The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 26, 1947, Image 4
i Fall Semester Registration J WiU Be Held Saturday 8-12 BtudanU tnroUcd In tho Moond MmooUr of tbo 1947 Sutnmor Soosion will bt allowed to refiator for tha fall Urn on Saturday, August 80. Tha entire registration procedure will be conducted in Sbiaa Hall. Asaignment cards will be re leased to graduate and undergraduate students at the eait entrance to Sbisa Hall in accordance with the following schedule: Saturday. August SO . 8:00 to 9:00—AD whose surnames begin with E, F, G, H, I, J, K. . I 9:00 to 10:00—AU whose surnames begin with A, B, CD. 10:00 to 11:00—All whose surnames begin with 8, T, U, V, W,X,Y,Z. % 11:00 to 12:00—AH whose surnames begin with L, M, N, O, P. a r. Those students who wish to register for the fall semester on Saturday, September 18, will comply with the following schedule: * ‘ 8:00 to 9:00—AO whose N, O. . 9:00 to 10:00—AU whose ‘ R, S. 10:00 to 11:00—AU whose E. F. ! 1:00 to 2:00—AH whose I* R* f t 2:00 to 8:00—AU whose 3:00 to 4:00—AU whose V, W, X. The schedule of classes will be available Friday, August 29, in the Registrar’s Office. Juniors and seniors in the Schools of Arts and Sciences and Agriculture must have their assignment cards initialed by the heads of their major departments before the cards are presented to their deans for approval. The Battalion TUESDAY, AUGUST 1947 CLASSIFIED ADS n. *• OMtaa MT. •au>ww st&oraai h V« 04 Am* No. i. ro* R*WT Co* uMtom r'r’fcT 'STSTsJHuT Harm l>rtrf Official Notices 3T, ^ MO to *• CHr Mmn- •f tho CHr Of CollM. Stottoo he MsOsrf at tto. oCfWw of tW CHr IteaapM mUI tm p.m. WMav. Aaswl tt. IH1 tar mmtrwUmm curb >a4 rwttor M4 tmrmrnmt m mmUhnU UM Ma- sal «M of Coomv Stroot. PotaSif »toao ^PpR^I8sEl8sSMi ehBp ks f2mss tko offieo of tka City Uouoato of tko CHr ,.f ( oiUgr Station 'Jr* Sr s-rr.rtSrajSLrsrt; IB fco •sal aa4 Ufa oorao* or m Uto Ssa oaf chars* of por to oooar* it—oat of oaU tha opootal hoaoftto to aaorw •buttiao pro»orW oaf th* o on iSoroof hr rtotao of nM to oaok oath begin with L, M, begin with P, a begin with C, D, begin with G, H, begin with A, H. begin with T, U, Job Calls for thotr Chattanooga Pont oi LaPort# has poi INOINraUNQt ..(1) Orr A Ssmhowrr, In#., ha# poattkma opon for moohanlosl •n«iaoora, uchm- ml MUam#n, and • chamiat. (I) Trans Coaipany haa post. Hon# opon for rnfinorr* f<n re- •oatvh ami drvaiopmant Work in Ihoir laboratory. ; . (!) Southrm Amuarmont Com pany haa a Position opon for moth, aamd sagmoor qualified In nir ctindltionlnit (4) DuPont do Nemoura A Company l# interested In receiving applications from civil engineers construction work. ■ (ft) Radio Station KONO, haa aa Manias for an aanouneor with a “flret elaM M oearatora' ttsanse. (ft) Cummins Hupj.U I nm|»any a a position far an eUethonl on- giesof. (T) Southern Pacific Li nee has w opening* for etvtl (I) A dksmim Is . Swift A Company, Harvey, / :' FOR SAFITY AND ECONOMY KEEP WHEELS IN LINE I *. H j ' , t. Wheels