The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 01, 1947, Image 3
V feanks Them but averagr }"Mr 0» 100.0 Wtt Ml •74 FROM TH1S AISCLE w LA11T GOODWT* Luck, SpirH, And Plenty Of Passing Needed . Si Ml It Te Have Chance Afainat Soonert “Wo'r* going to lave to couple of key 4y Coach Hon ! * w * HttMIIMlIMIIIHMmil U6U mm ■■M HMlII I 1 SLt: m * m^mii Hn "4”. >im,u t mi EE* 9 N4 ’ | M.mtittai4<ui...{] «git.t |B y HE? ‘“4 4- H <m3».u. rf» i iwte ******j**‘*.***..*^«4i.^*» I j lerd-flimmona WiMonatn ir*ka Pomt iaaouri 4. 4 a- ., BHp kb. U. _1 ... Boston Col hit a th# wa iy hard, heada-up football and to hhv« a chance Saturday." Thaft ty t'^oach Honier Norton lummad up the Aggiee chano againet Okiahoma'e power-laden Sooner* when the two clul clanh in Norman Saturday before eome 80.000 Okiea. Tkey’ie big, ikghl jT ru| »hrV «N we*re geiei te the bail meat uf the ti ^ •• m* te have fhease at ll> All ef whteh Wle i» le (he AggM r tea* eet aeitgmnutt bp far of tbs y e e a | eeaeag ■4 • lei # hnr.l work the teem before they entrain fir Sooner lend Thareitey nifht. Tho Soon-r* ■ » eraplor whet is the “MIkcoiiH T'*, e etri- Wilbhw attee ef th* "T" formation doolgn. *4 for • ninniag eemo Ami or t»n tho ermimt U oaaatiy Ohiahema hat. They * gehtta atainal a feed eleven laM week uiillalne yen or amt from ail aagearaaiM Viw han't even miss hl»h tenrih| Jwnlnr Ooldina, desblte ih< htff of Beoner eoeeh gwi nan ta the eoetrery. 7 "That T of Oklahoma's throe men la a position to ca tho hell,’' Norton explained, "el yoo'vo got te TRY to watch three of them." Even the moat casual obaerver could so* that the Anie mentor wasn’t exactly looktnr forward Saturday's game. The most important exports mw Zealand are butt.*, chee aSd meat. of iral manafen aitd effV far th* year mA* bean an- Sf AtaXlhtg B. (Bud) Dentoni Chief Betid *■ Ue ntawn tn Thornton, lilt Hodfe, Willie Senior Manager, Veteran gram-*Herb Carter; Tommy Benefield. B. G T. H. (Tommy) Splittferber. "'I Senior MaitagaT, MlllUry Pro gram-Bryan Crouch; Assistants. Jack Rnftand, Prink P rv > Squad In Good Physical Shape With No NewL*" 1 ” *y Injuries Reported; Drill Against O.U. U T’ SSTjusSISTiS' m.-u.. ittalion, O R T S Bwl— Yankees Clip Bii* ! ^ WWN “ In Series Opener WBD8BBH)ATi OCTOBEH I, TPfT ..mi j mi ana c maim ■iliiisaaaad ..waain a msaaiiii I aai I Athletic Dept Names Managers For Broad fntraiminil Program S Pro- Assietanta, , Hightoseor, NKEE OK t f UMn W.v'» ahmltmimd oa'e no-hlt fifth f aw-SE Haw Yorker* ■ Ratyh Iran, with five run* ht for a S*S tnemph n.: ihmtiilkmmMt IWaiay UagUi t *^wv|**viwi»* fine w r*»*wv | AMistant, Jaeh Idnealt Minaivr*! Ralph It, (Rump) IlnknfeW, William B. (Bill) Rich *M. Nam 0. Pate. Willi Billingsley, Aithur C. ( 'Ian. Glenn K. Kothmann, u. cm MMMffwS; A, Barker, iH'nald B. (Tubbai dot dan. Arthur R. (Bighahal) Hengat, Jorn A. (Jack) William- son. John P. (Mnny) Harrison, Jimmie Q. (Jim) Mag ruder, Jo- •eph (Jo J«) Hovnepian. Robert 8. (Bob) SchochUr. James H. (Jimmy) Schaffer, Glen D, (Corky) Zimmerman, Robert g. (Bob) SchulWr, Bert L. Huebner, Sam S. (Sammy) Clark. n Contest far AfnpGuur Quarter backs an** clooest ta oaUtng the be awankd two l UckoUtatW TVs contest td h* wn w*akly In th* ball MM In cooperation with th* QOartMkaek Club bd ta—Msd at the iwgular meotwff of during t lub. Th* tho focjt’ wmnor Chih i - V For Your Visual Consult DR. Carlton R. Lee ; nramnmr ; ( MS S. Mala - Bry an Plume Mb*. The Cadets came out of the Tech R me in good shape with no new uries reported. Pea Wee Smith is slowly rounding into shape end should be in top ebndittoh for the L. S. U. game and may er*n get into the 0. U. contest. No new changes in the starting lineup resulted from the perform- aneet in the Tech gsme. Incidental ly, needless to sgy. Norton was pleased- with his team's perform- a nee against the Raiders. Goode of Aggies Leads Conference With Punt Return Average of 34 Yds. DALLAS, Oct. 1 (AP) — That it- Exclusively at J Leon B. Weiss "Th* boys were foaming at