*w*4 Nation^ Football Scene • fouled Up, As Usual »y AUSTIN HEALMBAB I Mlnn^olC S7-tl NEW YORK, Oct. 14 U?) -' N ® rU, *“ u, *’ fl 1 W)t> cm! •uccMdtnc 8tturd»y to IKU dt*»y foothutl Mo*on, it looks »jr« and mor* lik* Eriti Cristor, turned down the coachi *t CoUfornU, and Lynn W who didn’t, will be looking the fteld at each other in Aom on New Year’s Day. WaWorf, who gave up conqueror of Iowa, which trtMad Indiana, 27-14, vast to Ohio State In other conference tilts. Oklahoma entertains Kansas Is a gam* expected to decide ike bi« six title at this earhr date. California entertain* Washing ton State, which loet to Michigan State, 21-7, In the Bears' Coast factable position at Northwestern °P^"' ?*"?*!?* and took the UUJoraie post oni 1 " 1 ^“P' 00 UCLA, !»-?, tletar whfth Crislaf turned his back, re turned to the big nine country last Saturday an | seat his now—fero- nous Bean < rattling through Wia- cstuin to the tune of 48-7. That wee the fourth triumph in four sUrts for California. Michigan, meanwhile, flattened over Oregon, goes to Stanford. Texas plays Arkansas, which was surprised by Baylar 17-9, at Memphis, with Rice, 3J-0 winner over Tulane, at Southern Metho- 1 dist and Texaa ARM at Texas Christian, la the eoothweet eon- Pitteburgh, ,MM), for its third spies Ed la — ^1 v D*I\, fllvsl mC:|ra FaJi i^COsO TCU Frogs Will Give Aggies Tough Battle Saturday By FBBI). HAMMOND MWpy afternoon the Aggies make their first conference bid of the season against the up and com ing T. C UT Horned Pregs in Ft. Worth in what promises to ha a umising battle from beginning to Last weekend the Horned Frog* all but blasted a good Miami team oat of the Orange Bowl in regist ering n 19-4 victory In the mud. Had the ground been dry and the Frogs’ passing able to function •e might S Baitalion O PORTO TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1947 P«f« 3 the have been much —ference ^ While Michigan and California ^ Uk ! were winning with ease last week, Ua,n ^ Walkwl such other powers as Notre Dame, 1 Oaor Texas sod Georgia Tech were more or leu hard pressed to keep tkeir records dun. * Notre Dame relied on the peft- eorgia, 24-0. Woke Forest, suijpriee 19*7 win ner over North George Washingtoi ern conference Pennsylvania which opened its Caroline, goes to rtoq ih the eoath- Ing of Johnny Ujuk to turnback ! ™2™***'*' •tubbonj Purdue, 22-7. Texu bank-1 ^ ^ ed chiefly on Bobby Layne’e throw- i in mg arm for a S4-14 triumph over .wf 'vJ.t . an Oklahoma turn that covered * a *** gunu. 263 yards on the ground. And • ‘ uTe??© o wh found ' ,ul ^ ^ Would Umpires By the luck of the drew, all five U»e KHpeFtlltO? major unbeaten and untied ell* appear to have ahead this week swinge more to with important tost* cardad Hi eve- j tH loop, Mtchii 14 (AP>— aylor Spink, a smooth sailing i NEW YORK, Oct. M the acoent Ksy Dumont and Taj iMra to conference play, | couple of gups whe l. bright idu that will get publicity, { busted out right after the World tigan Invadu Northwestern 1 Series with the propose! that the to open lla big nine campaign, > United Nations should sponsor a while Illlnoie, held to a scoreless global non-profe*sional baseball tie by Army, moves la against: ries to promote peace and under * DIAMOND EDGE roc KFrr knives i SPORTING GOODS Hillcrest Hardware 2013 Rotd standing among nations. . , Among his other Jobs Spink global commiuioner for Dumont's nstional (non professions!) base ball congress, so you gat the hook up. . . .The proposal, contained in e letter to U. N. Secretary Trygve Lie, wu ta start the affeir Wuhington in 1943 and shift to another capital aach year.... For mer American atari, it wu added could be sent to teach the game in countries link didn't understand baseball. . . . Wouldn’t yeu like to hear Ditsy Dean or Yogi Berra explaining bas< tall to some foreign kids? -Press Pass To Sports By ANDY MATULA TheRuggedlifeof A Yell Leader • • Meanwhile the Aggies ware los ing a bitterly fought contest to the L &. U. Tigers in Baton Reuga 19-13. Leading by one point deep in the fourth quarter A. A M. was unable to hold the powerful Tigan and tba Bengali pushed across a last minute touchdown to win. Known far and wide for their passinc ability T. C. U.. came through with a powerful Punning game against Miami last week to serve notice on future opponents that it will take more than a pass defense to stop them. With big Pete