The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 16, 1947, Image 1

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A Bionx pKimbvr end ■ Bo*ton
«»•' driver emerged today
M We undisputed boasts of the
AWirtwri Federation of Labor
convention. '
Control of the convention for
Ceorie Meanr of the plumbtre and
Danl4 Tobin of the teamsters
carried with it virtual control of
the U-man policy-making execu-
VT?. . cou,Kn whifh wiU run the
AFL’s affairs from now until next
fall, whet the federation
train. ;
, LOS AkGEUSMkt 16 (AP)-|
Threo-ceal air mail postage is the
hop* of I ostmaster General Rob- .
ert E. Hahnegan, he told the Na
tional Association of Postmasters I
convention yesterday. The rate|
now is five cents.
NEW YORK, Oct 16 (AP) —I
The American Heritage Founda
tion, sponsors of the Freedom
Train, said the train with its prec
ious documents of United States
cities, would make stops including:
January 16, Texarkana, Ark.;
Denison, Texaa; 10, Dallas; 81,
Fort Worth.
February 1, Waco; I, open date I
in Waco; 3, Tyler; i, Beaumont;
6, Houston; 6, Houston; 1, Galves
ton; R, Harlingen; f, open date
In Harlingen; 10, Corpus Christ!;
11. Austin; 1|. San Antonio; It,
Del Rio; 14, K1 Paso.
TEXARKANA, Tea., Oet 16
(ARl-'A challenge of the sonaU'
leUmaltty af the Tesaa minimum
» sglary lew was ahaplngup May
with It W, Rlilwell, Texarkana,
VoltUM 4T
e ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' i. ■ i
Bruce, Leatherwood Elected To
Top Student Senate Position
Cadet Corps Parade t«B* Held
Saturday Morning in Ft Worth
The entire A&M Cadet Corps consisting of five regi
ments, two military bands, and a headquarters group, will
march through downtown Ft. Worth Saturday morning in
their first military parade of the year.
Cadets will assemble at the circus lot east of the Main
^street underpass 0:30 Saturday
morning, and the column will move
sshital aupatlniamUni
in iha plan,
iarnvy William
Wert threatening lei
bhone calls to Oev. Beaufnrd H
Jester. In Austin, the governor’s
secretary aald the meaaage* did
not threaten Jester’s life.
MKJL FRKKMAN A. TATUM (right) hath*, over I
I" with BAoihar warhridf over the traditional rup of
bjgome dayu In Merry Eng-
Too Many Bugs, Too Much Heat
^ar-Bruie’s Opinion of Texas
■imImo totter* and tele-1 • • “ ^
T BOSTON. Oct. 16-(AP)-Sec
retary of State Marshall said
ycaterday that the United States
was pressing a determined cam-
*• paign far world stability which ha
declared is "absolutely necessary
to world peace
Marshall told the convention of
. the Congress of Industrial Orgsxi
ration (CIO) that ths campaign
M demanded "cool calculation and
great determination” along with
readiness to "discount vicious pro
l«Rsnda and outrageous critictsm".
—Dixie Republicans have advance
notice that the presidential candi
dates art coming on an open hunt
r fbr support among the 200-odd
- delegates a doxen traditionally De
mocratic States wOL-send to the
V-tto GOP conwsntfon.
Harold E. Stassen annouaced
that he is heading South in Nov
ember for speeches and confer
ences in Uttto Rock, Ark., -Dallas
r New Orleans, Gulfport, ‘Mias, St
Petersburg^Fla., and Orlando, Fla
Hit moye-may be matched soon b’
I s decision>by Senator Taft (R-
Ohio) to travel in the same dim-
> tkm.
