The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 23, 1947, Image 4
flub to Med Wed. K Mfunintwl" niMrtlNff t.f <»«• lUntt mh.i Kurctiry Hyk will H*M tnAl#,! on th» Uiirul flwur Hutliltnf, MMHInf 1 o 0. t). Hoff. tn«n, »luh AU major* and minora In Kant* •nd fomtry and ftior IntmaUd pmona ar» urt*d to attend. Plant .for th# MmatUr't artlvltln will ’ *7 V . ■ win h» dlaniMnd, tnd r*fr*ahm*nU will b* B*nrai>. I Offlcrra rlrrtad durlnt tba'laat tprint ttmtatar will t«nre for tho Khool year 1IM7-4K. Betidet club Print chool . pretldcnl 0. thaoe nL G. Include W. E. Dickent, vlce-pre*i- dent; T. B. Trtw, McreUry-ireat- urer; David Schwinn, parlrmenta- riaa; M. E. Roach, tonal chairman; E. J. Pickena, reported The duh it spon*orod by H. F. Heady and others in the Ranee and Forettry staff. The Battalion ftp 4 READY FOR A PARADE- Mounted and read> to toad aay parade on their silver encrusted uddlen and other silver mousted sear, presented them at a barbecue k :| . / i Our Location is for Your convenience (Over Exchange Store) Our Service is for Your best Appearance CAMPUS CLEANERS J in , Fort Worth, Tex., are these Fort Worth men, all officials of the Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock show. Left ts rifht are: Mayor Deen, show maaager; Er- Subnet Sirloin To Sponsor Rodeo The rodoo arena is located one- half mile north of Bryan. Furnish- in* stock for tho event will be the Bryan Roping Club. Admission will be |1 JO per ptreon. Prince Woods and Corky Eck ert are arena directors and L*e Richardson is in charje of ad vanced ticket sales. Following the football game i western dance will be given in Sbisa. Dress for the night will be western garb. Officers of the Saddle and Sir loin Club are Claude Broom, presi dent; Corky Eckert, vice-president; and Jim Kunkle, secretary. TOKSPAY, IKITKMIUCX M, IMT CLAS8IFIRD ADO rMne mrnmmmmtm live Grads Monday it 7 Important Meeting Of Reserve Pilots In* of alt senior* and •indent* who super* to to In January, June, July, ugusi. 1941 will be held In the Assembly Hall Monday night at f p.m.. If. R. Horslay, director of the placement office, announced yesterday. Horsley will explain briefly the functions of the Placement Office Up. P" 4, * , • r ‘ u In aiding seniora secure employ ATTWTbOW wotwwka-ow >»w RW malH wKmM mi ihm K'weltmeiw* ■ iifwr w ns man wvsmwu ms so^w mbmww^aesggw WAICTUD: gM* »• lamer Jwoar HWh. arysa. for teacher Mender through PH- ii». Meet he there te OHM Coat art C1S-W. Cot lege View, alter POH SALK CuMuaaa ■ Tart. Reeei IK. Lew. KINDERGARTEN S:M te ItM. Piofal Na. 1 er Tenet* Court* Mm. BUI Parti er. Baa tee*. SACRIFICE: with breeeewi Ml Pair*lew, r. I erase 4-US4. ■Ul Deminy neat Allen, shew vice president W. R. Watt, show president, and Sid W. Richardson, a director. (AP Photo) Prospective Grads May File At Student Placement Office POn BALE: Baby bed. mao H K. Bued St.. Brysa. S-tm. to graduate at the end of the cur- their registration record with the Ail aeniora intending rent semester should file Placement Office at the earliest opportunity. The manner in which the registration record is filled out is an important factor in seek-4 ■ ♦ ■■ - ing employment and should not be tak B-i- -L- If ’ m* 1.1 1 r -L J Your trlephonr i* your nearrHt Grocery—trv Robertton'ii 9 9 I Delivery Service. BEST KIEAT IN (XXJJDGE STATION ROBERTSON'S GRO. & MKT. Eaat Gate on llwy. ^JL - Subscription to the HOUSTON CHRONICLE Delivered to your room Evening 4:30 p.m. — Sunday 8:00 a.m. $1.50 Per Month y See J. N PARKS t Box 4946 College Station, Texas •n lightly. It must be neat, ac curate and csacibe. An applicant should list all of his High School and College ac- tlvlties, Including the names of all rluba, sncletles, intramural athle tics, teams, and offices held. All previous