The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 17, 1947, Image 4

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    S v
' i
Morgan in the Motiloy or Lucian
SS'S^wUST lBform„Mi„ ROUm m '
(7) HroAi SjSfte; l^V if •JO l« Mrv. ai .C(».
SS AJS.'"*' •*« *« "—
I Tht
(i) Tl« • forrin
Mi poaitiona op«n
Unt ^ 'S 0n * L° r * Amin-
I*" 1 5* n ‘•nr Entimrr ami a Ju-
SjtJUnr Enrinwr.
U) Th* Core Ubomtorie*. Inc..
irVl ° P * n n i! r * for , chem.
J^loiry major., »l w clv ji enfi .
(HTTionan Crane Corporation
.-♦^t P0 * , ^ 0n, , ^ #r c ‘ , ®mical or
petroleum engineer*.
(•) Doobleday A Company, lac.,
■M pqpitida. open for aeveral in-
auatrial engineer*.
UO) GriiroeH Company i. inter-
eateo in applications from mechan
ical engineers.
(11) Maintenance Engineering
Corporation, has positions for me
chanical or chemical engineers.
w i LAM.
Food market
free delivery
IV 2-41*9
(11) Mai
iwny .till
i»t««i Company mechanical engineer,
for mechanical (}4) K. !. Duhmt de
, Mia positions opei
iwolla Ntrolaum Com-
has paalUona open for
— Nemours
. — open for civil
■ml mechanical engineers at La
1*0 ft f.
(IS) Lufkin Tractor, has post-
lions open for mechanical engi-
Wright A Ruminer Construction
Co., has positions open for busi
ness and accounting majors.
(I) Granbury Public Schools,
science A commercial teachers.
12) San Antonio Public Schools
coach. Ml -
(3) Edinburg Junior College
mechanical dftwing teacher.!^
(4) DeRidder Public School
coach. ^
. (6) Anderson Public Schools,
> ocational Agricultural Instructor
and Veterans Training Supervisor
(6) Montesuma High School,
business and accounting teacher
and coach.
(?) Harlingen Public Schools,
physics and general science teach
er. •
(8) Veterans Vocational Agricul-
tuml School, Angelina County.
(8) Buena Vista College, Pro
fessor of Chemistry and Professor
of Physics.
(10) Texas A A I, agricultural
engineering instructor.
(II) The Unijreraity of Akron
instructors. 1
Finest of
Swiss Watches
ill Mt*, 15 itvtl,
UK rollti gold plait,
•t amir a ittrl back. Un-
ttikMl Zircon dial.
« a
Wakmann matches —
built with ahoek-proof *
protection —■ carry the
t famous Wakmann
guarantee: nrondi-
, tionally guaranteed for
one year against defect
or damage.^ Oimpare
this with other watch
R. L. McCarty
Jeweler i
PAN-17 jiwrl, UK gold
rait. Shock-proof. Silk
Deans Bolton And
Harrington in New
Aeademic Offices
j f_ | '
M«nv orris* changes have been
r* r ,, 1r f l*" 1 f »w weeks.
Dean f C. Bolton and Dr. T. H
Brooks hays moved their nfflets
from the Administration Building
to Rooms tot, t04, and 104 of
»v noon,, pm, WM, and ion of
i.^ # , As*demW B«iytog, Dean M
T. Harrington haa hta now office*
In Rooms
domic Dal
vlties Off
107 and 111 of the Aw
jldlng. Tht Rtudont AcU.
flee is now located In tho
o 00 , 11 : 01 Oou4w, n Hall.
Goodwin Hall also houses all of the
student publications.
W. H. Holsmann. comptroller of
the college, has moved into the
foraior offices of the Battalion and
Student Activities, on the first
floor of the Administration Build
ing H. H. Hall, Purchasing agent
of the college, ia located in the
rooms vacated by Holsmann.
A visual aids laboratory has
been set up by Howard Berry in
the old pres* room on tht* first
floor of the Administration Build
„ T. W. Leland has moved his
Business and Accounting Depart
ment from the Agriculture Build
ing to the recently completed tem.
porary buildings A. B. and C loca
ted directly behind the Aeronauti
cal Engineering Building LHand
retalna rooms 22 anr 23 of BulM
ing A for his office*.
Students taking Engineering
Drawtog will get their daily ex
ercise and will have great oppor
tunities to increase their know
ledge of the campus. The Engin
eering Drawing Department is
well established in Anchor Hall.
More moves are contemplated in
the near future and will he an
nounead by the Battalion at a lat
er data.
Air Force# Offer
Advance Contract#
Thirty-three Air Forces ad-
vane**) 4'ontrmcU are Available
for claaaifled jaaiors, both vet-
eraaa and SM-vets. Lt. ( o|. Dei-
tor L Hodge. PASAT. aarnmne-
ed Taeaday.
Msp Interested in signing con-
Iracu should contact Col Hodge
on thy second floor of Rua. Hall
NEW YORK. Sept. 14 (AP)~
Loyalty ran be measured by blocks
in Manhattan.
As poof, two girl, got in a fight
last night In which the shout,
your hioek is stinky," was (he
*"[ *#‘J>rtiaane i«‘»«i wt-h side
•lid the block soon was filled with
00 fighting teen-agon. Another
100 P»tod from the sidelines and
houaoholders splashed water on the
Pottto stoppeil the fracas in an
hour. No one was injured.
alarm clocks
LK.HTKRS-Ronson. Evans
Fine line of Baby Jewelry
Best Selection Watch Bands
at College Station
i Prices are Right!
is2l. , lSw*lIl PWSM
made the way
they ought to be
These hi*back 8.2 Chino Army
Twill Pants are swell — they
have a zipper fly, too. Buy
several pairs today while we
have all sizes.