—Frvskirnt 'd4|rpman announced
yesterday Ana authorised tht
Army to pwthaa* 160,000,000 In
Franas from the French govern
menl to h«lp i* the French Dollar
NlfW YORK. 0*i 16 —(AP)-~AI
Ml i'»»»rngers gnd the erew of
ptwn have been lescuad frum th
: riant flying -boat, Rerntuda Iky
Oupen, which was funwl dawn In
the storn|-toaaed North Atalntto,
ATHRNR, Oct 16 ~<AP)-An
attlhoritaklve source aald foaterda)
tie Greek goveritment lad ftlod
I protest With th* Allied Powers
again*! aUeged peraecution and
* whotooato arreet of Grooka In Rul-
Except .tar th# heat and the
.naerta, America la a fine place,
lays Mrs, Freeman A. Tatum, a
tatlve of Bury. Lancashire, Eng-
and, which ia neither hot nor
•lagucd wtth bugs.
vVrh. Tatum has been In th* U J.
line* last April whan ah? and her
nusbxnd, an EE student from
riow, arrieod on the same ship
an war*
Htr picture was snapped
th shp came down th* gaag-plank
Uld appeared In many'papere un-
tor the captkm. ‘German War-
trktos Land In U.8
Biology wauld have been Mrs.
ratum’a life calling if only she
tad been able to shin* to mathe-
nattes more. Aa it was, she had
to math credit to present the
intverstty upon matriculation and
aa refused
She graduated from Bury Gram-
ner School which she claims la
to grammar school at all in the
way wt think f grammar arhoola.
In England that InetituUon cor
reapwda to the American high
school with a dealt of tunior col-
tog* thrown In for added Davor,
Th* Tatum raeidence in the
Ecoriomy Apartments, a euphem
istic way to nay "barrack* has
a clean, pleaaant look. The Ta
tum* follow th* philosophy that
on* might as well live comfortably
tf be ta t* l*ee at aU.
"New took” fashions appeal to
Mrs Tatum In some aspects The
pada and drapes meet with
approval, b it the hem-line business
has gone beaerk. aha believe* Eng
land, she any*, would follow th*
overall idea of-the “new took” If
the material ware available
Mrs Tatum worked for f (v e
yean la the Air Ministry during
the war. Drat in London and later
In Manchaater. However it was in
Bury, Lancashire, that rite met
her huaband. a Signal Corps cap
tain wtyo was attending an army
Hohn Appointment
To Head Colorado
Project Confirmed
C. Hohn, iUt« farm labor
auparviaor of AAM waa in
tha Snydtr area yoM. nUs
working on migratory labor
iiiubema and could not he reached
fur oommeni on an Asaorlated
Pres# report from Austin which rs-
portad tnat he wauld Join Ik* luwer
tkilarado River aulhority to head
up ths tO-eouniy caiiaervkUun pm
Hla off lee here, however, tan*
firmed »h* repori as did Kaienslon
Service headguariers
The date of ala appointment has
not been set.
The farm labor law tRpIrta on
Detemher 11 and at that tlmo ro-
sponaijdllty for muting of farm
migrant laborer* passes from the
Extension Service to tho Texas
Employment Commission.
"It ia a fin* opportunity for Mr.
Hohn and LClA could not have
selected a more qualified man on
every count to Implemenlt its new
her huaband are rather laay.Jtoey program,"l-Dr. Ide P. Trottor, E*s
radar school there They were
married In London
Black-eyed peas and green veg
stable* are llama of American
taeto without which Mrs Tatum
could well do without, she believes
She doe* long for English peas and
Bruaaell sprouts.
Concerning matters recreational:
Mrs, Tatum states that at* and
rmwrr laaj.tJlM]
but ■Mari fal
Tbn «adrttnina
to music.
ihoOdn fRctnraa.
ting on picture*, she says
Baseball to the bone of conten
tion In the Tatum family. The
gam* means nothing to her, and
her husband lore* It. He trie* to
prove the games merits to her.
but has been unsuccessful thus
From time to time other girls
from England drop In on Mrs. Ta
tum for that link with the old
country—tea. It’s then, with the
broad "A’s" flying and Mttle fin
gem held Just so, that one knows
Mrs. Tatum to English
out at 10:80.
The Corps w^H assemble with
regiments on line, but will march
with regiments in column. Regi
ments will assemble and * mmi
with battalions in column, and bat
talions will assemble and march
with companibs in column. Com
panies will form with a alx malt
runt, wtth the exception of th*
two hand*.
