The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 17, 1947, Image 3

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    T • "r"‘
Battalion O
P 0 R T b
—— --I
Paf* S
SWC Injured Ust
Crows as Opening
Tilts Draw Near
• p ' ■
T v W t fv wn "til
f: / 1/M. JM
Intramural Athletics Reorganized;
Administered by Student Activities
Intrumurnl Athletic* for the current nemei»ter will b«
huudwi by Lenlle Pnlmer of ArmuuiM Piuw tfnd Bud Denton
of Dnlln*, both Phynknl hUluention Heniom, accordinv to a
recent announcement made by C. (J. “Spike’' White, director
"f SIU.ICMI A<1 IN It H « ♦ - — *.n. -
1 ter WM aUmtoned In the
■w aal Bum i to th» ^eHtoa tun , m ,, r „f 1^4,1 vkhm th«< c««i«i
left vmunt hy VA'tiltr limt Auaunt
lh* whole iMreniuml athletic aet-
up come* under the office of iitu-
dent affair* nr the Dean of Men'*
office. Heretofore the totminural
provram wa* ander the dlio<* aup*
•rriaion of the Phjraical Kduratlon
Department. Little dlfferencr wtil
• W noticed hy the ohanffe except
. fct the financial and M<cr«tarinl
Working in the Intramural of-
ficu In the Southwest corner of De-
Wivre Field House, Denton and
Palmer will b«* assisted hy the fol
lowing Senior Intramural Mana
gers In administering their pr»>-
graant Tom Crouch, Herb Garter,
Corky Hark rider, and Jimmy Net-
t—L. • \'t
“We intend to return to the
manager syster of Intramural Ac-
tivities," stated Palmer and Den-
]- ton in an interview with a Batt
alion reporter. The fo«r aenior
managers mentioned plu* an ath
letic officer for each outfit will be
- included in their plan. TV mana-
t'urpa was broken Into class or*
When querlwl aa to the athle
tic* that will be featured for thia
fall, both director* stated that
team teani* and basketball would
he played first followed by volley
ball and Dag football later In the
The Intramural program for the
Freshmen at the Bryan Annei will
be headed and administered by
Luther “Luke'’ Harrison, repre
senting the Dean of Mcn’a office
for the Freshmen at the Annex.
Following i* a schedule of the
Intramural Activities plhnned for
the main campus this fall:
Thursday, September IS; Meet
ing in Room 301 Goodwin Hall at
5:00 p. m. of all Athletic Officers
and Vet Team Managers from Md>
itary Units, Veteran Dormitories
Trailer Camp. Project -Houses, and
College View Apartmcnta.
Monday, September 22; Entry
rard* for Team Tennis and Bas
ketball due in Intramural Office.
As opening games loomed for
moot Southwest ConfareMe teams
this week-end, practices were re
duced to one-a-day as elasses be
gan, and there were several vaaant
spots In the line-ups betause of
Injuries suffered la practice see
ms last week.
At Texas A AM. tackles Max
Greiner and Martou gettegMt,
confer Dick Callender and guards
Odell Htautaenberger and Joe
are nursing injuries. Texas
lost a two-year letter men when
It wa* dlseloaed that tackle Jerry
McCauley dropped out with a brok
en leg In Saturday's scrimmage
le. Hen Procter, promising
sophomore end also was out for a
knee operation.
Two Hnrnod Frogs, Jim I-ucm
id Scotty Rainey, will probably
■next Saturday's opener with
hut Coach Dutch Meyer is
the improved physical
condition of the team as a whole.
nupm nr*% r
■MA hut
cheered hy
forestry Booklet
Published. Sent
To Texas Schools
' ■
We are glad to have all our
old customers again — and look
forward to our New Aggie Cus-
North tittle
“Forestry For Teachers,” a new
76-pag'‘ illustrated publication
which the Texaa Forest Service at
AAM, believes will serve as a mod
el in its phase of educational in
struction, is now being distributed
school and college libraries
throughout Texas.
