The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 03, 1947, Image 3
\ # / I r I 'T' 1 « *.) s ■ »i 1 . L. A ■• ■- • 4. .*.• l JlMMa -j" *1 {, •# * \. ^ 1 *' vr '*% k 1* § L ( K !9H^a t« iMM pi Aggies Carry Unbeaten Record Against Favored Oklahoma CRYSTAL SMU^ Rice, Texas, Arkansas Seen ,f Winners; Angies Picked Over OU This week the crystal ball seems to baa mite cloudy (or maybe It is only your correspondent’s vision) but here goes for another round of scientific and informed (?) guessing Starting off with the Agp* is their journey into the wilds of Okls homa no .on second thought let’s not start off with the Aggies but take an easier one. SHU should have little trouble in taking a decision from the once-de feated Missouri eleven. However, re ports reach us that Matty Bell isn't looking any too happy these dsys w he may be displeased with this wesk’i prospects. Missouri, which shared last year’s Big Six honors with Oklah< is better this year with a faster and more versatile line and probably some thing in the backfieW. So, despite the Paul Martin presence of Dpak Walker and con temporaries, the Ponies may have to work for any tallies thsy may get. In order to keep from having a blank a ‘ », w# , U call U JO te 14,*~ —"H ■ two Tl>«, aay It-M- hi* and BouUwm Cel will b« the other MM wltk If T«e» I'nlveraity, on hen*l, should hero n« trou the oppoetne toem; It Is only the •oech they hero to worry about. North Cerottna'i montor Cart Hnevoly, ll s led who dreams up fancy variations of Isfitlmate plays—many of which art •vsnta- ally /Mtlawod — hut one never knows when ho will come up with another DassHa 'these dirt thoughts and the fact that North Carolina it highly favored In the deep South, we ll call it Texas by 30,000 Fans Expected to See Contest ——- —rr FROM THIS ANGIE LARRY GOODWYN • j ' . ■aOtama Sparta Wyttar NORMAN, OKLA. Oct. S—(SpU—Two teama from rival conferences both rated “moderat i’s Was Aggies and Bud Will filkinson’s Oklahoma to potentially I bash beads •hp LABRY GOODWYN The Southwest starts playing foi Mm 1 s.i risrwkk 4 wicn its memoers Tneeung top-ingnt t WHHP, ClOWo In r on South and Big Six laying for keeps this weekend, teams from the West Worth, Arkansas and powerful" clash here tomorrow when Homer Norton at Owens Field. e 30,000 fans are expected to ait in on the 2:30 pja. kickoff, and if pre-game indications prove true, they may b# in for a high scoring offensive duel. Both Norton’s pass-producing double-wing setup and Wilkinson’s split "T" are coo* ducive touchdowns and an old fashioned Southwest brand of razzle-dazzle may be the result. As game-time neared, the Sooner* were Installed as eeven point favorites to even UP Uw series thet began between the two teama is 1903 Oklahoma's iMtHnainute 10-T victory In '♦« gave the Okiee thred wine ta the paries to the Aggies four. ids appear In good shape for the game although the As- pered by an outbreak of colds and an ankle injury to j fullback George Kadera, received in practice Rddy Davis, flashy Sooner fallback who scored three touchdowns in Okla homa's 'Gator Bowl victory last New Year's Day. la rounding Into shape and will be ready to eee action Saturday after a two weeks lay off due to a pulled muscle. Two unbeaten records are han*-+— — Battalion' PORT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8.1447 Page 8 wmm in inc pcria Both tquacU gtae ye hamper second string fi different, but hare well else give the Owl* the nod to retain the honor of th# Southwest by IS-It, no more, no less. Ordinarily, Arkansas should carry TCU with no difficulty, but the Frogs an no ordinary team. Dutch Meyer may well pich this time to start his upsetting. Never- theleee, wv'll along with the nsSlf on the becks by about 1l n « Kasor- Aggies to Use Weighty Pansing T Turn Back Sooners by Seven Foil Getting back te Ike all-impor tent Aggie-Soener contest, ASM ^ »HI hold a sligkt edge In weigkt here. has, I field a wh< !. and d) n (IM te 1S1 for tke team whole. 