Band Instrumental Colors, stand
ards,, guidons, and saber* will he
carried to th* assembly area in
th* hand van, and may h« obtained
after MiM) RaUmlay morning. g»
hera will he rarrlM by Ih* eorpa
staff, Regimental, Battalion, and
Company Commanders
Th* Corp* will marvh ihiwuvh
the Main Itreel underpass to Utk
Interaectlen of Main and Unoaa
ter, and proceed dawn Main paM
the reviewing Hand, located in
mnt af th* TeaaB Hotel, turn
up Fifth Rtreet to Houston and
marvh down Houston to Weather
ford. At Weatherford, the cofM
will turn north and diamias Ink
various unite at the designated
Difficulties encountered In pre
vious yean with heavy traffic in
dismissal areaa will be avoided aa
the ft Worth poitoe department
1a to bleak all streets Into th* dla-
the corps baa
Student Representatives
Pick Committee Members
Dive Bruce, senior Business student from Temple, wag
elected president Of the Student Senate last night at a meet
ing in The Grove of the 34 members of A&M’s newest form
of student government, N. R. “Jugg’ Leatherwood, Beau
mont, aenior chemical engineering student, was chosen sec
retary of the organization.
Preceding the election of officer*
Hughes Article To
Appear in Engineer
W1 ^ ^ * j
battalion Named All-American
ly Associated College Press
FFA Leader Gets
Convention Trip
From Santa Fe
S3*’ 0 "
Hohn waa hem in Yorktown „• <i
graduated from AAM in 1912.
He received his master's degree
here in 1914. He was captain at
the 1911 football and 1912 b«-
ball teams.
After graduation he was mans
rer of a ranch near Corpus Christ!
Further cooperation has been of
fered by the police as they have
arranged for motorcycle patrolmen
to toad the parade through it* en
tire length.
Present on the reviewing stand
\ , T i f
Readers of the Octobsg issue of
tht A. S M. Engineer *01 ha
the pleasure of leading all i
wntiCT WCMWlveiy Tot \wr
neer by Howard Hughes,
millionaire industrialist, al
manufacturer, aviation record ho]
er. and playboy.
Hughea, who whs born in Hous
ton 42 years ago, has made mill
ions of dollars m Texas alone
•^Nofficial.^, of AAM, through unique appllcattona of *a-
1920, when he was appointed W, 1 « f ' ne * rin f• P r *-»«' nta noteworthy
vw-..,y agent of Sabine county. He Officials, the Cadet < olonel of the advice for engineering aspirant*
served as cojinty agent in Grimes orp "' “ n ^ ^ Aggie Sweetheart, to this article
The BatUHon ia now rated “All-American" by the
Associated Collegiate Press Aaaociatiop. according to word Troy Clyde Smith, junior from
received this week. Announcement of the rating waa made at Mansfield, yesterday was present
the monthly Battalion dinner in Sbiaa Hall last night
loard Building '
ilommittee Begins
Tyree TWIl and ('. C. Krut-
rrr, mrmbera of the A. A M.
jisrilof Dime tor*, who along
vlth Hufu* Pnapltto comiHute
ha Ruilitoig Cummltte* af Ih#
Miartl, mst aa th* ramnua yestoi
•lay to Ihvvitigat* pmbttma run
fruiti lug the Cwteg* Rulldlng Fra-
Meeting with Bell and Hr
HARLINGEN* Oct. 16 ~(AF)-
An "Alrmada" ef some 20 plaru.«
earring 16 lovely lower Rip Grande
Valley candidate* for the title of
Texa* Air Queen took off here
yeaterdly for a three-day whirl to
16 Texaa citie* on behalf of "Ait
Day in Texaa. N L
LAKE SUC< ESS. Oct. 16 (AP)
—Yugoslavia forged today that
Secretary of Sate Marshall’s pro
gram to overhaul United Nations
paam-ltaaping machinery was de
signed to destroy cooperation be
tween Russia and the Western
DALLAS, October 16 (AP)~On*
were President Gihl. Gllrhrisi,
iolltge Conslrue
T. R Ipenre, and
Colleg* Architect ( arleton Adam*,
The committee especially consid
ered the allocation of specific area*
i* th* variou* school* of th* col-
Manager of th
Gon Program
College Archill
lege, with those serving th* largest
number of students located toward
the center of th* campus. The do-
dred architectural paign of the
aew buildings planned will lake
advantage of modem functional
and utility feature* and yet remain
in harmony with the older build
ings on the campus. >
Among the first building* ache-
httod for construction are the
Student Union Building, and the
lew Science Hall.
