A ! . ) NEWS IN BRIEF V. 8. WINS U. N. VOTE lake SUCCESS, Stpt. w- (AP)—RuMil laffered a imaih- inc defeat late yeiterday in her firpt teat of itrMttll with the UnIM State* on the Balkan profe- letn before the politicnl committee of the United Natmna Aaaemhly. The teat waa on an American- that Albania of Ruaala'a aat- barred from partlcipat- In the Balkan debate before b&~ nation pommittee unle** acrepted the principle* of the 4. charter in advanfe, Volume 47 and s i HWONIl NRfiNO ITUURNT I • AUSTIN, TEX,, Sept. H (ASl ' The law Mhuul of the newly aa iahllahed Tea*. State Unlverelty for Negnte* ha* enrolUI lie *ee "tid eiodent, Me wa* lleattllah K. a I,"it, ilH, of Auatin, who loll Henry Eman Doyle of Aueiln rotiiwea nf inetroetion onder five nrofeeaare aaalghMl to artoeif . CONVICTS "SKlK't'RD" HOUSTON, TEX.. Se,.t 2d (AI'l*-Two half-ftoaen ronvicte who eacaped from Central Priaon Karm No, 8 near Sugar I .and a refrigerator truck Were "rea- rued" by Houaton police and aher- iff* depotie* after a paaaing mo| Ariat spotted a hand through the truck'* rear door. MM MARRY PRAULIBN8 FRANKFURT. Sept. 2«-(AP) -More than 3,000 Americana have applied for permission to marry German girls since the ban on tuch winidinga was lifted la|t December U, S. Army headquarters said San Antonio Bright Spot For Aggies This Weehend EVATT PALESTINE CHAIRMAN- LAKE SUCCESS, Sept 2«- (AP)-Dr. Herbert V. Evatt Au» trnlia's minister for ekteraal af fairs, was elected chairman of the extraordinary United State* as sembly committee on. Palestine yesterday. J , \ ' « ATTACK COURTS MARTIAL CLEVELAND, Sept. 86 (AP) —The American Bar Association is weighing proposal* for the bet tn ntant of military justice. liar Association committees, fol l"»mg earlier investigations, have icpoited a need of changing pr*r tires which, they said, have trous ed public distrust of court* mnr ! MJ I to SMI (,KT ONK r DETROIT, kept • Weeh's pnameUiih hh lM In the United Ntafas will to tal IMIW |Mi**enget cart and 80 86- (AP)Thls of motor IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER COLLEGE STATION (AfriwUnd), TEXAS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1947 Number S4 Reorganized; Many Get Promotions Seniors In Santone For Board Meetinj; Four Diamonds for Brown; Named ‘Colonel of Corps’ Cecil Bailey to the Texas AAM bandry department, H* Arthur C, Nunn Hnrrlnif fluutla, firm*, or c« Mr), thn whiM»|iiM-nai apo( In Hmh Antonin, nn thouMndn fun* move In. HoUl niweo Km nntl many Ark it* Miwctw Hllfh (Hilnt of tho activlUw and thy football game Saturday' hlgbt at * in Alamo Stadium be tween the Aggies and Texas Tech Other noteworthy happenings In clude a midnight yell practice, a dance, ami a meeting of the AdM Board pf Director*. five senior cl*** members will appear before the college Board of Director* when it meeU Friday morning at 9. They are: Elmo Liv ingston, president of the Senior Claas; Cadet Colonel Bill Brown; Jimmie Nelson, co-editor of the Battalion; A*a Holieman, head yell leader; and Louie Hardy, Captain of B Battery, Artillery. These men, a* a committee of the Senior Clhsa, are working in the interest of smoother relations between the Corps and the Board of Directors. Friday night in the Auditorium Plata the Aggies will hold their traditional midnight yell practice. Throngs of Aggies will hold-up traffic for blocks around the Municipal Auditorium while the Twelfth Man urges the other Ele ven on. ? For pure entertainment, there is the San Antonio AAM Club’s danee in tho Rose Room, of the Gunter Hotel. Starting after the game Saturday night, the dance is ex pected to have a big turn out of Aggies and their dates. The Athletic Department announ ced Thursday afternoon that 6100 tickets to the football game had been sold her*, :«KK) student tick ets and 2600 reserved seats. Clasaac at AAM begin Monday morning at the usual timo. ‘aamnlMMawM HP h«(t ft fbott U*t this will ftmi Tftch