The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 06, 1947, Image 2

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Nft I
Whitewash or Truth? I.. TfHH
changitf few optnUmn. Thot* who fat that In brtX ^fcha’t mwrt win tl
Robert C, Runt H UM the truth In hln _
pnwr nrUr.len nUU bMMve that Runrk wu
Hint, and that the Army la “covering up.”
Thoee who maintained from the beginning
that ftuark wan exaggerating now feel jun-
UflKl Fortunately, no one doubted the fact
that Ruark had aome baala for his charges,
and the Army doea not try to cover the fact
that “errora" had been committed.
What anyone feele about the matter la
determined largely from one's |>omt of view.
The army mind and the democratic mind are
in large part incompatible; a circumatance
which has caused the United States worry
ewsr since the days of George Washington,
the first com man tier-in-chief. In a democ
racy, the individual is king In the army—
any army—the individual is nothing. In a
democracy, the Individual Is supposed to
think for himself. In the army, he is sup-
to obey orders blindly, what the tol
ly the citizen-soldier— is sup
posed to do in the army of a democracy is
a question that has never been settled sat-
•• isfactorily.
Making public the results of the inves
tigation the Army jreleaaed a 12,000-word
report from Maj. Gen. Ira T. Wyche, Army
* Inspector General, who said he found only
“minor discrepancies and irregularities’'; (21
A memorandum from Gen. Dwight D. Eisen
hower, Chief of Staff, and (3) A memor
andum front Secretary of the Army Ken
neth C. Royall alproving Wyche'a report
Ruark, whose original articles were pub-
lishsd last summer, Issued the following
•tatement in New York;
“I have Been the Army’s report of its
Investigation of my charges agaituit Lt. Gen.
J, C H. Lbs. and 1 intend the re-
- port thoroughly before reptytiir .In my own
rlef, Wyche’a report was that the
Krnu k eotnplaitH'd about wiim when
letter by Genial
maUera „
true, leolated inetancee. He said Ruark "took
S few facta, half facU. rumort and untruthn
which he accepted as facts, and molded them
into articles that carry Implications of greea
maladministration of the th
Lee and his staff.
Eisenhower, commenting on the
uncovered, singled out "undue pressure" by
commanders on subordinates to join fra
ternal organizations, “unsatisfactory con*
ditions in the disciplinary camp,’’ and
lectful conduct” occasionally by aouM
cert in reouiring chauffeurs to Nrait uncon
scionably long hours to suit the social con
venience of the officers."
He called it a “serious mistake” that mi
nor offenders were Locked up where they
could have contact with major criminals and
said ‘an active day of 17 hours” for prisoners
did not conform to his convictions of what is
Both Eisenhower and Royall agreed that
no action is called for beyond what has been
taken calling the attention of the com
mand to the findings by Wyche.
Eisenhower aaia the errors were ‘‘the ex
ception rather than the rule, Ad in no cane
could be traced to wrong intent on the part
of the theater commander (Lee).” He noted
that Lee is awaiting action on his request
for retirement from the Army after 43 years
of service. ^
When the investigation of LL Gen. Lae
began, The Battalion predicted that he would
be transferred, promoted, and decorated. So
far, he has been transferred to the United
States; hie ummoUon to the rank of civilian
l« In the offing; and if we wait long enough,
l*e is sure to receive the Good Conduct Med*
at with three dusters.
Letters 1
tun. snuwgixT
Kditar, Tke HstUll**:
I Hav« rM with rafrst Uw is
Um|N>r«»i« sn4 unwarrsaled U
Imfk ism k
!Qwtii 3 tC
fcMsiti in an wlitarta) in
H . if I li
»"w»" Wf tfT " w f
ars fsr .lha wisUsis^
The Nation Today
I lungrv Nations Look to W
For Half of Needed Wheat
wMHiWtiTiJk, !\n sm
H«d| M all tfe, whsat
a4 if W Mri swif^r wmm
Ai MicKenzie Sees U....
Even British Conservatives
Won’t Turn Clock Backward
ay Dewrrr Mackenzie
Affair* A ■
An Ounce of Prevention...
YrstvrUay Kir* l*rovontlun Week began
thr«»ughoul the United Mtatao. Millions of
housewives will hear and ^ead apitculs dur
ing the week fn>m fire doi»artment officials
or their citieo, government officials, and the
President himestf.
The battle cry against uncontrolled fire
has bee* sounded. Conditions have become
intolerable when one learn* that the annual
death toll from fires in the United States
is U.OOQ. Over 29,000 persons are serious
ly injured each year by destructive fires.
