The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 22, 1947, Image 2

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Well Done...
After •erving m executive secretary to moat re»i>«cted of all A. A M men.
the Texas A.A^I. Former Students’ Associa-
Uon for 21 years, E. ^ McQuUlen offered
his resignation to the Former Students' As*
sooiatiott Council and claa agents at their
annual mating last Saturday night.
¥ (Quillen assumed his duties as execu
tive secretary of the asaooiation in 1927 and
has watehed its enrollment grow from
Many exes believe that without the capa
ble guidance of “Mac”, the Former Students'
Association would have "falien by the way
side" king ago. At any rate, its excellent
record and present sound standing, along
with many of its most worthy accomplish-
msnU, tan he directly attributed to incom-
l>arable devotion to duty and plain hard
around | hoo to more than 10,000 ex-eludenta ..
>» <i">'<»>>« / Ha has served A. A M. well both in his
Through hia work with the association, student yanra, when he oaptainad the first
he has probably met and known more Ag- Aggie (’hampionship laahethaii team, and
gieMtxes than any other man In the history later through the Former liudent's Assoc it'
Of A, A M„ and is one of the beet known end Uon,
Looking Over the Mess...
_ _ .Special Session Problems
Butterfly For I * ^ *
Movies Stump M May Blow Off Anytime
Film Capitol By A. D. Bruce, Jr. , ?
.where is a good peeeibility that Congress might be called
back to D. C. in a couple of months to chit-chat about voting
During the summer, Duncan Hall nperat-,
fd a snack bar nightly for the benefit of
students Hving in the new ares. This pro
ject proved so successful »nd saved students
so many steps to the North Gets that snack
t>ara will be opened in both mess halls be-
fteahtC tonight.
For the time being, the snack bars will
remain open from 8 to 10 nightly, and if the
need arises, the hours will be changed to suit
Ihp students’ ne>4s.
Sandwiches, iced tea. coffee, and des
serts wi)l be among the delicacies behind the
serving counter, with prices fixed to suit
any pocketbook.
The snack bar at Duncan Hall is open
not only to veteran students, but also to
members of the Cadet Corpe.
Roth mete halls are now operating on
s full schedule. Hiring students for part-
tims positions caused a short delay, togeth
er with an exodus of regular mess hall work
The food at botlMaau halls still tastes
as everything were prepared in the same
pot. And the prices—well, they possibly are
a little high considering the quality of the
Planned or Unplanned...
The role of the state in our national eco
nomy has been and 4 still is one of the moat
popular subjects for debate. The extreme
left and the reactionary' right are continually
“at each other’s throat” as to what part the
government should play in the everyday
lives of its cititens.
John Q. Public is more or less indifferent
to both groups. His approach to the subject
is dependent on the advantages that he can
gain. He prefers private enterprise where
vit can do the best job. If the government
can do a better job in some particular phase
he turns to the government.
; In general he is not concerned abdut the
source and control of his electric light*, wat
er, gas, and telephone service. AH ne asks is
■ that he receive good service, reasonably
priced, with courteous service. However,
John Q. Purolic does fear power when it ia
concentrated in the hands of a few, whether
it be a centralised governmental bureau or
a cantralised business monopoly.
In general his wants are rather moagrr;
he only expects an economy to posses* some
degree of |>ermanine|. .Depression* »re to;
him real things. He hug experienced their vio-
Ai Mwkcniic Hmn It....
Italy May Be Next Victim
Of Future ‘Red 1 Aggression
By ttoWirr MadtENlIB
At* V'TWiB Affair* AnaljM
Where will the Red lightning strike next ?
That's a natural
(Pef Be* TSoOUa) I VW V* V>. ui • vvupra v#* iik/ w v,.»» ■ m —. ~T
HOLLYWOOD, 8*pt tt (AP)— » f* 1 * most shekels for Kurope. The political busaings pre-
Hollywood hu finally been stump-1 Uminary to the build-up for i special session are under way.
•d. TH* wonder town has always I * BimbMb of the time that the next aes-
besn able to yet trained animals of
all daoeriptlons far film work. B it
when the call want oat for a train
ed butterfly no one could daliver
the goods.