that are out of line or wobbly grind the life out of tires and make your car unsafe to drive. Let us check your wheels periodically to save you money and kaep your car safe to drive. SxAtf If*** 'pvU, KcfHUxfy 4*1 Scxvtcc BRYAN MOTOR GO. Tour Friendly Ford Dealer plant Du ron SALS: Lave* thro* MM he owaer—Efwarto—Apo LK: Oa* pair Apeto Bn tor •Hk Aha my asw. Onto* r*r. UII B****o Blrf.. Was*. —' Usaagsr wiu ha wi»»U a* tbo offto* of n tha Ctty Maasgsr eats T.oa T M.. w*d a. Oaafep. B*pu«h*r rt. imt tor furatoMac s track two taa. t—pltoo wYth pwehsr tm NtoM Mltosttoa hasp. Spactncattoas to*r b* stoatof rim tb* Cny Harman. CM of Col to** HI*! toe rraacts A. Vaagha City Maaac*r or IWtsliaij la aay pro- •Msaanjir'Matoarto'Jto rsfweaM to i ■onto, aaf tnarunia* aay otWr poattor ar thla** am to whist hoi Ha* Is a Coa- *UtMtto««l pseMOatoUr to the nllf tty of wntoTto^SfeL they at* ntittof th* law* of th* But* of ■Mats an I to-tof. to th* safe pm! aa# trap aafTto*■Jfntol tJ to.*tito nSSS^S tSL Anoafeu mattaa aa rnallat tor h* ato# Aeto shan ItoaUflol whtot a*tto* la to #■■ b «*a# aa# aafftofent, ami tbs •» low to* Mm Shan as* h* nariaslo* as th* real aa# tea* ooraw at eotuan. an #ih* n« propartr. aor ohall fncriptfaas —f Mi# Hat MaHt Coo*** Lns*i*A Ankara, w. M. Barara. Box IMS, Coi- FOR BALB: Nsar-saf *as half ram boom at 1M Park PU * W*n P-ra mASIUm *l-*P-5 LOOT: OMS fraato pm m to ristoRy at ctwm to* ar UaMane* Otoe*, ratara tap. O. Baa BMS. i IffmU pImm totta. « ohairo. #toaa. aaar^ekale. Write Bn ItW. Call*** Btottoa or an fM-U-B. i iomy HUP •ntuittri. roy.lsSuM- notice op bearing TO Tn REAL At ID TRUB OWNERS. K MANED OR OB NOT. OP ON COONER ° r * l nr W TW» N 0 * TO^THB° NORTH errr o°r r ar^.^SS -25 T?,~ KUj OW NING on CLAIMING ?s ant of t« EXE Notto* h ttoTtiM* M S2L ar Bom witoi^tto Itoitto •f. aa# an psraoas owala* aap sash staNlaa sra*»rtr WA th-roto. aa# to ail oth*n k* Wria# aaalaat «aeh aa# •rare parasl of proportp ■hatotoa «*n ooto torari. wHh- ia th* Ihalto ttorria ferial, aaf th* ml wra tiwraof far that prattoa oi iH iBEEfOVWEMEtA ggtfT ■to*# to aaM dtp Council to h* he nth ahattia* arop*rtlto aa# t m owaara thsraif. aaf arif aram- •kall h* aa# eoastltato a first aa# Bn apo* aal# ahuttiaa ptopart* Jm fat* mU tosprnomoato wara or- f*raf hp aal# dtp Couacil. aaf ahall h* a ItohURr aa# char** apaiaat th* tra* saaw* at arak abOMfeg , M of Ml# Sato, whether -uch r* hr ar <totripssir la th* ear ar o*■hi ar hi Saacrihto* to la thb aotto* ar to aar at to aay at aa# AGRKTLTTItl: John W Har ria wants s dairy husband nr grad* uste to operate his dairy farm on ■haiing hasla. TKACH INC.: (1) Ary Indepen dent School District, high school shop. (1) Nolan County Vocational School, t agriculture teachers. ana Jt ogT FOREIGN SERVICE: The Tale A Towne Manufacturing Company has positions open for One should apeak Spanish A Port- fluently and one should should apeak French fluently and some German. -CLASSROOMS- (Continned from Page 1) I A T. Keim, Jr., and Arthnr Blow, art. ftpoee In Building D, E. F, G, H, and J will bo amlguod to the va* rteua eollege deportments as their RMI nr# determined. With the addition of those build ing facilities, the college classroom capacity will bo Intro seed by 40 and the numhpg.Bf offWee by 4ft war af ] CtL Kmi easm eo# fern feat af *Uto l ting n>rt»L>fr1> whether aaat*# Itorafa ar act: IHJ r* W. By rrlrr of IEG Vftlf 1 the OUp at C*Bmi BtoUsa. 