Stout, fullback and tailbnck Lindy Barry loading the way the Frogs rolled up 249 yards rush- htg and returned the Hurricane's kicks for another 2M yards which Isn't exactly bad on a muddy field. After the first team Buffered e defeat from the second team to t K ne langtb scrimmage following Oklahoma A. A M. game, Coach Dutch Meyer awarded the starting positions to the second team, and the Homed Frege have been Im proving ever since. With a big rug- gad line, passers gslors, and sev eral fine running bncks the Chris tians are going to be hard to etop. Adding incentive u> the fray will he the fact that T. C. U. has al An Aggie Yel) leader leads q rather reugh life now-a-daya. He has to travel across all of Texas and into foreign countries to fol low the team. He misses classes, loose sleep, spends «11 hit mosey on coffee, has little time in prep aration for quisles, gets little sym pathy from his profs, and is al ways under the strain of thinking up Mine new witty Jake to tali the manses who gather around Good- wyn Hall each Tuesday night for Yell Practice. As we said, it’e a rough life and our admiration goes out to these five men who personify the spirit of Aggieland. But we no- need something tost Saturday that made us feel deeply sorry for these yell leaders. We passed the Fish Pond and not having noticed It for some time we stop ped to look at It You knew where it is, don’t you, across from Sbisa in the triangle (we don't know the streets because the campus cop we asked didn't know them either). The Fish Pond, we are ashamed to say, had neither water or ftehee In it when we looked at It. Only a trickle came out ef the center, not enough for even e bird bnth ... and you know what that la for the birds. Inside the Fish Pond te a row of llfhta, never deed fai ‘ w. Nearly all of thoee lig iken. Just think what co tot yell leader when Jo: » pitch him into the po the victory. For one th light not be nny water to fall Then he might lai jagged edge* of the and i Aggie ‘Bees’ After First Win Over TCU Polywogs Odds and Ends Of Sports ’ The Aggie "B M y by bus to Ft Worth for a night game with the Polywogs Both teems have The Gus Lrenevieh-Tami Mauri-1 had a two-week layover and will ello tussle, which starts the win- to fresh (or this tilt. And. aa those tor boxing season at Madison I who aaw nay of their gnisee Inst | day ! , TCU By AVriVR HOWARD » - win .Jour-1 erkksbur*. Only 17. Buddy le al- I W<"dnes-1 most 4 feet and weight Ito. The Square Garden Oct 31, also marks tto atari of the second decade of the Garden-20th Century boxing chib hookup. . . It was on Oct 99, 1937, that Mike Jacobs staged year will toll you, the caa to and often are, as any of tto “A” tees Our regular B to strong in spite »f B" game* thrilling K ises to Sevtr- Armstrong vs. Petey Sarron far | al men who are ineligible for that br i strip tto flesh t Me. And as anyone I lender without flesh la Just not worth hie even have to go to something that any like to have happen i* ht ! * t l I eay no more of it; w l no more indictments 0 ainst anyone. But who- m Misible for this in also n for another disgraceful »i i campus. That ia, the ing around the pedae- '» statue. This is fine e man whose statue Is l famous sight on the u. An Aggie tradition to more than a few U t n i i v Ing at his feet. reporter No. I says ish Pond waa spouting nlthful Sunday. Must Sunday crowd. Whet- tuaticn, let's hope It'e I t the Baylor game; _ could use It.) vs. the featherweight title. . . Art Pollard, Arisona U. halfback, wears his elastic game paate so tight bis teammates swear to usee s shoehorn to get them on. But oddly enough, to sometimes breaks loose. . . When the U. of Oregon hired Jim Aiken from Nevada, it acquired a football coach and two good pros poets. Jim, Junior, a u T n quarterback at Nevada, will to eli gible at Oregon next fall and 14- year-old Jerry also expects to play there eventually. Dad de Greet, Loo Angelos Dons coach, is one stop ahead of tto march of progress in foot- toll coaching. . . la addition to the us sal press box spotter. Dud has Installed e tele vision receiv er on tto sidelines as he can spot the strong end week points of the two ton me from the equiva lent ef aa elevated etoervatioo poet. inr iact inai i. v. v. na* ai- # —a t • "•ft»»"*•. rruiNf* Where rrawe in Due a bitter 4-0 lose to Arkansas two Barnhill Predicta Arkanaaa Lobs . FAYETTEVILLE, Ark < AP) — uatvoratt (API univoreltv of I 190 TaJr,0, l# V,r ** UU| . V wlv » n>tt y. t . 