Battalion EDITORIALS PnpS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1947 TNI CAT A Look at California U.... It’* a relief to turn from the troubles of the Texw state colleges to those of another slate system. Recently both Time and the Saturday Evening Post have carried articles on the whopping-big University of Califor nia and its 40,000 students. The articles tell how the size of the institution worries its top executives. But considering what a scholastic repu tation Cal has (one of the top four in the, country) and how free they have been from; the sort of trouble that has dogged our Texas* institutions for years, we sometimes wonder of the California system of one big uni versity work better than our Texas system of several unrelated schools? * There are plenty of objections to such a change, which would unite Texas U., A. A M. Tfech., TSCW, NTSC, and perhaps others in to a single administrative unit. - But at least under such a unified system might be spared such paradoxical rows is the present difficulty over the College Building Amendment. If Tech were the West Texas branch of the University, it would be impossible to fight the college sys tem as a whole, in the name of the part. But would West Texas really be willing to give np its separate school, even though Tech benefited bv the change? No Aggies could be expected to vote for a system which would make A. & iL a branch of the University in truth, instead of in law, as at nrmeiU. And so It goes. The Idnt of a unified Texas state college Myittem is probably just a pipe dnsam. Hut looking it the University of Ualifornli, (which In cludes IKT,A, Hants lUrimra College and Davie Agricultural Hchunl as branches) we •re sometlmee dubious about the advantage* of our own system persuaded ” Sproul it. of course, a profes sionally persuasive man. The 16-man Board of Regents (appoint ed to Id-year terms and by custom reap- C rnnted for life) own the eight campuses, ire A fire university presidents, spend the legislature’s appropriations as they see fK. Sproul thlnka it would help if every baby were awarded a bachelor's degree at birth; that might satisfy those interested only in the prestige of a college education. A good many others, he suggests, should be shunted off to junior colleges and vocational schools, to be given the education they really want and are fitted for. That would leave the uni versity free for what Sproul considers its real responsibility: the specialised work of the junior and senior years, graduate and professional schools, for exceptional students. ‘‘From the president of a state univer sity, that is a bold proposal,” says Time. But not everybody loves the “one big school" idea. Patriotic citizens of Southern California are hot for separating U. C. L. A. from its sister at Berkeley. Sproul modestly disagrees with the general verdict that “the University of California ll held together by me alone.” His principal argument for keep ing the state’s coUeges in a single is to avoid expensive duplication. To keep Actors Pirn To Combat Attacks Of 'Red Hollywood’ ny non mosuii HOLLYWOOD, Oct. » (AP)- A troop of proetinont film »ctor«. dimtom, writer* and producer* is organising for s campaign to combat eontrr*»io»\*l assertion* of the “Communtat Influence la Roily Texans hi Washington A.&M. Supplies Personnel I For I.S. Agricultural Dept 11*1 1 A — uai iV41a m ivr|H>n s Cattle Feeder Gets $60,000* Should He Stay in Business? EASLEY Bp TEX Ap s,».-dal WaWMtp _ WASHINGTON, Oct. a-(A^) RitfCSt Of all fnvernmentK agendoa devoted to othei than military acttvlttoe la tho agrical -w- Haro Is how Tima drsmallsea Ihs alsa- problem* of UC. •In the oban-alr Haaret Oroak Theater at Berkeley, Calif, one day last week, 1,000 new f students sat waiting. As the warm sun beat down on them, the band blared out Hail to Cnhfomia. A huge, hearty figure strode on '■fegr*. Robert Gordon Rprout, president of the nation’s largest university (41,451 full- MKb students), began to speak. As every body had known he would, he struck juat the right note. “I hope you will not take this perkmai- 1 ly,” he said, “but I think that there a 