The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 15, 1947, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION I , ' ' ' WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER IB, l«f tnm TVU. 8. I k it for SO pweMl of a atoro’t Think what this statMasat Htudy Deportment of Commerce la a current bulletin publklml an a ful super market operator* any the perishable goods deportment should ‘ u y 1 V0,um * *** thirds of the dollar frees margin (profit)”. Thl •M Its ImpUcntlons! It explain* lots of thtags! l'* * * . S 1 *1 • It explains why Crteco, for lastaaee, la usually sold at eoet, aad fresh meats, for Instance, are usually sold by »upnr market much higher than by your neighborhood grocer. \ + I | | CHsca at coat Is recogalaed by the most ualafomted as a bargain and M Is always exactly what you pay for. Oa the other hand, there are many grades of fresh meats (and other perishables) and the difference In the grade* Is sometime* hard to detect by even an expert. Bargain* In perishable* are usually hot obvtoun—neither are flagrant overcharges. r, mo4 Independent gi throughout the store {t»> infUt^l profits on Lnfortuantely, on eneh Item their hendllag Ash yourself which practice should Inspire your grocers find It amre compatible with thHr nsti rather than tc sen Mtme items at cost aad other Items. to put a reasonable profit lio up the loan Incurred In The difference In the overil Cist Pick out your favorite Independent grocer and give him your buelaaaa. H wtll probably be much lem tana you think, and you wU help your achool and community, and tta charitable In* stltutlons. We are now la a period when cordlagly. we are amending ox port of the line of price Items'we kave ■ art wholesome, of standard grade or better or sxoel the offerings of any chain or supermarket today, rhea every penny must count In the graacry budgets of many of our if our policy and seeking price Items .tun. All of these Items Unto 1.. _f __\L'm 1. la^Welw wg PgVraacW ^^Pw^^ui YY™ W Ac- a hdleve they c<|UNi None ot These Items Are ‘Speciar They Are Every Day Shelf Prices l >■ MEATS l tr i FAST UROWINO IN POPULARITY Hade of Grade A Meat SEASONED ROLLED ROAST lb. 49c ' VEAL CHICK STEAKS ■u . lb. 45 c BEEF and VEAL SHORT RIBS lb. 30c j: Fresh (i routed — Whohsomc HAMBURGER MEAT lb.» 12-ot. Tin—Black Hawk LUNCH MEAT 41c No. t Cans—No Bean* TEXAS* tHILl (X)N CAKNK 37c THRIFT TAMALES No. 1H Can V . f.fclr, ; . World Over GRAPEFRUIT JUICE AB-Oa. Can X No. I Cana in' 15« Calif. Blended ORANGE-GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Cltrs Gold — No. t Can 12c Nu-Zest Florida ORANGE JUICE No. 2 Caa . ■ I , 13c , Plymouth Florida ORANGE JUICE 46-os. Caa 2* ★ VEGETABLES ★ NOT AT ALL BAD EXTRA GOOD QUALITY Fresh Green Shelled ' BLACKEYED PEAS 800 Sixe Tin 10c MISCELLANEOUS A.**. MAXWELL HOUSE and SPRING GREEN PEAS | ' No. 2 Caa V. 10c FOLGER’S coffee lb. vac. 49« Our Ta pry day Price Up to Now. — Subject to Change > UU.rkg.TM Hoffman'h Cut GREEN BEANS No. 2 Can 10c No. 808 — 154 ne. BAR-B CHILI No Beans—Per Can 2fc I.IBBVS DEVILED HAM No. 4 Tin 18c STAR BIST TUNA In Gree 42c No. 4 Tin Green label v. , -v- f 7 i - ; juices Heart's Delight or World Over TOMATO JUICE ' 8«.iCM • j ;ife. 10-oe. Caa White House APPLE JUICp ■ *) - 32' ★VEGETABLES ★ For Soups or Salads—Kto Grande MIXED VEGETABLES No. 2 Can 10c \ Also At ^ 10c Per No. 2 Can ^ CARDINAL CUT BERTS DKMCO DICED CAR ROTS - GULPS BEST TURNIP GREENS - JACK SPRATT MUSTARD GREENS - DEUOO DRIED BEANS (Umaa, Red Kidneys, Pintos, Great North ern*). — No. SOO PHILUPS 1 Lb. Cans PORK & BEANS : IQc No, 24 Caas Fancy S1LVERFL0SS SAUERKRAUT ' ' 10c I.: TENDERLEAF TEA 27c LIPTOPTS ... 30c With Cap and Saucer MOTHER’S OATS Large Pkg. 41c IT or Mayflower Plain OLEO—1 lb. 36c Regular Can* Monarch Condensed ASPARAGUS SOUP can 10c ★ FRUITS ★ UA Choice in Heavy Syrup Trivallev BARTLETT PEARS 2 1/2 can 46c Sliced In Syrup AIRMAIL PEACHES OR GREAT VALUE 2 1/2 can 29c PINCECONE SAUERKRAUT 1ifo. 2 Can* V i 3 for 25c . No. 2 Can FLOTILL OR ROSEDALE Halves In Syrup PEACHES 2^ can 29c HiIvm U Syrup AIRMAIL APRICOTS 2 l/2 can29« TIP-TOP ASPARAGUS 39c B-Ut. PacAage ARGO CORN STARCH-5c WOODBURrshaAlSOAP-At Fnuuy Aunt Jemima ' CORN MEAL SUFIS' -10lbs.87' SNOWDRIFT-.$115 Our Favorite APPLE SAUCE Pine Grove CREAM STYLE CORN Nn. 2 Caa 15c KUNER’S FANCY HOMINY Na 2 Caa 10c In Syrup — Loubfauia Marydale or Creole Maid SWEET POTATOES ^ can 19c, DELMONTE SPINACH No. 2 Gnu 1 i 16c , ^ No. 2 Caa World Over Pure APRICOT or PEACH PRESERVES 1 Pound Jar 33- V New Crop Dried — U. S. No. 1 j CAUF. BABY LIMA BEANS 19c LB. CELLO . irr: WmiM yw Ulw mm Wrek'n mppl; «f groort— few iseh ymrt That to what mr t% cm* Stoc—I m mu (iwety coupon *Mh» artnatty *mi**>* U. W« prcfwr to apand moat •I our sOvcrttotaic ailiwnana thl* way—toming thto amotmt tor* to «ur eaatanaaew. Aai a graat many —0—m tok* mu *tH? We havn l*i*4toO m mm* m 40% W aur total tomtom* m s eeupm Sosto, Masjr mM—O toy as mUea mmtlrii wuppty St a Ume. Um dwr* wfMtoci ametuto, mamstowt them *S ftorary monayi m 4HfmsI>* «f pmery mwmyi **4 is mum «f 11* eUme |m4 patoto. SOUTH SIDE FOOD MARKET 3 BLOCKS SOUTH OF KYLE FIELD-COLLEGE il ■ ■1 mm + y ■ - WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES - TO OUR INDEPENDENT GROCER FRIENDS: Commended to your attention an the following bulletins: "Meeting Chain Store Competition” and "Coming Competition free npon request by Office of Small Business, Department of (ommerre, Washington. 25, D. C. rf\ which will bo osnt .-i \ iL iiv ,\