The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 18, 1947, Image 1
•* # T* library cultural & Mtchmai Wlejeof Teai v •Wlep Stwoji, Itw vm. rir kl I NO I'NUK NOI'KH WARHINOTON, (Upt. )R (Af) Thu (.rnimurr# IWiMrtniriil mUI >»• rt«y th«t high f«.«i tM Inkor «•£• J*til Urni t« kM>t> tho prim of * n- m#Bl UP lh< «l •CHOOL HKM)R Mm AUSTIN, Tm., Bopt. 11 (Af)—! 8UU and local achool official! Will •rat report* on their partirulai problem* before a Mm m*ion of the ioint Education Committee here Friday and Satur day. ^LEE HEADS FOR f. 8. i Frankfurt, Germany, sept 18 (AP)—LL Gen. John C. Lee, | whose Mediterranean command r»*- ecntly ha* been under itiveatiga- ^ tion by the army’* in*peg|or gen eril, arrived here today enroetr from Italy to retirement in the I United State*. 1 PVIU.ISNKD IN THU ' INTKHKST OF A CKKATKH A Ft M COUKGK nr VoluiM 47 00U.KG1C HTATION (AffWIamt), TKXAR, THtlRADAY. HKTTKMWCR II. JI47 Seniors Condemn ‘Yelling’ in Huddle Move to Send Men to Orientate Freshman at Little Aggieland A motion was made at a meeting of the Senior class last night to send Senior Students to the Bryan Field annex, "Lit tle Aggieland", to give orientation lectures to Freshmen on I various A. k M. customs such as hitch-hiking, Corps trips. practicw( O'Daniel, Johnson '““a ^ n ~ L,in ‘ Cross Paths, Not Swords in Austin By DAVE ( HEAVENS AUSTIN, Tex., Sept 18.— Nu»b*r 28 I (HECK FISH DEATHS BEAUMONT, Tex., 8apL i!8 (AP)—The problem of the doWn* of fimh by off-shore oil prospecting in the Gulf wijl be aired at a meet- ing at 2 p.m. today in the Galveston county courthouse. pw . killed BRIDLINGTON. England, Sept. W (AP)—Eight German pnioncral (AP)—Sen. W. L#e O’Daniel ^ two Britiih* escort!, md Rep. Lyndon B. Johnson, speeding expreaa train at it grade ■ kwt ^ l,wopd> ,B the croaaing. OLD DRINK REVIVED GULVAL, Cornwall, Em n Sept 18 (AP)^ Mead, a highly intexi- eating beverage known to the an eient Greek*, the Romans: and the Teutonic tribe* which' tacked Home, tatk a new letKe on lif* today, A firm here ha* concocted Mk SUte capital last night Neither of the potential candi date* for the Senate In IMS made an effort to *ee the other. And neither let it be known whether or not he would make the race. O'Daniel Maid he ha* made up hi* mind whether or not he would be a candidate fur reelection, but he i* not going to announce hi* decision H unill the right time —from honey, water ami yeaCl- I hateh iaf thia kinsman of John „ . .. # Herlavooe.. m»A i^i^,,.. u —_ I J«hna«*n told a press conference that he didn't call the meeting to announce hi* retirement from poll tie*, hut aUo he wa* not now run '•hHaycom and believe* it ran Sro duce :t,o«) gallon* a mntnh. FORM KMT A I. MWORN IN , . S-H-^Tu —j: •on. Chief Justice of the UnM ^ »‘ U " Md U »’ ub “ ,h MUte*. administered the noth, vie- t!' 0 « » voting Forreatal from Secertary I - nM * '"V of the Navy to head of all the armed forcea. I hurkicank curves ATLANTA, Ga.. Sept. IS (AP) The great Atlantic harrii which rlpp. d acreaa aoatk rida yesterday, has carved l 'ward and »* etpectrif ta Florida between Apala and Penoarola with lOS-mile winds late tonight, the weather bureau reported. PLAN NEW PIPE LINE WASHINGTON,^Sept 17 (AP) The Power Commiaaion announced today the United Ga* Pipe Line Company, Shreveport, La., ha* been authorised to build a $1,730,- OflC pipe line project in Texas. formal *|ieerhe* except the four radio addreeie*. the third of which will be brtKuieaat tonight, but hope* to reach into every corner of the state before he returns Washington. “Some of the boy* seem to have idea there la a vacancy, 1 when ashed when he ptan-fh^Mvea I ned to make hi* announcement “I like to *ee the boy* worry and sweat. I am confident that I would get more votes than I ever pollad before if I ran, Johnson aaki he was in the habit of just doing one thing at a time, and right now he wa* being busy representing hi* congressional dis trict. He called the pr*»* confer ence to announce plan^ for a big soil restoration and conservation program he had suggested