The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 24, 1947, Image 2

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Battalion I
W * i y >
Rage 2
New Student Government...
• With the approval of a new form of atu-
dent government by the Dean of the College. .
A&M has emerged from a mire of confusion
and bewilderment in the realm of student af
fairs. Drifting along not knowing exactly
who was responsible for what, students have
had little sense of self-government. Things
apparently “just happened,” with ho obvious
motivation or guidance.
. Now, however, with the new student rep
resentative type of government, school pd- :
itics should be more directly ih the hands of
the student body.
This plan differs from previous forms of
student government employed at A4M in.
that it will work on three different levels, and
will be built around a group of 34 student
representatives elected from campus dormi
tories and student housing centers.
Five standard committees and one guid-.
ing or senior committee to be known as the
Student Council, will be selected from and by
tlje 34 student representatives at their first
meeting. Basic problems will be handled by
these standard committees, but those items
lying beyond their scope will be referred to
the Student Council. Matters pertaining to
policies of the college and finance, will be
referred through the Student Council to the
Student Ufe Committee.
This committee will be made up of the
cadet colonel, the corps executive officer,
senior and junior class presidents, the Bat-
‘talion co-editors, ten faculty members and
fohr members elected from the student body
in; a general election.
• With these three main branches function-
in|; in harmony, there should be no need of
overloading any one person; one of the worst
faults of previous student governments.
; Through the five standard committees,
. which will work constantly, the mess hall,
hospital, and Exchange Store will be checked
from day to day for Irregularities which
would infringe upon student rights. In ad
dition, a reception committee will operate
for the purpose of greeting viaitine delega
tions to the campus, and ah election com
mittee will be set up to supervise campus
One difficulty in the set-up has alfeady
been pointed out, but it is ft difficulty that
can be corrected.
Committee members will be chosen from
s small group, which may not include those
beet suited for the particular task. Again
if there are two men, capable, willing to
wo#k, but both living in the same dormitory
or area, only one can be elected a student
representative, and the college cannot make
use of the talent of the other.
So we suggest, that each standing com
mittee, be allowed to choose from the school
at large one other student who will also be
come a full-fledged committee member. This
would certainly help in making sure that
manpower was not wasted, and that the
committees really function.
Students will have the right through
their student representative to subtnit their
own ideas on campus affairs to the standard
committees, Student Council, or Student Life
Committee for proper action. This is a con
dition that has never before existed on the
A&M campus, and which will tend to place all
students on a more equal footing, insuring a
fair representation to many gtoups, who
prior to this time have had no voice in the
student body,
On paper, this student government looks
superior to any we have had previously.
Boon we will be called upon to select the men
who wiQ make It work. If good men file for
office; if the beet of the candidates are chos
en; if the representatives when elected take
their responsibilities seriously, we should
have at A. A If. a student government of the
highest calibre.
Borrowed Time
Can Prove To
Be Profitable
Flotsam a Jetsam
"St/tci debris for ell to
By Dave Btuci and Mack Noun
Th* tsU Mr. Wsbster of diction- 1
As MacKenzie Sees It. *. •
Bow to Verdict or Stand
Alone Is Russia’s Poser
AP P»r«*ia Attain Analyti
One tumultuou* w«ek has pou-4
•d since the western democracies,
paced by America, opened their
offensive in the United Na-
Too Much Ragweed in Austin...
the University transmitted to me through the
; With regret, the Battalion rea4a the dis-
nutchcs from Austin telling of the Dobie
• Not too many years ago, the University gested that 1 try some of the "new c
of. Texas had a substantial aoadMftlfttrepu- vi>tn|*d for the tresUnent of bay fe
tation and wah climbing fast into the "gold- 'h hsd asid that I have tried,
en*. dosen” of the top U. S. achools. Two
mqn contributed more than any others
to-this reputation; J. Frank Dobie. teach
erof English, founder of the “South-
foeut world attention on
the threat to
pence produced
by Rumia'i tac
tics for Afire*
•it*, expansion
of Crxnmuniun
— and already
global opinion
a ■ represented
in the U. N. ha*
rendered a veh
ement verdict
condemning Rod
■arrinff the
her satellite*, the Ho-
which Russia claims is designed to
rive America control of western
Europe, was being earnestly stud
ied in both Washington and Paris
without regard to Soviet oppoei-
tion. The program developed by the
16 nation! in the French capital
it divided into two parts. One is
a long term proposition under
which America would provide fit,-
:n(,(»oo through the years
1948-61 for general rehabilitation.