10,0((>0 too many of you. You would all happier if somehow the 10,000 could go else- 1 where. But whether you belong here or not I welcome you.” . . (Wonder what would happen if an A. A M. president-addressed an entering class in those words?) Most experts rate California’s faculty in the nation's top four, along with Harvard, • Chicago and Columbia. Among Cal’s galaxy of scientific stars: Nobel Prizewinner Er nest O. Lawrence, inventor of the cyclotron; Glenn T. Seaborg, discoverer of plutonium; and—until recently—Physicist Robert Op- parileimer. Among its strongest suits: phy sics, chemistry, engineering, history, agri culture, music. , ' - ; The predominance of the sciences at Cal ia no accident; It is much easto to persuade legislators of the tangible benefits of re search in plkstics or potatoes than of the value of knowing about Yeats and Keat*. That attitude D not peculiar to legislators; . It fat shared by many ft the faculty, by the overwhelming majority of California un- dergrsduates—ami by most Americans. Re-\ marked one history major last week: “You're made to feel that If you aren't tak ing Mb tdty*lu« and chemistry, you're west- lif valuable space," Ar * Home university president* have dieta- turtal powers! the president of the Unlvcr- r ally of California la nnly a prime minister. Ills rdueatlonei program tiuai win the ap proval of the Academic Senate, a powerful fegulty body that pre-date* Hproul's regime, . and makes California one at the moet demo- ; ciktlcelly ruh nnivereitlee in the U. H. * No New courses or departments can be •dfied. no dean appointed, no new professor MOW, no academic budget instituted, with out Sennit! action. Says Sproul with a grin: “The faculty can’t be driven. It can only be m VV AV'IIM a A |nr-11 n I v v UU IUI1. IU Southern California happy, Sproul has help- ciw r ™i hy Is* with nrmnnn, ed make young and lusty U. C. L. A, a strong »nd distributing useful inform* school In Its own right. Now growing at a tinn on Sfrieultursi Robjseu, th. faster rate than Berkeley, U, C. L A. has is r*s*rih ita own football team, its own alumni mmo- miitrin^Uim riuX*"!n till! imo *!*■»■ win "-x i»**»»7,uo«.«w m«nci jfjvryssE’iiiur WMOl, Like Harry Truman at the Army-Navy gante, Hob Unreal reot* for U*th side* at the annual U,('.L,A.-Cal game, He alway* get* a big cheer when he ceremonloualy swans at the half, (a custom that would be A. 4 M. and T. IL should ever h«r« *hortly after f r*dusting from A. snd M. to IMS and plans to rotlT* next war. He is In the live stock branch of PfA. His brother, Gustave Burma later, also is eran department tmplnyt* in* foreign affrioultural it information. s a vet , haadl- ■Utistloal fusriiens I bein hit ■ hnld iny su L floor Is open the story on Caii|pntla. Dmlt wggesMons for us, or holr The i'll for discussion. MniSlSTKNCE and the help of God turned a trick for B. M. Atkinson, linulsvHlr (Ky.) Times columnist. Atkinson submitted a 200-word story to the Saturday Evening Pont Postwar Anec dotes column. With it he wrote n letter say ing, “This is the honest-to-goodnets troth.” The anecdote came back with a rejection slip. Immediately he returned it, again ac companied bjTa letter assuring them it was the hooeat-to-g(Mj.ln«*s.s truth. Again it came back. For the third time. Atkinson returned the story, this time with a letter saying, “This is the honcst-to-God truth." Within a week he received the $100 ekadL j ★ THE 25th anniversary number of Lino type News tells this story: William Wrigley was rising with a friend on a train from New York to Chicago. Said the friend: “Your gum is known all over the world. Why don T t you save the millions of dollars you are now spending on adver Wrigley pondered a second, then asked “How fast ia this train going?" “About 60 miles an hour,” was the an Tbste !iwlu«M *#11 «wi>*rvaUi*p, fnrm •rmilt and rural vkwlrifiva linn program* Taxasa at 1 n«nt to Amofig iherr nrrvimuly arc Dr. ■H*. w**‘Uma to* | ^, HouateS, founder of the Kxtesato* I GalMivlto} HtolNto R. Cooper. Rervicej Chief Justice of the U. 8. Conter, Snd C. L. Minnas, Spur, Court «f Claim* Marvin Jones, | both in the bureau of agrlculturs ^ U f « The aarly year* of (ha emit ‘ J P pariment atotlon at A. A M year* ago, Ronnay Youngblood, now is In eharv* «f rwwmrtih prugram* at aniwriman tel atotiana wragghaui tha noun try His ihiMes taka him os Is ■imulteneoualv by | •herthtn t«ura of those aUltosa asTdrmSto^ V M"”” ,lm '' ihse to ronrdinat* " .