The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 08, 1947, Image 4
Kiwanans __ Tubercular Check UJT*, d, \ p0 ^ ^ Thu cannot b* don,- in tlU cm* of hu- Sid^T ^ di,eaM ' H 4*- ^ h,Ucp » of th* ^ r T^ b V cu jo ,i » AMocUtion, Kiwnnia Club lunchwn y*a- “PuL** c WM r Ufr * •P 0 *'* »" t»»* for Citntrtl Tubtrculosia Sat l " Tb" A *ST trniM form tiving flfuraa on th* •WUmn*. of tuhamiioaia In T*». » In Braaoa County In parti. 7'w **"' 10 ^b m*mh*r thf club. fc in k L M>l# M# t Uh S ^ ^ !»• Xmy m*. •blM* to Bryan ami Coll*«* Ita “" Novamlmr 8, la aM In th* 5^, ^ »bU county, |)r, Whit. a*ru tlUrloMi, Th* markin' will l?. ' , • ro, ' ♦•uvanltmt HtU Ittml th* lima ami plae* for var oua yroupa ta a^na for X-ray. Jj'l bj WuwinM In th* la**! n*wa- AfUr th* oddroa. by Dr. Whit- S j^b? fuT'^ •f th* ('ob*|« Station K l wan I* , th* Braaoa County Tub*rru!oa fltrut* XY \ ('rlppM R rffdU appoint'd tO rtpra. C3ub in the i2fli On th* annda a “Barberthofi C of four of I’adrU. WORKER Dili man of th* iiuttt**, wmi^ th* Klwanla A1X NEW YORK, Oct 8 <JU>) Dally Workrr, Communiat N I*per. «aid y**t*rday in an fdi tarial that the ji*w nin*-couotry mraniiation formed in Burop*l by (he communiata was not anti- American but aimed at American “big . ‘ L&M. i Food Market FUEE delivery TO COLLEGE STATION 4 Ph. 2-6189 MnrHsvni* aoopNbs w eon’ Van Never Knew Meaning of Failure By MRS. WILNORA ARNOLD Baadm’ Atria* Cadhay, IN7. . ThU liraly and haartwarwHnf biomphy of an ouMUoding and walldovad phy.iclan and .unaon la inaplHn* mdlng. Country b.ed, and with the dlract»t**a and oour •f* of h*r Dal*h pnml—, lap. til Van Haoaen nor* hnaw tw iMMitlai of fhilurt. Sh* navar fall- < hut alwayi waHiad ta auawad •imply baMUM failure wa. an lm- paMlblllty ta • rharatur M*h a. bar*. FruairatiiM amj dlaappaint- m*nt' in h*r Ilf* wa* many and fwpiil Wf m far har than rSH'taise lln* prejudk*. r Through atudy and wart and many Umaa privation, Dr. Van ilooa*n aeantually Md Mm* of tually th| moot honored ■ ijtn* >w rt and Child cn ■Stfc nrlfei Nrteorolofl ^ ‘ Positions Open Th* CUI1 Service M ommiMion announce* examination* for th* poeittan* of Mateorologtcai Aid and Meu-orological Aid, Train**. Entrance aalarto. rang* from $1,- -H to t:U97.gO per year. I i Employment will b* with 4f Departm*^ of Commerce, Weath er Bureau, in the state* of "BaxM, New Mexico, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. ■ Application form* may ha ob tained from any first or Meond- class post office in th* ahov* nam ed Staten, or from th* Director, Fourteenth U. S. CUil Service Re. 210 South Harwood, Dallas, gion, Texa: Dr John 8. Caldwell Optometrist Caldwell’* Jewelry Store Bryan, Yana Starting Lighting S|xH'iali*ed Beryjot on Ignition GENERATORS - MAGNETOS BATTERIES - CARBURETORS ~ TUNE UP Bruner Battery & Electric Co. kreet - Brvan Kquijuncnt Mtnuf teturen 118 East Ualnf Part* From rr FOt THI 'ASKIR •••!>• ONLY Suhw-Bi'ittiam .Ct-'c.l up lo *0a mart b'il. Noat iboa Ibma *f odwr inti. I K**p» ih arifinal bdManc* *i tang *« ih* paper l*i»f On th* It I imam a am«l«l. WTWr w**! I* *“™W I »»vW*W •Hi H fidlftf ifat ss 'Cru, tOruCn,* . Thd M oWuMy dtUi at It .'wrtutl DtUi UP t* ) Nmat -fait* then Ordinary Mia : CMOOII MOM I iUHhiiHUAMT COlOlf i THE EXCHANGE STORE • Rcavmo nous aooob • " ■ -■ ■ * Think of tropic birds in Sight of sunlit CarlWwen Seas-and you git an idea ofth* brilliane* of new Park* Supwchrom* Ink. Cmued to . wholly new formula Mur aav«ntatn yean of toentife tamarch, this « the ft nest w ruing ftuid evw known Dm matched for brightnesa, It alee ppaaewa a Be among the ftnt te UN your Park* *il* pen with thte sensational new ink. Colon; Utm-Wm, Sup*-Red. SupeeOreen, Super- llu*-Bla<k. Sup*-Biack