A CAN'T aUMTOKCKYITOCVE * Battalion EDITORIALS Pm* i TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1MT Ideas For Improvement... 'It’n always aaaier to play a famt afti*p i^nuiromont tha final gun haa aoundad. All miatakea nt eomctad; all daclnlona can ba ranu after can „ ^ : 3-^ — rtmade. Homatimon thorp la a aacond chanco, and tha wlaa paraon will take advantage of It. r . ‘Two weaka a so the student body had ita flrat chance te elect mombara in a repreaen- teufa group. The establishment of such a broad organlzatioh was a commendable ven- ture. t ~ . However, there are several possible im provements that come to mind. (1) The name Student Life Representa tive* for the dorm and area .delegation la confusing, there being also a group called the Student Life Committee. We suggest that the largo body of student representative* be renamed the Student Assembly. (a) Since positions in the student gov ernment are time-consuming jobs, it would be a good idea, we think, to set a minimum grade point requirement—say,' 1.5. Such a requirement would assure that no one would be in danger of falling due to theae extracur- ‘it. A ilar requirement i d iMmltloUi, auch Italian and The rtcular activities should be set on other elected aa the editora of The Bat Longhorn. (3) At preMnt there is no limitation on the number of representative poalttona a member of the student government may hold. It would seem wise to exclude all elaas officers and housemasters from the Student Life Representatives, the Student Life Com* mittee, and the Athletic Council. Theae MM already fill representative offices, and our political institutions long ago found out that a man cannot serve well in two offices at the same time. We believe these several changes would help to develop a good student government here at A. A M. We have made the first big step, but r there is still room for improve ment and refinement Hollywood Houad-up Situation la 1—11* Father O’Malley Returns to Screen For Crosby Sequel B) BOH THOMAS HOLLYWOOD, Oet 10 (AP>- VkOuM O'MalWy, Um ••nial, croon* tagiatrsw-hattwl clergyman, U fft'lni to rvtum te the screen. Prmtawr Director Ub McCarty Mill me ht plana yet another a# qurl for tho Bing Croeby charec- $ r whe rrapeo*Hy would play themaelvea ha* been abandoned. The director worked five month* on the deal, but it folded when Hope gave Paramount hie one extra pictne he can do each year. A (.ary < ooper eaya ho will finiah l.ood Sam" in timo to testify Oct 24 at the houae un American affair* heart eg in Washington. But Coop is puialod aa to why ho was railed "Ail 1 can give them ia hearsay, M ha say* ,.. j 'Jpttier WilUama heads oast for i an appearance tour in New Eng land and elaowher* to herald her picture, "This Time For Keeps." Ma m mm > k. M onno^^^m IPv * 1*1 pf j-veS^ecV more now that their pictures have to ba more prosperous In JMI country to offbot tho British loos. When Rathor return* ahaW wMs her book m how to swim. JK staft* "Neptune’s Daughter" to) fMMUp. ., *[ Repay Overpayment* Veterans whe foil be repay eub- siotaper allowance over murawnU while la edueetlon or tratoing un der the Gl Bill and who later ap ply for unemployment or now-em ployment allowance* will have the amounts they owe the Govummont deducted from tho litter benefit checks, the Veterans Admlniotra- Uon has atatsd. What About Our Fascists?... **• The Taft-Hartly Act contains at least t, Dpe provision which the public appears to favor: • * 1 An oath that they are not Communists must be taken by the “officers of any na tional or international labor organisation of which it ia an affiliate or constituent union.” At the present time there is some contro- varsy aa to which officers will take the oath. General Counsel Robert Denham of the National Labor Relations Board has believed that Ufe oath must be taken by: (1) the of- ftcera of any local union seeking the law's prelection arid the officers of the national union of which the local U a part; and (8) th# officers of the AFL and the CIO, the two organisations made up of more than 140 unlona, must take the oath. The hfLRR has overruled ])enham by an- nounclng that the offlcere of the AFL and CIO doirt have to take the oeth; It