0 V;y**. nM> being good at paHlnf, and run (nach John Barnhill predicted to-1 M w# u M a ns of thi day that the Texaa Longhorn* would maul hie Ratorhacks In easy fashion In ttolr Southwest Confer ence football duet at Memphla, Tenn., Saturday. And, for once, no one was will ing to srgut that .Barney was moaning for psychological reason. I Texas has scored more than 30 points a game in winning all four, of its starts this saason, while Arkansas defending conference co* champions, was spilled 17-9 last week by Baylor, the team which had been picked to finish in the 1 cellar. “I expect Texas to take us with ease,” Barnhill commented. A Longhorn drubbing of Arkan sas would be nothing new. The Ra- zorbacks haven't whipped orange from Austin since 1938, when they did it by a 42-6 score. And all but one of the Texans' eight “revengeT victories since have been by margins of three touchdowns or more team for various reasons. It the Bees who got aa a T-p« nt lead in tto first quarter of the,game with North Texas a few weeks egd- Pee those ef yen whs da eat aaderstaad the set V aa tto “B" games, this ia the rales on 1 ‘>m ix-titioa. Beth freshmen sad “B" teams eaa play hi the games substituted by teams er iadivid- sally. But iu order to keep the karmeay developed ia separate I practice sessions, they are es- usliy substituted by teams Couch Charlie D*Were says that his freshman team shows the beat prospects of any similar team since '41. Since Coach DeWaro is any thing but an optimist, this bodes falg for our Bee's chances With at least two good players for evenr position, tto struggle for startitjg berths on the Fieh team Is going to to stifl 8hug McPherson plays tailback for the Fish team, and wai all-dis trict for two years at Ft, Worth. Shug stands almost six feet and weighs in at 171. Another outstanding back la Blanton Taylor, a blond, 8-S, and Taylor starting renter will be Bob Bates, also from Ft Worth, weighs IN. is 4 feet tall, and it a rough line backer on the defense. Provable starting lineup: LE Murray LT Otoegon LG Moltorg C Be tee ’ RG Spencer . | RT Butler | RE Copeland LB Hdimnrh RH RojmRy TB Lechler FB Moore ; r Petroleum Chib to Hear Forth Worth ton Wednesday ' A. E. Burgtn of Fort Worth will address the Petroleum Enginaeiv ing Club Wednesday evening, Oc tober 14, at 7:80 p. m. In the Pe troleum Lecture Room, it was an nounced Friday. He will speak on the subject of “Activities of the Oil and One Lease Broker." weeks ayo, and another toes will practically eliminate them from any chance at the confer, i . . championship. Tto Horned Frogs have always been a hard team for A. A M. to beat, and there have been several Aggie teams rated two or three touchdowns bettor on paper that found out that the Fort Worth boy* don’t read the poop aheeU. Chief among the problems that the Farmers will have to aolvc Sat urday if they hope to win is the Fall Set . . . and set for fan to this soft flattering hairdo ... with lustrous soft curls headed for the top! Phone 4-9354 for ap|>ointment. VOGUE BEAUTY SHOP Kant (tot* W« believe that tto Aggiaa de serve the wholehearted comple ment* of the student body fot their performance against LSI) Saturday night Tto boys with the tote sheets bed us into the game fourteen points behind end we wish that we had put more than our two bits on the team. Experts picked the Tigers to bounce back strongly ftgainat the Aggies after the Georgia debacle, but that Just shows you can't even running of Pete Stout and Lindy t™** experts anymore. Coach Nor-1 and we’re Berry and the passing of such ton confided to ue last week, that the way the Aggies handled them capable toesere as Carl Knov, Jim to w “ Ptoying for first blood eince selves. Lucas, and Leon Jostya,'who has . ^-v , * been tto Frogs’ leading paasers for IxlVlflff OllF the past two years Other back- .. ^ . field men who will bear watching HOFNe U Hide are halfbacks Randy Roger* and ' L8U usually has more than a han dicap when they're behind. We be lieve that first six points took the wind out of the toyou boys' sails; they strained to make that last TD. The Aggies forced them to. However, mark down the Tigers as a clutch team: when the chips were down they came through As s sportsman we have to give them that credit As an Aggie, we have to eay it waa a good game, more than