U^fWlM smarv Ipjsiyled proteetUe metal pMlaii, ' * , the Cnivmity of Illinois CoUag* “IrMSS f ° r * " U "‘ >#r ^ nnd h«lp*d found th# American doJUJSS'S Ol! am has lived a long, fun and ri*h £• PhSTll hor follow. nading ^ ktofr * pi,y ** ffm hor contribution to th* SKfiujtn iRMtStTlato iSttt Til* IIAPPY PBIBONBB by W*— Uppltnott, I Iff On* of th* moat i*t«r**ung and •hnrmlng atari*' I have road in many month, la thla paignaat UU -wr, f«n, U,. lo« I a haart Injury r*calv*d during the war Tto yaung major f* tb, tlm. has the Uisurs ta otoarva ^ to know th* mem ber* of hia family. Tb* aaUsor has created unfor- (•ttabl* characters in hU mother FhgtoalphU barn, bustling with doiMsticitr who after thirty years 5 K *» U T: w , ‘i‘ l • typical middle cUaa American housewife; hia two slaters, both of whom are a little eccentric, but in wholly opposite b« two brathers-m-Uw. In fact, Olha aooa becomes the hub around whfteh th* •ntlre household revol- ^b« »»t* enthroned on his mswlids bed and deal, out adv„ , ?^ n, ^-^ ,5rmp * thy ' H « ^ f«« to fc*l his power a little too much, however, when his Inter ference In hi. sitter's Mf* almost precipitated a family tragedy. Tb’* .*V a p*~“"t eaey-to-read w b*b almost any reader will enjoy. TT»e ..tbor la a niece of th* front English novelist. Chari** Dickena, and txhiMte no small de ad g 111 "■ «e»*n*r —-A* Ma—P, Taana, la shewn jwe- R ^^L-bf^'l ^ bepwnt.i t, the aiKarownd hay Mam- of the mlf acrwnhte com ■WM —1 ■> P——*—I of TnehariU arhalnrahlp award. Artirt Series Opens Nov. 3 With Duo-Piano Team Tht Bryan Arti»t Series, a new community concprt and lectur* program in Brytn, will open with a two-piano team, Alfrud and Herbert TelUchik, on November 8. Uto In the aeason, the Ser- im will present the DnlUts Symphony Orchestra. AH evanta will ba held in th* BWpben F. Austin High School auditorium, and admission will ht- by eaAean ticket, only. Tickets are obuinabi* at th* Aggieland Phar macy in Collage Btaticm; HaaweU'a, Uriar»a Smart Shop and Canady’s Pharmacy hi Bryar AlthouM the regular season 1 ^ ther T “ ■ ■Peeial price madT heT^riT'—^ N ° Tf " 4wr *- <*•»• the first con- cert By JACK BITLBDCE Aaaoclated Pip**, lUlf Th# Intormtinnally known Circus i* A com- junity Affair, but another raxaa drcui is avrn more either by blood pr Tha known ijw?Q£X&» Oalnesvma ClrruiX* to tnjrt# American. Tare* quarter, of * eentury ago thtra war* four such ahawa travel |PB »« Tessa. They were much like tb# troupe* that one* entertain'd tat ftaapatry of Burape. Je*t an* ramalna-fka Oarria Hnw. Clretta- with h*ad«tu«rters ta Ian Aptaata, It I* prapariwg for ta winter lea son, which will open I* Florteville ta October Trurka are batag palntsd, pro- partita renaired. and th* and- acrobatic arte rehearsed. | . -• * e*wng u Everyone connected with th* circus w *. they love It. ia expected to land a hand at any Manael Garcia, Patriarch of tha cimu, says his la the only Latin American Circus of He kind ih Texas, at least outside the El P«»o M* 1 ftr !t W# . uk# bla ward for It. Tha shew wa. arganiud go f~n a|a, when Manual wm a elawA. The show Km continued and grown, hut It atBLIa eampoted of nothtaf but GarelM, all related eitbar by blood I «Mrn and m3 : a comedian art Holx'ti *. I* a dance aptelallaLfl Rudolph h master of reremon- taa. Bathar and Gahauata ar* aero- bata, yirttnta work, an th* tra- PM*, Delia on tha ladder. May on U»* etaatlr wah Flo It a <laM*r, Wte a wire walker and Raytnundn a drummer and canva.m.n.