The other is an emergency call
for food and some other pressing
west School” in literature and Pulitier Prize
historian, was one of them. The other was
Dp. T. S. Painter, now president, bio-genetic
ist who hid carried further the work of his
fofmer colleague Muller, who last year re
ceived the Nobel Prize in genetics. •
'This past week, Dobie and Painter have
stqed on either side of a line drawn in sand,
defying each other to “draw me over." This
should have been a battle of titans. But
what happened? Read these statements to
the press:
Dobie . *1 told President Painter that I
did not want to resign from the University
and did not want to be fired, also that I was
not going to teach this fall.
' “I told him that only once during the last
10 years or so have I taught in the Uni
versity during the fall; that 1 never expected
to stay in Austin again during the hay fever
season and that I would not consider it fair
to either my colleagues or students to start
in teaching and then pull out for the last six
weeks of the fall term.
“Under date of June 26, the president of
vl»t Union >Un<D virtually alone
In this great Issut among nations
who would llks to ba Its friends
Of enura* the ultimate objective
of th« westam offensive Is to form
Russia through public opinion
abandon th« methods ah* has been
pursuing, but It remains to be
demonstrated whether she will bow
to the vvrtlct
There are doubts on that score
Yesterday BriUin, the last of
the Big Five to mount the sssem
bly rostrum, declared her poeition
through Minister of State Hector
McNeil and ranged herself solidly
with the United States, who pre
▼iously hsd been joined ly France
budget Council, a letter disapproving the ap
plication. In this letter the preeident sug-
drugs de-
fever.' 1
said that I have tried, without
avail, all sorts of serums and nostrums.”
i ... A?
Painter: 1 “I am informed officially that
Mr. J. Frank Dobie, professor of English,
has refuted to report for duty this current
semester. By .this action, his connection with
the University of Texas has terminated as of
September 15, 1M7, and I am accordingly,
notifying the auditor to drop his name from
the payroll of this institution.”
Dobie. who hat been with the University
off and on since 1914, has been on leave the
past four years. If he had retained his stat
us one more year with the University, the «£ « » protege of for
DD-year-oM professor would have been en- Sign minister Bevin, lined up his
titled to modified service, permitting him to c ® u ntry with America in * drsms-
teach one semester and to lay off one semes
ter. [
With the firing of Dobie, the University
severed connections with the second out
spoken campus critic of its administration.
Dobie had frequently sniped at Painter and
regenta in the adminudration of University attitude
affairs ever since the Firing of Dr. Homer P. problems.
Rainey from the institution's presidency in i Meantime the Marshall plan,
1944. T ' • |
Seems a pity there is so much ragweed in
Auatin! <
Italy, Athens,
Palestine- All
Are in Texas
By JACK RlTt.KtMlft
riiUS f*r«M
(For BA TVmiai)
Some of the fcromtsHkg young play
tfl around Hollywood Ire begin
ning to wondOT if biographical
films aro the klaa of death. Mors
than on* potential star introduced
to fame by the life -lory modiuSl
has gone into at Moat partial
eclipse thereafter.
Larry Parks and Robert Alda
were heralded with much drum-
beating is “The JOlson Story” and
' Rhapsody is Bloe ”
At the moment Parks is chew
ing his fiet and glowering at Co
lumbia's Harry Cbhn. He weot
from $7B to 1750 a week, but now
he ia singing the ud<kst song
Hollywood ear! can hear: he wahta
more money. _
Aida’s dehut, as Oerihwtn, was
delayed almost two yean. After
fmwhinK "Rhapsody in Blue” he
went into "f inderella Jones,”
which was held up until after
“Rhapsody” was released. And
thereafter he got a series at sup
porting roles, in “Cloak and Dag
ger," ‘The Man I Love" and “Nora
Prentias,” until finally his Warner
Bros, contract was terminated by
mutual consent.