fiMitiiftll premium for wnnks In thft lohblnn for most of them Ryan, Bailey Join P. H. Dept. B. Rysn an have recently d Bernie B been added poultry hus- according to Girls to Ride In Aggie Rodeo October 24-21) CowmI retire* •llig.s thro Southwest»re t ptiitlcipftte in this irenentatlvea from ug h o u t the Dr. J. H. Quiaenberry, head of the department. Ryan received his B. S. degree in poultry husbandry from Texas AAI in 1938 and his M. S. degree from Texas AAM in 1947. He taught for four years as vocation al agriculture teacher in Gonxales High School. For tpe past year he has been a graduate assistant in AAM poultry husbandry de partment Bailey has been appointed as s State Poultry Supervisor in the AAM poultry husbandry depart ment. He worked for two yean as student assistant on the college poultry farm at North Texas Ag riculturv College yaan in military service, he at tended lews State College where he majored In poultry husbandry, for the past two years he haa worked as fttata Poultry ftupervi- ser tn (he laws Poultry Improve- •nUzZ My Charlie Murray RAN ANTONIO, TKX„ R*|M, 16 The 'less* A, A M,hoard dlreclur* began their Repii m her meeting with an eseeullve meeting thl* morning si * mi a. m, Present in Ran tnlimlo are five member* nf the Renlur t lean, who have asked tn appear befnre the board In order tn el- pres* their desire for ronpers- Kminu t,. \ ,kw,, between the student body • Bd ,K ’ administration. In the group are radet (apt. Klmn Livingston, president of the Senior (lass; Hill Brawn, cadet rolo net nf the corps; James K. H. Nelson, cadet lieu tenant colonel and co-editor of the Battalion; cadet ('apt. Louie M. Hardy, commander of “D" Battery. Artillery; and Asa Hol- leman. yell leader. Enlargement of Kyle Field stadium and acceptance of many gift* to the college are among other matters on the board agenda. Dr. Mayo to Speak To AV(’, Monday chairman, announced Tuesday night at a meeting of the Saddle and Sirloin Club, 'nir girls wUl ride in a barrel race, he declared. The rodeo will be held on the nights of October 24 and 25 at the Bryan Rodeo Arena, Claude Broome, president of the club, stat ed at the meeting. He told mem ber* that Student Activities is planning a western-style dance following the rodeo on Saturday night A crowd is expected, since that is the week-end of the Baylor- AAM game. Committees were appointed to work on the different phases of planning of the rodeo. Dr. J. C. Miller, head of he de partment of animal husbandry and sponsor of the chib, gave a short talk to the group concerning the value of membership in the Saddle and Sirloin Club. Meetings of the club will be held every Tuesday night until the ro- (loachcH Speak At Find Meeting Of tyuarterhaek (Huh The AAM (Juartertmek Club held | ils ft rat meeting Thursday night In the Assembly Mall with an #*(!• s mated ItNMI present. J. K. B. Nelson, co-editor of (he Battalion, acting in'the capacity of mastertif ceremonies introduced Head Footimil Coach Homer Nor* 1 ton as first guest speaker. Norton spoke briefly and frankly on team prospects, team spirit, and the coming Tech contest. Norton warned that over-opti mism, cither on the part of the team of the student body, might bring about defeat. He said, "the 33-0 victory of Texas Tech does not any wa/ indicate the true strength of the Raiders." Norton further noted that Texas scone* had com* in ten plays and were based on speed, which AAM does I not possess to such a degree. In leaving, Norton reiterated his warning about over-optimiam Hv J, K, 0. It) it nwwplng rmirgmiUfttlDn of thft cftdtH corp«, many offlcftin w*rv rfttaftd om> notch. Mini it nnw top rftnk crMtnd. cftllfttl "colonel of the con*," Thft it*w rnnk will b« Imilcntwi Ity four dlftmoiuk ticcortliiMf to Col, tiuy R Moloy, Jr,. UMM A T, who Mnouiwod thft rftorRftttlitftlloB yuftlcrtlfty, “Jlwora ii™ £°uC and under -r»tin« Texas Tech After several < deo * Broome announced service, TRIESTE. Sept 26~)AP)-A general strike which paralysed shipping in Trieste's port for 24 hours was brought to an end ear- SAN ANTONIO. Tex,, Sept. 26 (AID—^ “ Board „ , action today raising to 61.000,000 i Botchy Koch, second speaker on the school's bond with the Federal lh * program, discussed the Tech government covering military t»wm, that he had scouted during equipment used in training. 