^_ The children go to school wtale 2! l ‘!r? 4d :, K,Ui * r m. w«*ru. JO tehmd. before ah* received bar CMeU*^ 00 ‘••ploma In -GpipBa It's an exeHing though rough Graduate Students Tea and their a tea at the rnt and Mrs. Gibb Graduate students wives will be given borne of Preeidei Gilchrist, Sunday afternoon, from 4 until ft p. m. This informal tea ia being spon- wed by the A. A M. Graduate dub to allow the graduate stu- detn. and their wives to meet the graduate faculty member. BHdge (lab Meets Oct 9 TCie Veteran. Wives Bridge Club win meet Thursday. October 9 at 7:Mp. m. in th* YMCA. Persons haring bridge tables are requested to bring them. USED RECORDS New And old fAvoritoe Sftc Supply of new populer I records Also Yam, Record Pkyers, ComMnatJona BBT AN MUSIC CO. • Mi North Mtla Dean Penberthy’s Mother Succumb* dlad Monday morning at her home E L yT *’ . 0hio D “ n P«nb#rthy * ¥ . ^ ^ }2Li f t £ u Z *"*5 "wht to Horsley To Speak attend the funeral aclieduled for o x irv t" thia afternoon at S p. m. Before IE Club He ta expected to return to Col lege Station Saturday or Sunday. Champ Calf Raiser To Receive $2,000 Award at ’40 Show The All-Around chAmpion boy cAlf riiaer at the 1948 Houston Fat Stock Show will be given a four-year A. A M. scholarship valued at $2,000. Announcement *f the award was mad* by Dave Cunningham, chair man of the calf scramble commit tee. who said th* scholarship will be contributed by Jim Tucker, Houston insurance man and own er of the Tucker Hereford Ranch at Manor, Texas. The scholarship will go to the youth who raises the finest calf from thoae calve, won in last year’s scramble. • Ctihfdngham, I n Introducing Tucker, said Tucker had let Harris County youths get first pick of his choice calves at hia rapeh. The calf scramble jasadmitte* voted to have Brahman calves en tered for the first time in the 1948 show’s scramble event Others who took an active part in the program were W. A. Lee, aettaw president of the Houston Fat Stock Show; W. 0. Cox, mana ger of the ahow, and George Kelley who has been a big-time buyer each year at the show. *FT Company Vets W in Parade Honors » Company Veteran* won first C ite honors in th* Regimental treat Parade held October 1 acosfdlng to U Col. W. g. Me- Klhenny, Executive Officer of the Military Aclence Department. toeond place went to C Infantry and third and fourth to A Veto and C Vet# reapectlvoly, IVf "•** Regimental Retreat Parail* will h* held October 1ft wHh the Necond Regiment parilei patlng Pilots To Take Flight Physical. A flight surgeon* team will be at Klllngton Field, Houston, Fri day, Saturday, and Sunday. Octo- ber 10, 11, and 12. They will give flight physicals to reserve Air Force pilot*. A ( -47 will be at Eaaterwood Airport Saturday afternoon if needed. • Anyone interested should con tact Bill Aven, Room 47 Leggett, or M. F. Terry, Room 18 Leggett CMH Holder To Attend Reunion ‘ Eli Whiteley, agronomy instruc tor. has accepted an hwitaftten to attend th* fimt Congressional Medal of Honor Haidars' Reunion at th* Dallas State Fair, October 14, which will climax an all day celebration by Texas Veterans. Th# All Veteran’s Day has been set aside as a day honoring the vet- crane of thia ■tote. Six Aggie* have received the nation's higheat award, tha Cen- graastonal Medal of Honor, hut only two are now Itvlag, Whiteley and William 0. Harrell. Thomas W. Fowler, Flevd H. Hughes, Georg* D. Keeihley, and Turney W. Leonard are the other tm, Recommendation of Whrtetav for the medal same as the roeurt of hta service with the ttoh Infantry Regiment of the Srd Infantry Divi sion which was engaged ta inten* •ivv house to house fighting at HigetaMm. Franc# on Deeemher n, 1M4. Whltel'y, then a lieuten ant, killed nine Herman soldiers and captured II othera. Although a piece of shrapnel had piereadiM eye and he was wounded In an arm, he refused to quit fighting, and only on direct