Estimated damage caused by fires in this
country alone will exceed $700 million this
year. Such figures should startle complac
ent readers.
No longer can the "It-Can’t-Happqn-
- M* rt*' attitude be condoned. Fire can abd
will continue to cause untold damage to our
country. The future of American forests
.depends upon the stoppage of forest fires
A through lighted matches being tossed to, the
ground. Short circuits in electrical fixtures
result in millions of dollars worth of de-
‘ struction. Farm fires are particularly dan-
Itroua: olio farm firs in tan burnt to death
a vital cog in our economy . ., the farmer
, w
Fire is the leading accidental killer of
chldrcn. The battle again*! children’* die-
eaacs ia gradually reducing ths infant raor-
laity rat*. Conversely, each year the num
ber of children who perish from biases in-
crease. Infantile paralysis, the nemesis of
tiny tots’ parents in the United States, killed
250 infants last year. Fire, a common event,
killed 2,000 children under the age of 6 last
year. Carelessness and ignorance contrib
uted heavily to the tragedy. Fire is indeed
rapidly becoragig our national debacle.
Dormitories on this campus are, for the
most part, non-inflammable. Possessions of
students residing in those dormitories are
extremely inflammable, however. Clothing,
baggage, radios, desks and mattresses . . .
all should be guarded against stray cig
arette butts. A suit in ashes is no suit at
all Chemicals which have strayed from the
laboratories have a bed habit of exploding
or otherwise igniting st inconvenient times.
So be on guard against fire hazards!
The British Conservative Party V h
mrnRational concession |o socialism,
is to retain »um« form of
nationalised industry if returned
to powor, Means that England's
daring experiment with this poli-
crees has passed beyond the
trial stage end that it has become
an important part of the country’ll
Only S out of .'I.ixhi delegates at
tending the annual meetiag of the
coMervatiyee voted againet a reso
lution which pledged the party to
retain national-
laation ef ooal
MBSS sad the
hank of Eng-
lead, end to
kee|> some eoli
mad* Thu pm
Siiso (rhaliesg
ed by wn»ervn-
live opponent*
M ‘‘milk and
water •nrlatUm"
•>Wto MetoeaUe ] would of eosm
be Im pie merited If and when the
ublic oueted the ■nciallete and gave
the "Tortoe" another chance. The
latter ere wUtfulty hopeful, If
not exuberantly optimistic.
But (trlklnc as Is this moderate
Rwing to th* loft by the cunRtrva-
tlveo. It 1 * only part of in Intensly
intemting development. The con
eervativi- daily telegraph said the
other day that the socialist govern
ment had been forced by the eco
nomic crisis to drop plan* for
further nationalisation of indus
live for being
would give confide nee In the fu- m .. . . ,
lure career of the writer of thil *21 'S
editoriel to know that he would ^ ^
■incervlv cniulete the record of|*ksSd SSMp| Wgl #•* between 10
SSBuLelM* eltlmTlelder ™ wnt lee. breml then
h m. P ”f« J! SThriS a* “o'
goatlssisB. . I y-
t - d ' m * -i—* i—«.
illos rsyehutogy ILu boSir normal Farmer*
★ were fighting instead of farming.
.Stt?L2i •Sr r
Loot year, when the vbeat-grow
ing countries were itarting to re
build their agriculture, grain ci
hft* boon eeVlmoM that «ko total
■lay mseh bet wees M6,U00 (We sad
ii , f |A a inat—intt hueheli
carried over M'Ml totef are
S isrod evor the SousUt' WR*
Hud laavoa tow toss lsM00,<xx'
buanei* of wheat to *esd otorissa.
Fmalldent Truman wanu to 111-
maa# that amount to fttmto 170,-
000,000 buehol*.
Ki ll ( <Minl\ Unil
Elects Jones Head
Still Is a Hero
war didn’t leave Ralph N<
Mpai a
leg of hi* own to atand on, but he
ha* toss bitttrneae than any ex-
*okttor I ever met.
He la s tanned, atoeky farm
youth who lost both leg* in a battle
action to (lermany that won him
the nation 1 * highest heroism award
-*Tki tdppwfrvieauuto • Medal of
Monnr aiwl he thfnkR life v hie
hern good to him
“People treat me nksx," ha *ald.
“I haw nothing to (eel sorry for
But t do feet a tittle funny eomii
time# hmaurn I got an much bet
ter a break than .a tot of othvi
fellow r did who came bach."
The people of Iowa rontrtbutod
Id,(MX) to Mart him off again in
civilian life with a home of hi*
own and • neotogg. Undo Bam
gaw him s new 'pair of _ . I
oar and a pension. He married hi*
childhood sweetheart, Jean, and
they have e plump brown-eywl
daughter eight months old.