pleased with iitnft M well as Iwlng one of the most ro ns Is tan I kickers for the FtMi team. Up In the line we find Buddy Moltorg. a big guard from Fred- Orin Browning and fullback Jim my Hunt. In tto line the starting lineup will be something like this: Bill Moorman and Foy Gaddy at the terminals, Don Narrel and Red M a ruble, tackles, Morreik Hicks a Shaakie Bloxoas at thaguaeds. and Doyle Malone in the pivot po sition. Coach Norton will probably start the same team against the Toads that started the L 8. U. game with the exceptien of Jimmy Cash ion who received a broken leg last week (end in the game In Baton Roui The toes of Caahion from critical quarterback post we £ qua i blow The atmosphere around Military Walk ha* cleared up a bit The dust no longer hides Sully's statue, cadete are again recognising bulls and saluting same, and we've put away our box of Kleenex since our noae has cleared up. The attempt to make Military Walk into route 44 eeems to have been postponed. Last week, we asked if someone wouldn’t do something to settle the dust. Wednesday it rained so you see how high up wt had to take our pleas. Thursday, Mr. Spence had his men out shoveling the rain to wash the who)e mess down into tto Bratos River where it all be long v Contititled From Last Week Right tore we're running our awn hone ... in other words, a plug. Early thfe semester, tto Longhorn editors decided to let me become sports editor for tto '48 yearbook. They were evident ly looking for some personatre to 'add class to their publication, so I didn’t refuse their offer. Now, ' we’re seeking a very important man for a bureaucratic Job such as this. We need an assistant. I |a>rtln|( Goods Nersl* IONKS Sl’niMiv; GOODS Goa Heftier*—all sixes Stew art-Warner Radios Electric Mixers WILSON-BKARRIt: CO. One Block East of Bank t*h. 4-8N1 -Y- .eu. Every occasion la tto right time to send flowers. They lend a festive air—a charm and gra- olouaneae to every occasion— big or email. I AGGIELAND Flower Shop #h. 4-ISI9 North Gate STATE FAIR SETS RECORD DALLAS, TEX., Oct. 14 eame ihrnugh with lhal kind af •et by the faet that »he game I* play again or not t Well let them I In Fort Worth " // \r i * ,u,,o«, Hill Hett'i Ike Newett u4 left h Sfwt Shoef BALL-BAND ARCH-GARD i« the imest comfort feature erei built into a sport shoe. k A full length cushion of cool, xpringy sponge rubber is noldod with special heel and arch cushions. You can n*t faster, jump higher, and hara more fun playing all day long when you wear ARCH-GARDS. They an fa mous bAi.l bAND Quality. Comm in-try than on today! THE EXCHANGE STORE MRMVINti TEXAS AOOODB being (Hayed Worth It Is' deride lhal queatlen Nsiurday BBC H. L WHITLEY, JR. for Good Used Cars Phone 2-7009 Bryan, Texas preferably In tto Torpa, thfugh not necessarily He should like sports and he able to read English and write It uimhi demand (we won't require him to have passed 10* and 104, That's asking ton mm hi He should he willing and aide to work one or more after noons in the Uaghorn offise, Thu la*! Is impnrtanl, There's aa maney remuneratlnn to ihia deal, eves though Unghnrn stalf members dn hare certain privileges , i . ymi might even get '47 Longhorn tofere anyone Interested nee T your else If John any afternoon Ooodwyn Hall. itminv I to 3 in Ferdinand Columbus, son Christopher, wrote a history hie father's life. There are 3,400 miles of rail road in New Zealand. 1- T MITXI KHOi’HN FOR YOUR MUM) . * i j. T ■' it . II.M to 13,UN x*ft moolha lo 3 yetra, , JOYCE’S TOGS AND TOYS' PhtiM U-'iiHM 00N M, OnlltfB A vt», a. GEORGE'S CONFECTIONERY JACK’S .PASTRY SHOP FULL LINE OF CAKES * AND PASTRIES e Como In for HOT DOUGHNUTS after 3 P.M. North Gate * RAY’S \ Snack Bar TASTY SANDWICHES FOUNTAIN DRINKS Open 11 a.m. — 10:00 p.m. North Gate The Largest Electrical Appliance Store in Bryan- Come In and aae us for large or small appliances: Rad toe, Electric Iron*, Stu dent Lamps. Floor Lam pa, Presto Cookers, Coffee Makers... and many other usefuls UNITED APPLIANCES, Inc. 28th a Wauhlagton HU. Phofte 2-1494 We offer you our expert . . . UNIFORM ALTERATION SERVICE CAMPUS CLEANERS RADIOS !l' ; •* T. , ' i * -i! - i. Radio Repairing \ We have a Complete Stock of Radio Parte, and the beat repairing equipment between Waco A Houston. Have All Ty pes Of— EMERSON RADIOS WE DO BK'YC LE REPAIRING STUDENT COOP STORE I n • Phone 4-41U Ed Gamer 'S3 — i v. li