is to bo taken only by the officers of local and na- - tlonal unions. lsn T t some liberal Henator and •or Represehtatlve missing a great opperUIn^ Uy for undying fame? There seems no need _ to require Industrialists to take e non-Gom- munlst oeth, but how i about a similar law (or a rider to the T il law) requiring all industrialists and manufacturers to file a Politics and Religion Don’t Mix, Declares Hindu Student non-totalitarian oath? What could be more logical? I The fne law protects the American work er. industrialist, and home against agents of the Comintern and all their instigation!; the other bulwarks those same institutions against the pseudo-Mussolinis, Kingfishet, and Adolf Hitlers within the present econo mic and political system. What could be more in balance? We want neither Communists nor any other kind of totalitarians messing up our democracy. Naturally, opposition would ariae . , was in the ease of the Taft-Hartley Bill. The National Association of Manufacturers would shout from the hlghect skyscraper about the “enslavement of free enterprise", much like thelTO and AFL harrangued the mass of t he cltleenery about the evils of ths Tift- Hartley Bill. Boms ante-bellum Southerners would crawl behind their Claghorniaque fa cade ami bellow. The country would be turn ed upside down.. .have no doubts about that! Well, It would be Interesting, to say ths least. How many nativs totalitarians would be ensnared In such s net? Probably Just slmut as many as the sntl-Communist pro vision of the Taft-Hartley Act will sniff out (dern few), By H. BAY BI RKH \RT “Th» bloodshed, vandalism, and civil strife that is following in the wake of InjIiS’s snnounced In dependence eah be attributed to the mixing of politic* and relig ion." So says Dr. C. K. Rao, Indian graduate •tudant, who is ■tudyiag at A. 4 M. this *eiasslav. When interviewed on tho campua a fow daya age, this ilendtr, dsrk and hsndtome, young Hindu talk ed freely of,India'* problem* aad aubjecta of Interest. He sssssel ver* eager to acquaint ths Hatsner with hia opinion* concerning the eeuasa of ths riota that have dog god India'* flrat steps toward ds- mssrwy. "It is tragic that at the very threshold of our long-dreamed-of Independence the British and Mos lem leads re cannot lay aside per sonal ambition* and work togeth er with the other leaders of India dta'i for an undivided and peaceful In dia." said Dr, Hat. thousand Indian students studying in the United States at the present time under Rrholanthip* granted by their government. I Since Ws arrival in this country. Br. Rao has studied two semesters at the University of California College of Agriculture, Davis, Cali fornia, where he did rraduate work in animal brooding. He received his master pf science degree in animal husbandry from that institution in May, 1947. The degree of doctor of Vetori- as SV, 1947. He is studying reproductive phy siology and foreign languages while he la at A. A M. After completing his work hers, Dr. Rao plans to return to Madras Collage aa a pro fossor In veterinary medicine. A WMS. nest lotted In regard to the plans for a greater educational system In lndia T s future, Dr. Ran replied, "It is food for the body and the problem of feeding In- •larving millions that must ba tha chief concern at hough at the Mine time, all possible fadlltiee for oduMtlnn must be provided " (India's population la doss to four hundred millions and only six to tight percent of her people are lit- ereto.) Even though the picture In In- dark at this time, who was such an "eagcr-bcavci’’ to be elected would certainly iwt turn in any ballots cast againft him. For the record, what was the total number of ballots cast? If the number was as small as I have heard it was. perhaps the veterans would do better to disband the as sociation which seems to have ser ved is purpose. Name Wihheld by Request Veteran *60 (Ed. Note: Official resalts of the Veterin Students Associa tion election show that 14 votes were cant. John G. Hancock re ceived S9 votes; Claude Bantyn. M; slid C. V. Slagle. 9. M the vice-prenidentisl race. §3 votes were split this way; Gas W. iaaipr. 34 votes; William Gruneiaeu. 