The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 29, 1947, Image 4

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I.E. Club Officers Vet Wives WiU Hold
B L. HtxwcU «. pr-l- °** n HoU8 «
nSh Z It! E<lu 7 t j° n The Vetentn.' Wire. Chib will
£ t t w - 22L!?!ftR °Li he ^ Open House nt the home of
yenr last Wednesday nfcht Other p rei id«.nt and Mrs Gibb
S i. t
chosen to head the tproup
A. Spencer, vice-presidMt;
secretary; J. I. Ham
E. J. Lanik, re-
M. Slayton, social
dor films on Canada
group. ■ j. Ji
President and Mrs. Gibb Gilchrist
Tuesday, September 30, from 8 un
til 10 p.m.
All of the wives of the new vet
eran; students are invited to attend
this Open House which is being
held to welcome them to the cam-
Fabric to light.. •
wovtn to tight!
Flight Training Offered Vets
Under GI Bill, Barlow Says
Flight training for regularly enrolled veteran students
at A. A M. College can now be paid from their future entitle
ment in accordance with information just received from the
Veterans Administration.
t The following telegram from the4 — -
Veterans Acting Administrator
Clark waa forwarded to the Col
lege from the Veterans Office in
rwVflw prOf 9% rnm from
chill, wkJ ood rolitl
You’ll be ■ mated how often
you’ll wear your new Alligator
Galecoat—with ita combina
tion of eacluaive water repel
lent flniah. and tightly-woven
fabric! Here’s good, honeet
protection. lasUtogeatiefiction.
One of the most popular coeta
in the Alligator line, now on
diaplay! See it—buy it now!
OWer ASifaBer Solwwaer
$15.50 to $36.50
Leon B. Weiss
By Campus Theatre
“Becauae of the recent develop
ment and cost of flight training
courses ns distinguished from oth
er academic courses and because
such flight training courses are
irenerally made available by col-
eg*• and universities as • volun
tary elective part of the student*
chosen course of education or
training rather than as a required
part them—of and in order that
veterans may pursue such flight
training courses In collages ami
universities when such morses are
lonskdeied by the Institution as a
related and useful part of the vet
erana nniree of education and
iralnthw, the follow ins pulley la
adouM effective Heplomber I,
IMti When
The Battalion
Page 4
u at
fieee bill MS.
Job Calls*
FOR SALK: Offi~ri .Wt •oel. praflU-
eaOf new. Six. W-«. Cell h-1 Samiitr.
t-U*7 fro** »-«.
related part uf
InatrueUimal pro
eauraea in flight
imminu are volunMrlly elwted l»y
the VelerUP M •
his eolleglala H
tram, aeademle rre«llt Iheiefore
wing given by the In.muUon as a
iamal fulfillment of the lnelliu>
Ions nlartdahl credit hour re
qulrvment for the veterans degree
objective, the rharge tor surh flight
training couree may he paltl by tbr
Veterans Administration provided
that: A The institution certlfle*
to the Veteran* Administration
that the course of flight training I*
voluntarily elected by the veteran
ami is a related and useful part of
the education objective of the vet
eran in hie chosen curriculum. B.
The charge for the veteran for the
flight course is not more than the
sum regularly charged non-veter
an students similarly electing the
same course. C. The veteran re
quest* acceleration in the use of
his available entitlement for the
total charge for the flight train
ing couree so voluntarily elected.
If tbe veteran elects to pursue such
s flight course under these condi
tions, he must understand that his
period of entitlement will be charg
ed st the rate at one day for each
8.10 dollars of tbe total cost tor
the flight course and such period
of entitlement so charged will be
-i OF
Court am theaa to take you everywhere. The hoarttfaUy
UlUn J suit hi • w<»rn i, -.inpr, the seM wool hooded
topper that w(B ■dagle with e* err thing else that Is feed
and smart la row wardrebs. Jam two from a raasplme eah
lertiea ef laodaf Leaden (Mgteal*. Bristol Brown. Gloweee-
Cott, IAft.00, guit, 949 9ft.
Smart Shop
t • »
Pasture Specialist
Alfred H. Walker, former Men
an) county agricultural agent, haa
been appointed assistant pasture
specialist on the staff of the Ex
tension Service.
Walker ia a native of San An
tonio and is a graduate uf AAM
In the claee of T M. Following hia
graduation, he was employed aa
a demonstration agent with the
U. 9. Deportment of Agriculture’s
Bureau of Kniumology and IMant
tjuuranUna office at Han Ante-
I Mm i v.
Entering Ksienkiim wurk fur the
flrat lime In IP81, Walker wa» eent
tu llulberauii cuunty whers he eerv
*•! as ewuntv agent, th January.
