The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 07, 1947, Image 1

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LONDON, Oet. 7 (A?)-T^i
BritWi fc»M ifn offlc# today Utwl- Volum® 47
•4 erMtloa of on inUmalionat in- 1 VU,UI1 "
formation borfi by tbo Commu-
niita of alna fcump»an aUtoa aa
“tbo official roauacitation of tk«
•MniM. N
Tbo Cornmunlata hart takon aon-1
aldorabla Mina to dony that tha
now ortantaatlon formad In Poland
loot month to « rrrtval of tha
comlntom, which waa ordamd oat
of buainaaa by Prtma Minuur Ru-
Kn In 1M1 1
AUBTIN, to», Oct. 7 (AP)-
A racommandation that a ona mil-
non dollar rolloaam to aaat 11,000
to 10,000 apacUtora ba built at tha
Vinvaraity of Taaaa will ro bafor*
tha Board of Rannta at Ita na«t
macllng haft. Tha inaUtution'a
• Board of Dmkipmcnt made the
racoqimendation. ^
LONDON, Oet. 7 (AP)-Thel
Number 41
Seniors Appointed to Senior Court
Named to Tribunal
Surplus Radar Set
Added to EE Dept
-Valued at $79,000, SCR-345 Will Be J
Housed at Easterwood Temporarily
■Wartime mdar materiel, in the form of an SCR-545
BriUah foivign (rffiea announced complete with accesaoriea, has been aded to the list of tech-
electrical WI in«ring
miniatera la London on Noa. 25, to dept r! m « n iV 1 announced today.
M. C. Hughes, department head, said that the radar set,
attempt to write a German peace
treaty. r
DALLAS, To*., Oct 7 <AP)—I
Striking workera at tha U. S. Gyp*|
•um company’* Sweetwater, T<
plant achadulad to reeume w<
today after the 74-day atrike a
ended laat night
valued at $79,000, would be used for experimental work by
atodenta taking commumcationaf—*-—: —■ ■v _
44 A & M Faculty
HOUSTON, To*., Oct. 7 (API-
Nine school children were hoapi-
talised aa the result of a truck-
aehool bua accident late yeaterday „ ,
afternoon. Saearal of the children I quancy acta,
were Injured seriously. I The 8CR-546 haa
courses of graduate level. Testa
will be made to see if it can be
used in conjunction with a storm-
locator system noW being op<!n-
ted by the A AM Research Foumia
tion. ‘ ^
Acconling to A. E. Sails, assis
tant prof. saor of alactrical engi-
nearing who will ba in charge of
research on the unit the SCR-545
is a transition model of ground
C n-laying radar, inconwratnnr
ituras Sf both aarly high-fre
quency and later very-high-fre-
Members Added To
Rolls of AAIP
DALLAS, Te*., Oet. 7 (AP)-[
State Auditor C. H. Cavneea said I
yeatarday ha wou\d decade altar a
conference today whather to audit
the hooka and raaorda of the late
Dallas eounty las aaaaaaor and col
Jaator, Kd Cobb. ^
Ohio Hepubllrana war* moor
ready to miae I7M.0U0 far a I
"home grown" rampalrn to tat
Rena tor Robert A. Taft the Re
publican Presidential nomination
up behind 4 plan to partition
during bitter Uni-
a 200-mega
cycle search unit and a SOOO-mega
cycle tracking section. Sails said,
with a range of from 40 to 70
The equipment Include* a 18-ton
trailer housing tha radar set, a
18-ton prim* mover truck which
also contain* a 28 KVA power unit
and a two and one-half tan truck
equipped with a workshop and teat
Along with a number of other
pnginaering school*, AAM obtained
the radar sat a* a gift from the
War AaaaU Administration, after
It had placed In storage at Hals-
bird Signal Depot, Baltimore. •
Salta and a number of others
electrical engmeertug department
eMtoyrs drove the trucks from
Baltimore, the trip taking tight
daya due to the slow speed of tha
Palestine today duri
tod Nations debate Tn which sn I maeaive equipment
Arab Country Cabinet Minister da-1 The act ia I oca tad. at Icaat tom
lika N
Eionlam was "vary much I porarlty. at college-owned Easter.
Na*l»mwood airport and probably will be
o para ted at that aite.