to the ston was directed to appoint a five man committee to confer with Dean of Men W. L. Penberthy on this matter. Included in the motion was a recommendation that a represen tative from the Dean of Men’s office be present at all of the lec- ( lure*. Providing the Dean of Men’s of fice approve* the plan, Claaa Prexy Livingston, or the committee he appoints, will select various mem bers of the class to prepare lec tures on the various traditions for presentation to the Freshmen. Throwing of “aggie-confetti" was outlawed at all yell practical excepting the midnight sessions held before conference games. This action wa* taken due to the appearance of the campus follow ing yell practices in which the “confetti" is thrown. A motion was passed ruling out the practice among Corps members of yelling at footWlI game* while the opposing team is III the huddle. The class further condemned thia | habit as bving unsportsmanlike and not in kveplng with the Aggie way of life. New Press Puls Balt Out Faster *. * Housin ^MH In Corps Provide Additional Space Artillery Unchanged in Dorm 8: Corpft Staff Housed in Dorm 10 y / ); j h if ■//< fffj VfKi By J.K.B. Nekton To houae the various unit* of the corps roore effectively, several changes have been made in the original schedule of r Jhk jdormitory assignments As a result of the shifts, 76'» <»f the corps can breathe more deeply when in their rooms with- I out disturbing their roommates. The new schedule was worked out by Harry Boyer, chief ■■ ■ "■||rr?4of housing, and Lt Col Joe Devi*. assistant to the commandant, with A & M Prof 1 Flew Through Hurricane With the addition of onr extra column to each page of the Bat talion. the Texas AAM College newspaper ha* now completed n« change-over from a tri-weekly to daily newspaper. There are new eight columns to a page, instead KDDIF. ( HRW ami HKI BIN Kl VI groundkreper* at the Athletic take time-out to poae for the college photographer. Plan* Include construction f c£r^ RTv^ Auth^V, . , U"d which the LORA hoard adopt- Carthage Field in Panola dDUnty,!^ Texas to near Longview, Taxas. and a ten-inch line connecting the 30-incher with the Lone Star Gas Company ga* plant in the Carthage field. FIND MAN’S BODY FORT WORTH. Tex.. Sepl IS (AP)—The body of a maa was found yesterday at the foot of a trestle in Haltom City. Deputy Sheriffs Johnny Robert* and Whit Boyd said the body was Identified as that of ( Dreare G. Starnes, St, of Davia, Okla. The of fleers said the man probabl) fell from tha trestle, which span* V Big Foaall creek. BOOTLEG Mll.k 'PARIS. Sept 18 (API-This summer's drought ha* increased the bootlegging of milk.'Deliveries to retailtra for legal sale haw hern reduced more than 80 percent The war In Normandy and Hrittan) ami the shortage of feed were factor* In rutting production To obtain milk legally under ra> ttoning, wt# must !*• a baby, a nursing or pregnant mothdr, or over 70. VAUNT SHIPS CITRUS ALAMO, Tex,, Sept, IN (AP) , The first truck shipment of citrus fruit from the Rio Grande Valley was on It* way to the con»umet tsdig The shipment Inclodal ItOO boxes of navel oranges, * which were described a* of "good quality and slae." t PALOMINO CHAMPS PtANCR FORT WORTH. Sept. 18 (AP) The World Championship All Pa lomino Horse Show moved into Ita second day tedap The show f°t under way last mght at will Rog era coliseum witk one of the finest arrays of Palomino horses ever seen in Fort Worth. FAMILY INVADES JAPAN SEATTLE. Sept. 18 (AP)-The Ferguson* from down on .the farm . at Kewa are all *et to move in on 1 Japan as a 6ne-man’*-fami|y sec- I oad wave occupation force. V Tj| a ma Ferguson and her brood of nine from a northeast urnW ash tngton farm arrived at Fort Uw ton yesterday to embark for Ja pan Saturday to jotn Staff Sgt. Joseph D. Ferguson of the First Cavalry Diviiion. J Fort Lawton officer* *aid they •re undlaputed claimMM u> . l b* title of biggest military dependent family to go to Japan. Johnson also talked about tbe high cost of living. He Mid "Hoo ver and his philosophy" are back