The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 16, 1947, Image 1

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Volume 47
Numbe r 26
Sophomores to Be
Selected for New
I Intramural Jobs
Tactical Officers, Dormitory
Assignments Are Announced
A meeting of all sopho
mores interested in becoming
ice ]
^ Lead Regiments
Grady Elam
Jot ( ullinan
( Undr Hunt) n
Three-fold Charter
Fdr College Group
Set Up in Wisconsin
SerioiiN Altitude of Convention
Kelated IIv Three Aggie l)elegat<‘«
A conutitution to brn^don edu-1 win. The (lolrgatrn, N. R leather-
rational opp*»rtunHi«‘ii for Antrri- I wood, Joe ( oliinan. and Hauda
tyn, arroiApaniati by Grady
can atttdrnt*. climinatr economic, •» ,
rcligioua, and racial farrier* to ‘
education, and impCo^r the tyjK*
of education now available waa
adopted by the National Student*
Awwociation in Madi»dn, Wiwcon-
*in during the fir*t week in Sep
tember. : , >
Three delegate* fmoi AAM at
■ tended the constitutional
panted by Grady
Elm* of the Student Activities Of
ficc, reported a *#riou« and deter
mined approach to the problem of
raising *rihola«tic wtandanls and
l»ettenng condition*.
Approximately 800 delegate*,
representing an eat'rpaicd 800.048)
*tu<ient* from 43 state*, worked
I jd ‘
mores imerestea in oecommg « • ■
intramural managers will be, LeWIS aVUl ^hanilOn
held at the intramural office
in DeWare Field House Wednes
day afternoon at 5 p.m., accordi
to an announcement by C. i w mr •
'" r ” lor In New Promotions
“An unlimited number of aopho-
more* will be accepted for try-
’* outs which will laat until December
20. At that time 20 of the top men
’• will I*) selected to serve the rest
of the semester,” White stated.
Sophomore intramural manager*
will a**i*t junior managers in
scheduling eeents, filling out
league sheets, and making score
cards. In addition, they will ref
eree. keep time or help score on
the contests in the sport to which
they are assigned.
At the end of two seme*ter*’
service, each sophomore manager
will be awarded an intramural
From them- $0 sophomore man
agers, nine junior manager* will
J£j be selected, four of whom will
serve the following year in the
capacity of senior intramural man
"We think the program can of
fer much to hby* who enjoy ath
letic* and feed the need of an ex
tra-curricula activity to balance
their college aativities," Spike con
| eonven
tion. Which was held en the cam- ’ night and day on the constitution
pun of. the University of Wiscon- The week waK tightly-packed with
j panel*, discussions, and confer-
The idea for the NSA originated
News in Brief
Senator Pepper ID-Kks) said to
day there i* no hope for any effort
to check rising living cost* and
with the American delegates to
the World Student Congress held
in Prague in 1946. Jim Smith, ex-
president of the Universitir of
Texas student body, directed the
N. R. 1-eathrrwood
Iowa State Prof
To Teach Genetics
Rotiert R. Shrode, who recently
Tcasippers" Riot
4t Registration
AUSTIN, Tex.. Sept. Ifl.—<AP)
—A “registration riot” tempor
arily disrupted student registra
tion at the University of Texas
yesterday afternoon.
Shirts and dresses were report-
G«ne E. Lewis and Ralph L.
Shannon will lead the Third
and Fourth Regimental Head-
qaurters, reflectively, accord
ing to Cot. G. S. Meloy Jr., com
They will hold the ranks of
lieutenant colonel in their new po
Serving as executive officer of
the Third Regiment will be Major
Jack F. Andrews, with Captain
Gordon W. Lawson as adjutant.
On the Fourth Regimental Head
quarters staff will be Major Rich
ard C. PratVr, eX4?cutive, and Cap
tain William I. Compton, adjui
leading the Engineer Battalion
Headquarters staff will be Major
Edward A. Pela, commander, who
replaced Prater, transferred to the
Fourth Regiment.