204 to 202 in the 1S4 te 172 in the bnck- TUs extrn weigkt skould eome in handy for, kaowlnr tke Sooner* of oM. it will he pUaly rongk. John Rapaa, 224-ponnd center from Oklahoma end last year’s All-Amenean is described as one of the best men kt the pivot in history. Another All-American is 213-pound Paul Burris who will be pbymg right baeWe Raoax in the left t»ekle slot Right ta&le Wade Walker is not to be overlooked — but the man to watch is Dave Wallace, the golden-toed l>oot-ar! ist who is responsible for convert ing more than one loss into a Vic tory for. the Oklahomans. . Last year Wallgee booted the field goal that gave the Sooner* n l#-7 win over the Ag* and ha* started off this year by wianieg the Detroit opener for Oklahoma with three conveniomi and n field goal Providing the Cadets make the first touchdown, Norton’s charges phould carry the day by three tal lies. -To be on the conservative side, well call it 2i-17, allowing for a field goal on the part of Messer* Balkntlne and Wallace for their respective team*. Highlighted By Barbecue Monday Starting Lighting Ignition Specialized Service on STARTERS — GENERATORS — MAGNETOS BATTERIES — CARBURETORS — TUNE UP ' v. Bruner Battery & Electric Co. 113 Ea«t 28th Street — Bryan Uilng Part* From Original Equipment Manufacturers V 4 h- a CORKY * HBRO *• i -I * ^ I CLOTHES ] ATTENTION AGGIES ‘ft* L * Just received . . • ♦ • j . 31 . . F L READY MADE SLACKS Tan Charmeen Gabardine . Tan Twill Gabardine Blue Twill Gabardine All 100% Wool In Regular Sizes 28-38 r jj - — Also - Something Extra Special GREY FLANNEL SLACKS In “Longs” —28-38 -r T TAILOR-MADE SUITS Are Our Specialty Football Across the Nation Advances Into Third l eek With Irish Opening Joha He u rlock Time for anothor weekend of 1947 style football, and h«re U the line up. Toppingth ellot Is the North Carolina vs. Texas U. game at Austin. This should be a high scoring c<>n- tast with pannes flying all through the air. Number two for thin wnek-vtid find* a one* d» e fnntod (but sUII highly rntndl Mss| mnntlng Southern Callfomin in Loa M* *9^ • • • Angrin. Thia ought to b« the top w I O gam# of th* regular aonaon for IntnimUrfll NeHSOD th* Pacific coaat, but the Trauma 1,111 d,,,UI dl 1 a tMI will have U topple th* favor*) Owls to make It a memorable one. Number thre* on the Hat ha* USD pitted against oncc-dcfeatad but now highly-ragardad Georgia. By aoctiona: In the Eaat; Yale should find little trouble In beating Cornell. Navy should make a come back over Columbia after last t’* upset defeat at the hands of the California Bean. Princeton is due to stay With the top rang teams of the East by trouncing a fair Brown eleven. In the South; Alabama (with Gilmer wiser by one sad evper- ienoe) should rebound and catch Vanderbilt still thinking about last week's victory over North western. Tulane will have to pull another big upaet to stay unde feated. as they take on a Georgia Tech team that handled Tennessee roughly last week. And Tennessee should still find itself lacking a victory aa they tangle with the Duke Blue Devils. In the Mid-west; Indiana meets Wisconsin in what should be a tussle. Iowa tackles Illinois, and might atop Illinois from thinking they’ll go back to the Rose Bowl soon. Minnesota gets another week to shrpen up on a fair Nebraska team. The same goes for Ohio State, .playing the not-ao-highly rated Boilermakers from Purdue. The Iriah of Notre Dame wUl open their season against the Pittsburgh Panthers. Pitt was just about up to the Illinois last week, but will be more prepared this weekend. The Irish had better be ready for this one. Kanaaa should have little trouble running over Iowa State. In the Southwest and Pacific: Arkansas and TCU open the Southwest Conference season at Kayaitevtlle. The Golden