I asked Alda what he thought
of such situations as his and
“There are many reasons, of
course, why things work out the
way they do," he said. T can un
derstand why they held 'Rhapsody
in Blue.’ They wanted an unknown
in the role of Gershwin. But I
think it would have been smarter,
in developing a star, to follow up
‘Rhapsody* quickly with a really
outstanding picture to support the
S nality they had introduced So
“Parks' ease was a little differ
ent His role as Jolson, after all,
was impersonation—even to Black-
face. We didn’t see Parks. Mine
as Gershwin, I think, was consid-
•rably mere In the nature of ehar-
scteriiatlon. Look how much bettor
Cornel Wild* fared. He had a bio
graphical role In 'Song to Remem
her—Chopin. But he waa on* of
those boys whose services
shared by two or thro* producers.
Each tried to outdo the other. That
sustained hie preotige.
“However, I waa on* of the luek
lest guys in the worid, and don't
think I don't know it What hap
pened to me haJBpeni to one actor
in a thousand, rd never boen In a
picture before I played Gershwin
ary, Btme intimates that FttBfttlt
and Jetsam is the debti* rati up
an the sho.e* of the ocean, la aai
among all this trash can sometimes
bo found srtiotba of value and In
toraat In our daihr life at AftM
utWhoting and worthwhile article*
are often eaet ip, bit go unnoticed
The two boachcomben '
this column will attorn
trho writ*
. _ IttompTU glean
the Worthier material from the
beach for your edification.
The LBTK Club- seem to hate
loot their fight from the looks of
the skirts the data* wore this
According to D. Fields meet of
y mt dreoso* looked like a
potatoes with a. drawstring
around the middle. Roy Lewis's
version it that most of them lock
*d like a little girl's dress that
had dropped six inches and seeded
hitching up. Warning note: girls,
if you hope to get anything better
than a goal line seat in the anti
cipated rush for the T. U. game
yon had bettor get some kind of
drasa in’which you can step out
and not be restricted to little
mliwing step* of eight or nine
okesman of Ac Fourth Estate
at TU assailed the A4M directive
forbidding the “rebellious pro
tests” which it claims ia a "basis
perhgative." It would seem that
in the citadel of our traditional
rival that there it compassion for
us. whether Justified or not
Word cornea from Harry Boy
er’s Housing Office that incoming
night communications from any
quarter will hereafter be handled
directly through his office.
Only 80 more shopping days till
Wonder if someone is going to
offar any prises to the men of
LMI* Aggie land for the beat Mot-
nftft you eoR't mtaa if you pur-
ehae* • Tewn-Hall ticket for M.
After whipping out our ■lt»-*(irk«
and hurting them op for 1.4 e#e-
onds, wo find that t were two-
bits par program enable* tot to
slip by Boyd Rogers end ni« eo-
Mote—The Twelfth Mon" M
it the school tong. What Is the
why and whdrefore
dofflhfl bt headgear?
Now that fashions are predomi
nant ia the news and women are
again wearing suits, a recent in
cident comes to mind that should
bo told. It concerns o To co-ed
who entered on# of Austin's fash
ionable etothing store* to buy A
suit The clerk asked what atjrk
the up-to-date young co-ed want
ed. Blushingtp the answered
"Double-breasted, of course."
Opens 1:00 p.m. Ph. 4-1181
It waa probably juat an un
canny accident, but pionoen
.ho named TWu. towna for Kreattl, KoW Elect*
and Eastern cities
have them placed on the map just
about like they are originally.
For instance, says the Tyler tel
Officers for Year
■r ■ . _
and China. So the Big Five lineup egraph: Athens, Tex., is south of
on this issue is America, Britain, Parie. Tex, Palestine. Tex. ia
France and China versus Russi*. southeast of Athens, and Italy,
The other nations — barring the; tex. is west of Athens. That’s the
Soviet dominated countries— also j way they are abroad,
have been flocking about the ban- N(Wir Y ork, Tex. is southwest of
ner of Democracy. ( 4 <-tUni T*x, and Washington, Tex
McNeil, 37 year old Scotsman
tic address which was directed
mainly to Russia. This quick mind
ed, tough talking young statesman
— whoae two-fisted methods are
rather reminiscent of Bavin’s —
first hammered the Muscovites c ar tha|re
Snd then appealed to them to drop 0 r « ou tK,
what he described as their un- i Tk .. t v •
toward world T.he mail continues to bring in
explanations of how Texas towns
h south of New York. And across
!n imaginary Atlantic (on the
Texas map I London (new or old)
r east of New York.