Captain William P. Dickson of
Waco wa* appointed commanding
officer of Battery A, Field Artil
lery, taking the place of James C.
Other promotion* included on
the latest list of appointments are
as followt 1st Sgt. John K. Orr
and 8 Sgt. Charles W, Measley,
Flight A, Air Force; 1st 8gt. Arch
K. Jaeob»on and 8/Sgt. Troy N.
Crook, Flight B, Air Force; and
1st Sgt. Randolph W r . Barker and
8 Sgt. John W\ Lincoln, of Flight
C, Air Force.
♦ (Information for th* following article waa received front
the Office of the Commandant. Since thia writing, dormi
tory aaHignments have been reviaed, but no word waa re
ceived by The Battalion on changes. A revised atory will be
published tomorrow if by that time permanent dormitories
have been assigned to unit*.)
Tactical officers and dormitory assignments for eddet
organizations have been announced by Col G. S. Meloy, Jr.,
commandant and professor of military science and tactics. _
Dormitory 12 will house the corps staff and the senior
organizations, with Captain l^ester W..Stiles assigned as tac
tical officer. Hid office W *N ^ * n Ropra 128, Ihirm 12. The
first floor will be used by the corps
Former AAA Man
completed work for a Ph. D. de- ed torn when an estimated 1,000 w fXCC 9
grcc from Iowa State College in studonts stormed into the fqyer IVnfMIS I 'A\\ fltllCP
animal breeding, ha* been appoint- of the main buQding to receive pre- , w
ed to teach genetics and do re- Hminary registration carda and *
search work in animal breeding, time tickets determining order of Eugene Rush, a former employee
according to C. B. Godbey, head registration for today. | of the Agricultural Adjustment
of the genetic* department. Howard Calkins, registration *u- Administration at College Station.
Shrode was horn in Oolorado pervisor. said the students entered has opened a law office in the
National Continuation* Committee an d received a B. S. degree in a mob instead of forming or- Casey and Spark* Building above
until a constitution could be drawn ! iin j rna i husbandry from Colorado A. j d«rly line*. , | the Aggiciand Pharmacy at the
up IA M. in 1943. He minored in stat- | North Gate.
physiology lt a The office opened for business
on September 1.
staff; Company A. senior unit, will
live on the second floor and half
of the third floor; and Company
B will be housufi on the other half
of the third floor and the fourth
In Dorm 10, Company C, Infan
try will live on the first floor, Com-
e my B on the second floor, and
ompany A on the third floor.
Battery A. Field Artillery will »t«y
on the fourth floor. CgptaJn Stiles
also will be in charge of Dotm
Batteries E. D, C, and B, Field
Artillery will live on the first, sec
ond, third, and fourth floors of
Dorm 8, respectively. Tactical of.
ficer will Iw Lt, Col, Fninl
den, Jr, whose office wi
Room I IT. -
Tioop A, Cavalry wllf live on
the first floor of Dorm fl, with C,
B, and A, Air Force on the sec
ond, third, and fourth floors, re-
Mmtiv.ely, Lt. Col. Vaden will
be is charge of Dorm 6. also.
Tn»<*p* B and A, Cavalry will live
on the first and second floor* of
Dorm 4, renpectively. The Signal
Corps and Army Security units.
Company A, Composite, will be on
the third floor, with Company B. /
Lcland Appointed
President of l S
Aceounting Group
T. W. Leland head of the
Department of Busim'ss and
Accounting, wan Harm'd presi
dent of the American Ac
counting Associa'iim during their
annual convention held in New
York Decently.
I-eland has been a mcmlier of
this organization spice 1922, serv
ing as vicc-preaidept in 1944 and
director of research In 1946.
The association |s composed of
3,000 accounting teachers, putylta
and private ar< oustants, and hr*
countants in government service.
