The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 17, 1947, Image 1

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'•{ '
Valium 47
» ■!
Fish Still Hot and Dazed
After Hectic First Week
m* 4»H f A for m many one lonjr line after another. The 1100 new freehmen
« the Annex had their first taste of lines durihg Freshman Week and are just now
recovering. [• i
A consensus of opinion in unprintable.
* . The moat harrowing ordeal of the century, according to moat, was the aeries of en-
j trance testa conducted in the gymnasium. These testa ran for three or four afternoons,
t and the answers were sweat
ed out of the victims. Admit-
Farm Llmrcrs
Permitted to Work
Outside of State
MARSHAI.L, TKX . Sept t«
(At*)—K«»p. Iaoin f. Hydri<k. Jr.,
of ManihnH Mid Statr IjiUir Com-
miAAionrr M. B. Moraaii hod lift
ih! thr hlockaiir of migratory work-
em here.
Ilydrkk naid Morgan had or-
derrd his latior commiAAion agentn
here to return key* to ttwkA Ik--
longing to migratory workers, and ; *‘ v, ‘ r X^^as it f
allow them to proceed on their i »arn>w a tree t a
8,029 Students In
School This Fall
Knrollinrnt llirou^h Sept. Y,\ Falln
WH) Brlow IaHmI Year, All-Time lli^li
May Be Punished'*
Academic Council
up and down the aisles fan- »'*> without further interference,
ning the examinees w i t h 1 1 Hylrick Aaid Morgan wia with-
_« t . in niA rights under current lawn
sheaves of pajier. M can be to hmlt th( . flow of laU>r m , rtht
seen in the picture below, but hut that he. Hydrirk. did not u-
they only ser\’ed to circulate Heve the law couttitutibnal ami
UotUac • po«t office bo a took at leant 2 hour..
the torrid air
The Postal Department fi
asco ranked second in the
highlights of the week. One
man was on hand to handle
it in
had planned to challenge
CourtA if Morgan had not
“I realire the fartnerA of Texas
are in m-ed of the services of
them- men, but this is Atilt a free
. .. .. , „ . i country and if we are to uphold
boat applications for all 1,100. the principle of freedom in our
The constant fear of those in constitution, it is the duty of the
line was that this oldest em- sovereign State of Texas t<
ployee of the Post Office Serv- lh “ l no injury is iwrpetrated on
. with 83 years behind him, »">• r > 1 V W ; " f
..U IvaC,.».. .w-l-' • l >ty. Hydnck said
Hydriok said he had talked to
Cheater* \\ ill Get Second Chance,
Depndin^ on Offense Seriousness
in/ f . a W • ?* M/’ wm&
A student may be dismissed or assessed a leaner punish*
entering din^ti^ fn>m*high"A<ho<»i,'approximately* offset 'hy "an"*Sn- ment f°r partk i|*a’tion in any rebellious protest* against con
With R.029 Student, enrolled for the fall semester, A. A M. settled '
down to work this week. Although the number of students was about
♦500 less .than enrolled at the same time a year ago. no one would
» the crowds on buses, in moviu threat res. and on the
the old area.
Official statistics indicate that there was a drop in the numhci
crease in transfer students and returm-es, the figure being roughly
■'100 in ench rasa.
A substantial drop in the numtter of veterans entering as fresh
men appeared responsible for the decrease in enrollment, the figure
being fiOO in eacp cast*.
The drop iif freshmen entering directly from high school ami
the corresponding increase in transferees ami returnees appears to he k
part of a long-tjime trend, as the direct-enteiMng freshmen are now
about half as many as in 1940, while transferees and returnees are
almost twice as many as in 1940. The fact that many students an*
not* coming to AAM for uppcrclnss work after completing two years
of junior collegM is believed to be responsible for this trend.
Veterans who never attended A&M before the war are apt to be
see skeptical about attending a military college, and for this reason vete
ran enrollment a| A&M may U* exacted to drop off rapidly, as those
who were pre-wfir students hen* are graduating in large numbers.
stituted authority. a^‘<»rding to a new ruling pf the Aeadtm-
ic Council.
The council, which met Friday, paired the new rule
wheih reads in full a* follow*:
♦ "Kv.ri v student or go .. i
dents has the right to petition ami
Best Law School
In Texas, Says
Sweat! in Ranger
would collapse before their
names could be entered on
the books.