Forestry For Teachers" was
written for the use of elementary
and high school teachers. It was
designed to give teachers a back
ground of basic subject matter in
forrstry and to provide pupil ac
tivities and suggestions for cor
relating forestry topics with reg
ular school courses.
The booklet was approved by the
state Department of Education and
wa* prepared as part of the Texas
Forest Service’* cooperative edu
cation program with that depart
ment. Member* of the technical I
staff of the Texas Forest Service
made noteworthy contribution*. j
^forestry For Teachers'' Is the
latest work of the author, Everett
K. Evans, who wrote six of the
seven Conservation Teachers man
uals published by the Miaeourl
Conservation Commission in III40-
II Finns rime-to the Texa* For-
eat Service as school specialist In
11)411 After getting his master'*
degree at the University of Mia
aouri ta 11)41, he worked with the
Missouri Conservation Commisalnn
until he entered military service
in 11)43.
Evans has published a number
of magatinc article* in the field
of conservation education. He will
* o o n publish another booklet
through the Texas Forest Serv
ice, “Pupil Activities in Forestry
and Related Conservation Sub
FROM 1938-41 AND WON
’AT-WACO FROM 1442-45 _ _ _ .
Fifteenth Time In
Lop* Play
By 3m Rcichler
Associated Prose Sports Writer
The New York Yankee* wet
receiving congratulations today
for having won their fiftaenth flag
in the last ff poor*, a feat a»-
compUahod bv no othor team. Indi
cations are that the new A
League chamniona «H1
have a national bague partner
the pennant oeWbrwtion In the
The Ysnkoo* etfncbM, their
fhamptonehip yesterday without
lifting a hah The eesurooee of
mathematical certainty earns whes
the Chirico White |ox defeated
tha Boston Red Sox M in the flrot
game of a dohuW header,
fb Dodger*' itkehinf 4
•hould eomebefore the end of
week. Leading the feet fedhtg St
Loula Cardinal* hy aoven Mil a
half game*, the Brook* nee# ottly
a rombmnti
Redbird* d*
to fare the
Help* Aggie Cause
Police* rllA nrk
»«WI U'-F
Yankeea actually
while the;
won the
ABILENE, Tex.. lefL U»
longhorn League umplro*
pennant while they were »itt!ng '""xn- rr,
in the dtth house. Early afternoon H ‘T:
rain* made it inipoesible to pb»y I IT!?" *h*7tpring and Baillngor at
Freshman Net
ProhpectM to Meet
At Annex Thursday
College Coaches Denounee Illegal
Recruiting Practices by ‘Interests’
nW made it inipoesible te play
thkir scheduled game against the
St, Louis Brown*.
After the opener, the Red Sox
came to trip the White Sox 7-8
in the aecond game of the double
The Tiger* increased their sec
ond place lead over the Rod Sox
to a full game when they whipped
the Senators 7-2 in a night game
in Washington
Daily Delivery Service
North Gate
Phone 4-444
Tennis Team Holds
Daily Work-Out*
An immediate call for all Aggie
tenni* player* was issued yester
day by Coach W. M. Dowell. All
interesU-d nqueteer* are asked to
report to the cement court* any
afternoon, with the exception of
Saturday and Senday, after 3 p.m.
I for practice. There are still open
ings on the team for several play
er* according to Dowell.
Several matches with other
schools have been tentatively
scheduled for this fall to give our
team early experience for this
spring's conference games.
W. M. Dowell, head Aggie
tennis coach, has issued a call
for all net enthusiasts located
at Little Aggieland who may be
interested in trying out for the
AAM tennis team to attend the
meeting to* be held at the ten
nis courts at the annex at ft
p. m. Thursday evening, Sep
tember 1H.
Corps Won’t March
To Saturday Game
The Cadet Corps will not
maifh Into the riadtum before
the AAM > Southwestern game
Saturday, Col. U. S Meloy, com
mandant and I'MSAT, announc
ed Tuesday.