in the saddle in Washington. O’Daniel had a different idea The answer to the question of high prices, he said, is for "the government to get out of busi ness." UMir in jToofc on Wheels Solve Problem BOf Kyle Field Groundkeepers Thit week the Battalion was printed for the first time on a high-speed Goss web perfecting duplex press, which turns out pitted copies of the paper ■peed two or three times as as sras possible in the past. Also this week was the first time the Battalion carried news serv-1 By Kenaeih Bond Bryan. The n*ime and origin of possible for a very few, but Reu- ice and features from the Asso ' If * member of the Athletic Rev's father has never been known bin King has that privilege, ciated Press, which came directly Department has to enter n p>oiii except to Spot*and she never deem- Reubin, a colored man, ha* been to the new* room of the Battalion or building ami dc*es not have the ed it necessary to disclose just working on the grounds of the by special teletypewriters. . j key, he simply calls Eddie Chow, who he was. athletic area since 1928 and ha* New mailing equipment has also who could very easily be caller! 'he Eddie was spending Christmas had plenty of opportunity to view been added to make for speedier j "Keeper of the Keys.” with relatives joujt of town, and he the field from all possible angles., mailing of copie* to students who He i* a lifelong resident of Col asked his brdther to keep Spot He gets a large portion of the receive the Battalion by mall. lege Station, except for u few and her two | paps. In the trip credit for mowing lawns, caring •As as usually the case when years in Dennison, Texas, where across the can)pi|s, the female pup for shrub* and trees and the gen- much new equipment is put into he worked in the Katy Shops ami lingered near the campus bugle eral care necessary' for such a vast use at the Mine time, kink* have as an aid to a contractor. Eddie stand ami was promptly adopted area. i* a high school graduate am! spent and named by the Cadets. Upon Reubin, after completing eight several months attending Praire Eddie's return from vacation, he years of school, worked as an Over View College. He, the ground- saw her in the hospital area but seer for a farm agent in Chew keeper, has beep working for the since she was ^ared for better than Bottom until 1928. He had eighteen college since 1824. ( he could, he (jecided to leave her. colored men working under him on Eddie is a property owner in It would be i happy and proper this farm. College Station ami the father of ending to say* that Rev's brother Reubin, married but with no three grown children. He i* ac- reached fame second only to his children, owns a nice home in Col- lively engaged as a scoutmaster revered sisteit, but in true dog-1 lege Station. He is a 7th Degree and a :12nd Degree Mason, and life fashion hp* descended in dust Mason, having been an active mem- ha* berm Superintendent of the under the whdel* of a passing car her for the past 27 year*. He has St. Mathis Baptist Church for the j —unnamed ami unheralded. | been Deacon of the St Mathis past twenty-five years, missing Eddie can give a very vivid de- Baptist Church and ha* been an only three Sundays in that time srription of hqw Kyle Field looked I active member for fifteen years, while on vacation. During the war, before the present buildings were, "There have been many improve- he taught first aid and water safe- erected. In the past 26 years he menu since I came here," he said, ty. has witnessed the gigantic growth! "We don’t have it so very bad ex- According to Eddie, he wa* the of the athletic area as well as the rapt when wt have a gam* or some- , original owner of the former col- other divisions of the campus. thing like that. Then w* really get lege mascot, "Reveille" Reveille's * s workout," he concluded as he mother "Spot" was given to Eddie To see KyD Field as a player,; turned back to his n*v*r>*nding by hi* brother Lamar who lived In spectator, or casual ohamer Is! job of mowing grass developed which make publication time irregular this week, hut it is expected that all such troubles will be ironed out by the end of the week. „ Marshall Denounces Russian Veto Before UN AssembH (lallM for Action to Bv-paK* Veto: Blame* Greek Trouble on Neighbor* LATK BULLETIN f Caribbean hurricane late in IMS, similar to the one lashing Florida today were recalled today by E. V. Walton. 