The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 23, 1947, Image 3

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Only the Beginniqg .. .
Ten Teams
UaM he tew are (he laadtaf*
f«MMl Uwau of #te nurton m
fWen hy the WlllieaMoa retiat
ayaUw. Thea* ratlni* inrlutle only
teoma whoae acorn» wart In by
September II. The ftni
lm arei .
IT AVKUAUh i 100
r*»ea . H*l
Oahama ... “
m i«i.>...i..
fVM A. *
Villa nova ..
M« Mlea ...
Califoruie .
Ml about la
In the Kaneaa
V. nlfht affair
lifhta war* out
that may prove 4eeap-
mi* lamia ia the Oeor-
reault. Thl* may ea*a*
One aeor*
tl** far fwtai*
■ la fur men
in* IlMlWInf* to
too much anil t
tan* beeetel too eat!
Vuture re.ulta will tell.
Neat wooh ratlnf* ^ho
much more r«mplole aa
teaifia that have been MU to date
'aoiily 1 * 1 ^ Playlrif their opetwrt
Aggies Rack 'em Up Against Pirates
t ~ ss'jnrs
R.™{l'l..7."k u ‘•rtwjkwttmjo, op«.™
11. Thfc T. C. U. Homed Frofa are I • r*^ l *
ffiven the 15 »lot, and TVxaa Tech; InCil&nH 1 DKC ZtM)
Mio l<>«t to Texaa U. last Satur
day by the unexpected acore of
31 to 0 ia rated 12nd. Rated 87th
ia Hotaton U. who soundly whip
ped Centenary Saturday.'
Last 'week more than 160 con-
toe ts Were scheduled, but becauae
of the hurricane in the South
which messed up communications
oaly 66 games were reported. Rv-
ea so, this was probably the moat
scores assembled anywhere
Sonday morning.
The Williamson system batted
the highest opening percentage in
its history to date, namely: 92.2
per cent correct on the 66 games
reported, not counting two upset
ting ties. Both of these were stesh-
For Tour Sorting Goods Needs.
H03 S. Mala Btyau
Th. 2-21182
Win (h er Broncos
Bryan dropped IU opening tilt
to the Waxahachie Indians by a
score of 20-6 in a game played Fri
day night at Bronco Field in Bry
Bobby Howard sparked the visi
tor attack by racing 68 yard* for
. I one touchdown and 69 yards for
by | another. 1 The 170-pound halfback
then converted to take the extra
A fumble on the kick-off forced
the hosts to punt on first down
from their own three yard line
Bryan came up with seven first
downs as compared with three for
the Indiana but the visitors made
more than three times the yardage
in rushing—607 U> 94.
Bronco gains came via the aerial
route with 78 yards gamed pass
ing. The Indians made no gains in
the air. trying only two tosses.
The Broaco tally came in the
final stania while Waxahachie
scored twice in the second and one
in the third.
«( the past
he named and
Mb la (he
Kyk Stadim
game, a talk If the num *
acoutad the nrv week's ajfan-
wt, wl • tafc %r a
wfM w n>#*r
At It
W Cyb
•r a m«
the aid af
Hew seats '
wtbr how i
ha tUelded.
l YeutaB*-
got through (he quail.
Toth's East Side atr«0U for tan
rounds In Madison Squsi* GandaU.
Robinson had agreed earlier that
he’d put hia 147-pound crown Mi
the lint this winker against last
night's winner, but after it was
ewer, baby-faced Tony declined.
to undertake
far U*,
a taadaa
•Metric score beard
reams under th*
la A
pragram already
tfaaWngtanta, named la honor
of Georg* Waahmgtoa, is a genua
the palm family, native to
them CaMarata Wad Artaona.
