The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 18, 1947, Image 4

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.u- Jit
* ni in th«
to tlifri
worriw of two
Thoy hovt con-
• financed under
J. G. Carroll and
i —» -*• they learn In
an Innovation of inatruction boaad
f .tn^_Wmkol application prtn-
1 ajltiJESl We »* P^neered by tha
..IL h t r t l ,r *. D *P ftrt, "«nt, allows
•tudente to learn the varioua parta
• >tructure by actually puttinf
totether, fc
-Trant-Carroll House ia the
«*»*««h project to be
Uken by the department in ans
to cnea from the students far
•1 knowledge of their field,
the John Stanford Houae
- e ted by the precedinc class,
nitore castle desiirners beirtui
the e^eHment to determine if a
buildinf could really be construct
•d by a class in part-time work
during class periods.
The class was divided Into sef-
eral crews with each crew taking
its turn \Working on the house.
Th*y!b*fdn With plotting the posi-
» tion of -the house on the lot and
worked from there. With the et-
! jeeption of, the plumbing sad wir-
u»c installation, they have done
•** fbe construction themselves.
Each aide of the duplex has
four rooms, which include a living
area, dining area, kitchen and
sleeping area, pnd a hath. A shed
type hoc# allows the southern e«
poture to include folding Frenfh
doors and -overhead transoms for
maximum circulation. The open
area which stretches across the
hack is protected from insects hy
•WWening let out seVvral feet from
the doors. In the privacy of the
backyard will he an outdoor living
»P*ce for the two coupes.
()n each side of the house Is
ear port ctimposed of h flat roof
auppnrlMl bn. the miter exiremlly
by an enrkmed sloraxe iMiace He-
signed by Jason P, Mmih*, an In-
•tmetur ill the Arehiteeture He
partment, the house features such
modem developments at flush
overhead lights, built In dressing
tables and cabinets, slide sa*h
wlndowa, and open Interior plan-
] * [ i
rnujidetl oni a concrete stall
foundation, thei duplex has uspHpH
tile flooring. Tke wills are of tex-
toned sheet rOck. Outside, the
Wills are coated with off-white
S nt with the windows ami doors
nt*d In a cjmtrnsting blue. On
(tayers of tar and
ith n coat
•i a-l.' ft ■
\. j
i ii
w, ‘
t4sm ms dm
ms SMaafgi
m suiewet i
row u
put their heads and miMd
above. Financiers of the
of the Herond-yi
architect daaa during the summer
in the
m together and began erecting the Trant-Carroll Houae,
houae are Emmett Trant and J. G. Carroll, two members
who received loans under the G1 Bid of Kighta
irinMCs wstk «Kart A tha Kzehaaca
BHOf Tt*Sb«. Silwa«€rmW>.
t. rtMM 1S706 1007 East
amount ia the value of the bene-
final knowledge gained in learn
ing every phase of houae construc
tion from the pouring of the con
crete for the foundation to the fi
nal work of topping the roof,
hanging the doors and the last
stroke of the brush in painting.
The Trant-Carroll House was
finished September 1 and the twa
new owners and their wivea mov
ed in soon afterward. They will
reside here until their education at
A.AM. is completed.
The Architecture Department is
making plans to Incorporate con
struction activities such as these
In Ita curriculum The aspirations
are for each architecture class to
tisvr the much needed experience
ef arlusl construction hy the time
they graduate,'
The 1 . Battalion
Page 4
New rlu4M la •horthuul boo* keeping
and a«eorialed «ub)*rla. WSWSar with r*-
fr»«h»r .oer*M Will atsrt fWpUmbsr IS
t« IS LSalUS enrollment McKtnsle-
BnMwla Benin*** ('olleg*. 7uJ S. Wash-
ingtoa Avenue. Bryan. TeSae
FOR BA1.K CHEAP: lt«S Indian Chief
74 Kiynk outboard teas and trailer, 1M
Jrreey arroee from Duaraa
t •
SfN’ond Tpy
the row,
roofing paper ^pped
of Ur Igd gravel.-
The m»n hours put in. by the
studenu resulted in n saving in
labor coaU, which allowed the ul
timate cost of construction to he
Npltflre I’llot Hlunt* for
Hmsll Ho); t'rsnhea
ItOU ItHKMOUTH, Eng., Sept
IX (AI')--A smsll hoy selected
from thousands of specUtors st sn
RAF t-xkibition ttnlay radioed s
request to a spitfire pilot overhead
to “do me a victory roll.”