The telegraph admits that it’s a
little hard to explain what Canton
it doing betweeei Athens and Paris
or how Pittsburgh landed between
Boston snd New York, or why
Carthage is east of Athens instead
Only 2 More Davs
A First-Run
Dear Editor:
The following are a ftw sugges
tion* that Wo bolieve would be
hefoful at the football games.
Piret, there would be much toe*
broken glee* in the stands if «ve.
ryon* would pas* empty bottles
down to the front to b* thrown
out of the stonde. -
Next, to avoid eftor*gumo rush
ami congoatlos, why couldn’t the
gote on the east side of th* stands
be oponed?
Ldbt, If everyone would refrain
from standing on the seats, more
People could watch the game and
the yell leaden.
OverHea* AftHignment • • •
lirhard King, first male society editor of
Jniversity of Oklahoma Daily, will not
Pigeon English
the University o
get to cover Princess Elisabeth’s wedding.
'"“ten her Royal Highness walks down
UteUisle, King may be trudging over the
campus here, lookup for a new job.
It all atarted when Sports Editor Leon
Beit aaked the student Senate to finance hia
coverage of the Hoontra* game against the
University of Detroit—In Detroit next Fri
King, a student senator aa well aa society
editor, said if Bert got a free trip to Urtroit.
he should go to England to report the royal
. The senate turned them both down and
This sound* suspiciously like a number
of variations on the 'Same theme that we’ve 1
heard before but, for what it’s worth, Am-
wrtean Airlines received this pidgin English
messagu from an irate Oriental: "Mr. Bag
gage Man, American Airline, United States
of Loe Angelee Gentleman dear sir; 1 damn
seldon where my suitcase are. She no fly.
You no more fit to baggage master than for
cripeaakea that's all I hope. Whets the mat-
tlftr you?"
Ouenton Peters, general editor of the dally,
fired King allegedly for Inefftolency. The
faculty ia considering the matter,
Cowboy Song
Genuine Music
The Battalion
The Mttalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Me
• [Station. Texas, la published five times a week and dr
•f College iBtetion, Texas, la ouwlahed
glgntsoft, except during holidays and examination periods,
shed semi-weekly. Hubscription rato >4 per school year, j
News contributions may be made
win Hall- Claselfiad ads Stay be placed
iln H*
ar College of Texas and th* City
led every Monday through Friday
th* summer The Battalion ia pub-
by tolepho
i by toieph
ne (
4-8444) or at the editorial office. Room !0l, Good-
(4404) or it the Student Activities Offic.. Room
100, Goodwin Ball.
The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for re peblkatien of all
tad to B or riot otherwise credited in the paper sod local news at spontaneous *
Rights of rejmbilcatkm of all other matter herein art a)*o marvad.
i Mofeatchee eredi
published herein
. Knurr! as s*eo*4-etaw Ratter at fjst
Otfm at Cottas* Station. Tstas. unSw
i? 4* d Ceeer— * Msrrk ». HT*.
Associated (ollegt. Press
T lav,
DbVM rirgOwe* -
Mark T. Notan ,
Louta Mores*. Xasnath bo^4
A D. Bruo*. J» . Honor!
-WW* MM*
Feature Uttar
Faature Writer*
' iT
•apewanto aattanslhr to Nottanal A!
irilfiNi fcwtoa. las. at Ns* fsti C*W.
; kka#u Um hseolw. an! Sea Fra nr taro
(V Editor*
• wriw .
Ban LaaforS. W
o. w.
K Cotritta. U Omjr.
.... L.itom wmmn
• - -CtVtOCMBtBU
AtoarttaR# Mnnaerr
EDGARTOWN, Max*., Sept. 24
(AP)—The cowboy song is the
only genuinely Americas music at
the present time, says Bernard
Wagenaar, New York comgetor.
Tile Dutch-born musician, how
ever, say* that th* outlook la
promialng for the creation of m-
rious music “essentially American."