Since 1938, Lcland has Iwcn «4di-
tor of the “Texas Accountant,’*
official publication the Tcfa#
Society of Certified Public ke-
countanta. He also i*di|a -the Stu
dents’ Department of The Journal
of Accountancy, and “ContemBMW ______ | _
ary Accounting’’, a refresher Composite, Quartermaster and
nk 8 V»-
Hlt 'be in
Finishing touches are now be- istic* and veterinary __ __ _
“the American people might ju*t applied to the constitution ami at Iowa State and n-ceive<t an M. I f|\4 fl I IQ 11 I W*L
as well g«*t ready for another re- wi |j b,. distribute*! within the S. degrm- in animal bree*iing from ■'Jvvil liail 1 It l\t l.w
cession. ’ j next two weeks for approval by! that institution in 1946. His mas- ' ■ rail ■
The Florida lawmaker told re- t he :tfi4) colleges ami universities ter's thesis work on correction far- I In Volz* I I* i ■ *1 \
porG-r* the Repuhliran-eontrolb-*! „f SSA. A six-months' periml tors for age and daily milking fro- maj
Cqngres* U to blame. of consideration has been altovi** d ! quency in dairy cattle , will soon
But Senator Brewvter (R-M«-) f or the student bodies to doliber- ; be inibiished.
said that so far as food prices a t t . the financial commitments and Shrode prepared a review of members of the college may reserve partment, he vwa* assigned to head
are concerned, they 4re high be- benefit* involved. cattle genetics for the first vol- Town Hall tickets l»eginning Thurs
course for public accountant*
Among the offices Lcland has
hekl are; president of the Texas
Association of Instructor* jn Ac
counting, 1926-27; president of the
Texas Society of Certified Public
Accountants, 1933-86; ami *ocre-
tary-treasurer of that group since
He fs a graduate of the Uni
versity of Wtneonrai, where he re
ceived his Bachelor and Master of
Arts Degrees. Ho worked on his
Doctor’s Degree at the ViWversity
of Pennsylvania and in 1928 re
ceived his Certified Public Ac
countant certificate.
Rush obtained his Bachelor of
Arts degree in 1933 from the Uni
versity of Texas, ami the follow
ing year, he began work with the
Department of Agriculture. Dur- . P a t
Teaching ami non-teaching Staff ing hi* employment with the de- " e ** . *? r 7 W ^S**"*' * n
1 1946 he organix#d the Busmens
In 1922, Inland joined the De
partment of Accounting and Stat
istics at A. & M. and became Head
of that Departirjcnt in 1926,
Transportation on the fourth floor.
Major John H. Willard, whose of
fice is in Room 128, Dorm 4, will
b c tact ion! officer.
Companies A and B, Engineers
will live on the first and second
floors of Dorm 2, with Company
C, Composite on floors three and
four. This composite company will
be • composed ot Ordnance and
Chemical Corpa ROTC students.
Major Willard will De in charge of
Dorm 2.
Dorm 11 will house Company A,
Veterans, on the first floor and
the band on the top three floor*.
Captain Stiles, in Dorm 12, will ■
be in charge of the first floor, with
Bill Welsh of Berea ColleiU'. umo ^ n, ‘ w P u Wlieatio«l Ad- day, September 18 at 8. These res-
cause the Truman administration
is shipping too fnuch food to Eu- Kentucky! was elected pre*idsint"of ****** »" Genetic*, which appear-! ervations mav be made by photiir.g
rope Und other arras, Formerly a regional ^ varly in 1947. On the basis of 4-5324, or becoming by the Stu-
Pepper seoffnl at Ibis, saying: ; Welsh h-ut l M w. n active hi* research work, he wa* made dent Aetivitias Office in
‘We’ve got to he1|> those |H*<»pie un th( . ,.’ xtH . uUva committee work I » member of Sigma Xi. honorary 209, Goodwin Hall.
more, not le»*. If we want to stop j j (r
Communism, we’ve got to make the
pa*t year.
capitalism of Europe work." , j Shrode will teach genetics 306, Stod -nt ArtiviUM Uflka wiU hold to Cuba a* a member of the Board I Ufe will begin at 6:45 a m. and end at 10:30 p m. five days a week
— 4 nild <1 OlAld p I fl,.* it 1 u 1 a .a a _ _ f ^ ' ti\r r%t t hi* rVaMBM t tnfrarunMt r^rAtirarf
scientific remareh society at Iowa Choice seatf will »*• given on a
State College. 1 first come - first served basis. The
quarter* in College Station from •"‘j Accounting Departm cut,
1935-38 which he now head*.