Bears of California have some stiff com- Mdition this week in the St Mary’s •sela, but Waldorf should have his Bears ready to take this one. Intersection*!: Vlllanova should 't have mu«h trouble beating Miami. It will be a dtagrace for Michigan to i <»s leas than fort) points against Stanford. Mtseis sippi State should be able to trognee Michigan Bute before they ver from last week's slaugh ter. Northwestern will be trying for a comeback as they fact UCLA, show that the '4F7 Row- Bowl game show that the 547 Rose Bowl game was played on their “off day". The 8MU Mustangs will probably find T.C.U. pry the fid off the conference title chaae with the year’s opening league game The Aggies, of course, will be in Nor man to match points with Oklahoma, cq* (defending champion of the Big Six compe tition, playing boat to Missouri's Tigers in Meanwhile, Rice journeys to the Pacific Coast to meet a fine U.S.C. eleven while Texas stays at home to meet the South’s number one team, Justice-powered North Carolina. Baylor is idle. The Southwest rate* no better than an even break in the pre-game forecasts, if Aggie* are down as seven-point and IT.S.C. deserves a slight int in the balance having taken their loot w*ek from the Aggie* having poll SouthwMtern and Tws* Toch In iu two opontaf tilt*. Th* Sooner*, boosting ■ big, ca pable line and a jMk-fMMt VSMP terbark named JMk Mitchell, carry • foit-otriklng ofefmo, (MwiHfl to score quickly and from “any- whar.” M*l lore-Goode Watched It wo* Mitchell together with Dave Wallace who carried th# Sooner’* banner *> effectively against Detroit loot week. The little quarterback •parked two length of the field marrke* against Detroit and chipped In a <0 yard Wallace exercised his well-devel oped toe. Lack ef backflald speed and re- serve strength Mem to be tke Ag gies' chief shortcomings with tbe Cadets relying on pesslng such 01 ■ubdusd Tech to derail the favor ed Oklahomans. I’roltsblr St.r'.mr Aggie* Poo. Howell, ISO LI Tulls, 134 LT ... Subrgsr, m.. LG .... Gary. 1S4...« C .... Ovtrfy, 1S4 ... RG ... Winkler, 05 IT ... RE By CLIFF ACKERMAN A chicken barbecue will high light the seaeon’s Intramural pre- C m when all Athletic Officer^, m Managers, Intramusal Man agers, and Intramural Officials gather for a big feed Monday, Oc tober 6 at 3:15 at the Grove. Pic tures will be made at that time and lots of fan is on the sched ule. Officials and Managers Working Hard Participants in Intramural 1 sports this year will once again haw top officiating in all game* and sports. C. G. “Spike" White end Us Palmer have taken grcsU pains to drill the Intramural managers and officials in rules and mechanics of officiating. An experienced offi cial will be working in each game along with competent managers. Cooperation on the part of the players as well as the official* will help moke the Intramural program a pleasure and a big succesa. 'Wednesday’s Results: Basketball B Composite edged out a victory from A Engineers 22 to 19 in a fast thriller with Hlnsch scoring 10 points for the winners. McCul lough ran up 11 points for the 1m- CJLS. AIRS GAME The Atgie-Oklahoma game Set urday will he carried aa * action wide hookap over the CelamMa Broadcaatlag Syetem. starting at IM p.m. ( art Gewdy will ba at the mlkc for CBS sjmI will carry the gaam, first aaUoawids foot boll broadcast ever te originate Oklahoma, to over 290 stations aeroaa the aatioa. WTAW will carry the game in the College Sta lion area ever the Texaa State Network. punt return for six points. Wal lace, actually was the margin difference between the two elube, booting three extra point! and 13-yan) field goal. Wallace and the Aggie's Rob Goode, incidentally, probably will be two of the moet raapectod formers on the field Goode was a thorn in the side for the full 60 minotgs in the '46 game and was largely re sponsible for the Cadet’s thrilling 19-14 last-quarter