working experience should be Hated, not esceptlng pa lter routes, week-end Jobs In gro cery stores, drug stores and filling stations. One of the maln^hlngs e prospective employer wdnta to know Is how the Job seeker spent his spare time on wtek-ends and summer vacations Two typea of referenceji should be given if possible; college pro fessors end former employers. In every case the interviewer will went to know whet the faculty thinks of the senior, even though th# hopeful applicant may not XT’" rn, ' mr “ * To Meet Thursday The placement office has made available personnel leaflets at the cost of $7.50 per set of one hun dred. These leaflets contain a pic ture and the basic information about the prospective graduate. They are not a guarantee of a job but serve as a muthod of intro ducing oneself to an employer. Thcv may be used with letters of application, for personal interviews on or off the campus, and by the reepoctlve departments, the Place incut Office, or friends In giving recommendations. Preparation of these leaflets re quires a period of four to six weeks, therefore, the order* should lie placed as soon as poaafblB,. Also at the Placement Office the Mentor may obtain a copy of the bulletin, "THb Senior Sells Him- srlt" this pumphlct can be of considerable aasistanee In employ ment matter* ami should bv stud- ltd carefully. Trans-Pecos Club Will Meet Thurs. A new club, the Trans-Pwos club, is being organised. The first meeting will be held Thursday ni|ht, September $5, at 7:16, In Room 223 of tho Academic BuiW- Giis will be the first mooting and it is important that all pros- poctive members bo there to take care of tho business of organising. Any person whose homo Is in the Permian Basin section of West Texas and Now Mexico is urged to attend. NUUERT SCHOOL: Wwfcla« maiWr vMtiaat* m* Bursary Khool A( through & WUI kMp by Mar or by day. KlndorfartM gradual* la ehars* d-OTtl. FOR RENT: Singlo room blot ho from drill fMd. half bath Two Ph. 4-MMM on. ment upon graduatio According to Horsley, the meet ing will not last longer than SO minutes, ao all prospective grad Bates arc urged to attend. AH turn mem pilata are urf -I te lltend mi important moat- ln« te |lia Aeoombly Hall Wadnoa- day mtoninf, Iteptembor 14, at flM, Hil# mootlnf la raltod far Hint up a arhoduto far tho Riling ton rield has notified tho. Bra so* County Chapter of tho Ho- serve Officer* A*Rwlatlon that tho Air .ift service will continue through tho winter on the same achodulo K has u**d In tho past A C-47 will pick up local roeorv- iate on the first Sunday, the sec ond Wednesday, and the third Thursday of each month. Shreveport Club ,1*’* :a f c»t* #u% M0l Afjl0 Your Choice on Easy Tormi-Como In Better Homes Appliance Center N. Hun » STORE HOURS 9:00 A.M.—5:30 P. M. Bryan Meet Your Friends at Youngblood's Barbecue Dinners Barbecue Nandwtrhew Fried Chicken T-Bone NteakH PLENTY OF KfMtM FAMT HKKVICF, Cold - Refrenhmentn WELCOME AOOIK8 YOUNGBLOOD & SON Rock Bldg. . Midway The Shreveport A AM Club will meet Thursday night at 7:15 in Room 106 of the Academic Build ing. Officers for the year will be elected. The purpoae of the club is to form closer relations between the College Station chapter and the Shreveport alumnus chapter and to provide opportunities for the Aggies of Shreveport to meet and become acquainted with one anoth- Aldine Stage* Win Over CoiiMulidated In Seaton Opener Molding from th* ftrat slants a dlatlnct advantage over the AAM Consolidated High School eleven, the visiting Aidln* Mustangs hand ed the Tiger* a 32 to 0 shellacking for a season opener. Coach Lea Richardson's locals were unable to stop a 70 yard march down th# field following the kick-off that started a series of TDa by the Mustangs coached by Bruce Kivcll. A total of 367 yards