The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 07, 1947, Image 4
. ' mm Athletic Grounds Is findless Job for Superintendent the Game Always Easier’ »> KENNETH BOND “CUanin# up after a pame uke« far wort. time and effort than the KM#e iUelf," state* W. F. Fitta, Superintendent of Athlktic Grounds and Building. ‘Y^r have no S how mtKh trash and rubble a trowd -leaves after a football pMMtr '* t Fitta was born in Cats County, I 8 ®* and received his high ^thool education there. He ffiFtaeft until he was twenty.flve year* irfd. then he started to work for fh^State Highway Department and work,-,! OI | Texas roads for eight peara. 1 Jn, 1925 he resigned from the WgwWay Department and came to Brydn to do contract and carpen ter gcrk. Fcrr eight year* Kitta has had the )ob of overteeing the athletic art«a with ita four football field*, Iwa |aaeball diamonds, four tan nis courts, and the office* am. ' gwaaaalum. With the added work of caring for twenty acre a. of lawna, shrubs, and trees the job has md become any eaiier. "there Juat isn't any spare tlm*,^ , he uya. i, t itt*. -oho U the father of four children, is g firm bslieOer In mak . mg friends, ^thero Is seldom • guide when 1 don't meet old friends or make new ones," he ■aid,‘ M Tn me a friend ie much hatter than dollar nrty time." The northerly record of any bird is aanslt S50 miles from the pole, *hert the Ivory Dull ha. been Vo Quick Solution to Price Control, Says A & M Economist tar ttxptrt.. A ^ . 1 KAD10 KKI'AIK Bee | ni)YD*8 RADIO RHOP At Loupota _ i W s . ammamg i r• rl^TB - imp i *».. EINGINFKR Seeks Representative - Departmental reprManUtives for the ENGINEER magaalne arc now being selected la each of the engineering departments on the campus. Students who are interested in working on the ENGINEER are ^•ai- la cents, t their student chapter president or department head at once. Two students from each department will be rho, mm on the regular staff of the A Matter of Ymr* A return to nation-wide govern-t ent price control ia not the solu tion to the nation's current eco nomic pains, in the opinion of Ty- ■ R. Timm, economist of the A. M. Extension Service. "There ia no quick solution," says Timm, "that may be counted on in terms of days, weeks or may be even months. It may be a mat ter of years." He believes that the country, as an alternative, can go through the current transitional period and secure a more sound economic foot ing only by shrewd and frugal family use of household and buti ness resources, and the close co operation of the public trith the ea programs which present laws permit Yon can't cioae down price control regulation as you would theater and then ie open the same show," says Timm, explaining that price-coat relationships change swiftly apd that the wide ly-talked price control return would call for long months of writing thousands of new regula tions and making numerous new cost studios. Thors Is also the question of C ng a new control law through Congress, the economist con tinue*. How long, ho aaks, would R take to push a generally fair and equitable law through both OFFICIAL NOTICE ita is* w attar*. ^ «# *£ ' cut of Cult*** , for «a» soMiftam* of s •fne* *04 e—staWs tar ••M <n». »m to m if if St Ito CNr ItaU, Wmm atattoo. Tssm. •■til i ice •'stork, r.l. •• lb teal tar of (Motor. IMT, had. It was tough, but they got by and kept their farms going. Timm sounds words of caution to American fanners. “Although there ia no reason to except abrupt farm price drop, ia probable that within the next few years prices of things purchased by fanners will rise, stay up otnger, and likely net drop as far as prices on things that the fanner sells.” Timm, during a part of the war period, was on leave from the col lege to serve as agricultural re lathms advisor to Chester Bowles, who Was then natwifsl administra tor of the Office of Price Admin iatration. Kuer§ Picks Right Wins LSD Pickets publlrly to ptatahr I •aw* for CoosUtotloo of Cwotoato City OfftM on* WtrvtooM tor ita (My W Coltos* Su- m." JT Tto »ocoshM btator wOl to U> rnlrr loto • rontfort «Kk tto CKy Coo»rH of tto City of CoMta* nm. ; to.avot, Wo City Cooortl rosrrro. * lieht to roiost soy .od all bid* A totoWr't or wrtlfM (took, taboto to Trxa* Rook yoytato orRtoot rwouno to tto urtar ot trmami Lanyferd. Mayor of tto Clur of CiUw atatloa, Tnas. to a. aMoont adt km than flrr (1%) par root of tto lara< Inrludina etm*idarattoo at atkoraatea. mart ocoo^oyooy ^^srb kid a. a ^ptarattlar that. If awartad tto eamtraat, tto Mdtor will pmaytly rotor toko •ctrta toads, aa iutltoa> W WM aasritoto* tkea. »nd in*trurth«* A prrfonoaaro bond, to aa amount of Oar Muadrsd IlSSStl prr coot at tto earn- tract prim wta to A Untie, ia rnllrd %• tto (to* that not iam than tto minimom way* rata, pn- r.iltoy la tto lomlRy In wbirk tto work la parformad 'for work at a niattl.r ctor- nrtrr, and not Won tto. tto anrro' voiltny rate of par dbm waym of holidoy* and rrrrtim* work, stol to paid to all lobor*r«. workmrn aod m< mb pipy *d la tto coaurortloa of . work*, and tto followina in tto yoorral prr vail Inc rate la tto City of Colta* Sta tion. Hrnnon Cooaty, T, •II ■ IJIR • IAS S and equli housesf Timm says • lot nf folks art In somewhat the same position as the average farmer from the de- ureas Ion right on up until the war broke out. They had to get along the beet they cottid with what they It.M !» IMS iiaa US IAS* l Ym m HAS Yra C iasas KU^ch'd Head 10 Of Latin-American* The ENGINEER can also use a photographer. Contributions from anyone arc welcomed and all will be carefully considered for publi cation. DYERS-FUR STORAGE HATTERS merican <MS8S Julie Caaas, a senior Petroleum F.ngineerlng student from Mara- ribo, Venetuela, was elected presi dent of the Latin-American Club at their meeting last Thursday. The new vice-president is Pedro Munot from Mexico City, a grad uate CIVil Engineering student Plinio Junqueira, a graduate stu dent in Agriculture from Sao Pau lo, Brasil, was named secretary I and Miguel Rivqra, Senior C. E. | Out of exactly 101 entries, Mar vin Kuen picked the closest scores in last week's Arm-Chair Quarter back Contest and will receive two tickets to the A. A M. • LSU game, Although there were six men who picked all of the winnera, no one figured the Rlce-8o. Calif. 7-7 tie. Kuera came the dooest, pick ing Rice by 7-4. He was not so good on the others .picking Okla homa by lf-7. T. U. Im W-6, Ark- aneas by 20-7, and SMC by 10-7. Running Kuera a clods second was S. G. Dsnlaganlait, Hut he erred badly by picking Arkansas Il-O over TCU, R. A. Hooker was dose too, but his Rise score was too high and ha didn't dive the 'sips enough credit. Is order ie make sore that ever) one haa a chance te get an eutry blank, it baa been decided tbat e«l) one entry per person will be allowed. Considering bis eoiumn aa an tn- try blank, the sports editor rend his crystal ball done except on ^ WM * ^ *,to •^fTT'ito"^^ over-optimistic. . of tto C|ky of rnttoea Stotio., Ymea Several people have sent in their entries by mail In the past few weeks. But for people with lees confidence and more energy, there la a big glass jar in the Balt Of fice, second floor, Goodwin Hall, where entries will be accepted each week. < . mmun Low i mglmmi Maao.* (Win. atmi Wufkto* Klumtorv jUtotrleioM Fslntof* UlBilees fiatacer* H.« f»r« Itlaaai •FKtoes Hheok Mtoal W«.tli»f. ^Battalion Put* TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1M7 ads TvoiM mitaim FOR RALE: lUruH | m. It.. S. M. can t-sess. Stur.ii-rr.ft Unflpiakfd Co-. 4411 rox Indian CkW Mator- D1-C. Collsy* Visor, (: 1S41 ■itaayo 44.SSS Foot Urso. KitolWwt and aRcrtftm. Pkaai IStTi A. M. FOR BALI: Raaoed satatok. Prim IM SO. l oiisya Ttow Aye CS-W. Kirn RlftlNG RURaa FOR HINT U pwf mtaiut*. MmIif fOfTvltpfis kry mail at attarwlto. Xo-Lo Rnnck. T «li*a rntok at mi My*. Hwy A Uma a. F*H, Bm SS4. Col he* Stotton FOR SALX: 1/4 Mon* Fow*, tuattoa Oascitas* Knyto* .to I tBSAS. Saa Roe Good*. AAM FOR BALE i Golf ttoto. atotrtod Raratan woods, Brtotoi liwoa. Camytoto ml. Bm Fiojast Hooa* AC ta*a*eo IAS aad TiSS. . MiTA , ] FOR BAU BY OWNER: Fow room boom, both, tad scfwnod bock yorrk. feih ywd tafesd. haa aaadyO. sad eardmi plot Lem tod ama Modi froo* plol \ji*c a 1 ns Osiwii Strmt. One doybh tod. B IVt-J Jeaay Uad fek aattetoa. la ^^•taAS. DuRto« ;raK‘ t'oihe* View. WANTED: Fr»(sfakM **toraa‘» wif* who taa taw yoarv mitoy* trsialny. Work •aeatols at aarktoy yaean and asaaiiaa- ttons. Rdoeattofi * Fsyckotoyy Dcyart- amt. Rama MR Amdmoh Rulidtoc. FOR SALK: Takto toy i dHtoy far IM M Bm Apt. X-IB after at Coltoe* View, p. a. * FOR SALXt Two todrooa tawao. Lory# tot with tatota todi yard tad yard*, •feel far .todrat wttk tkiW. TaUi yrtm. StJSaSS. Taeasa. laouir* at tlf North Moaaartya Dyiva, Richard Wagner, Gwrman dra- compoeer, studied musical under a cantor, Theo- feinting. IM l Va Tto molroei yetm will ha la la £ II.M by Ita toaHaa tiae Oaeesi tm[ M> or aftoe tta e, IMT, yaas sa ardi- Ita haaaam at War- •f Mi.