Flight Lt. B. E. Green, a Cana
dian, rolled his fighter a few hun
dred feet off the beach and radio
ed back: ‘'Sorry, Sonny, it was not
a very good one."
Greep tried again. The spitfire
dived into the sea and he drowned.
Ag Commiftsionere
Blast High Wagre
The Agriwiture Commiaaioners of
three southern ami two midweat-
em states today placed the blame
for present prices on high indue
trial wages.
They railed a meeting to be
held In Washington Oct. I and 7
to map plans for Increasing Amer-
ienn farm production.
Farmers, rancher*, repreeenU
tivea of swtnebreeder*' and caltle-
mrn'a aasorlatlons, officials of the
U. H. Department of Agriculture
and other government agencies
will be lnvlte«l to express then
The announcement was issued
by J. K. McDonald, Texa*; Tom
Linder, Georgia; Math Dahl, North
Dakota: K A- Tmvatten, Mlnne
sots, ami 1. M Walker, Virginia
LaliiiN l nhiiuh n^l
At MarKliall Now
MARSHALL, Tex., Sept. IK
(AP)—Several truckloads of Latin
American farm workers pasted
through here cm route to farms in
adjoining states.
No attempt was made to halt
them, as had been done earlier in
the week when labor commission
agents had stopped several hun
dred, forbidding them to leave
Texas because organisers of the
| crew* had not obtained state li-
| renae*.
Only agent on duty was G. E.
Hartneas, assisUnt to Caesar
Hohn of College Sutinn, who ar
rived shortly after the blocked
trucks had left when Labor Com
missioner M. B. Morgan had lifted
his ban.
The closing of the Texas border,
first revealed Saturday, had caus
ed widespread repercussions.
Aggie Players Will
Reorganize Tues.
Aggie Players will hold a fall
reorganisation meeting Tuesday,
September 28, at 7:S0 in the As
sembly Hall, areordmg tu Milt
Frenkel, president.
George Dillavou, faculty spon
sor of the rluh, will discuss plan*
for a production to lie given in
the latter part of October,
During the last two yegr* the
Aggie iMayers have pm«)|icpd a
large number of full-length plays,
and expect to have another suc
cessful season, according to Fmn
kel. He Invites townsfolk, faculty,
am| veterans' wive* to tha meft
Ing, as well a* student* ami old
member* of the players' group.
Knmomifct PomIm
Open NearCapilal
The United State* Civil Service
Commission today announced an
examination for filling economist
e dition* in Washington. D. C.,
ary land, and Virginia, at salaries
ranging from Id,.197 to $f>,(K)5 per
No written tests are required,
but applicants must have had from
five to seven years of responsible
experience in economic research,
part of which jnust have been in
a specialised branch. Study in a
recognised college may lie substi
tutes! for part or all of the re
quired experience.
Application forms ami additional
information may lie obtained from
H. N. Yardlcy at the post office.
FOR SAl.E: Senior boot* end boot pame
Rite lai/t, SI. See Howell, H-S, Hen
LEMONS T.leahoae LaV*
4 S4W stadenti mar take I
jtd prarltre la Muatc Hall
portebt* typewriter
ran 4-SSS4 Mrs.
FOR BALE: OS* pair pre-war Scalar Soot*
ate* * I *. medium (uodluokmi rail
tie*, and epttr* Worn *S>7 (wo month*
So* boot a be I un|in( to Burton Munn at
Haile ha.