1 Longhorn-Red Raider match, Authority for the preaident to the ,t " n » th of sign a new bond m this figure. A4M ' Saturd *y replacing the- previous bond of The Aggie assistant football 6682.796, was on the agenda for c '» e *' mentioned the effectiveness the board’s meeting here today. °I Tech offensive, the use of Enlargement ami complete mod-1 tk* T formation, and tha reserve •rnixstion of training equipment for the military department of the world's largest been under way a year. New equipment now in use here for radet tralni strength nf Dell Moigsn'* charges, which, nn pupei, .mtnumher the AAM reserve*, following Knrh'« talk, Wayne Cure, assistant fhsbmao coach, wa* Introducad. Citrc talked dur ing the showing nf the film of the Aggie-Pirate game which fol lowed, explaining in detail each play and often commenting on the action of individual player*. The poiat was brought out by -6ur* that motion picture films, as used by the coaches, made it pos sible to study previous mistakes more closely and correct theae be fore the next game. Following the program, T. A. Davenport wae_ announced winner of last week’s "Armchair Quarter back Score-Guessing contest and awarded two reserve seat tickets , to the Texas Tech game. The club and the contest are sponsored by the Battalion with the aid of the Athletic Department and is a weekly affair, the club meeting each Thursday evening at 7:30, at which time the winner of the previous week’* contest is an nounced and presented with two reeirve seat tickets to the next Week’s football game (Coupons for the score-guessing cpnti-st a re to be found on the sports page of the Battalion every Wednesday and include only tho*< games in which Southwest Con ference U participate. r department of the! m 1 TV ill T military college has I emporary Lourt Order Holds Up ( ertification of College Bonds Irish-Texan Horse Trainer Retires RAN MANCOR RKTR MKuiRD RAN MARUOS, Tea., Rept. 8« -(API- RnUihweal Tssas Rl*le CoHegi’ haa fecohled It* largest fall enrollment In hbdnry—1,640 registered students, VUGS RKI7.K YANKS WASHINGTON, Sept. 86— (APt-i-Th* State D<'|iartment has announced it will take up “immed- • iHioly" with the Yugoslavia gov ernment the case of three Ameri can soldiers seined and held cap tive by Yugoelav troop* along the * Trieste frontier.) Pres* officer Michael McDer mott told a new* conference that a protest by Gen. T. S. Airey, commander of the British-Ameri- can force* at the free territory at Trieste, has produced “no results." Dr, T H Msyo, KnylUh d»- imrtmftnt.hftftd, will apaak bt- for* Jhe Arnsrlcftn Vfttftruns ( ommlttftft Mundfty night at 7 In lh* rablaet room of the Y, M 0. A. Dr Mayo has selected "The mocratic Ideal an Analysts' the suhject tar his talk An open forum will be conducted following tho a<|dre** All veterans are invited to at tend regardless of whether they are AVC members. jri' 4 'Vi , De , » at more than $f,ooo,i '' ; AURTtN, Ter. Sept 86 (Afl —A court order temporarily re straining Secretary of Rial* Paul Brown from "tabulating, estimat ing or canvassing" lh* returns In the election »t which the College building amendment waa voted was issued hy Judge Boy Arther tn 116th Dtslfttct (lourt yesterday. No date was set for s final hearing nf either the suit contest ing the oleclloo or a suit filed previously eontendlng the amend ment had been unconatltiitl.Nial In form In that la submitted more than one question to lie voted on a* ft cingte qiMfttien, The Judge said, however, that the court Would be open to