order from the company commander did he retire te the rear for medical aid. ■WkHoley, Oise of ’41, la from Georgetown. He haa been a mem ber at the Agronomy Department since September, 149ft. The IBa ttali o n Page 4 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1947 OFFICIAL NOTICE Passes Featured In Ag’s Workout Passing and more passing was the keynote in the Aggie’s football practice yesterday. Alter thirty minutes of arm-warming, our aca passers tried their accuracy against the freshman and “B N teams pass defense. There were three pass-eeri mages going on at the same time, with Baty, Cashion and Hallmark doing the teasing. Although they did a fin* job, their receivers occasional ly muffed easy toaeca, with the exception of Cotton Howell, who seemed to have sticky finders and made several spectacular grabs. Coach Norton has had the Bees working on LSU’s T-ptays since Monday, and there will probably be a bruising scrlmage this after- McQuire To Head Austin A&M Gub Jimmy McGuire, navy veteran and senior business student, was * lh# Auatln A - A M. Club last Thursday evening. Other officers elected were Re- tart Mahon*, vtce-preddant; W. D. Holmes, sec ret* nr; Walter Went- land, treasurer; T. C. fklumi, pqb- ItaUy agent} and lldney 8. Wit- Unger, agt. at arms. jK iMR ‘‘tab meeting will be this' Thursday night, October I, at TiftO p. m, In room 10ft of the Academic Building. Plans fur the Thanksgiving Party will be dt*. ftiMM. DR. N. R McNUTT DENTIST Office ta Parkar Building Over Canady 1 * Pharmacy Phone I-1417 Bryan. Teta* A A. ■„ TteV M. TteesAm * Oetetee Work h f. TK levMai. ' "■ OAk GUskrte. W. M. W. N. Ue*eHt. Sneiurr CLASSIFIED ADS R RCRIRI I ^■ekin« (i eta*. Ftams Trstae. • •e MtSS, »sri rt)R OAUQt fWBtiai Feet iw« gigj-tvsr-w toeen III ron SALg" warns, IS! m. '*» 1-1*4 RM iiFSnfcW sjl*- »• Ro-U lUeek. r.lto. POtin RIDINO pee mImM*. I FOR lALkt Brna Mmsk M" «ksel, Ct.'SarvJf- c “’-- “ KOR BALRt rtm MS.#* LKt fKe rmm komm. Akeor* St - 9mM or Rw tin. Colkse cuttoe. B17D - DIAMOND EDGE POCKET KNIVES * SPORTING GOODS { ’ Hardware 2013 Oolkfe Rond '****? * Pctawa^veSsr—^s wife wRe •> —IM M, FOR Juki Table ts* rma** |» pM* ***** See .VCMI*. vZm. Art. Xl-R, sftor Ite ». a. *4^ iTwe teUmea keese. Ur** tesal he enrtaM wRb Xk TasT^l! Baa* M! telweea IAS **4 " AU|1 Bata iaibkene Twe hff. »/.♦ Bf«* aamc *»*#»• The Applianee Br>»>-. Oome In and aaa ua for large or email appliance*: Radkm, Electric Irons, Stu dent Lamps, Floor Lamps, Presto Cookers, Coffee Makers ... and many other uaefuta UNITED APPLIANCES, Inc. MU A WaaMagtoa Hta. Phone t-149ft OPEN AT 5 O’CLOGC No cover charge for dining DINING & DANCING • Food prepared by chef * from Balinete Room SpeciaUiing in Sen Foods and Mexioan Foods * FIN FEATHER CLUB ; Fin Fetther Road ;f Ph. 2-1678 M, mm SLACKS- Handballers Meet A meeting *f th* Handball Osh haa been scheduled tar S Tharndsy. Th, group will iM#t ta the Physical Education Offta# a# the gymaaaiam to at- gaatae and discuss plans W. R. Horsley, Director of the Placement Office, will speak to the Industrial Education Club Wednesday night, 7 p. m. at the dub room in the Mechanical Engi neering shops. Byron Maxwell, club preaident, stated the club had a very good turn-out for the last meeting two weeks ago and a targe group ta expected to hear Mr Horslgy. Any visitors as well as Industrial Ed ucation majors are urged to at tend. HOTARD’S CAFETERIA FEATURING DISHES OF 1NTKRNATIONAL FAME and u» btst Id- southern AMERICAN COOKERY •» sm IS85WB * M See these Varsity-Town slacks today ... Triple pleated, sipper front — in town brown or aeafoato/ They are the beat buy you ever aa#. 15.00 /. /I tr< /• madMbgft “•srvlng A||les Since 1899"