Infantry Team
Takes High Honors
In National R0TC
The ROTC Infantry team from
ABM took third place h<>non in
the Warrior of the Pacific Com
petition, it was announced yeater
day by Colonel G. 8. Meloy, Jr.,
rtbrC *
An August 28 release from the
War Department sponsor of the
competition, gave West Virginia
University first place honors,
which entitled them to the bronze
statuette now in possession of the
University of Hawaii, and second
place to the University of Wiacon
The award is made annually to
the Infantry team making the high
est average score in the RCfTC
summer camps. An average score
of 173.3 was made by each man
on the AAM team.
Colonel Meloy added that a let
ter of commendation was recently
reecived from Brigadier General
l*wis C. Beebe, Chief of Staff,
Fourth Army, which read, “The
Army Commander has noted the
commendable record achieved in
this Warrior of the Pacific Cmn-
petition and extends hia rongratu*
lations to each of the members of
the AAM College team."
Exams Slated With
State Department
Competitive examinations for
positions in local units affiliated
S‘“» , th « St *‘v Department of
Health have just been announced
bjr the Merit System Council for
I. . T mm 8t * u ' Department of
Examinations are for public
health medical poaitlons, and vrill
eonsist of an evaluation of train
ing and experience ami an oral
examination. Veterans preference
will be allowed applicant* who
have been honorably discharged
from the United States armed
forces, and who make u passing
score on the examination.
Applications will be rofelved
•nntorae—ly until further amice.
m V on ? . for which •**« I nations
will Ii* held are! directors of local
health units; directors of rommu-
liicalde disease control in various
specialties; and public health phy.
sirians. Salaries range from Hl.fttiK
to I7.2W1, according to the site of
the unit and to the qualifications
of the individual applicants.
Application blanks may be ob-
taiied from Russell E. Shrader.
Merit System Supervisor. Little
field Building. Aurtin, Texas.
- KISH -
(Continued from Page 1)
freshmen are now attending
school without books, the only
alternative to sweating it out.
It was bad. no doubt about
it, but no rioting took place
like at T. U.
But by week’s end, after
countless lines, lectures, con-
ferences, signings of names,
and mistakes, the Annex was
returning to normal. The
speechmakers departed.
Clfrks and i stenographers
worked over all the papers
and forms. The freshmen col-
Ispaed in a heap.
ew York Cafe
118 S. Main
Lo-back khaki pants . .. $4.95
Khaki ihirts ... $2.05 to $5.95
, l
Midi Fulfil rHNTAil
•NMd ImssiMt" It • ptrfHI
)•» ikU minds p*. which
lw* fvfryiking ihst oifiiury lost*.
Uis p«n. r*s do, snd mssy eitof
lhls«i impsuthlt with «k«r prat.
i. Np sib lo iprrsd or wnlrh—)mI
• 14 kl. Mlkl gold point iksi ihdn
Kkt a lead pencil. Fit, ssv IimkIw
•yW of writing. Fully gnsnaiocd
10 dm ytus of Mthfertory wrvion.
Frt k through in pacr, today m
mu Stationery Depnnmnt
md n,U .ri,r t KM
1 ’‘ t * 4 VftDNEgDAY. SEPTEMBER IT, 1M7
>■9* » ■ '■*'
ton mai >m m*
*%u>e tom item, rntfi*
■I, Onnw
classified ads
^ i*** mmorn. iMium, Mr . M
THK ncmaa nor Typtns. munmmsii
in. dnmns
»n. Bryan.
Ntw rla
•1*0 •morl
frmtwr •ouram.
to I* Until** •nrollmMtl MrRenil*
a.Wwi« aminm. Colin,. Tto a. Wmn-
utflan A Venn*. Bryu. T,xu
H ihoiThkn* booMmelitt
1 •uSimu. nfMiwr mth re-
*• wm m«h amnmmr is
HKl.e WAWTKP; Uu p ,%p,r
wnm* IntfiM **>om firmiml pmuim
l.uorn* K*S* A Son. Bryan, Taxa*
Twenty lettermen are on the
current Yale football squad.
Twenty states and the District of
Columbia are represented on the
1947 Yale football squad.
mn. «M kmMm h. S«Si Hah
kMe lyyewmer m (wai
♦ torn Mr* r“
F 1 ** •mm hewe ••* tM
M^* tHlMill 111 laftfM MMF
mim nnh Mime irnm JsbwS
PBoim I (tM
roB 0AUG On* SnuM* no*. t lM
n*** *erin§* an* tnaliraaa Saa
t>M>m.. Ay* ihT oSmTvwT
^Trutw AnfPsmeu*
hwe^aaaoTls ■*«*r,aa*
% ,
’,«si »•
- - -■ aJt* ~ T 11‘
roj SAtJt: amine Soota wa. aknui ».p
Met our flowers
I f | / .
nay it for you'
HoWers for til occaaionB
Phono 4-1212
fUi (/
Mj, ■
Coming right at you...
the best cigarette
you ever got your
hands on."
/'// /
mi ! ' i
■ m mm. m/wM ■ m
t/mm '"*'/// /
WMMaMiMMtun .* ■//
l IJ / : 1>kA teh