INI), he waAranefnrreil in Menanl
•‘uunly wheiv he eerved unltl he
entered Ihe seKire, He Mdurnml
In his Menard rntm|v |aiSlllnn all
er II manlhs In thi eavaWy and
two and a half years in Ihe Army
Mr OMh
Headquartered In I'altege Pla-
Unn, Walker a**urned hit new du-
ties as asalelanl Kstanslun Herv
lee pasture spHlallst Heptemlier
(Continued frwn Page t>
This latter move created some
trouble in its own right as the yell
was given just as an injured Tech
player was being helped from the
field. It was not until after the
game was over and the purpose
of tha yell explained that the Raid
ers were convinced the whole af- !
fair wasn’t just another example
of Aggie sadism and barbaric
1 thirst for blood.
Even politics managed to creep
I into the extra-curricular conversa
tion accompanying the game. In
one group containing supporters
of both schools, considerable wise-
in addition to the entitlement used cracks concerning the respective
for the other part of his course of merits of the two schools had been
education or training. A VA Form going on throughout the game,
j lt*50A must be filed by the veter Finally an Aggie voiced his indig-
an in such cases and the form nation over the way Lubbock citi-
must indicate separately the total *cns were trying to kill the college
: charge for the flight course.” building amendment program via
Cillw offiml, .ut, th., .11 , ,
veterans electing to take advan- When Rob (.wide broke loose on
ENGINEERIMG: (4) Airtex,
Inc, la interested in employing a
mechanical engineer to work as
a junior air conditioning engineer.
(2) Mechanical engineer* for
air conditioning work-estimating,
selling and installation with Webb
Air-flonditioning Company.
(3) Mechanical engineers qual-
ifiud to handle the sales of uirt'Tuft
and air conditioning cquipntept I
with Air Accessories, Inc.
(4) liouisiana Rating k Fire'
Prevention Bureau needa civil or
rhamieal engineers for fire insur
ance engineering
(fi| Mechanical or civil engln
ear* for general contracting work
with f, n Hlvemale, < nninteter. 1
Prefers a man who opeAk* Mpan
(H| United <U* Pipe Line Cum
pally has opening* f"» »lvll engln
ees* nr ehemisU In ihetr Chemital
r (Tl I unsolldated Vultee Air
shift (’ortmmllun ha* seyeral up
enihg* In design nml |*udtMliMn |
wurk f"i mi Mini noeO
aohwl cogloeer* and phy*M*te,
(III Aeionaullenl, elmiflCHl,
mmhsnleal and elvll engimmr* tu
•lari n* drnftemen with The fltenn
L Marlin Cumpmtv.
(Nl I’roctur and Gamble Cum.
pane ha* a number uf pn*iti»ii*
nvnilnMe for engineer* and chem-
i*t« in their manufacturing organi-
(101 Schlumberger Well Sur
veying Corporation has a nurntn-r
of positions open for electrical en
gineer* and geologists who are in
terested in geophysical work.
(11) Mechanical, electrical or
VIOI.IKIXTB t*un*m I* *lrtri*€ «
Prof rurtult. Bar lor Usuerxity. *•
nxMittily krr-. n-SUtrt Mrs C. II. Croar-
maa. 4-1IU witfcia arit Ihne 4*»a
I <>r
'lour r,
I I I II s
•L*ii»*n Sportin'; GchmIh
80S S. Main
l*h. +
KKPAIRB: Radio art aalr
art Mnik*. All work ruaranu-d. Ixai.-
»r<*». East G*W. *honr 4-12M.
THF. W'RIBK KHOP — Trpmr. min
sraphinc. drawin*. Pkoa* t-4TM. I
ka«t rsrd. Bryan.
rn*in—r'a math -hart at thr Kxrhanc
IIKT VOI R .uharnptkm for your favor-
Hr marasitir. Lduration art itodrat
l.lfr -1 yrar »4 XI
Tim* I y«*r 14 .0
N.wa W.- k | >.ar 14 M, I yrora 110 6ft
\Luuh iPatil a*vt. Mi I yrar R.u«,
\ 4 yxara IS M
Aka-on Mmiadnr Avmtry V rultr**
It.-4 Mora, It... 164. Plum* X-WI4.
MI.W trt.t niarli I.ill (..Id cmuiblng tm-
imrtaMi wi,*r> l-kihvla* %u 4, K
hidlaeiblh^ If f.rtirt rtlMf* to MlodvM
A. tivlllr* ^|l(ftm, R.xm |6«. li.ynlaiH
Hall ai.d ‘Vm »aw*rd.