* rat. n*A l» krm IIH i aft met y«r snaaa ■rtae asmlty aver a yartad eel l mine (til y*ar« from ttair to nhUla- nw •od tto t'ltf t Mad day af t saae* .dtonslay raato la the aai SM.M. bmtrlas IntersM al •*m*d Ihrm I Hi •ad auta yaaet data. Plan* aad •|•rrlflri<|■m■ ms af tto C'Ky at rnttoea Ma*too. Teas*, up- oa dsyosh of M #0 aa a tuaranlm af tta •aft rvtttrn of taaM. Tta CKy will mah* arraaymamt. for tta •ontractor to dhpom at tta warrant, tamln msntUmwi at not tom ttao par, and tta auntractor mod aymr to d*Uv*f tta warrant* at so*h prim to tto party with whom tto City bm r*ny*m*ato. KKNKST LANGFORD Mayor. City of Culhy* Sutton. T*sm. and Miguel Kivqra, Senior C. E. a • ■- ’ i from Puerto Rico assumed the iVBriCIlitlirfll CvrOllI) duties of treasurer. E. L. Hairing- «« _ TC w * r ton of the Civil Engineering De-jMeel* tHlneHCiaV partment was chosen to be the was faculty adviser. 1 PHIUP NORMS ; is so much better fosmoWel i PHIUF #0M' 1 4* ^ tam*!*' ’^ONIY cl|*nr«i» «•*» - yS, 1S2S know. Wd au Asm » PHILIP MORRIS- < <* r V 4 m* The first meeting of the Student Agricultural Council will be held Wednesday night, at 7:30 h\ the Conference Room of the Texas Ag- riewiSerai Experiment Stetion Building, announced LeRoy Hen drick, Acting Chairmqn. An election of officers for the 1947-48 school year will be held and a program outlined for the fall semester. Each student club or society in the School of Agriculture is rep resented on the Council by three representatives. These .ore the - Senior Court - (Continued from Page 1) tor." He is an economics major. The executive officer of the Fourth Regiment, Cadet Lt Cot Jack F. Andrews, 19, ia another member of the Senior Court. He is a Business and Accounting ma jor from Brown wood. Cadet U. Col Howard R. Oliver 22, an Army veteran from Dallas, is another representative from the Fourth Regiment. He is comman der of the Composite Battalion Oliver, who ia majoring in eleetri cal engineering, is a distinguished »:> President and the Secretary of the student club and one member selected by j Cadet Major Sidney B. Cook. 28, the President or elected by the club as desired. Hendrick’s request all club rep resentatives be present at the I meeting. Ita ASCK Mr*! Regir An< ehantcal Engineer* of Me- hold '■ short meeting tonight at 7l80 p.m. in the Mechanical Engineering lec ture room, The purpose of the meeting will by to auggyat names nf guyet Bpenkera fur the coming setneater Kefieahmenta will lie served «ft- ment vr the meeting, another member of the court, an Agricultural Administration major from Marshall. He served four years in the Navy. Cook lives in C Infantry, and is on the Pint mental staff- nother Artilleryman on the court ia Cadet Captain Louie Hardly, 20, an Animal Husbandry major from Stamford. He is mander of D Battery, Artillery and la a distinguished student The lone Cavalryman on the tribunal, William G. Fuller, 10 a Navy veteran from lUbbronvilte Teaaa. He Is a Wild Life Manage, major, and commands Thmp, Cavalry, Stnrting liighting Ignition B|mfliallaad Kurvlcr on RTARTKRH - (IKNKRATORR - MAONKTOR lATTUUSS CARBURETORS - TUNE UP Bruner Batterv & Electric Co. PORTABLE ELECTRIC WAf ELECTRIC ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS GAS HEATERS — AO sis... V( ilson-Bearrir Company Om Stak Skat ct Ban* COIaLMB STATION. TBXA1 V H OPEN AT 5 O’CLOCK Li -. i ; ;. No cover charge for dining DINING & DANCING Food prepared by chef from Balinese Room Specializing in Sea Foods and Mexican Foods FIN FEATHER CLUB Fin Feather Road Ph. 2-1673 113 East 28th Street — Bi Using Parts From Original Equipment Manufacturers ryan t Man TRY A RACK...TODAY tf VfSTlA, TMATf MOM VATCHIWC FOR US /fe FROM THE ROOF! SHE SURE 13 THRILLED IF ABOUT THIS WASHING MACHINE VUE BOUGHT FOR HER FROM ItmTR HOME* APPLIANCE (ENTER . . 1 k J . » '?• sj®- :• Better Home Appliance Center N, Main — Bryan AGGIELAND FLOWED SHOP Phone 4-1312 ■nu a ■ ■ ■ Flowers for All Occasions College Station \l Fall Set ... and set for fall ia this soft flattering hairdo ... with lustrous ■oft curia headed for the top! Phone 4-9354 for appointment af % VOGUE BEAUTY SHOP ImB Qgfli