rushing was rolled up by the visitors as com pared to M by the boats and 20 first down* to four. Paaaing waa negligible with the Muitanga try- ng five and the Tigers four with each team intercepting one. Harold Williams sparked the Tiger offensive by rambling 30 yard* but a few plays Uter, Pre witt’s attempted punt was block- mi which left the ball in the hands of the Mustangs on the Consoli dated 37. Jaunts through and around the Tiger line left the field open for the visitors to set up one first down after another as well as Two Students Get Scholarship Award Frank M. Johns of Seguin and Joe M. Spears Jr. of San Benito, senior engineering students at Tex as AAM College, have been award ed special scholarships sponsored by the Texas Foundries, Inc., of Lufkin, it was announced today. The scholarships, awarded aft er a number of selected Aggie en gineering students spent the sum mer working for Texas Foundries, pay >360 annually. OPEN AT 5 O’CLOCK No cover charge for dining DINING & DANCING Food prepared by chef from Balinese Room Specializing in Sea Foods and Mexican Foods FIN FEATHER CLUB Fin Feather Road Ph. 2-1673 TAILORED TO ORDER CLOTHES aluMiyi yioGi you. MORE FOR YOUR MONEY UEE Plans For Year 7:30 Tonight . At 7:30 this evening, the AIEE will resume activity for the com ing year with election of officers and planning for a social event to be held in the near future. All Electrical Engineering students are urged to be present at the meet ing in the EE Building, Lecture Room. SHEAFFER3 */w Xifsiimt' 'mvMHt wt MtW <QwjJLnjL much TWy'ro horo bk4 ... Wo saw. anM**l| Me* •< *>•■> ko eotaf la m» ood Mooaa h, d* Saorica* Kacwao. The Exchange Store HUNDREDS "Of THE NEWEST ALL WOOL FABRICS TO CHOOSE FROM 0*4** you* OnUeuiUi . Htuu! 2uick ^beliu&uf. CORKY -HURD CLOTHIERS Two Blocks North P.0. — College Station ' fl Falls County Club To Hold First Meeting The Falls County Club will meet Tuesday night at 7:30 In Room It* of tho Academic Building This Is a very important meeting and all memhen ar* urged to attend OffttePI will be elected and *<»!. vltle* for the year will be planned Hounton Hub Meets llnualon AAM Club will meet Wwlneaday night at 7il6 In th* chapel of the YMCA During the meeting officers fnr the rornlng year Will be elected, and plans mail* for a party ami dance. A&M Radio Club Meet AAM. Radio Club will meet Wednesday night at 7:30 in room 102 of the E. E. Building. Offic- ers for the coming year will be elected. 0 years bus discoverod America, the Mao ris discovered Hew Xealaad. In 1HU a law waa passed ere ntlng the first Kugluh divorce court with the power of granting nhsnlute divorce \ \ Methodist Give Feed lege Station Methodist Church will nave a church supper Wednesday night October 1, at 7. Dr. Paul QuiUion, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Hous ton will be the guest speaker. Dr John S. Caldwell Optometrist OAldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas DR. N. B. McNTJTT DtNTIIT Office |g Parker Building Over Canady's Pharmacy Phone I-1417 Bryan, Tanas U SED RECORDS New and old favoritea 26c Supply of new popular records—aleo Fan*, Record PUtyem, Comblnationi BRYAN MUSIC CO. 402 North Main DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS. -d 1 A > I COACH DOESNT HAVE TO OE TOUGH Whllt othtr coochtt wtrt fumbling with Um ptrpUxlng Q. I. problem In football lut Miaon, Illinois’ ohacure Ray Eliot (real name: NuaspickBl) hit the jackpot in the Western Conference and in a deciaive 45-14 rout in tha Rose Bowl. He tries no top-eergeant stuff, yet he ended up as "Coach of the Year. 1 * For full details about Ray’s sudden and nurpriatng success, be wire to read A Coach Doesn’t Have to be Tough, an exciting article in this week’s Poet... _ by Tom Siler ■ ” J* iJ£r \ V' t s - ’ 1 N L