The Kxchange Store had a
line of which it could be
proud. Consequently many
(rontimted on Page 4i
] V
Morgan by long distance from
Austin, and that afti-r he had
talked, he handed the phone to a
labor agent present, and Morgan
had ordered the agent to lift the
Marlier in the day, the Marshall
Net*. Messenger sgid it hud con
firmed report* that at least two
craws of inigiatoiv l.olm Amen
can farm workers had mumed the
Texa» border Into Aikaiu*a» after
their leader* had been .topped at
Marshall for violation of a state
l*W, ’•
term a tear
» com otto mi Tatailatlons by The Battalion
Total kinrollinent Frewhmen
. 19.19
S, pt
7 (HI0**
19 IA
9' pt.
• nppmXjmtto,
Tina was
♦* «p|M.>himatr
•J.tagi* lapmxi
Not available
Not available
779 *
Not available
AUSTIN. T.*t., Sept. Ifi
(AP)-Heman Marion Sweatt,
the Hmiston Negro mail car-
. h‘‘ er . toW reader* of t he Texias
* Hanger today that be wants to
petition amt
■Inn mid #b-
Ihe privilege of suggestion
jectiv* criticism; however, this
does not sanction relwIlioMs pro
tests against constituted' authority
compatilde with gmsl i»rm»r. * ,
"A stmlent may lie dismissed or
a«a«waed a lesner, punishment for
pHiliriiuUion in any' such move
ment^ "ni.* Kxecuttve Committee
repnsenting the Acadcnaic ij»um il
will exercise juriadiction in *uch
matters; may assets puni-hment
lor guilt in specific case**, or may
at any time require the withdraw-
attoS the University law' school'* 1 , ,,f whuneW^jn Ua
>M*«-ause "It IS the t-« wkLt i JudCwnt, his general iiinoeoc*
; ui Texaa,"
SweattV article in the current ['
issue of the University's student
* IHMi
is harmful to the morale and suc
cessful functioning of the pur*
pose* and objectives of the Col-
high mark
Hated Its-
him Hi it
The Exchange Store line was a good Wait for every*
Newt in lirlef
NEW VOIIK. S.|rt, 1(1 (AIM
Hr. ()•< waldo Atanlm, f of met for
elgn minister of Mliiidl, ha. herb
electetl In preside otrer tlt«* ctlllcnl
1947 session of the i nlteil Natjons
NiMrnr. rou sknatk*
AUSTIN, Tex . Sept. IP (AIM—
At least one Texan today is con
templating drafting Fleet Admiral
Chester Nimitx as a candidate for
U. S. Senator, if nuiitafy career
men invade Texas politkw.
In a telegram addtvssdd to wire
services hen, S. H Join**. II, arm*
insurance salesman. <lecBm*d that
“if we arc going to elect military
career men to public office, I am
| going to start a draft Fleet Ad-
j miral Chester Ntmitr. for l!. S.
Senator movement.”
VINITA. Okla. Sept. 17 ( MM
U. C. Stcruuell, 3*. of Waco.
Te*.. was killed today in the
collision of his automobile and
a truck 12 miks south of Vinita.
His son. I'. C. SterqUrll. Jr., ,
Waco, was slightly injured.
ELECTtA, Tex. Sept 1* (AIM
Hazing of Klectra high schaol
freshmen, in which scyne boys wen*
made to strip nak,*«i and tun in
front of cars, is Mng investigated
here, Deput Sh* riff, Harold Frak-
er said.
most jimiutu and aanlors, In mg in RpHatMt
mo vn i'ni'|w had (teen railed to duly
all-limn high
Ihrmtgh naturdat, wriibmliet II
Midetinji Etesitioaii
lai Velrtfm
tin Non Pat dire*I
fruntl high arhnnl
Trahafera sod Melnrneea
n gtit
Any student caught cheating /
W dl lie II I, 11> I 1„ tho .u . of his
itwiMS Itvo M-htmi; a >ti oud nffmise
will I,'ml In a discipline paiml, U
»/Thr ial« passed stales lh«HU ;
I EXh com* of 'srhidasllr fU**
YM(!A In Sponsor
INcw Activities On
( .ampus. at Annex
I t
IC.Ai is plunm
new activitie
emwter. aecoi
lion^horn Picture
Schedule Begins
Monday. SepL 22
numlter of
the fall se
to M. L. ('atliion, executive
»,*cn*tary. Thejw will include
films, a counseling commlttet/'and
a sophomore diw-ussipn group.