th* mouth, and when a team is lik* that, they’re awfully hard to boat That’s what wo've got to try to do this coming Saturday—make up what we lack in aiie, speed and ability with spirit, hustle and v de- termination to win. If we do that, I j ro n'bound Ariiansaa defense that wev. got a chance. |*nt the RatotWks to the Cotton The Aggies worked long hour* Bowl last season is still at work. Tuesday in blocking and tackling Bat the Porkm also have moved drills, and wound up under th* out offensively this year lights drilling against Oklahoma’s Statistics on Southwest Confer- "T”. Sandwiched in between, CUs- ence football reteswed today by hion, Hollmig and Batey tested James H. Stewart. Conference Sec their passing arms, which figure retary, show Arkansas to havs al to be in for heavy duty Saturday, lowed only 164 yards rushing and Norton plans more heavy duty)passing in their twd games. This Iven up defens I • k By Cnmpu* Themtir ' u~ Hard FiniNluHl WorNletl MEN’S SLITS • lx Uml UllorrB fmliirm • . look* rimmI . , Uml foci Romt wmm no tkrU . • . , First quality demands finest all wool worsted fabric . . «• exacting specifica tions in styling and tailoring .... YOt GET ALL THLS AT 01 R PRICE } ! S55-'» heavy duty passing in thair two garnet tapering off is ^0 yards better than gi l defensive by Texas Christian, second today with the squad Thursday with long drill* and blocking and tackling. The team, Icavingr College J T aoHu On OriH Thursday night, will arrive a t uae88a UnU Oklahoma City around noon Fri-| .lay and will workout Friday after noon. Todd Take Ozark SPRINGFIELD, MO., Sept, SO (AP)—Big Haro Todd, ■booting a IS-uml.riiar Sod, finished a strok* ahead af Dick Mot* of Ark ansas City, Kaa„ to pockot top money yesterday! In the first Ot> srk« open golf tMrsaiMt. The Mo yssr.old Dallas, Tex , pm put logothvr munds of Mb, dO, aiul MS to take the 11,100 firat priae in the IS,ooo meet. Mela had round* ef 71, da, and lib to win I7S0. DALLAS, Oct. 1 (AP)—A poll of 43 Texas sports writers by the nulls* Morning News yesterday place! Odsssa and Wichita Falls atop the school boy football race for the second straight week lid : ively In the conference. Arkansas has rolled up ?7d yards rushing and passing to lead the offtnae. Texaa, in second place, it 1& yaVds behind Arkan- ahskl. If Wm m Mtvmat.iftnm - • L. 4 Jorgsnon, m UvagaHn, Ik 1 0 0 0 0 Roaat, ba .. 4 110 1 Branca, p a 0 0 0 0 Bthrman, p,.,^,4*.4 • « o 1 Mlkula, x 1 0 • 0 Q Caoey, p ... .0 0 0 0 4 Totals 31 S ft 14 I X—fanned for Behrman in 7th New Ybck (AL) AB R H PO A Henrlch; H 0 1 i 0 Berra, i 4 0 0 5 0 Dimaggio, rf 7 1 1 1 14 McQuinn, lb S 10 7 2 Johnson. Ib.^i... .......B 1012 Undell. If 3 0 110 Riaxato, ss i 2 1112 Shea, p —Ai—i— 10 0 12 a i 0 10 0 0 10 0 12 28 5 4 87 If Z—walked for Shea in 5th. Brooklyn (NLL 100 001 100-8 New York (AL). 000 050 OOa-4 tana batted fat- rfir PkNSMuxmnpHrw yjjbd**""" chi, It eon U, Ndltto Dorm Room CHICAGO, Oct.H inota Athletic Com * cfiTiiTiih™ion mm. 1 -(AF)-Tk. TirnfBHioti y** "Touf. ■JSH. received 34 first place Wichita Fall* seven, The Uttle Ken Holland hat contrib uted 250 Arkansas yards on the ground as leading ballcarrier of the conference. Byron GlRory of Texaa is second with 168. Bobby Layne of Texaa tops in passing with 11 completions in 17 attempts for 207 yards; J. D. bon of Baylor leads in paw-receiving, having taken five for 98 yards; Leon Joelin of Texaa Cfcrietfaa is the leading punter with an aver age of 58.6 on two kicks, with Stan Hollmig of Texas AAM second with 47.1 on seven hoota, and Bob Goode of AAM leads in punt re turns with 102 yards on thras run- backs for an average of 84-0. eight petitions in th* I! for th# bast ten want RIGHT. SENATOR Spnrtawritor Jack Keady relay* the report of the coin-tossing at the recent Kentucky-MiMissippi game . . . Kentucky won and elect ed to kick. Ole Miss had IU choice of goals and the public address system carried the information to the fan* ... a* the loud speakers boomed, an ole Miss rooter (un doubtedly overcome by emotion) rose unsteadily and shouted: "Mis sissippi will 'never defend the North goal, Suh." vote* and remaining Weakly poll to Corpus Christl, Austin, Waxa hachte and BrarhsuHdg* (Ran An tonio) tied for fifth, Longview, North Sid* (Ft. Worth), Amarillo and Thomas Jofforaon (Ian An- tanloi, *> iwr t^mVprmticb | »*. .