Java is an important sonree of
tan, coffee, chine horn hark and
ignMt Uw> visiting southwestern Falv rrmity Ft rates Inst Saturday, touchdowns started flaw-tag freely
gaan Honmig (upper left) swings around right end In the second quarter la tWc 92 yard maarch down
»pcr right) starts «ot on n fast jaunt while Rob (toode (lower left) to weB oa Ms way to taw atxth 1
la the run away aeon-
way la (to* opening stanza.
for a tally. Bobby Dew, tapper
the game In a speed* 50-yard dash around left end fottoulng a hand- off by Jennings Anderson.
rtWht) dashes the fim
tmnl eight yards fen the third marker following a pass by HoUmig.
TO of
Anderson again, supported by Dms- (Ism-cr
Aggies Conibme Passing and Running
Attack to Swamp Pirates Defenses
awing the runaway acore in*-,
me Sati
the game Saturday against South
western, varied comments have
been heard concerning the team
a* a whole as weB the performanc
es of individaal members.
♦ One* the Ag
gie eleven got
Playoffs Continue
In State Minors
dpi Battalion
o P 0 R T
Page S
Tucker Sports
Flyers to Win
t H
Mowing th* team (ha fait, taiy ft*
Meet way q , #i y*u mam of
—mo'e comfort, more ptoaivfe, more
time for fuitl You'll have (ha time of
your life (hit loaeen via ftonoarl
tSL & w.
on (hr kick off,
t h a viaiuna
never even
(hraliani, (hi
this pla) Inri-
iieatly, hobby
!»•* ma*l> M
tieal i • a k I a
■ though the Hue.
raneer wa« almost in the rtefe
The Texarkana Beam waked lo
ro 11 i a g, they (toy for their opponent In the big
kept going ami state league play-off finals to be
aftor the inhial determined with a pretty food
idea it would be Wichita Falli.
Texarkana hraf Paris 9-4 yeatei -
day to aw rep the arrisa four games
d advance to the show*
-k«« flf Ptoauti
ftll Gut it s«*«^
(44 fA
- fltlGkT — (XfttSS
Uew was one of last year's ac«
H- team backs and now appears to
lie on# of the most iiromising men
tm the srpiad The 170-pound half-
hack from Comicana made at
least five outstanding plays in the
game, both on the defensive and
the offensive.
Head Coach Norton appeared
pleased *ith the team, conmrnd-
ing several players in particu
lar, but *aa careful against ov
er-optimism. His statement at
the begiaaiag of tho sestaoa
shout playing egch game as it
comes still goes.
Husky Ed Dusek, » Temple pro
duct, repeatedly smashed through
the Pirate defens*-, refusing to be
stopped. Stan Hollmig combined
j running with punting and passing
| to give the opposition trouble
I white Jimmy fashion tossed pass-
! es with accuracy. The foliefe Sta
tion quarterback tossed them
straight but was, at times, a little
slow in getting them off.
Bartley Welch and Jenningw An- j
demon performed well on the re
ceiving end of tosses from fash
ion, Hollmig. and Buryi Bat*.
In the line, nobbdy could over
look the playing of center Bob
Gary. It is also our guess that
Charles (Red) Overly is going to
town in the right guar I position.
Merl Prokop, with (me years ex
perience on the varsity squad be
hind him, was outatanding at
right end, though when Cotton
Mowed was In, the visitor* kept
him buttqned up tight.
ui nuns and
down far the league title while
Wiehtta Kalla and Greenville could
n't play because of wet grounds
and will try again at Greenville
I twajiiln^ At present Wichita Falls
Marahal! moved In Kll|«rr to-
day to resume the play-off series
for the 1,00*' Ktar ^League chani
pinnehlp with Kilgore boaettng a
lead of two games to one.
The clubs were supposed to nlay
at Marshall both yeaterday'and to
night but wet gmuads caused post
ponement of the Sunday tilt and
because there Is a citrus in Mur-
—(AP)—Arnold Tucker, who
generaled Army to two atraight
unbeaten seasons, started Ran
dolph Field off the same way yes
terday as he pitched three touch
down passes in the Rambler's 17-6
victory over National Military Ac
ademy of Mexico City.