The YMC A film library, con
taining all subjects from rooking
I to rompci I'nivwNlty offieinH to
I admit loot, sod the ruse U now
; More fhe Third 0mirt\ of Civil
I A pared* here. I I '
The both Uegislstute, following
, the filing of the Sweat! ca**, C»-
tahlrahed the ffexns State I’nlver-
; sity for Ncgrbe*. including provi-
, *ion for legal ' duration. Th*> Cnl-
i > m—r,.* Tn.-I r ^’»'i>tly opuiu d at Hous-
plannitiR a C laaa picture* for The 1948 ton( Sweatt did not enroll.
ie* for Ijonghom will be made, be- **As a final important reason for
riling ginning Monday. September “Peaking out anew." Sv.vau said
22, and continuing through | in tk* Ranger nrtnlc. "I welcoim-
November 18, Tommy John and (he opportunity to ixmfine tin* sub-
Bobbie Lee Williamson, co-«dltore.' jrct to its limited scope of ed'
have announced.
inugaaiiie gave many other ren-
MUia, but it emphasitid In. b, In I
that the », liiad l* "tin enly one
lhut cun i,M«rd au ciu.d tiolniug
to that uuduinle fpr other »id-
denis. 1 '
An mlllor'sl noli* aecompfinring I was dec Hied
the arthle i xpUiO'xp "Ibe 8 , tn»»'l
Ullfves that the f*i ud Plohll lp
in Miral ton shonhl la* „|,* alj' die hone*lv slmll I • *
I'Usaed hy all Inli lligenl lample sliueler In th« al|on(|im,of |hs
1hia aluty, sxintly 4* wtilum hr sirtdMd tovtiUed, end do>lj i** re»
Hcman Manoa Swealt. I. puldt'h innod hy the ln>ird. in ef I he
•n| a* lafofmallnn lot Mgngei jean of the ■IuiIhiF* tijM'eeliV*
readrr*, aiel uifininM siabsl are erlmdl IhNiugh (he head oflOip <tf
'huge of th* Mtihm r idreimrtil, Thw report shnli he In
Swenit wii* rvjfMretl gdhtlMkfn writing, rhau *!«'• ih, " tun
jin the University law «eho,d nmi Mlsely and Inilnde the Htouimen'
!y tire y #a re. a go He losiiight Unit I dathwi of the InitrwrB*
•'the th an ronri med shall dis
cuss the matter with the student
ami take such itHion as he dm*tna
pgniwr. Tins may irepitre »hr s*«
,h , n| to drop ihi course inv«
with a Kmie of "F," Th,
shall eotlfcr with the fhan n
and th<* CoiunuMdaat and advise
them of action taken.
“Ktinienl* shall be referred to a
discipline panel for the second
tional segregation. And for what
Students will have pictures tak
en In four groups: non-military
students, and senior, junior.
it might mean in this connection,
I would want it frankly understood
that as far as I am concerned, thi
to playing hnskdtball, will be made , —- •-—---_ -J , , . . . - J ,
available to all tlubs on the ,-atn- »ophomore military student* Pho- problem can not lie resolved by any
pus. Th,- committee on films will ‘^P***™ w ‘ 11 A '* M, ; answer ki\*»*n tW scapegoat
contact the different organization* ( ol ? e ''•; Ann ; x ^ * Utor l * I y*»*
!. . , : make individual pictures. sister to marry a Negro?*
' | The eomnletc s«-hedulc. excludini I am air, ady Imppil) married-
that of the Annex, is a* follows: and tlwie are laws against bidmmy
in this country. My personal coni
docs not ex-
interest in a
e *'*«-
i* #ft
•f Mret
Kvrei punhakiixg « wasto
■ressl • |wud hour ■ wait.
AUSTIN, Tex.. Sept. 17 I AIM
James P. Hart of Austin, sQccea-
»or to Judge C, S. Slatton as As-
sia-iate Justice of the Texas Su
preme ('uuit, will take his oath
of offirs Oct. 1, he said yester
dt F
7 ^,
q a
A counseling lommittoe of pFof-
fessort will la* {organized to give
advice to students in an unofficial
capacity. A repijescntative of each
club will keep the council inform
ed on matters {pertaining to the
general welfare of the student
body as a who^e.