24; Charles |). Kirk- ham Jr* 17: end John W. Laaf- eaherg, ft. Lauren 1). Hobbs K. 0. Cqurt- ado, and T. C, Brennan ran un opposed for secretary, treasurer and parliamentarian, respect ively. Charlie Murray reeelvvd 4 write-ins far the pasitiua of eer- leant at arma.) THK AVALON CLUB 10 Ml W. Bryan Hwy Si Uoaard Rnewell. Proprietor The Beat Of ' SEA FOODS IN SEASON K. a STEAKS s(ii THKKM.V1UBD chickmn Air Conditioned B.RuUful Floor 8-532F21 for HeservaUoaa GUION HALL TODAY* — WED. ^ THURS . Hospitality From LSU... The football team put up a battle that will Football weekends differ greatly in quali ty. Last week provided one of the beat and one of the worst. The Vmd one, of course, Was the Texaa-Oklahoma fracas in Dallas when disappointed Sooners littered the Cotton . Bowl turf with broken coke bottles. The good one was at Baton Rouge, where LSU gave Aggie rpoters such a hearty welcome that we Texans were flabbergasted- -We boast of our Texas hospitality, but in Louisiana we got better than we usually giw. . At Baton Rouge, when time for midnight yell practice came, LSU leaders climbed the hotel nurquee along with our own, alter nated in 'eadiDu cheers. Aggies and Louia- ianam Kneu lined up shoulder to shoulder. Aa rigkature, LSU leaders conducted an Ag gie yell (while their supporters made an awkward,^unaccustomed hump!) and A.&M. led a cheer for LSU. Friday afternoon visiting Aggies found dales provided for them at a dance-recep tion on the LSU campus. (Said one Afi)^, "What ia this, heaven?”) Many of those dates sat with cadets later in the Aggie sec tion. Gillis W. Long, president of the LSU studfat body, welcomed all Aggies to the LSU campus, then dashed off to a conference being heW by Jim Fort, editor of the Daily Rtvillf, with Farris Block and Vick Lindley of the Battalion staff. Louiv H. Wagner, cadet lieutenant colonel of the L8U ROTC corps, In a ceremony at the gyitmaalutn proffered the L8U *ai»r to Hill Brown, colonel of cadets at A,AM (Are you surprised at such a military gesture on the part of LBU? Th|V(institution was foun ded as a military college similar to A. A M., Is nicknamed "the ole war akule," and con* ducts a highly-paled ROTC program) Did. auen a reception soften up Ihe Ag- glaa when game time came? Certainly not, deer* »ry Msdlcltu C. K Rao at The Madras of Veterinary Medicine et Mi Indin in 1943 He was then rs Into the Indian Army and served | ilia appMra very a* a Veterinary Offteer until July Dr. Ran Is optimletlc In reanrd to 1944. At that time he vraa released the profile* that Is being made, from active duty te compete with and confident of the ability of hi* other counter on a government. people to solve the problem* of •cholanhip. He ie one of the two 1 their country. TODAY — Wr.DNMOAY THI NK. - KKI A HAT. be long remembered. The small Aggie sec tion out.Velled the rest of the huge stadium. But the important Htinf ia that, even after the game was lost in tm last few minutes, { the Baton Rouge trip left a pleasant, rather than a sour, taste in the memory. n Is there any reason why all our game trips shouldn't be as pleasant? Is there any reason why we shouldn’t entertain our visi tors as well as we were entertained? This week we will be visitors in one of our favorite cities, Fort Worth, where we have been given first-class welcomes for years. Judging by the way A. A M. students behaved at the Tech, Oklahoma and LSU games, the folks in Fort Worth should be able to say Sunday, “GlAd to have had you in town.” : Letters to the Editor A LETTER to the Editor of the Pitts burgh 'Pa.) Post-tiaaette from an indignant Boy Scout leader, protesting publication of the Communist Party ad. read, “Are you willing to tell that list of names (of Scouts) for a mesa of rotten partridge?” ★ ANOTHER "Correction’ in the Costea- vflle (Pa.) Record tried to set things straight this way: “In yesterday's ad of Bennington's Pharmacy these items should have been priced aa follows: Dichloride, ABo lb. Men nen'a Nhame Cream, 43c; Hanscraft Bottle Wanner, $1.W." ★ | - THK Philadelphia (Pa.) Inquirer reported montly: "A 10-rtonth-old red cooker spaniel, who (liaapimaml during a family dinner In South Philadelphia Thursday evening, was the ob ject of a widespread search.” NO