A studio craftsman finally was
called to build a mechanical but
terfly. The contraption, to be weed
m “mortal coilt, w Is an Intricate
affair, motivated by tons uf equip
ment. But believe me, yeu wont
be able to tell it frem the real
Laaeie will live ia true eUr-etvle
kvhas be gaea on location far
“The Hills of Home - He
likely to wt
many domaetk'
into the »wanhy
iirevioualy by Van
Cooper and Frank l — ..
laeatlon tripe to the anma vicinity | tor Kurope
Una Turner needn't worry
shout being mnbbed if ahe token
Her vMatton to ■Mai. wmm
WsKer CnrlMtoi Jr. "The fnet that
a Waikiki baaak eun tenner tumal
a.^Si.'mgyg r
I SCO on# way nr snother Tke
Cornel WlWe# and MnrfnNtl JMiHhllRht t All), dongrea*
O’Brien are than now, IwlUjbe sahad for one or two Milton
Katherine Hepburn gees Into to tkle Kurope over the winter. The
"the aalntiy Mice Peterc" by her Rtod end rone of thle little matter
own requaat. Katie wants to (to a erlll probably be toseed about far
romedy after the run of dramas ,. .1 aevtonl “dayu*.
' r ? d 1 ""jig 1 ' HARSH ALL HUH. To dab-
rala in “Tb# Mirada of the Balls'’ the various component* of thle
tomorrow and will Immediately | plan have not been combined Into
Is to
sion begins, Congreaa’s attention will not
be concentnut^i on Europe’s troubles alone.
The kettle is brewing right here and the lid
may blow off at aay time. No doubt, many
national problems will get tangled up with
"emergency" help for Europe and with the
“Marshall plan 7 ' for long-range help.
When aad If the new session begins, in
flation here might be high up on another
spiral. Italy will be digging ilf< p into its
pockets not only for dollars, but also for
Br»*« penniss about that tlms. Britain wont hnve
any extra to squander. France may be floundering.
Past records show that Congress can and often has taken
iu own sweet tims in dialing with smergenoy measures. Help
Is not to bs votfd? ^
A, ••(Mwially unos the ¥
tiu«iUott i a
U| with ID
• ^ VVfWVt VW»
magts in the pest. Magic
to be «Spotted of s spotisl
laturai question in view of Soviet Deputy rv*- . . ... . . , „ — -
eign Minister Vishinaky’s United NaUons speech which by ^ IS bCf 0 ? 1 ? totm ^ ^ ~ r
implication made it clear that Russia intends-come hell or the f£i of th? ys.r ^
high water to pursue Its ^hsmof —Uidod thev nt Z' Up
lence with all its unemployment, misery, and
Politicians may rant against a “planned
society”, branding it with all the popular
colors and tinges. The greatness of free
capitalism, as extolled by some economist,
is of little interest to him. However, he is
concerned > about the periodic states of
"booms” and “busts”, that have existed in
this country.
After experiencing some 22 of these cy
cles in the history of thi* nation, John Q.
Public has come to recognize that bad times
are related to mal-diatribution of incomes.
When 60* i of the wage earners average leas
than I1.&00 a year, he knows that an un
healthy situation exists. He alao knowV that
when an effort is made to raise the standard
of ( living of the lower income brackets, the
bJsiness cycle ia not so vicious.
of world rovolution for the os-
Ublishment o f
C o m m u n ism.
We may have
our answer in
Itsly'i critical
That w a r-
■hattered coun
try ia treading
done to a toft-
w i n g political
upheaval. 1
life of the j
ernment u:
OeWta MaAmeie | Premier Abide
de Gatperi. leader of the slightly
right-of-center Christian Demo
cratic party, is in grave danger
from a powerful and concerted at
tack by the Communists and So
cialists, whose representative*
weer ousted from the cabinet some
time ago.
But this ia no ordinary fluctua
tion of political fortunes involving
merely tenure of office under the
form of government. TV
Is not
Monday A Turmlxy
Boyle’s Aerial Survey Shows
Coast in Catastrophic Ruin
By Hal B*yle ♦ ■
—A^Mmldred-mile ^naT'surtey ^ ^
Saturday disclosed that “old double . . . .
debbi leye," tV CaribVan hurri- ^lens of cars were sbandoned
cane, has converted the Mississippi *nd others had skidded into ditsk-. _
— Q u jf area es. Hundreds of small pleasure for this fiscal year would probably
a s t III-flooded crm ^ I’* 1 ! Mown into the mar-1 into some stiff opposition from
and catastronh- ,he *- * oin * '‘fted bodily across the
lc ruin highway and dumped into the
vidad they gat together
U. $. win V left holding the" bag
in Germany when Britain pulls out
in the near future. Congreaa is
likely to request up to $600,000,-
000 for more relief to Germany.