38, Agricultural Pro fessor aA A4M. in an intgrtriew with the Associated Press. The nurncanc through which Walton was buffeted had I4Q mile* per hour winds and a second ring of Wuhing winds inside the euro of c*lm area, J Walton was navigator of a Na vy PBY plane sent out in October of l$4:t to hunt a hurricane (hat periled a convoy heading up the Bo«tli American coast. “Wo saw the hurricane looming high on the south hortaon and out pilot headed directly for it. Ju»t skipping the wave tops," Walton "With our heart* In our throats, we druve Into the first Black cloud wall Blast* of Wind, moving at )40 mph hit our clumsy “flying dumbo.' "Ju*t More entering the hut ricane area, w* had Had oumlvr* w* hit the first wall we dropped so fait everybody was riding two feet out of their seats." "The big plane waa tossed like a loaf in a fall storm. The see waves had no pattern. Sixty-foot wavoe hit head-on and the water was lashed to a churning white. Watlon *uid that “we finally got through the first wall and into the "outer eye" (calm area) and then began U> pray as the pilot fought the "flying cow” towards the inner watt." 7[ The ex-navigator recalled that he heard audible prayers just as the big black inner wall loomed miles al»ovv the flying boat. , “If it's possible, the inner wall wa* even more turbulent than the first wsll. By throttling the motor and keeping just above the top of the waves we fought dor way through to the ranter area." Walton's ship,was ordered to fly directly thre .cb the heart of the hurricane by naval • antiMHltps The flight, according to Walton, was the first experiment of this nature by the armed services. At the present time both th« Army and Navy maintain scheduled “hurricane hunter" p a 1 r o I e s throughout the Caribbegn and West Indies hurricane son*. the cooperation df the cadet offi cers. The following changes were made effective last Sunday: In Dorm 2 Companies A and B. Engineers remain on the second and third floors, and Coaspawr C, < omposite on the .fourth floor. However, surplus men In each of the three outfit* were moved to the first floor, which had been left vacant to care for the overflow. Troop A. Cavalry moved frosa the first floor of Dorm 8 to the third floor of Dorm 4, replacing Company A. Composite, »kkh moved to the two lower fVmrs of Dorm 9 The other three wits previoosi) assigned to that dor mitory were Troop B. Cavalry, first floor; Troap C. Cavalry, y second floor; and B Componitr, fourth floor. Flight* A. B. and C, Air forro •spamied to fill the first fluor of Dorm 8, replacing Trv>op A, Cav alry. This loft Flight A <>w the fouith floor, Flight B on the third fW, flight C on the aewnd floor, ami tbe overflow from all throo outfit* bn the hotitHn fluor. No changes wero made In the / housing of null* In t)orm I. Bat tery K, Artlllenr occupies the first floor, Battery I) the aacond floor, Battary C the third floor, and Bat tery B tho fourth floor. In Dona 10 Company A, Infan- L try moved frum the thW floor to f the fourth, reptarinf Battery A, f Artillery, which moved to the fleet [ floor of Dorm 11. Company B, In- fantry moved from the second to i. the third floor, and Company C, I Infantry moved to the second floor 1 from the first The corps staff iaf now on the firat floor of Dorm 10,1 having moved from the bottom ' floor of Dofm II. Overflow from C ompany C, Infantry la also hous ed on that floor. New Yorh. Mept. II (A I')—Mar let Deputy Foreign Minister An drei V. VMkipahy will give Russia's apeuiag pnlW) speech before the nitsd Nation, asoembly late today, a Soviet simhesmsn Md thia \ ntCHtfd HUKtU 1 * H)ing BOftt , morning. H waa expected to contain the first Soviet