Since the AAM cadet corps Is
Ule only school In the conference
capable of putting on the pro-
game show, It Is Imped that all
students on the campus will co
operate in making the spectacle
a success. Last year's trouble be
tween those already seated ami
the radets will he avtrted this
fall If present plans are carried
The advisability of singing
“The Twelfth Man” was dis
cussed earlier this week. Sug
gestions ranged from singing
the “Aggie War Hymn” while
marching into the stadium to
merely marching in and dis
missing the cadet* without any
Details concerning the march
before the other three home
games will be announced later.
By Harold ▼. Rittlff
Aaaociated I'res* Sport* Editor
DALLAS. Sept. 1ft (AP)-Thi*
is the time of th* year when col
lege recruiting practice* come un
der fire. It mark* the end of the
"recruiting »ea*on” and the coache*
are tired of it all—tired of trav
eling the state seeking athlete*.
Thu*, they will be more critical
perhaps than at pny other time.
Southwest conference
and athletic director* have
loose louder Must* than ever be
fore. Coach Jesal Neely of Rie«
say* the situation la worse and
that “a* far a* I ean *ee nobody
la Paying the slightest attention
the ruW" Cnaeh Homer Norton
Church of Chri*t
Social Tonight
The Church of Christ, corner of
Mar and Church Streets ia con
ducting a "get-ari|Uainted” service
at the church tonight at 7:16 for
the purpose of welcoming new and I
old student* to AAM. The service I
will include a thirty-minute devo
tional to be followed by an infor
mal meeting to acquaint newcom
er* with the church buiidlnf, the
church'* plan* and profmm, and
ith fellow student* and local
church member*. Refreshment*
will be nerved by the ladle*.
The minister, James f. Foxfler,
urge* all Church of Christ ttedent*
and other* who have expressed
Church of Christ preference to at
I -v
* N.
Krand New Galurdinra
. • ; •'
' ' ‘ , I
Individually Tailored
Delivery in 3 weeks
of Texa* AAM Hned Neelv In de
claring a wearing** for tne “de-
reptlon and hypn^rtey," He added
that If the 'lylijg and cheating
keep* up he l* going to get a pro
coaching job. "A* l«***l well he
In the open then," he *ay*. ’•
Coach Dutch Meyer of T#xa»
Christian deplored the pressure put
on an athlete, “m running these
boy* cra»y, H he asserted. “The
folks won't leave them alone. This
I* the biggest evil. I don’t think
any school I* paying an athlete
more than the rules allow but it’s
i the outside Intereits—the alumni."
Meyer also hit at the practice
of firm* paying athlete* so much
per month "to he their representa
; tive* on the campus.”
Matty Bell of Southern Metho-
, dist said this pnertice was preva-
j lent but that he saw nothing
wrong with It. However, he did
say he thought fhe pressure put
on the athletes and the work of
outsider* in giving boy» money or
other things of value to attend a
school were had.
Coach Blair Cherry of the Uni
versity of Texas Said the situation
waa getting out of hand and that
a commissioner with the power of
a Judge Landis in baseball was
needed to prevent, a big “blow up"
in Southwest Conference athle
tic*. He declared a man empow
ered to make investigation*, hold
hearings and exact penalties was
necessary to prevent alumni and
others outride the schools getting
the athletes for the highest bid*.
Cherry was particularly bitter
against tactics which he said were
followed by some of Texas' oppo
nents in approaching it* athletes
and "knocking Ute - school" with
the idea of making them dissatis
Basketball coach Jack Gray of
the University of Texas said “an
athletic scholarship won't get an
athlete now. They ean get more
at other schools.”
Athletic director Ralph Wolf of
Baylor took a somewhat different
view from the others. “Why
doesn’t everyone practice what he
preaches?" he asked. “What’s
wrong with schools going after!
athlete* anyway? I believe In free
coaches i enterprise. What If there Is tom-
let 1 petition? Let's put It on the fom-
petitiv* basis."
Wolf declared the only way to
cut out the so-called evllg of re
cruiting was for the atMetie di
rector* ta get together and agree
that they would be stopped. The
others agreed with him on this.