He tturdlly ha* refused to tot
the fact he Is an amputee affect
hi* meatal outlook. When he got
hi* first pair of artificial legs, he
eouaced th* action of the Tex
arkaaa Superlatendeat ef
Srhoeb Heary 8. HUIIwell, re
garding the accrediting (or
rather the disarcredKiag) of th*
Negro high wheel ie Teiarkeee.
Te avoid paying Negro teacher*
in that achenl the seme salary
as white teachers, he requested
that the Negro school be re
moved from the accredited U*t.
H wee sot the parpoee ef the
editorial writer to gneetion the
character of integrity ef Mr.
Stillwell. At the same time, we
feel that oar readers are entitled
te have as raise a “bowl” when
we see an indiridnsl disregard
ing the rights of a minority
gronp on the Wait that minorit
toe can’t make mack noioe
We realise that Stillwell was
probably acting M the agent of
the Texarkana Bckool Board
whee he reqaeeted that the Ne
gro Hr bool be dleeccredited. We
ere Rare that he wouldn't keep
kis Job if he didn’t follow the dt-
rret ion* of hie particular board.
This question te u* la bigger
than one maa. one town, or one
elate. It to a queRtioa of wheth
er eur demarralic society ran
find a place far Ms racial and
religion* mlnurltlr*.
‘ We are wulsumbered by mure
than one billion pnrMin* oho
hat* no runevpt of |b* right* of
maa, wha af* todlffewnl. if set
oppooed la unr farm nf iwwrs*
meat. The lime hn« come for
Amertenan le emwther (heir kat>
r«d« and prelsdleen nr (hey Inn
will join the mm billion wha
Were only about
large as before the war.
And this year, when taey were
expected to increase, they were hit
by tbe worst weather in years. A*
s result, the 1M7 European wheat
ftop wee about IS per cent small
er than the 1946 crop.
That meant that countries like
the United States, which raiRe
more wheat than they can u*e, had
to try to mhke up the difference
Akeut 5x0,000,000 buthsla are
needed to fped people in this coun
ter 1§
Although; only 180,000,900 bush
el* of whttet were uasd to fead
livestock hist ymr, this year
Robert E. Jones cl Belton, a
veu-rinary medicine mstor, was
darted president wf th* Bell Coun
ty A. S If. Thursdsp evmdng.
Other effieen who were elect
'd ere T. W Hander alee ef Bel
ton, a business major, vice-presi
dent; and Millard Peters of Temple
secretary-treasurer. The officer*
Were elected te serve far the en
tire school year.
A program end social committee
wm also elected during the meet-
ibf with T. Brock of Belton as
ther B7,00<i,0<>0 bushels are
as sfed for nsxt year's crop.
seem to enjey bttog eUrea).
Texas Stands to Lose ... Again...
Word that the Texas Spectator may be
forced to discontinue publication because of
financial difficulties is received with re^n t
by many Texan*.
In the words of the editor “the spectre of
-the Sjiectator’s extinction within a matter
of a week or so rises from a depleted bank
account The little i>eo|)le, the liberal*, ths
intellectuals, are not noted for an abundant
possession of worldly gobds.”
During the past two year* thd Spectator
has achieved an enviable record. Though
"musing the boat” on a few issues., it has
managed to present a different and logical
slant on nows in th# face of many difficul-
tlss. Nrvsr bowing to sheer number It hH*>
continued (•> "butt nsada'' with some of the
most reactionary ami biimed |»|>eni in ths
i jMk-’
The H|*rUtor never hesitated to stkk iU
small neck out for any worthy cause. When
moat papers were either avoiding or barely
mentioning the treatment of Utin-Ameri
cans in Texas, the Spectator jumped on the
issue with both feet The Spectator was
also one of the few papers to come to the
support of Dr. Homer P. Rainey in his gub-
ernational campaign.
Somewhat analogous to the Universities
loss of Dobie, would be ths passage of the
Spectator from the Texas scene. Can Tax
as tend Texans afford all these losses. Do
we face mental bankruptcy!
