo promtiw to
bo th* oiggoot aad hoot to data.
Then winks a |40o added purse
the various e verrtc:.