Other comparatively recent ad
JRioni to tha alactrical tngineer-
I'mg department equipment include
a $125,000 Waatlnghouse A-C Net
work Calculator board, a $25,000
We*tinghoua»’ ma.H* »pectrometer,
end numerous smaller itams inten-
ied to afford up-to-date experi
mental practice for student*
Name* of forty-four A&M
Hkilty member* have been
added to the membership roll*
'>f the American Association
of University Profeasors, Dr. J. J.
Sparry has announced. These
names are carried in tha spring
and summer issues of the organi
tat ion’s bulletin.
Thar* are now more than 154
AM. staff members in the a»-
dation. More than 81,000 per
na representing every section of
e nation are member*.
Membershiu in the A. A. U. P.
is open to all cottage and univer
sity teacher* from faculties of
eligible institutions. The list of
eligible Institutions Is based pn
marilv on the accredited list* af
established accrediting agencies
As a part of the objectlvee, the
Maociatlon attempt# to bring about
the more effective •BtNmtiaB
among member* of the profession
in the “^the^r "P**!*^
the intoreata of higher education
and re •♦arch In America and to
create a mean* for the authorita
tive expraooion of the public opin
io® of the body of college and uni-
vervity teachers.
—Zionist circles were reported
confident today that the United
States would endorse an 11-mem
ber 'United Nations Commission
. totJority report calling for parti
tion of Palestine into Soverign
Jewish and Arab Countries
Mr*. Franklin. D. RoaacveH told)
' the United Nations yesterday in
her second answer to Soviet at
tacks on "War Mongers” in this
country that the American Press
. “on the whole is free."
—Start of the AFL’a 8«th coavm
tie® was enlivened by the unspoken
threat that John L .Lewis and
William L Hutcheson might team
up to lead more than 1,200,OOC
miners and carpenters ia a'“walk'
out of tha federation.
Varvel Announces
Exam for Students
In Graduate Study
An examination for graduating
seniors who plan graduate study
will ba glean at A. A M. October
27 and 28, according to Dr. W. A.
Varvel, professor of psychology.
A series of objective tests in
eight bask fields of the under
graduate cufficula plus an advanc
ed tost in the student's major sub
ject will comprise the graduate
record examination. The test* are
prepared and scored by the grad
uate record office in New York,
but given in local centers four
times yearly.
. The tests to be given this month
are timed for the convenience of
students entering graduate schools
in the spring seme*ted. Report of
test resehs are supplied to the
student and to the school he plans
on entering.
|Dt. Varvel stated that a num
ber of the larger graduate schools
require that these testa ba taken
before entrance will be considered,
He stated that AAM does not
requirt such examinations prior to
graduate study.
Two periods of four hours each
are required in taking the tests.
A fee of five doliara is charged
for examinations at the regularly
scheduled dates.
Students interested in taking the
testa should contact Dr. Varvel in
Room 102, Academic Building,
where a prospectus and application
schedule* are available. Registra
tions must be completed by noon,
October I.
Two Chemical Engineer Grads
To Receive Honors From AICE
Local AALP Group
To Discuss Course
The chapter of the American
Association of University Profes
sors will discuss "Devtloping Stu
dent Awareness of Course Inter
dependence’’ at their next meeting,
Thursday, October 9, Dr. J. J.
Sperry, has announced. The group
will meet in the assembly room
of the YMCA.
Led by Omer E. Sperry as dis
cussion leader, the panel will in
clude John R. Bertrand, represent
ing the school of agriculture, R.
K. Snuggs from the school of arts
and sciences, and Norman F. Rode,
of the school of engineering.
Dr. Sperry urges partmpstion in
the discussion of means that may
b* used to invoke student under
standing of the interdependence of
of subject matter with various cur
ricula. The question roouiring an
answer ia “what methods can we
use to develop more student re
sponsibility for the carry over of
pertinent Information from one
course to another?", Dr. Sperry
further states.
Two Network Radio Shows To
Originate From A&M Campus
Manor to Head
Falls Countv Club
TO BE FRENCH I ter the meeting
—Official returns skowad today
that Saarlander*—who 11 years
ago voted to join Naai Qonwany—
had overwhelmingly elected a par
liament pledged to make tha eoa|-
ttah Saar basin west of the Rhine
an autonomous part of Franc*.
Cream & Kow Chi!)
n o BeShowp Film
A film. The will be
-hown at a meeting df the Kream
ind lKow (Dub Tuesday night at
7:80 in the creamery lecture room.