j aiiies and Cure To
peak at Q-Back
The Associated Collegiate Press,
of which the Battalion is a member
rates college publications twice a
year, and the All-American cita
tion to for th* spring semester of
1947, Previously the Battalion hat
been rated First Claaa.
College newspapers are checked
hi the staff of the ACP at the
University of Minnesota fur effec
tive news value* and source*, news
writing and vdlllng, headlines,
typography and mak*-up, depart
meni Mgs* and special fealute* i
Th* Battalion teeelvml a perfect
Mor# sRretit for news features.
Th* Battalion waa on* of ala
tit weekly paper* In th* nation te
receive the All • Amerienn dealt
nation. Twn Tea** roltot* paper*
received All-American Pammakei
tliles: the Dally Texan of TU In
the daily field and the Campus
('hat of North Texas State In th*
weekly field.
Th* Battalion is believed to ba
th* only college Mpcr not connect
ed with a school of Journalism to
receive the All-American rating.
Th* 1946-47 Battalion tras edited
by Alton Self and Vick Ltndtoy,
the latter now serving as wire
editor. > ‘
and Washington countie* until ’38. Regimental baggage truck* will
when he returned to A&M as ex- P' ck “P ba«»f* at the assembly
tension specialist in soil and water are * * n< * transport it to the die-1
liiliaM litTm i [ missal area before the arrival of
In 1941 he was named project Die corps,
leader in land use planning and Immediately after dismissal, sa
in 1942, assistant state agent. He hers, colors, standards, and gui-
took over the supervision of the dons,will be turned in to the hand
farm labor program ia 1943. vans which will be parked on Hour
Location of his new headquar- ton St. in front uf the county
ten has not been announced. | court-house.
IRC to Discuss Palestine Monday
lUmftmaa who wtak to receive
all the issues of the Engineer
should place their subecriptsona
with their depart men
several points ware discussed by
th* group. They included the form-
al change of n6me (from Student
Life Representatives to Student
Senate); the function* of the or- J
r nation, which were outlined by
R. Penberthy, dean of man, and
tho two Aaaistent Directors of* 1
Student Affairs, W. G. Breasealn
and Bob Murray; and the dutlaa
of the alx committee* composed of
the representative# themselves.
After the selection of Student
('council members by Corp# re pro-
•ontstivof and by the veteran rep
resentative*, eommlttoe members
were storied by th* antite group.
The eommltte** and thair member*
Carp* Msteharai N. K I.rather-
wimmI, Klma Livingston, David f,'
Gentry, C, M,-Arrington
Veteran Memharai Itov* Hrore,
L I, Tarry, Harry founder*, H,
J. ('half, Mark Rnarh.
l Roach was elected chairman of
the group ami founder* waa idem
ted secretary, j |
J. H. Hlchardeon, chairman | (L
Q, Galleway, secretary; John f.
Mtltor. Ralph Rothmaa, J. T. I'aoto.
Ed Dusek, Dean Dentoa, Hob
Ganr, R. F. Fly, Charles Kirkham,
R. F. Buntin. In addition to thean
students, six faculty members atw
*HK*ntrd to serve on the com
V. M. Shaw. J. H. Rdgar. Waller
Stoyman, Kenneth Band, T. G.
M. B. Kuers, chairman; Jim O'
Connell, E. D. Bo.ldeker, J. H.
Richardson, Mack Roach. Taylor
Wilkins, veterans advisor, to facul
ty chairman of th* committee.