TAXIS. Congress may deem |t
wise to insist on a little relief for
the U. S. taxpayer before voting
new relief for Europe. However,
any cuts aglacting federal revenue
fields. Livestock wandered aimless.
same fo
MM Seri*
Damage ,. ,
well run into' ,B P**tures of salt water that
the tens of mil-1 h< * W no Others, trapped
lions of dollars 1 b y th * * wi,t flooding, had drown-
—a $6,000,000 ' cd-
estimate ia gtv-, As our plane swung over wind*
•n for the Bil- leveled pine forests and flew along I will have to get on the baH if the
oxi shrimp can- imrallel to the beach, the full story timr on federal n gulatmn of rents
nmg Industry *>f the hurricane’s incredible dam 1 >- - L *
alone. Residents age unfolded.
President Truman
PHltltS. Living coats, which
keep skyrocketing are developing
into thd No. 1 domestic issue.
Some will ask for new price con
trols and rationing, but odds are
strongly against such measures.
left Is reaching for pow
The situation is complicated by
economic chaos which has provid-
Where’s Alexander Graham...
The llntt hits a long face of the phycho-
logical Variety these days. It is functioning
without its ears. That Is most unfortunate
from the Batt'i viewpoint, no matter what
you thiik about It. I
Long faces c«n he cither physiological or.
psycholoiricxl. Those big words should be ex
plained to reader* of the Batt. A physiologi
cal long face means the person couldn’t help
it, he was born that way. The psychologi
cal long face results from worry, distur
bance, or emotional difficulties.
The absence of a Planned Economy on
the American scene (see editorial, above)
has spawned disorders in the supply and de
mand dep&rement. which disorders deny the
Batt telephone rights.
Try as tke editont may by printing
fsar also tbatl CUmeut Harbor, Wswland,
. ,, th# BL Louis, and Pass Christian
ter* yield up th«*ir deed the death the beach residential area of
toll will ns« much higher than each of these pleasant summar re
al first believed , mM hed to kind-
" Even though John"Q. Public U «, SilSUSTS nJSI'Ed'tw! ^
of making tha forgoing ertw-rvation. loo th ., r 'kdf . Sth.™ kjd •l»,l, MaUgMS
often he is willing to aton there. From then tlM . Among recent activities they bl ) ,nl ° ,p,inUr ''
on some politlMl "quacks" take over and have bean cooperating in planning kammar of j
perform a beautiful job of mismanagement. • kuge, country wkti< demonstrs . , . , .
I then falls to the oolitic*! and Joimmic lto " ' or toilay agalnW the cost of ."TV’T" th '* #lr - »« lf
It then falls to the political and *««»nomlc ljvt||([ ^ ^ (kwptr| . i ^ i*mlwd for .core. o( mil** In s
iMnorama of •we«M>me destruction.
In that vast metiM of ilesolHlion
hundrads of iwople remain strand-
•d by high waters twanty four
hours after thn hurricane passod
Intermittent tain sounds and
K' Tk, cJSJSJtlSi 7,Tr.^, ,l, .y,“ l ”
combination hop,, to ackWv. the ^
ovarthrow of the govemaient next n l( 1 ^
waak on a vote of no-confidence in Hound still hide much
tV constituent ammMy. If that th * ‘‘■m***. Ground rawu* wor-
fklla—what? Art we witnessing a I. ^ ' n to the arts are
ia to b* extended. As things stend
now, the federal regulation expires
liberals to find the ways and means of solv
ing the problem.
they cant get Soutkweetrm State* fete
pkone people to fork over tkr mean* of
rmnnisHuvifimi. Tkey are nor of tkr
opinion that Sontkweetem State* w out
to get tkem in tke old dop-eat-dog tra
dition. —
Taking time out from this experiment
with paranoia, the editors wish to take this
opportunity to contact any ex-Navy men
with wig-wag experience. Until the Tele
phone Company installs telephones in the
office (the case is in the Supreme Court
dopr) a semaphore system will be set up.
Any interested, qualified parties may apply
at the Batt office. Room 201, Goodwin Hall.
Don’t try to telephone!
i-rnment "against the speculation
and sgotlam of prlvllagsd capital
istic groups"
Is this stormy atmosphere Italy
has moved toward a rlntins whirfi
the eatreme leftists Intend shall
Shades of Bonny Parker! Vis-a-vis
Classified advertising, especially in a
housing shortage, sometimes gets a little
manic, but we never expected to find any
thing like this in a sedate country newspaper
like the So* fia/arl (Calif.) Independent.