rebuttal ta the |, 7 lashing attach made on Ruoala teslerday b> Mecretar) of Nlat* Mar shall. k The spoke.iusn said VlshlUshy probably would Itht the rostrum atSoul I p.m. (CRT). Nnw York, 8ept. 17 (AP)—In a npwK’h lylntllng with cmauro of Kunaia, Secretary of Htate (inorytT C. Marshall hallangml the Unltml Natlona today to make a "supreme ef fort” to break the world’* "deepening political and economic crlala" and save Greece from theb attacks" of ita Balkan Commun ist neighbors. Marshall bluntly accused Yugos lavia. Albania and Bulgaria of “hostile - and aggressive" act* against Greece, told how three Russian wtoes had blocked seeur- Seaplane Looks Good on Paper By council action to protect the country, then fltnf thia sharp warning to the 68-nation U. N.| Greek aaaembtv: laalion" of the veto by eliminating it entirely from all security decis ion* on Pacific settlements of in ternational disputes. The veto could then be used only on issue* involving forceful action against ‘"7*7!” C.IM for jiT , " W ”" "" creation by the assembly of The giant lltiglu'* Hercules fly ing boat, thr building of which with Government mphry la now raising question* on the part nf Congressman, Is n ta-apUm- with some four times the estimated car rying raoarity of the wsr-tested veteran Marti* Mars, Its actual capacity is not known because the airplane, while reported to be afloat on the water, has not yet “This assembly cannot stand by a* a mere spectator while a mem ber of the United Nation* is en dangered by attacks from abroad. If the United Nation* should fail to protect the integrity of one small state, the security of all small states would - ha placed in jeopardy." Marshall laid before the assem bly a seven-point action program, dramatically reversing American policy on the veto issue and de mending that the asembiy set up ita own full-time security comn tee to backstop thr veto i idden ae- curity council. , He announced that the United States now favors dhastk "I bciMl . w a border commission—which Rusdta had vetoed in the security Athletic- Director Of A-M Raps Illegal council; threw the Russian-Amer ican deadlock on Korea into the assembly; asked an asaembly solu tion for Palestine; demanded that Russia come to terms on atomic energy control and called for vig orous planning of arms regula tions. To Meet Ttie*day The student chapter of the Ag ronomy Society will hold ita first meeting of $m fall semester Tues day evening at 7:80 in the A. A 1. Lecture Room. water's turfsra The surface testa will be given toon, it is aaid, but only after engineers have completed making thorough tests with various testing instruments of it* component parts, both by themselves and as a part of a whole. I| is now about two years behind the date on which it was to have been completed. Thia Hughe* flying boat has a wingspan of 320 feet, and a 220- 'Wmnnmv («*-l° B f hull. The Martin Mars n^r'iuumy society wu 200 feet in wingspan and about 117 feet in overall length. The newer Mar* JRM in the Navy, is about the same site, but has cer tain refinement*. The original Mart on one trip carried 36,000 pounds of cargo. Site alone is not the only point of interest in the eight-engine Her- cule*. It Is tf plywood construe Hon rather than of the usual light metals such as aluminum and aluminum altoya, This plywood la built-up paned* and beam* of very thin sheet* of wood with each al- kxrwxrttu Pf ustlLratu ternaU- sheet-laid crosawlse, andT | ,uri " 1 r «vUCf» the whole strongly and permanent ly bonded with a resin. The use of plywood in planes la not new, but It has been mostly In light air craft. The Hughes Aircraft Company, builder of the Hercules, waa organ ised in 1938 by Howard Hughes to develop a raring plane with which he had already established a world BEAUMONT, T*x„ Bgpt 18 (AP|—Athletic Director Bill Car- michael of Texas ARM nipped the spreading growth of athletes' sub sidisation In an address before the Beaumont ex-Aggie Club her* last night. Carmichael aaid that “unless something it done to curb under Cadet* to