8. E. Hood, chairman; J. R. Hill.
J. P. Jones. J. B. Thompsoa. WHaasi
sraeoe e* imis si vix |eesi aiiiviiimt **• n . mwnewm, #• as. a sswm |fcMeia» ev iiraaem
retary or In the Student Activities Heardatoy, Thames O'Dwyer. Six
ed with a check covering all his
expense* at the National Conven
tion of Future Farmers of Ameri
ca at Kansas City, October 20-23.
The chock wklch covers railroad
far*, hotel bills apd meals, was
E iaentod to Smith yesterday by
Un C. Whipple, agricultural
agent far th* fonta F* Railroad
at Galveston, un behalf of Frad
G Gurney, president of that road
Smith, <ai* of seventy members
of th# FFA to receive uiah an
award was selected for his work
In building up a breeding herd of
short-horn rattle. He will meet
other winners at a snestol break
fast to be jlveh by the Santa Fe
In Kansas nty,
Smith holds two honorary title*
froth the FFA: I-one Star Farmer,
highest alate award, and American
Farmer, highest national award.
After two years at North Teaa*
Agricultural College he ram* to A.
A M this year aa a transfer stu-
"What Shall We Do About ♦
Palestine?" wiU be th# topic for I "uggested topic* for future meet-
the forum-type discussion of the ' n E* ■ r * : The United Nations Or-
Intrmational Relations dull, Mon- ganiaathw, The Veto. The Korea*
day evening, October 2(1 at 7 in 1 Situation. India Minua the British,
Room 207, Academic Building. Ruaalan Policy Since V. E. Dap,
Th# IRC was organiaed test end “Can W# Stop Red Expansion
spring by th* geography and hla- * n Europe?
tory department, according to Dr
M R. Gammon, head of the history
This year th* IRC la sffoisored
by th* nlaton department, hut all
faculty member* and all students
are Invited attend, Rome ef the
history ]>| ex | J^jH Moildu)
This rill hr th* la# (*.
Rur of Tkr HnMaJio* tinttf
Manilali, OrtohRr 20.
VI hat’s Cooking? |
AGGIE RODEO, October 24 26.
ING SOCIETY. 7:30 p m.. To**-
day. Agricultural Engineering Lec
ture Room.
Monday, home of Mrs. J. M. Inglts,
Lee and Jackson Street, College
CIETY (AAM section), I p.m.,
Thursday, Chemistry Leeture
“ Albert No;
loye* Jr,
ktont of Antertoan
Summey Revises
Punctuation Book
Club Meeting
the Quarter-
Livestock back Club meeting tonight will b*
Bill Janies, veteran line mentor and
Wayne Cure, assistant Freshman
‘earn coach.
As per usual, films of the last
weeks game, in this case the AAM
-LSU tilt, will b* shown and the
M last week’s score guca-
the pretty ribbons of victory | sing contest will be presented with
twt ,reserve seat tickets to
AAM-TCU game on Saturday
J • l
. P-
Show winner of three prtxes won’t
have a thing to show for his ac-
Mevemerts on returning home to
Tyler, Texas. j I
Master Sam Houston, yearling
Brahman, winner of second, third
and fourth prises was so intrigued | winner
& fluttered fa his stall that he | twq raaerva teat tickets to the
Mexican Official
Impressed by A&M
Federal Congressman Malaquias
Huitroa of Mexico was so impres
sed by A. A M. and. the courtesies
shown Latin-American students,
that ha plans to send his two sons
to school her* next year, accord
ing to C. Hohn, Extension Service
state fam labor supervisor.
Sr. Huitron waa a member of
the group of Mexican farmers and
ranchers who visited the campus
teat weak.
Sr. Huitron left with Hohn two
books on Mexican agriculture to ba
presented to Cushing Memorial li
brary te appreciation for the at
tention gieen the Mexican farmers
on their tear here.
Dr. George S. Summey of the
English department is revising and
abridging his out-of-print book
"Modern Publication." Originally
published by the Oxford University
Press in 1919. the hook will be
considerably changed because of
changes in punctuation practice
during the past 80 years.