Texas will probably be able to maintain
its reiwtaUou for having ths most oil wells
the beef Uxitlng women, and the bravest
rightm In the world for soms time, but as
a place for liberal and progreeaive thought
it li rapidly losing what little
try for et least a year The palter said:
added that there might not be any “I just tesnt to see the look on
more nationalisation until the so- *1* of toe first dog that bites
eialists had s fresh mandate from *”*
the country. This report must be
coupled with the fact that the so
cialist party platform calls for
nationalisation ef only twenty per
cent of industry in any event
Thus we find the conservative
move to the left apparently being
accompanied by a corresponding
socialist concession to the right. In
short, the indications are that Eng
land is maneuvering into a middle-
of-the-road position politically —
S compromise which would seem to
suit present-day ideas and ideals
of Britons exceedingly well.
get a Job delivering rural ma
His mind rarely goes hack now
to that day in December, 1944, near
Bergel, (termany, when, both legs
blown off by a tank shell, he
dragged himself bark to his ma
chine gun, killed twenty attack
(ierman Infantrymen and routed a
Nasi tank.
If they ever pass out awards in
peacetime, Ralph will rate another
medal of honor. For his real hero-
ism didn’t end on the battlefield
It began the moment they carried
him off on the stretcher.
For Tour Visual Problems
DR Carlton a Lee
991 B. Mato — Rryaa
Phone t-lSSI
He pasted a beer label on each
leg and told friends with a grin:
‘‘The company pays me a quarter
a day to advertise their beer."
Now he can walk as much as
five blocks without using a cane or
baiting to rest He works part-
time selling electrical appliances
and driving a tractor on his moth-
prsstlgs It
a. i rr *
The Battalion
The Battalien, official newspaper of th# Agricultural and Meehanicsl ( ollog* of Texas and the City
a Biitm - — -
of College Station, Taxaa, is published five timea a waek and
afternoon, rxeea* during holidays and esaminstion periods.
Hiked semi-weakly. Bubaeription rate 14 per school year. A
circulated every Monday flrough Kridsy
During the summerJTlie Buttalion u pyb-
M lo» tm rn-m. # a a feua^m^mMmst jms w m rsiSmmF
nvtiTiftinir nil*! lurniriwn on Tfqucfu.
s contributions may be mad* by telephone Td-t444) or at th* editorial afftoa, Room Ml,
. Classified ads may be placed hy telephone (4 6324) or at ths Student Activities Office,
win Hall
209, Goodwin Hall
Todo to Devote
W T T* T * T r M* J 5-7
Issue to A&M,
U. S. Colleges
Todo, tlk Mexican version of
The Saturday Evening Poet, will
devote a whole iase* to D. B. Cal-
leges end untverattto* with e hops
of prameting more scholarships for
Uibi kmmm yauHk uasarilli
to J. I. Woolket, nsed of the mml
laiwuage dsparimsitt
to hoped that th* two student*
from Mexien now enrolled In A, A
M. through teholarehlps eon he
Inereaaad tovand • Mid through
Tedo'i Interest. Ths 4 ft freshmen
Rtudents narmally enrol tod at A.
A M. each year la considered small
for such a etoae neighbor as Mexi
co. Btodent* must now romptote
sattofactorU/ a 0 cour-.r ii
English before coming to U. B.
Jose E. Chapa, staff writer and
G iblicitv agent for Todo, was
ghly Impiaoood over th* large
ness of our campus, dormitory
areas, laboratory facilities end ex-
perimsnt stations an
CoBege Shoe Repair
North Gate
OPENS 1*0 P. M. 4-1181
Member of U* Aimociaiad Preaa
• The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for repuhlication of ull news dispatches credi
ted to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of ■ponuncovis origin published herein.
Rights of repubUcation of *11 other matter herein are also reserved. ; M
gntrM ss seeaM-class SMtSw st Pest
0 (f,^ st Whs# iUti^. Tsxa*.
IS* Srt of Coserw ef March S. IBIS.
Associated Coll
lc|c Press
Tart CM.
rmUBtaX Daks Bates, J. T. HOWr.
^Bwvto Wtouae
Hack T. NsWn _____
- Kditor
-Jashits Wriwis
LsriT Otedvre Andr
Sua Lsstord. W. K Cohr
^ p. gress. Jr- Xor.M lytnet.-
&Z: rtCte
"* nom trail, afmh
Pbvf Htarts beating
1*** togas
visit to the college
Disturbances here at A- A M.
during the toot year have not
caused any drop in ths enrollment
of Latin American students, ss it
to considered a matter of course
for revolutions and revolt* to
originate in their collates and uni
- • ■ ■ • •
Dr John 8. Caldwell
CaMwefl’s Jrwdry Store
Bryan, Texas
^Deep Yalley*
■, i
Wnd. — Thurs. — Fri. — Nat. I
tKAWoyshA ploys!
Wont to Iteont Kow
QSxtA Opmotn,
“Tom and Jerry” to their
rove moat m
or 1111;
an ua-ro TXaU
smm s m sea warn s.
) mi mu