In June, 1938 he was transferred j
to Washington, D. (., when* he re- |
mained until 1943. While in Wash
ington, he received his LL B de
gree from George Washington
University. In 1943 he was sent
Lt. Col. Vergnc Adams, band di
rector, in charge of hi* unit,
office will remain in Room
Dorm 11.
The second floor of Dorm 9 will
house Company B. Veteran*, and
Lt. Col. Vaden, in Room 117, Dorm
8, will be tactical officer.
Schedule of Calls
HRY \N, Tex.. Kept U <\H>
John Coleman Helm, 12 died in
a ho*|dUl toda) of tn|urir» suf
fered Saturday nltfht »hrn a
(rartor overturne«l while hr was
Irylnx to null a ear from a ditch.
He was a native of Hill count)'.
dent* As«<« iation, it was ilevided at
the cOhVention, and hendquart 1 r*
will be at the University of Wia-
cooem at Madison.
IrOfi^honiM Slid
I hrf‘l* NN erkn ()ff
616, and 618
the aeats teserveil for three days
Senior Glass To
Meet Wednesday
_JR/AfNM RIGHT BAY RUN The 1947 Luighorn will noi Iw
fXlKRICANA, TeX , Hept Ifl available for delivery for thn-e
(AP) -lien. Jonathan M Main- mor* Weeks. It wa* learned ye*,
weight has said he will roofer t«rday from the Gulf Publishing
with <Jov. Branford H. Jester here , U«m|u»ny in Houston,
and will mail the tieketa upon ic-
ceipt of a > hack or money order.
Reserved seat season ti'keta will
rust $1150 each. If the n mittanc;
is not rreeivuri within thrm- day*
after the reswrvation is made, the
tirket will go on sale to aomeoi)*
The first meet ing of the senior else,
class la scheduled for rt pm, Wed The first arttat «*n the 1947 48
ne*day evening, areording to an Town Hall Calendar will lie Tom
•tnnoutM• ment by Senior Ula*" Heott, folk singer, who will aptiear
i’resitlent Klmo Livingston. on the singe of Gulon Hall Oeto-
Th< Mieetlng. to be held in the | a ,r )|e will lie followeil by surh
Assembly Hall, is piimardy for the notable* as ChrUtophrr Lynch,
purpo*e of ela** organisation ao France* GreTf, 8i<lney Foster, ha
today before milking any Mate- The publishers, who were phon-’la* to get ao early atari toward Ritchell. Isaac Rtem. and Harry
ment «n hi* po*«jhh> < andidney f«it ih! yesterday regarding t-he not-yct-j the handling <*f many early senior Noble. This year’s program will
the United States Senate. received annual*. atatiMl that mi* activities, Livingston added. he rounded out by five well-known
Waipwright and Jester were to baps in printing The Ixmghom Livingston urgwl all member* of rhoral group*: the Amhasaadnrs
participate in rerrmnnie* opr-ning were resfainsihle for the tlelay, the senior class to attend so cor- of Song, Madrigal Singer* of
the annual Corsicana Live*lock Upon arrival of The Ixmghorti. reel class opinion* might be reach- North Texas State College, T8CW
and*Agriculture Sh<mr today. student* will -be notified in The ed on many of the important issues Modem Choir, Singing Cadets, and
■ The retired commdnder of U. S. | Battalion. that face this year’s aenior*. • 1 Westminster Choir,
force* on Corrvgidor ami Bataan
early in World War II has said he
will run .“if the people of Texas i
desire it.”
of Economic Warfare, returning to for members of the Cadet Corp*. according to information received
the United State* in 1944.
Since that time he ha*
practicing law in Dallaa.
from O. 8 Meloyj Jr., commandant.