THIN VKTkRkn .Iud4mia Urea
dial am) M4*f|
*1 In
(WM» III* I Mtl»0*\H»l* *ltM.t
Your Own Personality .. •
p * : v 4 -.. , r.
in a Photograph taken in oar Studio
. .f
At I Ah I
Hrnlng Agghw last 27 y«ara
Picture Frame** — Photo-Copy -*• Kodak FiniKhing
iswkrt. Iw.ftMwia
Nluidiwfftlt r.d*.
I4HW Njilhi »!
•11**4 nae, >*m
*<*>»*! 4 N ktlli Met 1*1*
m» Wane* Hen
run saii * it *•• **kV»«*ik-.i kiwi
Imlft* lift* iMlhe* Mat* Id^all I **44*
run RALPi r*4H Iftritaft N*«Hl SMS*
...**, e»«» mi ( .•« n.,K*4(. |).‘.,4e U,
M'*d4t He.
run NAl.k! I*U 4*tSr*rUklk t*
|H»d. 4m* n»oaa. IhiHS I, N>«mm Iftl
14... All*
I aVatm S. ara.
|.tl<»ti. and .(*•<
M— Ave. I'k,.*,.'
run SAl.Kt I’alr s«nl<'r Iftada. *.a*l *a
im-w, sit- m'. vet. c».|t. c..ii»*. vuw
WANTKIl! Two tM>r4f In Ttmtikmlvinr
ram. i>r»f.'rabl, >m w-at *14- hrtw—n
f« y»rd Hr,-*. CamUM-i H. B.,
It". 7*1, Braumnet. T.taa
If ’ '
Wallutty Adi..,,
fUll IKIlVfg fHf NfW
I All | WINfM lAMPtll
mu pumu u* *
Two Blocka North P.O, • College Station f
petroleum engineer* for field work
in the development of new equip
ment with The W’estem Company, j
(12) Scott Paper Company will
have positions open early in 194k
for mechanical and chemical en-1
gincers and chemists.
(Continued from Page 1)
Manufacturing Colnpany is inter
ested in men trained in animal or
poultry husbandry for the sale of
livestock and poultry feed.
Troy Smith Named
For FFA Honor
tage of this opportunity will l*e
closely screened in order to deter- j
mine their qualifications. It ia rec- (
ommended that student* lacking
•ufficient Entitlement both to par
ticipate in the flight training and
to complete their college education,
do not take the flight training
Htudente receiving partial dis
ability payments are not sligihlr
to participate. Non veteran stu
dent*, above the freshman level,
are eligible to take flight train
ing provided they (my foe Hw*
Aeronautical Engirnmnuif 221,
Private Pitot* course, will be Ihe
»nly course in flight training of.
feM during ihe fall semester
Flight training student* fur Ihe
MB aetweeter will be **lected from
’appllrstite who have already had
partial training during the spring
ami summer term* If ihe qmtia i*
not filled from the*e uppiti-ante,
then new eludente will he areeuled. I
AppHeatmn form* are available
In the following place* Dean of
Engineering Office. Aeronautu-el
Kngineerina Office, Kasterwi.mi
Airport, incomplete appllraimn*
will be iwjecteil ,
All atodente Intere«te4l in flight
training arc requested to meet in
the Petroleum lecture room Tues-
day evening. September 30 et 7 tkl
M>- •
his fint touchdown jaunt, the Ag-
gte grabbed his Tech friend and
yelled, “Let’s sec you get out ah
Troy Smith, junior student in
agricultural education, has just
bwn notified that he is tc be
Injunction to Stop Mm.* **' nwordvd the highest honor of the | Junction;
And the game wa* tot without Future Farmers of Anu-iica, the
its share of inane remarks from American Farmer Degree. The De
casual female observers. One *uch grec will be presented to Troy at
"lovely," upon 4*l>»erving the white the National Convention of the
chin strap* worn by the Aggies, Future Farmer* of America which
promptly mistook them for hand, will he held at Karua* City on
age* and opin4*4l, "That mean ole (Vtobcr 20.
Norton must In’ running hi* hoy* Troy ha* rompleletll four year*
look they all | »f high kchool vocational ngin ul-
ture with Hen Barber, voratluiial
agriculture teacher, ai Mansfield,
T*xa» Troy'* work In agricultnre
hw* eenteml aruuml (he ral«tug of
icgMercd Hhut ihorn brawding
The AmciWan Farmer liegrec
I* presided In nUtelamllng *lu
dent* In vtasIioiimI akrteultUri- m
tiMly who have l*4p»n out of high
•* InNtl a| ten*I one y»«r.
have S4»re rhlns!