bear the case Whenever a date could l»e agreed upon hy both sides The suit alleged that tn Bexar. Galveston, El Paso. Hill, Thl* order was followed by anft< (Nf NWtiftlly reorganiimg lkft T ’adel Uttrp* Of (he four original Wglments, one wa* iimh*n up, and another added fourth regiment wa* re*' with th, Veteran Hettal*- ing shifted to the Flint Re* it. and the Senior Battalion designated the Headquarten ) and joining the conaoltdaled to form the Corps Troop*. Tin- Artillery Battalion wa* de-’ tached from the First Regiment and designated the Second Ravi-- ment The original Second RefU? ment consisting of the Air Force and Cavalry Squadrons remained intact as the ’niird Regiment. The original Third Regiment consisting of the Engineer end,’ ( ,imp,,site Battalions was also un affected by the change except for* its official designation being * changed to the Fourth Regiment.. In addition to the boost ia the Corps Commander’s rank, all ca det officers serving on the Corps. Reginmntal. or Battalion ; staff* were raised one raak. ,*■ Company officers retained their • same rank. The new corp* organisation will Consist of the Corps Staff, the Corpa troops, and four regiments. The Corp* Troops will he com posed of the Consolidated Bands and a Headquarters Group, con sisting of the Senior Companies. The First Regiment, will consist of the Infantry Battalion and th* Vvteran Battalion. « Th* Second Regiment will be mad* up of the Fir»l and Second Artillery Battalions. Th* Third Regtawat mill be com- lowed of the Air Fore* Bqupdron and the CaValry Squadron ^ The Fourth Regiment will ton list of th* Engineai Rattalinft. and the Composite Battalion lluptUt Student* To Convene In Wichita FuIIn ATOMIC FERTILIZER A report from Tokyo of huge crops yields in radioactive Mil at Nagasaki brought expressions of surprise and some skeptieiam from American atomic scientists, ac-, cording to Associated Press. PAPPY va PRESIDENT SAN ANTONIO. Tex . Sept. '2« night told the people of Texas (Af)—Sen. ' AnderNon-Clayton Award to Student The Ande non-Clayton Award to a student from Brasil has been awarded to Plino Brotero Jun- queira for the second year, ac cording to Charles N. Shepardson, dean of th* Texas AAM school of agriculture. Each year Andenon-Clayton and Company of Houaton awards a $600 acholanhip to a student from Brazil for the purpose of promot ing stud yin agriculture at Texaa AAM. Junqueira won the sward last year and is working on his masters degree in dairy husbandry. Promt* Chunn, Baptist student secretary hero, snnouneee that the Baptist Student State Convention will be held in WbhM* Falla, Or- tuber 84 86 A l^nlt of flfteek hundred stu dents has been set, but quota* , Mooro I have »n» been prorated for Indt- end Teylor counties the proposed viduai school*. Baptist student* blished here AN invited to attend end I tu j they should eh-ct congressmen who will withdraw the power* of the u. o‘i>Mi«t i.* (; 08 „ 10 | )0 |ii an Qub Organizes Saturday, NO MORE WETBACKS? DALLAS, Teg., Sept. 2« (AP) "Wetback" labor for Texas may be permanently ended hy the throat ‘ enemy aliens using th* open border to filter into th* States, Ugo Cftrusi, assis tant tn U. S. Attorney Gental Tmn Clark, warned here y*»Ur- "T ■ '• ' NKW ATOMIC* PILE WASHINGTON, Rept. 16 (Af) Plana fer a nAtft sinmN rhain re- artiir pH* at 0«k Ridge "tevftTftl lime* moN tHiwerfuP’ ihan th* en* MOW operating at \j§ T*nn**#ee plant w#N announced t An organisational n th* Coamopolitan Club called for Saturday night, Heiba announced. To he hel o'clock in th* YMCA, the will elect offleen and plan activi- ties for th* year. All foreign student* are invited to join, a* this is a club oxprassly organised for thorn, Holho ca ptained W&co>Mci/etinun (Huh PlanR Social lant were announrrtl today hy tho tii,mk Energy Commlaslon, ,&.x M 33 Sara tuo of Nuclear Rtudioe, will to- operate with th* Unlverelty of (ihkafo In reooftrch at tho Ctln- ton labor*tori**, (he announcement The 14 southern Institutions ftl- lied with th* Clinton project In* elude Louisiana State, Tulane, and tha University of Texas. wys r. .