Asked how he was iromg about
the revision. Dr. Summey stated
I’m taking out all the pedagogdic
flubdub be ry." As originally writ-
ton, the book was his English dis
sertation for Columbia University
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 —(AP)-
A baking industry spokesman to
day described as “astronomical and
impossfeie" th* savings of 8,000,
000 or more bushels of grain per
month aa predicted for the industry
by Chairman Chari## Luckman of
the Citiiena Food Committee.
Room. Dr. W
national area
Chemical Societe, will speak.
• ASHVE (American Society
Heating A Ventilating Engineersi
Thursday Oet. 16. T<80, torture
room ME building. Iteprsaanta-
Uvea from United Oaa (Step wtU
dteruas Van air rondittoning.
»f the facelty comprtee
Ike reaminder of the cenuaittee.
In addition to the 84 member*
of the Student Senate, there are
10 men elected by the student
body to the Student life Commit
tee. That body is the final au
thority on matters brought before
the vOi-ious committee*.
If funds are to ba allocated or a
major change in policy b to be
considered, recommendation* of
other committees must b* presen
ted to the Student Lift Committee.
A possible exception concerning
the expenditure of funds Is tfo
Welcoming Committee. It n^p. r*.
reive authorisation for rspendi-
lures from th* Director of Stu
dent Activities
One pete! which waa rmphaslaed
at th* aieetlag canceraed th* dm
lias of the Madeat body. If aay
atadeat has a romptelat ar aag*
grnttea la make sheet ramp-i* 111*,
com mill#* member* at members of
th# Madeat Heaale should he ram
(acted This step a III toaqr* (irompt
arttea by the atadeat gn«"*m*nt
eat meetlag date waa
jrifteally anaeaneed, but
NELL COUNTY CLUR, follow- jCto
mg yellamOc#, ThunMlay, Room
" HFAUMOflfr CU»*, f ,46 p j . iflilly a
Tburaday, Room 161. Atademi*. *# Rrid In November,
(’HERN Cl,UR, Tiri p. in.,Thur*- . . “S —
lowing yet practice, Thuiiday,
: Room So:;. GooAwtk
KHANS, 7:80 p. m., Thuraday,
Hall, Cm.
I. folio
COUNCIL, 7:00 p. - ^ and Rtfloin « >ub
Aggis Bwaadmarl LAURA SESSIONS, sad stator n
JACK KKl hU.KK are pktarad dancing at the ImB give*
AAM detention that vteited Tesatetead two weeks age to m
the Carpi Trip Sweetheart. Krueger waa am at IS sea tor stad
whe ismpsssd Urn dstegittom
A rm-rlcan
in^ yell
etroleum Engineer
7:80 a. m., Tharada/, YMCA.
7:80 p. ia., Wednesday, Room 225,
TIONS CLUB, 7 p. m., Monday,
Room 207, Academic. Subject:
"What Shall W* Do About Pales
AAM Conaolidat*d_ Junior High
record show.
p. at, Thuraday, Koorh 107,
IN AAM CLUR, 7:30 p
m-Thuraday, YMCA.
W "-. Tbaraday, Lecture Room of
Shops. Movie and plana for
Chrtetmaa dance in Riwmnwood.
Make Appoaranct*
•j No* to h# outdone by Tex Ritter
hr Bob Wills, a group of students
have organised th# Aggtotend
Hamblen, who gave their 'first
Reeves. Phonograph
p. te.. Civil Engineering Building.
Consolidated, 8 p. ra., Thuraday,
High School Gym.
Thuraday. Room 307 A
Thuraday, Room 128, Academic
P-n»-, Thursday, AsasaM*-JfadE
TYLER CLUB, 7:80 p. m,
iraday, F
County), 7:80 p.
Room 226, Academic.
, 7J0 p.
B, T,:30 p. m.
of^Mra^L ^ Thwr ^ f ' Ho '** Thursday, Room 104, Acadamic
CLUB (Notes
m„ Thursday,
C wSa^eiMd aStiM
Thuraday, Room 808, Aca-
waco - Mclennan county
CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Room Wl,
Goodwin. •