A crowd of 7,788 turned out
mainly to see fella (Dae) Man-
•hard, Army * All America, p*r
form hut got nnly a glimpse of
iiim, Blanchard mured with an an
kle Injudy after hooting th* opan
ing kick-off,
Randolph Field scored Ihree
touchdowns In the second period,
two of them on Tucker’s passing
Walter Rlahl swept 14 yards
around end for the other.
The Ramblers got their last
touchdown after n 74-yard drive
with Tucker passing to Jap Ar-
CLEVELAND, Sept. tt-fAP)
The New Orleans Jax Girls and
ttoe Fort Way** Kellners wlH
seek their third straight worlds
amateur eaftWR championships
tonight In finahi of the tourna
ment sponsored hy the Ataerl- 1
ran ftofthall Aaaoriathm.
The Jaa Girls meet th* Pfcar-
nix, Aria, Ramblers for the Wo
mon'a crown white th* whiner of
the Kart Wayna-Ttwonto, Ont
a* me,
Bryan Field
- 1 ^ ^ ' . I
Leave your shoes to -
be repaired at An
nex Exchange Store.
Prices same as at
CamjniB Store
Boot Shop
N, Gate — College
raining of
A naw
are ft* »
4 Day Service on Cleaning
and Stafftnff
1 Day Service on Main
Sprint! and Crowns "j
Work Oaareateod
North Oata
shall tonight's game was shifted to nold from the seven.
Abe Lincoln is a center on
the Texas fhrtottaa U. grid
squad. . . George ftestna. oho
used to pla) for Harvard, now
la at Baataa University. . . and
Loraa Day plays halfback for
Northwestern. . . Naturally his
teammates call him “Mrs. Lip-
Mexico's passing combination of
Manuel Resemin to Hector Cor
doba, which had threatened con
sistently throughout the game, fin
ally clicked in the last period as
Reaendiz kicked one over the goal
j from the Rambler 34.
Larry Jansen, rookie righthand
er of the New York Giants, join
ed Warren Spahn, Johnny Sain,
Branca and Ewell Blackwell of
Cincinnati in the 20-victary class
when he pitched the Giants to a
6-4 triumph over the Philadelphia
Phils at the Polo Grounds. The
win gave the Giants a split in
their doable header as the Phils
won the opener 3-2 bi 11 innings.
Cincinnati and Pittsburg split a
twin bill, the Reds winning the
opener 3-1 and the Pirates taking
the nightcap 11-7,
Rae Scarborough, who had lost
eight games in a row, pitched the
Washington Senator* to a 3-0 vic
tory over the Red Sox in Boston
iwt nan
mi npMicu
IN TNI uanio STAUi
Frankie Carle
Woody Herman
Lee Brown
Kay Kyser
' IM |
other top notchers
• Bryan
no MPiaunvit
• ItNDtNOi ttordy, damWe. «•<•<' vplit
••wfcito. Itftsf ttiuhtoa, Mb Itwed,
heovy yrtlft. I deep peek** *1 tome
• 119911. Heavy defy COMMAI as 8
• IlNQIt | u*e( )” i>*ei as hi*
• IwtalmM talakml a^t.L ta _ > _,
rt^pvtata p’tavta| mpatat fttafifli r wfwi
leven, themk epoeted, apes and flaw
a team* tataMBma ted^ mtmmmm .» ,
wmwvfy vtata >vVvHVfB| fH
teadag at toeeH |h**i Pm I v i II
■t NO rtOTICrOwl Wtsg type, pte-
lit lib".
• COlO*, Peep rkh tea,
w# felt* fwerestee »#* lATttMCTtOM
i tony a*MB|tee far IATI19*
VAiut eed COetKTxm .1
Writ# ter Hem N*. TAIlt
i M ee*
aaNtaMl 90*T 0*910 BOX 81
* i
After Hourn
Your Robe is more than an
article of clothing . It is the
symbol of the good and peace
ful times of your life — the
understanding partner of
Royal Refcea, lend distinction
comfort to any man’s “after
hour” schedule.
Aa array of fabrics, paturas,
and color combinations now in
May we show yon?
t t*
J »fl W .
College and Bryan
! •, J * •
•< h