• -w . . rtri NtJS’V w « n ^ Vy M m A B 1 Th* fall ftftelal seaeon waft »Uft- o*d at th* InlUftl meeting *f th* Wsro-MeLonnen Club Thurwlay nljkt. A Ckrietma* danee and ftft affair to bo Hold October 4 won decided upon. Edward Courtrad* waa *l*«tod preoidont of th* organlutlon. Oth er men ehooon to hood tho club during tho yoar inn Howard Da- MMivjt Tifw«pi^iin#ni, Dfrnarti Hlrach, secretary; Joe Whetstone, treasurer; and Hal Stringer, sgt- ■61—. once each week for four weeks, commencing at least three months before the election Jedge Arther said statute* made iaeaonre of the order man datory on th# court—even though the official canvas* of the election ha» already been made—until disposition is made of a suit filed this morning con testing the election in six Texas counties. The effect of the ruling, Archer said, wiJI be to prevent certifying that there is no litigation against the bonds authorized by the amendment. jWestrup, Jiminez Win Fleming Gift David G. Weetrup, Monterey, and Hector E. Jiminex, Saltillo, Mexico, have been announced as the winners of the Lam*r Fleming Award ia agriculture at Texas A A 6L, according to Charles N. Shepardson, dean of the school of agricultuN. Westrup and Jimines were at tending the Mexi—i CoBege of Agriculture at Haltilk,, Mexico, be fore transferring to AAM to ma jor tn agronomy. Th* Lamar Fleming Award of |dM eAfh ls given annually to two Moakan student* to atudy ag r tUN. The aw*rd is glean by and Mr* Umar flaming nf Houston. should turn in the registration feo of 91,'- os soon as possible to re serve ft place In th* HmHed quota Chunn’s office i* In th# rear of the First Baptist Church at Col lege Station. David Fort, preaident of the Baptist Student Council, appointed a number of committees to com plete plans for a radio program, a monthly newspaper, and general Baptist student meetings, the fint of which will he on the campus sometime in October. Ol—i 0«rri|ftn, uttft of Tax- m' iMdtnv honftmftn, com- plftgd 82 yfttrg u aUblc au- uftiinUndont for t h • animal huftbondry dapartment H« wftnt on afmJ-raUrftmftnt thia month. ' OarrigM waa ban ta Water- fold, tralaad. now Erie, ta 111. MN father xras ft bayw of her eon for lh# fear pewriaeee af Own Oarvlgan aad ear of Ma pria* eatta, Ireland, aad Ma Nre-fathrra were i §1 wmwtk Equina Malory haa been helped ta be mad* in Teaaa and A A M through Oarrigan i inUreet and Ion for th* animals Oarrtgan started his career with hone* at th* ag* of 16 when he fit tad and trained th* Wild Man from to , nn a great jumper that won the English Grand National tn Liver pool In 117. The little Irishman, who etlli haa Hi* ln*h bmeu#, ome to lh* United Rtatm in lia to take car# of a at ring of bore## for United Mat** ftenator Jnoeph Weldon Bailey of Tefta* The ftenator waa mterooUd in aulky race* and waa it tending a rare at Balloyie, Ire land. near Dublin ftenator Bailey •aw the Irieh lad and naked him to come to Texaa and manage Me airing of horaaa. Garrigan ro* malnad with th* ftenator (or yoara 'nkoev emn'ng to AAM Th* walla of hla office at tha bora# barn* are lined with troghtda of horse# thet won shows over th* 1—6i. One of hla groat sat hot see waa William the Conqueror, who waa never defeated In any •how ring In tha United Statea. An other horse la Pat Murphf, twf- tbi,(U horse and one-third mule, who does almost anything In the book except talk. Vet Wive* Party An open house wilt bo held for all veteran wives neat Tueaday tveninf at the home of Fro«td*nt Gibb jBIrhrlst ( ondeeted hy the Vatoran Wive* dub, tha affair will be between tbe hours of 11 10. Tho gnantadtioa inriua all wives, both old and aow to attend. lm [o, TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION* Tubtreuloria; Tht rnrlitr found thr ao