Whan an authentic American
style comes, he aays, it will not ba
based on folk music, at ia the na
tional music In Europe.
“Aside from th* cowboy songs,"
he claims, “there Is no genuine
folk music In this country.
Although he describes cowboy
music a» “ottroettvr and Interest
ing," Wagenaar adds. "It t* hard
ly th* background for serious mu-
sic in th* larger fonsa."
“Negro music is not Americdn
folk music,' 1 he explains, “It Is
Afrisan In origin. Our Indian mu
sic M Indian rather than Ameri
can. Kentucky ballads are an Inher
(tone* from England. Crvolo song*
are French,
“Out of such Ingredient* you
can't make a genu toe American
salad—-something must be added.”
Wagenaar bcUeves that such
music will arise from “th* fueing
of nationalities in Otis country,
udding, “It la not something that
chn be attained by ^reperataly
striving for it
“That soirit which will be call
ed typically American will moat
likely be marked by two very
strong American characteristics—
a healthy exuberance and a c!
ing sentimentality."
Wagenaar, who Kao lived In th*
United Staten for 27 years,
working on bis fourth symphony.
were named end why
C. P. Melton of Mercedes says
Arp, Tex., was named for e news-
C iper editor—Bill Arp of the At-
nta Constitution. He's one of the
few newsmen honored in Texsf by
having a town named for him. Mel
ton said Arp was both established
and named by his father after s
previous name—Strawberry — had
b,-« n turned down by the postof-
fiee department because there
were so many others named Straw
Iraan was named for Ira G.
Yates snd hia wife Ann, on whose
land the town la built save Mrs.
Mae Sammons of Midland. (Inci
dentally, there ia a town named
for Mre. Semnion-' husband —
Sammons, Tex., near Mission.)
n (pronounced Pay' Coes, as
very good Taxan knows) waa nsm-
rd for s Spanish explorer.
Post, Tax., waa named for C.
W. Post, noted cereal manufactur
Han Perlite was named for the
wife of on* of I hr founder* of
Willacy county. Her name waa
Peerl, Another valley town named
uftor a woman ia KMa. Another Is
Donna, writ** Mr*, ft. C. ftodri-
guet of MeAlten.
Robert B. Price Was elected
president of the Kream and Kow
Klub for the Fall semester at
special meeting of the club Mon
day night.
Other officers elected at last
night’s meeting are: E. V. Nietney
cr, vice president, D. C. Kolberg,
secretary-treasurer, snd F. W
Moore Jr., Ag. Council represents
live snd eulb reporter. D. C. Marsh
instructor of dairy production, was
elected as the new club sponsor.
He succeeds Prof. A. V. Moore who
has been sponsor for the past 6
After the election of officers and
chib sponsor, the new pnxy ap
pointed a program committee and
a social committee, coos is ting of
3 men each.
Before adjournment. Prof. A. L.
Darnell summarised the history of
A&M dairy cattle judging teams
snd explained the National Dairy
Show to be held at Watorloo, Iowa
next week.
— Bryan —
Where all Aggies meet
“We Sam the Beet"
. ; , • —Alaq
LACK’S Auto Stores
Southside 217 8. Main
College Bryan
ft-ll# i: MM
Ponitiotift Open
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Mis for “the
Th* Civil Bei
ennounces examinations
po.itions of Vocational Instructor
(Agriculture) | and Instriictnn.
(Culinary), (Dairying), (Truck
Gardening), (Carpentry), (Elec
trical), (Painting and Decorating 1
(Plumbing), (Machine Shop), and
(Power Plant). Entrance salaries
range from 12495.60 to 23,021.00
per year.
Employmaat will ba with the
Federal Correctional Institutions
at La Tuna, Seagoville, and Tax
arkana, Texas.
Application forms and further
information may be obtained from
H. N. Yardiey at the poet office.
New York Cafe
III i. Main Bryan
Bryan Field
Leave your ihoea to
be repaired at An
nex Exchange Store.
Prices seme aa at
Campus Store
Boot Shop
N. Gate — College
am rictuti
“Brute Man*
% U i 1 * ^
“Getting Gertie’a Garter"
etopriu sum « me net
• Nttodu m m