Following the film, a short re
sume of the National Dairy Show
»t Waterloo, Iowa will be given
>y E. V. Niemeycr, club vtec-presi-
All Dairy Husbandry majors a*
ligible for mombership In the or-
Refreshments will be served af-
Bill Manor, senior Curil Engl
nee mg student, from Martin, wa*
elected president of the Fhlla
County A. A M. Club Thursday
The following officers were elec
ted to aid Manor in the executive
duties of the clubr Jim Newman
from Moorevill, vice-president;
John Sibely from Rosebud, secre
tory-treasurer; Homer Souther
land from Marlin, reporter; Horace
Goodrich and Jack Blann from
Marlin, seargeantf-at-urma.
The object of the dub is to
stimulate interest in A. A M. in
Falls County, according to Marlin.
Plana are underway for a Christ
mas dance, part of the proceeds
, which will go ta local clubs to
stimulate interest in A. AM.
t The next meeting of The Falls
! County Cub will be October 28 at
18 pi m.
By imrTTNm.nHr
InternatlonA) honor* will vo to two 1947 Chemical Engl-
neering graduate* of A. k M.. W. i. Terrell and C. R. Thomas,
for their original solution* to the problem of a design for a
hydrogen purification plant.
Terrell will be awarded first place honor* and Thomas
twill receive a honorable mention
award, when the American Insti
tute of Chemical Engineers holds
its annual meeting in Detroit Mi
chigan, November 12, Dr. J. D.
Lindsay, head of the Chemical
Engineering department announc
The solutions by Terrell and
Thomas were selected by the staff
of the Chemical Engineering de
partment as the best submitted by
members of the local student chap
ter of the A. I. Ch. E. They com
peted nationally with two such
papers from each of eighty elig
ible colleges and universities in
the United States and Canada,
winning two of the six awards
As first place winner. Terrell
will receive the A. MeLarin White
award of $100, and his winning
paper will be published in the an
nual "Tranaactions of the Ameri-
Institute of Chemical Ehgi-
neering’’ with coi*n>ents by lead
ing industrial chrinkal engineers
who served as judges. Thomas, one
of three Honorable Mention win-
1, will receive a plaque, to be
presented at the Detroit meeting,
ami a rash award of |10.
Terrell, who graduated from A.
A M in May, is employed by the
Gulf Oil Corporation at Port Ar
thur. He came to college from
Navaaoto In IU41, leaving school
in 11*44 to serve with the Naval
Air Corns. Upon release from the
service he returned to Aggteland
I* 1944.
This Is Terrell's second honor
from the national professional In
stUute. In his junior year at A. A
M. ha received the inetltuto 1 *
Heginning this fall, two network radio nhown will origi
note from the A. k M. Campus. Job* Ahead, a vocational
guidance program for high achol and junior high school
Rtudentn, will be aired over the Texan Quality Network. Over
26,000 high school students listenf «"
to the program weekly daring the well that certain of the programs
school year, | were recorded and rebroadenst to
The newest radio feature pro- high school students In the Chicago
gram. DO YOU KNOW? will be I
presented throughout the Texas
State Network.
JOBS AHEAD, the older of the
two programs, begins its sixth
year, Thursday morning at 11:16
over WTAW. It ia a part of the
Texaa School of the Air, whkh
is sponsored by the State Depart
ment of Education.
The purpose of the series of pro
grams is to furnish senior and
junior high school student* of TeX-
a* schools an insight into various
occupations which are in demand
or may be utilised within the state
Crafts, agriculture, professional
fields, and aierchandiaing are dis
cussed on the broadcast*. Each
program features one vocation.
Last year’s series covered 80 vo
cations ranging from "Chemicals,
Our Gulf Coast Treasure” ta
"Money Grows oa Tree#’’.
Last year the Chicago School
System liked the Texas series so
DO YOU KNOW? will appeal
to adults and college students.
Various phases of science will be
discussed in each broadcast Em
phasis will be placed on astronomy,
chemistry, physics, and biology.
Material for the two series is
obtained from men on the campus
well acquainted with the subject
Harry L. Kidd, assistant professor
of English, interviews experts in
the specialised fields. He then
weaves a story around the voca
tion, bringing in the requirements
expected of persons in that parti
cular field, and at the same time
describes the type of work whkh
is done in the fieldi-
C. 0. Spriggs, prqfessor of Eng
lish, is Institute Director for the
campus. He has requested that all
students interested in radio work
meet in the WTAW studios Wed
nesday night at 7.
ing during his first college yean.