Nealy said the schools themselves
could handle the matter of the
alumni or other outsiders making
offer* to athlete*. “Any srhool
ran stop It If It will juat tell the
outsider* to quit," Neely declared,
apparently Implying that some of
Yell Leaders Urge,
Sportsmanship At
Initial Practice
Last night heard the return of
yell practice.
The organised confusion, the
spaghetti-like confetti and the
jokes were the same as always, the
only missing factor being the An
nex-stationed freshmen and their
abundant yelling. Growing like an
army rumor, an estimated crowd
of SjOOO student* gathered for the
-»**!on of yell*, singing him! pel’
A serious note was the plea
hy yell leader Dutch Hartman
for all 4g«4ea te step rheertnx
while the uppoelng team la la
the huddle.
The next regularly scheduled
yell practice will be held tumor
row night.
Ballinger have refused to
but the game will be played as
scheduled, league president How
ard Green said today,
- Green said the umpires said
they would not report because they
felt they did not havu adequate
police protection.
The umpires said they had
“threatened hy a few
ful funs" following
game in which Big Spring
Ballinger 5-3, Green *aid..
President Bill Moore of the Bal
linger club assured Green today
that the umpires would get-ade
quate protection, and the Imague
president ordered the gam* to be
played as scheduled.
If the regular umpires fail to
report. Green will line up .substi
last night's
ipring beat
liOuis-Walcott Match
Postponed Till Dec. 5
NEW YORK, Sept. 17 (API-
Thc scheduled non-title fight be
tween heavyweight rhampiun Joe
Louis and Jersey Walcott of Cam
den, N. J., was smppcl today ami
in.Uud the two will incH in a
clmmpHinship lb-round bout at
Ma^wm Square Garden U c. J,
There will be rt« pobli
season for Army Navy football
i tickets.
the colleges frroroS sufh tactics.
Athletic director D. X. BibU of
the University of Texas said there
was need for a definite and uni
form policy all over the United
States. “1 believe ia helping the
boys who art ta need hut we should
have a definite policy and stick
to it," he said.
The conference rule allows a
school to give a hoy his tuition
and fees. If he takes a job he
must work a minimum of 160 hours
a year for which he may receive
hoard and room and $4.00 per
month for laundry.
The Lone Star conference won’t
have a noptimist howl game this
year hut there may be a good sub
Mexico City is interested in stag
ing a post-season classic and
Shreveport also * is working on
such a plan.
President L. I. Smith of the
conference said he wa* interested
in both and was looking into the
Java is the richest and most
densely populated island of the
Netherland Indies.
1 i / ’
Dial 4-mi
for RewTvations
“U Drive It”
At the North Gate
Two doors East of Bank
Quarantine Not To
Affect NC Statrii
Foothall Practice
In spite of a polio quttrontln* on
Ita players, North Carolina State'*
football team will continue piar
tier After doctors Informal school
athletic official, that •Xerclav
would not Increase au
to the disease, pTOrtlc*
Carolina’, first gkme
was resumed.
The quarantine Was evoked after
W-yenr-old freshman was dtag-
wed as an "acute cast" of In
fantile paralysis.
. At least the team should be
free of progame "sconten."
MIAMI. Fla.. (API—The Jan 1
game in the enlarged stadium will
b* Florida’s 14th annual Orange
Bowl clash, but the 16th SUCCCS* IN r
New Year’s college football game
in Miami. The gam* qjM .HBgud
4er the banner of the Palm
Office ia Parker Building
Over Canady’s PharM? '
Phone 1-1457 Bryan, Texas
Successor to
11J ill 11 iih l
Loratal it North Gito—biwip bldg, u* Kmlth-Turtirr Co,
1 ' block North from Lliwomb Phirmiry.
Everything for the Urge mid imill home.
We hive miny HpcclaUlcH for the Mtudcnt: {
In fact everything for your
/A 'd :
/ nt&- f .
M k}mm
room and house
J ith