Appear At Goober Festival An engagement at the annual Goober Festival In GraMland on Saturday, October 4 will be the first trip of the seaosn for the Hinging Cadets, Kollowing a per formaare at the high school sddl torlum, the choral group will at UMMl a steak dinner and dnnee at the eountry club, according to ar rangement* by J, C. Bhoulta pMiiand atanr. A chartered bus to carry the group which has increaaetl In number to sixty five, will leave the Mualc Hal) at I p.m. The fa dets will remain In Grapelnnd un til Sunday afternoon, at which time the boa will return to college. record. It was a modified version handed proaelyting of atMctea, hr of his original plane with which he made a non-stop flight in 1988 across the country in seven hours and 28 minute*. In 1939, the company started de velopment work with plastic mat erial* for plywood airplane con struction. In 1942, Mr. Hoghoa t >ined with Henry J. Kaiaer to uild three experimental cargo fly ing boat* fpr the U. S. government. They were to be eight-engine plan es of original design, made of wood because oil a scarcity of suitable metal*. The order was cancelled in 1944, partly because of delays in reparable damage will be don* to collegiate football." High school coaches, among them Phoebe Phythian of South Park in Beaumont and Brook* Conover of Orange, former Aggie football stars, agreed with Car michael. They pointed out that a coach isn’t safe even on his own practice field these days with “ivory hunters” swarming all over the premiaaa starting construction because metals for were then available. and partly Blue Look ten May Cheka to Death la Newest Styles Company A. Veterans has moved from the first floor of Dorm 11 to the first Door of Dorm 12; Company B. Veteran* hare moved from the second floor of Dorm 9 to the corres ponding floor in Dorm If. Com pany A, Seniors and Company B. Seniors have shifted to the fourth and third floor* of Dorm 12. respectively. Company A, Comi>o«ite now oc cupies the tgrO lower floors of Dorm 9, having moved from the third floor of Dorm 4. The Maroon and White Bands are quartered on the top three floors of Dorm 11. Ex-Student Council Meeting Saturday The annual Fall meeting of the Council of the Former Students Association of Texas AAM will be held Friday and Saturday night, E. E. MriJulllen, Executive ; racretarv, stated Monday. The Fall meeting usually is hald on a week-end when the Aggie football team plays op Kyle Field. (44*1 year the meeting waa held when the Aggies tackled the Ar kanaaa (Usorbaeka, which they lost. This year It la hnpad the game, to lie played with Mouth- western, will end differently end more to the liking of the former student • A K. It Inman of Man Anton)*, president of the Former Students Association, alan ta chairman of 1 the (executive committee and of the Council, which ha* a targe membership and which name* the member* of the Executive com mittee Member* of the committee and poeetbly 100 or more members of the Council are expected to at tend the meeting. CHICAGO, Sept. 19 MAP)—A leading, corset manufacturer to day cautioned women t« be care- M . that the fashionable "new look" doesn't give them a "blue look” that accompanies gasping for air. Adoption of "Nineteenth Cen tury torture devices" as under- garments, Walter H. Lowy, vice president of the Formfit Comparer, •aid, would threaten women with “the greatest fashion hoax since the gay 90's.* The “new look” he addod, "plans to popularise the hourglass fig ure and encaae women in waist- pinching corsets that were proved ruinous to health 40 years ago. Swimming Hole On DifferenlTime Want to go swimming? The pool ia now open from 4-8 p.m. an weekdays and from 8-6 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. For sanitary, reasons all swim mers must now wear regulation bathing raps and pool trunks. These articles may be purchased for a minimum price at the gym office. Anyone interested in swimming lessons, water polo, or life-saving courses should contact Coach Art Adamson or on* of his assistants at the pool.