Active in student affairs, hs ser
ved as secretory of the freshman
clas*. president of the sophomore
class, president of the junior rlana,
Town Hall manager, and was ato-
dent representative on the Asso
ciation of Former Students Coun
cil in 1948-44. In 1944 he was a
distance runner on the Aggie track
Thomas, from Altos, Oklahoma,
first came to A. A M. in 1941, in
terrupting his education for mili
tary service, with the Army, in
1943. After serving in the Pacific
theatre, he was released in 194*
and returned to A. A M.'Upon
graduation he was awarded the
Humble Oil A Refining Company
fellowship in Chemical Engineer
ing here and is now doing grad
uate work in research studies of
the fundamentals of alkylation.
I Tm Artiflery, Signal Corpn Men;
1 From AF, Cavalry, QuartermaMter
L J 1 jFv I I } j : 1 If/ * * *
Ten cadet* have been designated aa member* of tha
Senior Court for the fall semester, Lt. Col. Joe E. Davis,
aitaistant commandant, announced Monday. The court i* em
powered to try almoat ajl violation* of the Articles of the
Cadet C<orpo, with a few exception*.
The Infantry led all other branches by placing three men
on the tribunal. Both the Artillery
and the Signal placed two
men on the court, while the Air
Force, Cavalry, and Quarternias-
ter Corps had one senior cadet of
ficer appointed to the court.'
Those seniors designated mem
bers of the court are:
The president of the court. Ca
det Col. Gene E. I>ewis, 19, an elec
trical engineering student from
Terrell. He is a distinguished stu-
Thirty prominent Mexican I dent and ia commander of the
ranchers and fanners arrived I Fourth Regiment .
on the campu* at eleven o’-1 Cob v m**u, l®.
executive officer, is an
major from Temple. He
t,,- > re f««,r c. i*»gi*«* r
lo. P.IT PutnU. who I. In -h»I- S iT’i n" .
Some of the memkati of the r ' . , . .
party are Federal Congressmen, The executive offker of the
Deputy MaUqulss Huttron, as rep- £9** ^•*in»ent C«4at Lt. (o(.
reselltolive of the Governor of $h* *«nr A. Pato, 19, waa (kaignatod
Federal District of Mwieo. Mr. * member of the court. .He haa
Manuel 4* Mom. th* Governor's *•" • distinguished stuJent and
brother, and Mr Abel Moreno, of ™paglng editor of
th# Federal District «f Msitea. tip "Longhorn.” Pate la a language
President Gibb Gikhriet off I- "Hdor *">"> Han Antonio,
rially welcomed the group to the Cadet Lt. Col. Nathaniel R. ’Jag'
enntpua ia a short ceremony at the Leather wood, 19, a rhemieal en-
Administration Building. Luneh gin—eing student from Rvaumont,
ws* served to the vlsitore at Dun- ia one of the reurewntotivea from
ran Mesa Hall after which Utey the Second Regiment. He I* eom-
went to th* horse bora fed# hone iaan«i#r of th* Reeond Artillery
show. iRaUallpn. social secretory of th*
r _ rtor rise*, aad la Dormitory 8*1
American Saddle and Student Representative. Ha has
Quarter hnras stock, the party wit- linen president of the juniw •las*,
nested a demoastratlun of slaagh-1 a DhiNktilawed student, and was
taring in tha MeaU Ub of the listed in Who's Who In American
Animal Industries Building. Fol College* and Univereities last year,
lowing this demonstration, they He received the Cobea Fellowship
were earorted on a motet tour of Award this spring,
the campus. ! i Cadet Lt Col John T. Milter,
fe » Navy veteran from Dallas,
Ranchers, Fanners!
From Mexico Visit
Campus Tuesday
irty prominent Mm
lera and farmers an
on the campu* at eleven o'-| w. tuny ■. i
clock this morning from San “fF* ” ec “ t| v c of
A—* ■* g ^"1 !TT!iw*LS£i .3.
tonight.-at six twelve.
Kennel Club
•now of the
Brazos Kennel Club
To Hold Dog Show
The Braxos Valley
wiH hold its first dog
season October 12 at the Animal
Husbandry pavilion.
The event will be an all-breed,
all-age show, to be judged by Her
man Cox of Fort Worth; judging
will begin at 1 p. m.
Aggie Wife Win*
Far i)i Conte*!
j A model farm made by Mr*. Mar-
S ret Raper of the Farm Labor
fiee wan a blue ribbon in
bobby exhibit at the recent Mi
County Fair at Stanton,
cording to W. L. Ulkh, fbrm lal
shop supervisor.
This small aeale farm made most
ly. of bslse wood shows an ideal
arrangement for farm buildings.