On Saturday, first call will be at 7.43. with tap* a$ 11 p.p).
The complete schedule of ralla la as follows;
High School and College English
Coordinated in Proposed Plan
High school student* will re-1 fields. I term in reading analysis based on
reive adequate preparation for col-i To teach the student to write Hrt >cle« from reputable maga.mes.
. lege English under a program well, it ts recommended that a . , . . . , ,
submittefl to Texas English teach- minimum of eight themes be writ aimwi at rompre-
ers for their adoption this year, | ten each of the last four school hcn * ,on * n d vocabulary should he
This program has been proposed year*. A total of 1.000 words should * ,ven ^f for * *“2, c ***
a* a meant of iategratMC the, be written each of the first two on "“ding aaaignment* is held,
in the wake of i typho«»n. left teaching of English in high school* years, and a total of 2,000 words
nearly 1.700 Japanese dead or and college*, according to Dr. T. F., each of the last two years. COl-
miaaing and damaged some 100.- Mayo, head of the AAM English lege freshmen should be required
000 house*. j department and chairman of the to write 20 themes totaling not less
— ten-member committee which has than 8,000 words.
HURRICANE NEAR FLORIDA studied the problem. Realizing Themes should be fairly simple, °f College Teacher* of
MIAMI, Fla., Sept. 1« <AP)— that a minority of high achool on subjects within the student’s English was announced in April
High seaa and increasing winds graduates aktend college, the com own experience, observation, and
2j000 J A 1*8 DROWN
TOKYO. SeptJ 16 (Al»)—
Thousand* of JapancHr worked
tonight erecting temporary dikes
in an effort to stem floods aters
20 mile* north of Tokyo as un
official estimates placed the
number of dead and missing at
Earlier iaeomplete American
military government reports
said the flood waters, rising on
the broad plain nerth of Tokyo
‘Rahy Room' Added
Fo Campus Theatre
The Campus Theatre has Juat
completed a two-week wleeora-
tion, kneltuling a new color motif,
conee**ion tiooth, and "hahy n»om.
The ao called baby room, for
crying youngster*, enable* moth
ers to view the screen ami hear
the actors without disturbing the
audience. This newest addition to
the Campus Theatre is the first
such innovation in any theater in
this area.
Movement of the concession
booth into a rounder! portion near
the ticket window provides more
space in the lobby. The other round
ed booth at the entrance is for
the storage of metal letter* for the
The interior of the theater has
been repainted a deep turquoise,
with decoration* in gray and Chi
nese red.
Monday through Friday
First Call
fl 43 .
jf! 6 45
• 46
M< »a Call
• .57
7 32
. J | 718)
7 00
Mess Call
. t .j 12 1)3
12 Oft
12 26
Firs! Call
., 11 08
12 08*
12 13
i 6 20
5 23
3 15
* fl 22
3 27
. J fl 23
3 30
5 30
Mess Call
, fl 28
3 33
Call to Quarters
. : 7 no
a so
4 7 0ft
/ ' /
a 33
j Tattoo
10 83
j Tsps
... .Lidbo
12 30
11 00
The English section of the Texas
State Teacher* Association ap
proved this program in its entire
ty at their annual meeting last
November. Approval by the Texas
along the Atlantic seaboard from mittee included in their proposal reading. Each theme, after being
West Palm Beach. Fla., to Cape only such procedure* that would criticized and marked, should be
Hatteras, N. were predicted benefit the terminal students as revised by the student for regrad-
today as % violent tropical hurri- well as thosu- planning on taking ing. It is also suggested that the
cane remained nearly stationary advanced work. j aid of other departments be en-
about 260 miles cai* of West Palm It is the aim of thia program to listed in an effort to Impress upon
Beach in the Atlantic. stress dear, conciae, and correct the students the importance of cor-
Residents along the 860-mile writing ba»ed upon a functional
atrotch of coast line were advised knowledge of the fundamentals of
to stand by for a possible hurri- Erfglish, and to stress effective,
cane at the storm, slowing . comprehenaive and enjoyable read-
its forward pace bat unchanged’ in ing ao the student may know the
intunslty, crept on its west north main points, of what he should read
west course, ' 'within his owa age and interest
rectly written and spoken English.