triumph. Wallace lumbered off the Soon- I rr bench with a scant 40 seconds left in last year's game, and boot ed the game winning field goal. Previously, the two teams had waged a grueling defensive battle and stood deadlocked at T-7 until aa, 192 174.. Welch, 170 0<«wle, 206 ... Du Bek, IM.... m.. Tyree 199, Pabe . Bum Hapiw , Amlri>« , WaBer 74, Brevik RH IM, Royal FB .177, Grthoua# tit, 04 209 gOg QB -175, kiitc'l LH .17 that is. On the bright side. AM.U. Is ixioksd to trim Missouri and Taxas IS stoamed to throttle Choo- ( hoo Charley Justice and kty North Carolina railroad compan ion* In tbs family squabble, Its Arkansas by two T.D.'i over TCy say the boys who’re paid to know All ef which moans Utile er nothing to years traly. who *m- ih ' more commonly knewa ss Good wya's Msroea aad-WMto - pit* kwa. From where ws Ml (toe doss to the exit, lacmsntsl r It looks tkusly: 4m AAM over OklgkoOM — without oven looking bodk. Ws'vt been •tying all yeer the Aggies are underrated and thia will prove A Too much atmosphere filled with Aggie posts for the Sooner*. But, this to several factors, among oth er things Oklahoma's fins tine, tke Sooner* won’t exactly be hanging on the ropes. In fact, wall call a hasty 14-7 shot for ths Aggies and pa*> on to mors solid grooni * ■ v| * •. I i H.M.U, over Mlsseart Depends on how hot or cold Doek Walker Is. If he doesn't wear himself o«t making touchdowns, th# ssofe could go Into the strattphere. On the chance, he’ll bs merely hot rather than torrid, Ito the Ponies 20-6. CBS (SOOristuTTat 1:15 (Cart Gowdy). Chain of p.m. Toxm at 2:15 Humble P WNAD (640) ol Norman at 2:11 m. (Jack Payne). Offidala Referee—Ray McCulloch (Texas Christian). Umpire—Lawrence Ely (Nebras ka). Linesman — Lon Evans (Te: Christian). Judge-W. C. Mills (West Vir ginia). Consolidated Plays Tonight The AAM HjConsolidated High School Tigers journey to Centers- ville Friday night to cloth with Cantersvillc in the first district game of the season. Freak from their victory Somersville last week, the Tigers are hampered by a leg injury to Harold Williams, ace halfback. Williams received tbe injury in practice and may not eee action In the game. The J OPEN At S O'CLOCK * * • I ■ i / 9 No cover charge for dining dimngTdancing Food prepared by chef from Balinese Room Specializing in Sea Foods and Mexican Foods TttMa losing two back to A Air Force after games by 1 point ea slaughter B Cavalry 89 to 11. Richardson for D Field scored 12 points to spark his team to a 0 to 12 win over A Composite. B Air Force slipped by C Com- pMite 19 to 11. Harris from C Composite was hlgh-polnt man In this game with 9 tallies, while Kruse of the winners follow*! with I point*. FIN FEATHER CLUB Fin Feather Road Ph.-2-1673 x rough going for the afternoon is on Missouri. Army Is agon swank opponent. Colo- i ths tal ptekli rado. Th* Texas Aggies should surprise the nation by beating a good Oklahoma team in a convinc ing manner. 20% OFF \ On All— STEWART WARNER SENTINEL EMERSON R A D I as Combination Phonographs A Electrical Appliances —THIS WEEK ONLY— NO TRADE-INS AT THESE VALUES NOVEL 1 CORDUROY AT ATTRACTIVE PRICE Popular Color* The Fabric Shoppe Across ths Street from the Post Office 213 West 26th ■r-y- lOVELTfEM It pays to visit our share-profit Book Store 61.00 book free with each |8 00 catalog order. Writs for free catalog 906 South 15th Street TABERNACLE BAP- TIST BOOK STOKE, WACO. TEXAS UNIFORMS OF DISTINCTION PINK AND GREEN SLACKS PINK AND GREEN SHIMt* PINK BOOT IlKKKTIKS —Mode by— Uniform Tailor Shop Mendl and Nornak COOLEY GARAGE AUTO REPAIRS (Tenns If Desired) WASH and GREASE 11.75 Free Pick-up and Delivery Service — — Friendly Courteous Service Phone 4*9944 Across from AAA — Boy ft t Conifr '/%£ AT OUR STORE T0I9 •lAUTIflfl PMU-COIOR — Ilht^/iichanl FOOTBALL MAR GRID REVUE K**' ,uW ^^Z**** ^*'**"' To***** # CUGrMERS College and Bryan