It is part of the labor saving de
\ ■ xhibiw-d at field days and
fain over the state by the Fifai
Labor Office of the Extension 8*r-
Mra. Raper ia the wife of J. T.
Raper, animal husbandry student.
Both are from Waco.
is a member of the court from the
Third Regiment. He is commander
of the Air Fores Squadron, and is
the Student Representative from
Dormitory *. Miller ia managing
editor of “The Battalion" and men-
aging editor of "The Commonto-
(See SENIOR COURT on Page 4)
Mmatof Mf* 1 '
a j THi
S un*tor eepMad
gartkw wort to
iwadlff 1 * tiMMo
by tralrt la roMHi to
„ itorilia
w* wirnkto# i" 't>*
rewkri oflka aaM
liar had kft aartiorl
hat* Mi
r mandamus the
■ iapaeial
to ml
•ton of the UglilMMf
by RcJkrt V. Yerber of Coreieana.
Oet 7—(AP)—Colonel James M.
Gillespie, Commander of the U. 8.
Amy 1 * "push batten" plane, the
Robert E. Lee, announced yester
day he would entrust the experi
mental craft’s return flight to the
"Aatomatk Brain" that guided it
across the Atlantic to an English
airdrome, untouched by human
"David" Trader dibs
Oet. 7 —(APi -The earner ef
Harry T. Dewhirst, under whose
aha famed house of
David religious colony grew into
a $1,000,000 a year business, waa
ended yesterday by death.
Speakers Listed For
Garden Club Meeting
Dr. A. F. DeWerth and Mra. J)
E. KnUrts will be the principal
speaker* on the A. A M. Garden
Club prograii Friday, October 10
at 8 p. m. In the YMCA, It wee
annouaea* Saturday,
1)9. paWerth will speak an ruae*
• bile Mm Robert*’ subject wtl!
be hulbe, the (riq In pertkulav.
TWSlVt TW WIUm, itotti
>H*irel fur Alik Rwaok
Hash, wlni Hip iMppi
111in - tiiiiHalllnn Hiai iraini
id Is tatls M KrWk) Wt
^ list’s Cooking?
7:80 pjn., Tuesday, Arekiteetural
lecture Room.
ASCX, 7:30 pjn., Tuesday, Room
11. C.E. building.
AVMA, 7:30 p. m., Tureday, Am- •
phitheator of Veterinary Hospital.
Mondays and Fridays.
CLUB, sponsoring d«g abow, Oete-
bar It, 1 pan.. Animal Husbandry
Pavilion. * /""
COMMENTATOR, staff meet
ing, 4-Jo pja., Wednesday, 2to|
MITTEE, 7:80 o. m_.Tuea, YM(M| -
yell practlee, Tuesday, room 227,
Academic building.
rhurwtay, Y (’hapl
EARTTKXAR ClAlB.filK) p.m.,
T , Itauw ita, Ah
"■nls n'.es. i«, r*o,
CTinp IiHp Di bjp""
uouutwd 4 tt r | S i Mm wthl Room,
prior In the 4.1*.-?!^. I AW fl
■ from left to
rttHI m fame Uvlngniort.
Maty Imp Tokod, <)*■«
Lmaw, Patti DUlmut, Kath-
ryn Rlaikniakip, Bill
BPawm, T«rma Hiller, Patsy
Wolfe, Bob Taylor, Bobby
Wllltamnom Norman Walk
er. Jintnti* Nclmm. Roberta
Hampton, Jama Vaa Art-
dale, Robert Weathe-rw ood
Floraaee MeGrew, aad
Cl>(k DatAanam i
Heated are Gm Vletaa,
Fat Smith, Jack Jadnoa,
Lam Smaion*, Jack Knic
S t, Beverly Gee, aad Fred
Crearnkty ts-elure
, Tuesday, Room 110, Agrieul-
ral wmeartac Satiiaa.
LUB, t p.m., Tuesday, Room 811,
AfricuKanl Building.
’ Wsdnemtoy, Mother's Loonge.
loom 228, Aeademk Building.
SOCIETY, 7 p. m., Tueaday, He
>f Dr. George E. Potior, 308 Ke
street, College Park.
HINT, 7 p. m., Tueaday, Elertri- *
•al Engineering Lecture Room
SOCIAL CLUB. 3 to 6 n. bl,
Wadaosday, Home of Mra. Gib GiL
IXM, . •
, 7:30 P. m., Tueeday, YMCA.