“Desperate! Gunmoll, just blew into town,
desperate for operating quarters for self and
brat. Plenty of cash (new) available. Re
fined, top references. Call SA 4153, ask for
! -1 •
One of th* newer people in the promotion
department of McCall’s got sore the other
day over the poor reproduction which one
of the magazine’s four-color ads got in
Meit*week, called the company’s agency and
urged the space buyer to ball out the Mew*-
tceek people. But the whole thing died fast
when the agent reminded hia caller that
Mew*H>eek was printed in Dayton by the
McCall Corp.
Presbyterians To
Erect New ( hapel
For tV first Uma In nlnateat)
vases, lural Prasbvterisns will
navv s rhurrh building af their
own. Tha building will ba an army
chapel, which Is being moved her*
from Foster Field, Victoria.
Last Saturday ground was brok
en for th* building on a tract of
land rovering more than an acre
_ behind tha Smith Tumar Hardwsr*
hampered by" the fact that the two 8tor *-
chief channels of movcmante-hlgh. Deep bell bottomed foundations
way ninety and the Louiaville and i have been poured and as soon aa
Nashville Railroad—have been cut the surface foundation is completr
! in several placea by tidal waves. ed tlA chapel will be erected. This
We flew northeast from New building will later become a me
Orleans across miles of dreary morial chapel as the church plant
_ • ., L . marshland in which floated the, expands. At the present time tha
German speaking f lasses will be Kplintered wreckage of scores of I chapel will seat 38$ people.
t0—uet * d Stedel- fishing camps. This will be the first building
e^oan tyrry ¥ri>\*y a highway intersaction sev-1 Reverend Anderson has had sinoa
' n Room I***' ^ c * < * em,c ! end dosen marooned motorists and hia arrival in September 192$.
bus passengers waved signals of Since that time his congregation
Conversations will be conducted distress. Some had stripped off has grown from 21 to 286, and ia
entirely in German, and they-will their clothing and laid it out atill growing,
deal with everyday life, Dr. Stad- j
rlmann stated. Claasea will begin
at 4, and all students who havt-
laho until 4:30 ran join the group
for the last 40 minutes of con
"prelude to revolution?”
German Speaking
Claire* Sckedtilud
M WAGES. Another
may bob up ia that «f
putting a Daw minimum-wage law
on the hooka. Now that the cam
paign season is coming up some
Rcisiblican leaders are letting it
be known that thay favor auch a*
HEALTH. Socialised medicine
will undoubtedly crop up again.
Bont* form of health Insurance will
probably be compromised on.
TRAINING. This proposal la b$
•ng plugged all the harder In C«n
grete because of the developing
•ho?*down with Russia.
■nto stove Item* are just a asm
idr of what Congress must look
fortsrd to, A special session la
not t!*r*M*rlly confined to the sub
ject for which It was called. Hpe-
rial •i-ssiniw have accomplished no
Monday - Tutwlay
, Academy Awaids
The Battalion
The Battalion, official newspaper of th* AgrteuRural aad Msrthaatail Oailog* of Tssna aad tha aty
of Collage Station, Taxes, la wibHah.d flu* ttoaaa a waak and nrculated ovary Monday through Friday
News cootrikuUona m$j ho mad* b
Claaaiftad ads may ba placed
.. . Hall
yot, Qotidwin HaH.
(4-$444) or at Ih^a^toctel^offtoo, Rom I0L Good-
(4-flt$4) or at
ActlvlUaa Offtoa, Ram
of akphtiin attoa of an
to the uae tor
and local noa
ta are also ra
af aU
2yahsf3 ; S?Si a,18 |
vud u<
Aaatxuitrd GiMckt Press
ffirjrf^TtajBa tr^
•tesh. Date
Nareaa w
. fcass. Jr .
Hew si S
D. W.
otmueiha Msasgir
Bryan Field
? I I ’
Leave your shoes to
be repaired it An
nex Exchange Store.
Prices same as at
Campus Store
Bool Shop
N. Gate — College
hunt SttOMMlO
HOjU’s*#** L Oil ft
•••'••♦a •*«» u»i»a a<t.»w
M-a-M’s tichnicoior ram mctuui
Coming to you as a First Run Feature
and playing in this area BEFORE the
National Release Date.
LADD loves LAM0UR!
•a* •Mb Irdmaa • ANa* iaakia*
kg RnkodN
te tei aaawn
- Plus-
M-(i-M ( srtooH — pRPHivMNint Newt