*»I *«d hirert reaeareb notivltl**, (Hhm e* Taaaa Aggie* here In the sgrtrehurM denartment In- Kmeat J, Netromh, Cle- .. Pranklm sdmtntatnstien, In th* a great eapaniion of l to aid farmer* who Initial meettog of the eigaatoa tion, a* yet unnamed, was held this week at the home of Director Wil liam Wyler, Academy winner for “The Best Year* of Our Live*." Speaker* declared something should bo done to offset the con gressional hearing this month at which charges of communist activ ities in the movief are expected to be aired. Many Hollywood names have been calM tn testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee. The new group plans to give the public “a truer picture of so- called political influence In Holly wood.” Among those attending the first meeting were Wyler, Direc tor John Huston, Katharine Hep burn, Gene Kelly, producer Jerry Wald, Mehrya Douglas, Writer Emmet Lavery and others. “Arch of Triumph,” after almost a year of edging, is expected to hit the nation’s screens In Decem ber. The delay was due to a dif ference of opinion between direc tor Lewis Milestone snd enter prise boas fharle* Einfeld over treatment of the story. The cold season has hit town. Dick Powell and Irene Dunn* just got over their sniffles and return ed to work. Now Joan Crawford and the four kiddie* are ailing . .. Note to Rohert Mitchum fans: your hero will do a lot of singing In “Harhel” , , , Elisabeth Taylor loins Greer Uaraon and Walter Pigeon In "Hpeak to Me of Love 1 U» playa Uraer’a daughter, B^ HAL BOYLE - CLEAR LAKE, IOWA. Oct • —(AP)—A ijftoer hare lemnMy " '-"'•-i ly »>rw |M>pular reoop** atoo Fans, Utmortl 11ay»n», ( oniWHallons IIKYAN NKHCOa . .402 North Main (1 I; O M U 1C' N TT-J ooammoNKKv a — GUION HALL LAST DAY OAXWC! iMflmol DANQDtOUB V* HT' .d* 1 a QUEEN I ANT DAY “Swell Guy* —With— SONNY TUFTS ONE MttltT ONLY) HAT,, (NTOHKR UTII, (Wheftete Night North Hhto (htltomim FORT WORTH AOO^WtNVmB I Bring Mtudsat MeaUhcaUnn ft *UI i pwputooa (tax iarL) t Mfeoxee sw«,«n*ms V annai^Jgi* Me-S** rtOfturwy Ml (OMING j "fRE\TKW Nunday — MmAhy LOVE'S NO GAMBLE tha woy »ha ployol Wont to loam how tha dooo it... and wln»t Watch for •«• STl'DR n»i SO per peWM.n U> w|re»tirevvfv^a • *y NTQODRdL - ItuTIAN UMtVRR TEXAS | wmm ■ 1 ) The Battalion lished Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City Station, Texas, is published five times a week and circulated every Monday through Friday except during hoh lays and examination periods. During the summer The Battalion ia pwb- j-weekly. Subscription rate M per school year. Advertising rales furnished oa regneat N< win Hi ao». Gt , contributions may be made by telephone (4-3444) or at the editorial office. Room 301, Good- Classified ads may be placed hy telephone (44334) or at tha Student Activities Office, Boom Member of the Ansockted Pram The Associated Frees is entitled exctooively to the use for repubiication of all new* ted to It or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneows origte Rights of republication of all other matter bereta an alao reserved. dispa tchei published Catered •» reroad-elws mittar st Pc orriM ** roiw* suucm t.*m. «*u STtopTri ** tt*™* >. w»> CHAltIK MURRaIy, JIMMIE NELSON Member Associated College Press KaVSV^MRAbR RRlfcBRl^ toy VttlftMRR) iLR - 1 renreme ftwvta, lac., at Hr* Tock CUv. CMiMPb Lot AtftfwW*. m»A Smr F rmAwkofk. ] Co-Editor* J. T. MUlre, .WWt ware -Msaactef MMk T. Erisa - Vreur. MHre Lrl A. gargi- ksa**tk Buss -freon WrUre* ^ r an**, f*-> Ihvot -w» _. . ^jP-teaslrt» wjw : tay ttx' nriCre U, wiiW**.- N.. Vtow Starting Sunday * ♦ ' - j A New POLICY for the Queen Theatre Jutt Whal Yoti’m Asked For NATtIKOAY Sl'NDAY - MONDAY J j.-.i,, I , t I . * L *4 ♦ From thi M if Iw ad nmaa W tto ”la«|hlRg blaet" «f ytir hurtl Ow.&t They Ma! ] -IIH JOHNSON - 0 "Ererybody'i Got ft Uu^tlg VltiF