Realising that mental develop
ment depends greatly on a person’s
ability to read, the committee rec-
Members of the committee, in
addition to Ufo. are: Dr. C. L.
Cline. University of Texas; W. A.
Ransom, North Texas Agricultural
College; Miaa Mattie Swayne, West
Texas State Teachers Coltogc;
William H. Vann, Mary Hardin
Baylor College; Miss Tommie
Clack, Abilene high schools; Miss
Adele Epperson, Dallaa high
schools; Mrs. Alice McDaeid, Ama
rillo high schools; Miss Ollie Strat-
ommends that all high school Ju- ton, San Antonio high schools; and
ntor and aenior classes and college Mias Irene Walker, Texarkana
l fresh men do four aeeigfimenu each high schools.
Ag Staff Meeting
Set for Thurndav
AH agricultural students who are
on the editorial staff of The Agri
eulturist and all who wish to play
an active part in edit’ng the bi
monthly magazine will meet in
Room 207, Goodwin Hall Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Roger B. Letz, Agriculturist edi
tor, urges all student* who worked
with the magazine during the
spring semester to attend.
For Current, Light Reading,
Try 1947-48 Laundry'Schedule
By Arthar C. Mann J Yet Village turn in laundry in the
Hot off the pfeese* is the best shed behind Project House ipO,
of the current season’s light read- hut on this schedule: A through L
ing: the new laundry *ch»Bale! I on Friday and M through * on
For sheer readability nothing Tuesday; then .call for laundry at
quite compares With its force and Station 2. Use white tickets printed
vigor. Many’s th# night I’ve curled In red.
up before a cheery fir* with my Day Students take tbeir dirty
pipe and slipper* and read the | thing* to the west end of PG Hall,
laundry schedule till dawn. Man.: A through L on Friday and M
Sick Call From 8 to 5
Sick call at the college hospital
will be from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m
except on Saturday and Sunday
Dr. John F. Marsh, physician, has
Sick call on Saturday will be
from 8 to 12, and on Sunday by
appointment. Emergency ei
will be handled at any time.
it’s fascinating!
The new 1947-48 edition hoils
down to this:
A. B. C, D, turn in laundry
R. P, G. H. I, turn in laundry
Monday {
J. K. L. M. N. tarn hi laundry
O, P. Q. R. S. tarn in lanndry
T, U. V. W, X. Y, Z. turn in
laundry Thursday,
through Z on Wednesday. Day
Htuderits Use pink tickets. (Now
What Can that color mean 7)
laundry from College View goes
In at the Quonset Hut, A through
L on Friday, and M through Z on
Tnesdhy; white tickets printed in
black will be used.
Our capitalistic system demands
15c for any bundle submitted aft-
**r 8 a m on the day due.
Other interesting tidbits from
the schedule: one bundle a
Dorms 1 through 12 turn in at per person, 23 pieces par bundle,
Sution 2. the last house on the 5c charge if one loses one’s ticket
Hart. Mitchell leggett,
Bixzell turn in laundry at
Hall; use green tickets.
Donna 14, IkJ 16. 17, and .Wal
n 2. the Inst house on the 5e charge If one loses one’s ticket
end of th# row across from «tuh, claims must be made within
8; use Mue tickets. (See how 24 hours, don’t take late laundry
il it can be?) .to the Main Laundry, but leave it
ton turn in the
Hall; use ><
there be any a]
to that choke
People in the
Jirty socks at PG
•lips. (Could
1 holism attached
ujcct Ho
/ . ’ ■' (/ Cflk 'jBBH
• ■ Cl t
my t
at the proper station where it will
eventually be picked up.
Reviews such aa this can never
do justice to a polished work like
the Laundry Schedule for 1947-
48. |n fact, the only way to under
stand a laundry schedule is to road
R Ih the unexpurgstctl version,
and than it’s hot eaay.