<w l | 1 ,,»»Fms-mFsnoaAWmll UgAvIee WwWfvwW I VMrwWR** tea ms far* g hard week of prurttn for th# three Intersection*! and one Conference game Saturday Texaa, TCI’, AAM, Rico and Baylor opened their week's drills »ustarA*y. Som'H.m. Mrtw,.’ Unlventty arrives bark horn* nt Dallas today from California Injuries war* comparatively tew after a full schedule of games last week ew York <AI af?* PflCflE Lindell. Stolen base — Robinson. Double plays — Johnson and Mc- Qutnn. Famed runs — Brooklyn (NL) 3; New York (AL) 5. Left on bases—Brooklyn (NL) 5; New York (AL) 8. Bases on bi Shea 2 (Robfanon 2); off 3 (McQuinn, Rixsuto, Brown); off Pa|* 1 (Furillo). Strikeouts—by Shea 3 (Hermanaki, Jorgensen, Btanea); by Branca 6 (Henrich, Lindell, Shea, Stimweiss, Berra); by Page 2 (Miksis, Lavagetto); by Caaoy 1 (McQuinn). Pitching sum mary: Shea 1 run 2 hits in ft innings; Page 2 run* 4 hits in 4 inning*; Braces 5 run* 2 hK* fat 4 In nings (none out in 6th); barred dishonorably djj- servic. men fr*m boxing in in an onbr which Roy D. • ommisMaA'mambar, said to Rocky G rails no, mid- on. commission had ar Department’s of Pvt. Roeeo Barbells as raxiano. That racord Ha was convicted, and diahonoraMy dis charged from the army on a charge of being absent without leave in 1942. "Gramno’s application for a permit to fight Tony Zaie here list July 16 was signed by both nhmcv Rocro B»rb. ll» and Rocky Grariano," Keehn declan-d. tvo. Ilttx W« HOT DOG & MALT for SUPPER GEORGE’S CONFECTIONERY 11V COLUMBUS. OHIO, Sept. 30— (AP)—The Columbus Red Birds yesterday announced the purchase from the Texas League's Houston Buffs of first baseman John Her nandez. SECURITY COUNCIL ELECTS NEW YORK. Oct. 1 -(AP)- Argentina and Canada were elect ed by the United Nations assembly today to *it on the security council for two-year terms, but the con test for a third sea was indecisive on the first ballot » OPEN AT 5 O’CLOCK No oover charge for dining DINING TdANCNG Vs.# «> « Food pn’iwired by chof from Baiinoae Room Specialising in Sea Foods and Mexican Foods FIN FEATHER CLUB Fin Feather Road Ph.2-1673 TARORED TO ORDER CLOTHES Ctlu'fiifA yf}ti MORE FOR YOUR MONEY HUNDRfOi OR THI NIWiT All WOOl | f AMICI TO I w ft 1 tycUl Olothti Haml 2uiok CORKY -Hl)RD CLOTHIERS Two Blocks North P.O.! — College Station 1 HOW TO MAKE —''Skitch" Handarton't Nawast Disc for Capitol r o O] o o. V&Sj ^SJ \sJ ( y' ON BROAI Whoro did 0»c«r Mammorutoln, II, |oi tho iiwidruiion for writing 1000 pub lic wrnp, laoiuding iho hlu for « ; doRon movioa gnd tyfkw for surh show* ai Oklahoma’, (artiuHl «nd Carman Jonatf Hid fnrimiU for luefWM on HrtMdwiiy ituy out of nlgltU’ltrtm and gtguip oolumn*, r .mv«r rsiao your voice .don’t koop any ruai Horn**, yaohlc, mbtrwMa, pot Ilona or •nakaa.», load • ’’dbguotingly normal" llfol You won’t want to min tho flrat of Wo onlighU ening art idea in today'* Pool about America’* top lyricist: iifow to Maka $4,000,000 on Broaduxxy by David G. Wittel*. "Shiuli" mU tome of hii stdc men looking over on srromgtmtnl of "Doming With • Doh." Th, platter thac's causing plenty of chatter in juke circlet is "Skitch” Henderson’s latest . instrumental-"Dancing With a Deb.” Boy -what a record! It’s obvious "Skitch" has had plenty r of experience in tickling those ivorie%'~ and be follows that experience rule in smoking too. ”1 smoked many different brands and compared,” says "Skitch.” "My choice from experience t» . Camel.” Try Camels. Compare. Let your own experience tell you why more people are smoking Camels than ever before! it V Camels, WITH M£! r~ a.* .K C it i 'l ’ [' «' ^ ■ • 1 f : ’ hi \ ♦ i . ' i • . * \ + j iwTt' • t i ever btfatl »4t'— |j' :i