Cover l
Covert Ga
waNTEUi Rid* «* I-enter Junior Mi«b
Rrynn. tar learher Mondtr through Fri
day Mutt be there by »:«• CoMael
ClbW, t'utloa* Viet*, efter « SB
KINHKRtlARThN k '«> u, U ml I refeb
N<> * by Tennn Court* Mr* Bill
Parbe- B««
I niformM Beady
For Home Garnet
If the Aggie* aren't the top
winning team In the Southwest
conference this year, they still may
take 'best dresaetl" honors
New home-game uniform*, whkh
nlso will he worn In tilt* at Ban
Antonio and Oklahoma City, fon-
sist of white satin pants, white
jt-rseya with maroon numbers, and
maroon molded-plastic heljlieU. On
the mad the C-adeta will wear ma
mon jerseys and tan satin pant*.
You name the material — we have it
Jones Sporting Goods
808 S. Main Brvan
Ph. 2-28M
Your fitting defense against drizzle
and downpour. This smart coat has
a rugged reputation for winning over
the elements . . . it’s right—Rain or
Dr. Holt Elected
State TB Director
Dr. E- E Holt of College Sta
tion was elected representative
director of the Texa* Tulwrculosis
Association, according to an A*
sociated Press report yesterday
The announcement waa made
after the association's 87th sn
nual meeting, held in Dallas car
liar this week.
Dr. fnthk K. Dougherty of Up
erty, Texas, was named president
of the Texas association, the AT
report stated. Other officers nam
ed at the conclusion of the meet
Ing Tuesday were; Dr, David Mc
Cullough, Kerrvllle, first vice
president; Dr. Elliott Mendenhall,
Dallas second vice-president; Dr.
J. W. Butler, Texas City, secrets
ry; and Dr. Z. T, Rcott, Austin,
Intramural Manage™
Try a delicious
Meet Thursday
Now in stock at both our stores.
VH, /— I "
at 5
athletic officers and non
team managers will meet
Thursday evening at 6 p. m. in
Room 101, Goodwin Hall, C, C.
“Spike’’ White, director of Student
Activities announced Saturday.
Entry cards tar the sfirst set of
sports will be distributed, and iiw
furination concerning the whole
intramural program will be dls
4mm /he
MCA RW ****** u
most wanted pen
For Delicious Ice Cream
— Try —
T HF. (lima of tha Barkar "Sr has broad
dirmniiont. I very languaga, every
contlnant knows this fins pan. PndalnlU
ownarxhip It shared In avary walk of Ufa.
Surmyt Both hart and abroad substan
tiate the*# fact*. American pan daaiart, for
a sample, recently named Parker I ha moat*
wanted pan—rating it ahaad of all othtr
wtll-kmtwtt makti comhhmL (Score; 717%
for Parkar; 27.!j% for all others.)
Fortunately, more 5I'» are now being
•hipped. So ssa your dealer soon.
Hera Is a pea of simple beauty. Every
detail reflect* unhurried craftsmanship—
working to higlicst precision itaadanla.
Iti unique point hai no moving parts to
clog or IbU. It starts promptly. Writes
smoothly and with preaauralaas touch,
Tha praclskm-At cap ilipt on-locks
witboul twitting. Within the tapared shaft,
the Si's filler Is safely concealed.
This pan a Iona Is designed for satlsAw
tory use with Parkar “SI" Ink that dHei at
it wrltfil (It can also use ordinary ink.)
9aa tha “51" today. Colon. Black, Blue
Cadar, Dove Grey, SI 130; SI SO). Pan.
alt. S5JX); S7.30. Sets, SI7.50 to SIOJIOl
Vacumatte Pant, SI.75. Pencils, S4.00.
Tha Parkar Pan Company. JaoarviUa,
Wisconsin and Toronto, Canada.
i t * - P /
College and Bryaa
HMaiaawp VaiiMkraaSr.
l\:a:\ i