KnlomoltkgN (llul)
To Kiwi (iffiiTi’M
The KnUmndogv Cluh will meet
to mganlse Monday nlghl al T in
In Mm>m 8 uf the Ntence Hall
Offlixa fnf the currenl year will
he clefted.
All mtarWnlngy majnr* are urg
cd In attend Ini* Rteellng, Jame*
Ih-cr, club re|NHter, riatetl, lb-
added that membership wa* not
Itmltml to stmlents taking ento
mology, hut all hug cnlnusiast*
are welcome
September, 194(5.
\ppreriation Extended
Resolution* of appreciation were 1
extended to Dean Emeritus of the 1
School of Art* and Science** T. D. j
Brook* and Professor William L. !
Hughes, both of whom went on I
full retirement this semester.
Dean Brooks, who has served at
AAM for the past 46 years, the
last 15 us dean, is now teaching
in the (duration and psychology
Hughes ha* been teaching in the
department of edition and psy
chology for the past 2) years.
Junction ( oiumittee Report*
Richard K. Humann, chairman of'
the AAM projr-ct committee from I
wared before- the,
board and said, “We have the two I
tract* of land waiting for you."
He invited everyone to visit Junc
tion and "*4-e our little town and |
fork* of the creek, Junction."
The Hoard of Directors met in
executive *e»»ion from 9 to 11:15 i
a, m. Friday moiumg, and ut 11:110
t lie meeting wa* opemsl t4> news
papermen and other intcreritnl
The morning session mljourniNl
at l tlb mid resunu-d in the after*
noon from .3 until 4:|b All (Item*
la i* were present,
The IM>U tit nf Ihe bnuril
will Ite held at Uni lege HlNlmtl
during Tlmnk*glvlng IndiiUy*.
Drive in Please . . .
Drive Out Pleased
i Continued from Page 1)
HusinesK Society Meet
Th' Business Swiety will meit
Wislnesdsy at 7:30 in building K.
room 23.
All stiMtent* of the Business De
partment are requested to attend
I the meeting
Junior* to Meet
The Junior t'l«»* will meet Ttie«
day a' 7:30 In the A**i-mhly Hall
i»((.. ns for tin- HM7 IN year will
la- eli-etml.
All junior* are reqnested to la-
— Brytn —
When- all AjjKies meet
“We Serve the Best”
IKH,I AND. Mint, Hi-pi 40
iAPi » Haile* N--ldn, lo )i-ar id-i t oiler freshman from Deb
mil, wa* fatally in lured when eel
i bratinf *lti(lent* aeeolenlnlly pull
ed down a lamptaist no his lead.
OUR BIG AIM ia to do mrything we pouibly can to
PLEASE YOU. , (f *
* r . i' [ ■ * r
We do the little joba aa carefully aa the big
•men. We nee to it that your car ia ready on
time. And we like the bill to be amaller than
you had exjiectad.
Brtnit Yo«r Oar to I’k and Be Annured of , , ,
. • , and Hide While You Pay
128 Hmilh Main Nt.
Dial l•tlll
L k M.
Ph. '4 til NO
structors, along with other poultry
department men, including Lee E.
James, Ross M Sherwtiod, Dr. W.
A. Boncy and F..Z. Beanblossom
Bob Halpin, of the college’s agri
cultural economics and rural so
ciology department. Is also sc bed
uled on the program agenda.
The turkey grading short course
is an annual affair in which the
college furnishes facilities and co
operates with the department of
agriculture to train men to be of
ficial turkey graders, -r
LONDON, Sept 29--(API-The
Soviet agency Tass reports that a
Russian woman has borne quin
tuplets, three boys and two girls.
Corpus Christ! Meets
The Corpus Christi A. A M Club
will meet Tuesday night following
yall practice la room 227 of the
Academic Building.
A new organisational system
will bo adopted by the club at the
For Your Fkmiture Needa
— Bio —
Hoy ton Fund ture Co.
Clayton Furniture Co.
Ni Main Bryan
The Largest Electric^
Appliance Store in
Come in and see us for large
or small applianqea:
Rad km, Electric Irons, Stu
dent I jut) pa, Floor Ijmi|m,
Prvato Cookeva, Coffee
Make nt...
and many other tumfula
8Mb A WaaMagloa Mm
Phone 8-14*8 \ .
(fH Your I niromiH . . .
Fink Slacks
Pink Shil ls
Green Slacks
Green Shirts
Boot Pants
’trrto i
behave it for you,
North Gate
Phom* 4-4444
* j.! ! ^
WMhable, rayon gabardine
-you will want Novtral. Oyator, blue,
. . , i . . . . ft.96 .