Dr. Paul Webver, bead of the i
department of psychology at Stev- i
ena College, Columbia, Missouri,
will < onduct the service* during j
Religious Emphasis Week to he
held February l*-20. An attempt
will be made to bring Dr. Alex
ander, who conducted the services
last year. Iiack! to the campus at
least twice duling the fall *,*m-1
; ester.
Sophomore )|isru*ainn group*
will la* **'t up: through the com*
pany eonimundpr*. These groups
will lake up pjxdilems of campus ;
ami peiaonal Interesl with lhe|
pounaelor*. A similar progiam will |
he set up for the freshmen hi
Little Agglrlapd, These (IlM'US,
sinus ate designed to supplement
the revtllNt aitolemlr I'tiurse* nf
The Y plans!|n mnlael, organ
lie and ciaipetate wllh
students and latmluce them Into
the homes nf iteal residents.
, Improvement of student faculty |
relationship will be ettcouragHl
through meetlmr* and discussions
between repn dntatlves of the two
groups. Contrihtition* to the World
Stmlent Fund pill b** handled hy
the Y, ami it is hoped that the
11,000 rontrihuied last year will
be doubled.
Forums will |h* held on race re
lation*. family fife, courtship, and
marriage Local and outside ex
perts will lead the discussions.
Meetings of a cultural nature
Will be conducted by the ladies on
the campus, wno will demonstrate
the proper procedure to he* fol
lowed at form*] dinner parties.
Nu* WIHIar)
H*t>(emb»r Tl-24
s»i>,*mk»r 24-27
S»|Stmb»r 2* <>ct,U»r 1
Ortobar 2-4 .
.s-«otMr *•»
"riobrr #-n
Oclob»r U-14 f
Octator is-s
OrVobtf 20-22 4 .
Sr r
Novrmbrr 1
Novvtnbtr 2
Novrmbrr 3
Novrmbrr 4
Novrmbrr 5
sm«>ms , i in this country. My
\ > .‘^rn'wflh Mgregation
y q l c,*cd my imiaciliate i
.' r j. a first das* leiral education. This
N O 'i* ^ {diroetly and necessarily involves
/ H l< «»nly those nn-af of society which
:.*-.Tf u. V will extend basic reonoma* opjavr-
T. a tunilie* compleidy unlimited ,by
*' _ L the characteristic ami inherent dis-
n k h <» n i criminations of ssrgrcgation.."
J. k i.. si - ? '
r U. H
v w , x.
M Hilar,
Novrmbrr s
Novrmbar S . .
Novrmbrr 1"
Nuxrmbrr II
Novrmbrr 13 .
Novrmlwr II
Nmrmbrr 14
Niivmilwr I*
Novrmbrr 17
Novrmbrr Is
pji All-College Dance'
-v, t At Grove Saturday
x t. I *
\.A. B I-
n. K r. Q.
J, K l.
e u
v w
A. I I'
r, n it [t
I, M N fii
N, 5- ■ F j
W, If. t. I
Masons to ('.(infer
Decrees Thursday
i and guidance teats.
AUSTIN. Tax, Sept. 16 (AP)
Texas has entered its foraml
application far U4.999.990 in
Federal aid to be used as eae-
third the root of constructing
$72,999,999 worth of community
and non-profit hospitals aver the
next five year*.
Socially the 1947 fouilsdl sca-
*on will get off to n great start
wit!) an all college footlmll dance
mi the Slab Hatuiday night. The
dance IS exiwrted to gtirart
nutoy of the Exes who will h,
op thf innipub for the Saturday
Also this will Ih* tip fhsl
affair fo< lusny o( the
m*9f ModrMs, J
Flaiuig fin itnj j«ncu will he
ihu AggieUnd (IretosMa, Ad
m iso ion will Im ll ho stag ur
jrtg The i In ace begins at 9 and
last* until III, Ip dato nf lurltM
ilntot Weather, (hi* daure wilt he
held |n Uhls* HpH.
usme /
The Nul Itoss MMonle Lodge
11 having a ealled maeiing Thure
r„trigi< '•ay "Ighl, al * .10, to the A me I (rip I
1 Legion I'hijerl House, Tialhti
Area V The roeellng ha* Iwipi
Hilled for the purpose fl f *99-
fi rtlng the masleis degree ijn . a . _,
I ban H. W. Barlow nf l he Hehoi'i |w|a|||| tgl
of (Engineering, and Lari Landits <11 lUrlll
nf the r. F,. Ilepartmenl.