CATSUP! Editor, The Battalion: Not trying to change the general trend of discusaion in the letters to the editor, but I find that when I'm bit in the tame spot too many times that I become bruised. Yes, I’ve been hurt in the spot that hurts—my stomach. It seems that every time that Sbisa Mess Hail has a meal that cannot be complete without cat sup, that Mvory sauce cannot be found. The bottles remain there, but nary a drop can be squeesed out of them with any amount of pounding and juggling. Inquiring at the local grocery stores, there seems* to be no short age of catsup what-so-ever. It is that our non-profit organiMtion cannot find sufficient funds to equip the mesa hall with ample catsup, or that the operators have a hard time harmonising the food and spices. I suggest to them in the latter case that catsup goes well with chiekan-fried steak and fried potatoes, for instance. B. W STUBBS. ’44 , (Id. Nate: J. G. Penialm, chiel of sukaUteace. stales there la plenty of cataup ia the neea hall. Pen I*lea »•>» If there le ne cataup In ihe dialag hall. It le because the euppll an hand ha* not l>,rn distributed properly, a fault of the waiters.) V8A ELECTIONS? Editor, The Battalion: The VS A election aervrs to ill- ustrate how neglect on the part of the voter* will allow an unscrup ulous candidate to gain office. Did you know that one of the winning candidates personnally visited many rooms in his area on the afternoon of the election and picked up the ballots himself? IH bet that his opponents could contest the election if they cared to do so, because this candidate wttAMHE REVERE auvr mum • mwiochhait : riiium let ths htma m4 fr'Ktcd bf G10RG[ SLATON ^ FRIDAY - SATURDAY f’rter Uwford — RmRA ’My Brother Talks to Horses’ —Plug Second Feature— , RachAiy Seott — Betty Flrid -L~. ■ “The Southerner” BEllt GMBlt Wims r*NC.lAMA* TWTTI The Battalion The Battalia^,official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical Collect of Texas and the Citf of College Station, Taxes, ia published five time* u week and circulated every Monday thiough Friday afternoon, except during holidays and examination periods. During tha summer Tha Battalion lx pub- Rahad stml-waaaly. Subscription rata f4 par aChool year. Advtrtlaing rates furnished on request Nawx contributions may ba tnada by telapkona (44444) or at tha editorial office. Room Ml, Good- ksxified ads may be placed by win Hall. Classified ads may be placed 209, Goodwin Hall M telephone (4-4324) or at tha Student Activitlaa Office, Boom Member of the Asnodated Proof The Associated Preau is entitled exclusively to tha use for republication of all newt dispatches credi ted to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published her Rights of ropubUcation of all other matte)' herein art also roaorrod. _ ColW#* * Dm A« e< CosUna* mmM-«Im* Batter at Pest OffMU- at *( Merck I. mt. Member Associated College Press HtpVRMttl MtlMMkUjr Wy Nfctioilftl —rttetef luvfcs. 1st- el New Yerk CKj, OMmgn Us AsaeMs. ss4 las PreiM—. CHARUE MURRAY, JIMMIE NELSON— Co-Editors Vlek WUter Deb* Hot**. J. T. MOW, .Wire latter Peel Msrtm ■Mgr ' pMte gelMBss Hack T. HeM Lovfc Moras*. Ken*** Bon* 0. Xreee, Jr-, Hews* bw M**a«fot Editor* A» MsteM, Zero UaMS. W. X. # ^ H swm**jrw wnwra qy SprlttRwF ■es EecMma. Artker Howard. oSeSTu WUsoe U. HtaaiMW, Jr. Umv (MNna. UerteeU Meter been Writew MmmAKrx . Kin i fnnT COHAMA PLAID PRINTS Tuba, wear* like cotton $1.39 NEW SALYNA CLOTH Titian Tan Phantom Red Black Olace Chocolate 91.99 The FABRIC SHOPPE Your Bxcluaivo Fabric Cantar 113 W Nth - Bryan QUEEN OOMPLKTR RADIO RKI’AIH Quality Bervioa it t Minimum Co«t r* > ■ ‘ • ONE DAY MCRV1CE • Floyd's Radio Shop Located Rt LoupoU Trading Poet TODAY TI EM. * WED. VMVttUl WtitXAIlOMU ptwen it luaiiii uNit tout > IM Nitu MR RIM 1 mi MUM Mtk IMNM — COMING — — CAFETERIA v • ’ I.FEATURUf® DIBlffiS OF * i INTERNATIONAL FAME and the tx -st in— SOUTHERN AMERICAN COOKERY OPENH li«4P. M. 4-1141 TODAY - WED. - THURA. I P A Y8 • teftarteirtet : CROSBY, HOPE AHD r, : 3 DOZEN OTHER SURSCi 'M.i.r. noth 441,'skol^ j Feature Regina 1:30 • 3.40 - 5:45 - 7;50 • 10. 00 AND MARK PLANS NOW FOR NEXT WEEK TO BEE— M G-M's BIGGEST. GAYEST TECHNICOLOR MUSICAL