The Sul Ross chapter wan of-
gnnixeil May 12, 1947 under dir
E nsation granted by the Gradd
aster of the Granil Icnlgi ef
Texas* {Its purpose is to grafO
lodge benefit* to Intereaftaw stp-
denU and faculty and staff metp-
lier* who would otherwise be* dep
led the privilege of lodge mcip-
Gate Beirtu Built
liONDON. Sept 17 (AP)—A9
outbreak of infaatile paral>«is
(poliomyelitis) of record propor
tions la some bralitie* was in
dicated in European utatiatk* os
band here today.
Britaia, Germany. Aastria.
Belgium and Sweden aeemed
hardest hit. France. Italy, Czeck-
oalovakia. the Netherlands and
Denmark a Iso reported rases nf
the dbeaae.
A thirty-foot- md' paved street
is bring built to believe the traf
fic congestion hi North Gate. Ac-
cording to C.l K. 1.,-trhton. f«w»
•ti^pklon ergineer of the rolWce.
the new street will elhninate tin*
reseiit enrv, cmi Hoostnn Street
and wiH be used only by through
The street' immediatidy in frwnt
of the Lost Office wiU be bl,v-krd
off. Parking spare to areomodato
twdnty or thirty ears will be pro
vided at the rod of this strve
in bpeciat parking Iota to
atrwefeed in (be island iu
the Poat Office.
W. 8. Lo-inor of
contractor ip charge of
project, which will be
about three weeks.
offense. They will not be referred
to a diM'iplin,* pant l for the fireV -
offense except where the «use it a
flagrant on,* or where the student'*
previous discipline record has been
“The stuilcnjt shall have - the
right af apical to the disc Mine
I'uhcl from any action by the mran
of the school.
Organization of the Gradwate
Faculty and (inuhiate Couacil was
also hpproM*,) by the Academic
ouncil. Umlcr the proposed set- ,
the Graduate Nj*'aruHy will
make rocommendnt ions v* t 0 the
i-adcntH* Limncil regarding poli
cies of the 'Iradn it,* School and
requirement* for advanced xie-
Tlie Graduiite ('ouncil will be an
advisory I*sly to the Dvau of the
Graduate School ami will repraaent
the Graduate Faculty in approprt-
ute matters. The Graduate Coult-
<0 will consist of the Dean of the
Graduate School and twelve meM-
ber* of th,* (irailuate Faculty.
Deans of the* various school*
will preside in rotation over the
discipline panel In the case of an
engineering student culled before
the panel, for instaiwe, the fb-ah
of Engineering will not piifUk,.
lutlege Ni«lii
Set Tomorrow
(’"liege night fur atudef
•he i«*m oumgtia will hn In
tnorruw uitthi at 7 on fh* front
•Gp» uf (iiHsIwin HglL WeufilBwyf
in A*s MidWmnn, hiod |rel| ieaiK/
In knnping with the iustnut nf i
•art yeifw, eullege offieinl*, Mh /
•»ili riisnhe#. and nn*nth»,dii ,♦< the
r«M.(li«lt (earn wlB Is* pies, tiled /
(o tlw si'nhml Mr*^ iTI. /
I bilk mi.m will eondwet Vhe
Rtsm and will Ih* n<«t ted hy
'•rHil^h‘• lUrlmnn, Cecil Hairiron. .
Jim Slevi ns ami Totunly H|dH|rarW *
. yell lewder*. , ~ /*
As usual the Ag/ir band Jpdig
the direeDon of IA. t'4d. E. V.
Adam- wiM furnish the muslg.
HolLmmn aniioqiH*ed that a sep
arate college night had to*, n ptun-
n “d* for the Annex on Friday wight.
He pomt4Ml out that the program*
for both night* would bp the same.
He designated the south side of
the chapel as the site for tho An
nex program.
AUHTIN. Teg, Sept. 17 (AP)
Gang. Lyndas H. Johnimw told
Awalia Rotarians yesterday the
1’ailed States' only defense is to
keep ahead ia the race for ia-
foriratbm in the field of atomic