1 Clto at ’Bt tha L P. Co***r R. L. Ra##M P. M. NeHU* C. L. Haara* P. P. UfehM W a HmrisflH# Q**ra» to WBHs _ to to Murahl* C. P. G*at aaf th* real Bar Haofer -- ) J. M. laaftos 1 L L. Taboto Z2 H K. HrYwdlo, c J. B H Ictoon ■ D. NiftocM W. W. Btoharfe _ a a winm I. P. C*aa*r L P. Os saw L P. Caamr L P. Oasuar J. T. Athtas a A. HIHra* J. O. Galbraith LmU* O. Ttael* rraalap* Uarn. 71 i r RELAX IN COOL COMFORT for SUPPER George’s Confectionery (8) Paris Junior College, Biol eerie# r£? at a Iwwitir •mb lam aid aaptoll as *- 'iZlatZ •a ru* to Uto '•frir to»to# fac aa# m Htoa at sail I — run a fra* torriM ami aa*aA TraAri OariBy h M«to* Thaa ritoaf SANKEY PARK JEWELER 111 N. Main BRYAN V- Three Delegatee— (Continued from Page 1) United Nations An organisation to be compose*! solely of students, the N80 dis claims sny political or religious ob jective* and announce* the intent to concern itself only with those objects which directly affect stu dents. Seven hundred student delegates representing an estimated 800,000 students of 800 colleges in 48 sis tea composed the national group in a meeting last winter si the Univer sity of Chicago. The national or ganisation aims at affiliating not only the student bodies of Ameri can colleges, but also the various national student organisations such as the YM-YWCA, the American Unitarian Youth, the Hillel Foun dations, and the National Federa tion of Catholic Collage Students. Coilman. Dorm 2 housemaster and veteran, was present at the first meeting last December as an observer. At the regional conven tion in April, he was chosen vice- president of the regional organi sation': He will be a member of the A. A M. delegation. Buntyn, a married veteran stu dent assistant of the college De partment of Information and Pub licity and member of the Student Council, is another national dele gate. The third man ht the A. A M. deU-Kstion Is Leatherwood. He was Bident of last year’s Junior Class; and s member of the Cadet Corps, he was recently given the rank of major as commander of the Artillery Battalion. wMu# Mft awae# a *■** «nal to Hto towMt sraar* M«. to tto >w*. •traritoa at sat# baeraraMseto aa LISTEN! — HOME-MADE CANDIES AT LAST!, FROM CANADA TO MEXICO . . . AND VBOM ATLANTIC TO PAOIIO — PEOPLE HAVE HEAKD OP OUB SPECIAL CREOLE RI M CAKES — Take One Horn*!!— ANOTHER RPSOIAL... Home-Made CandieFt You Like! PECAN LOO ROLL • NOVOETR • OTNBBA CONGDON’S BAKERY N. MAIN — BT HOTABDW A A-\ it- -. tari N. 1*47. Tto mM CRy CWwII to* Mass# mM ( Itr Racin*** to era**** •*# m* ito tor*. Sut W toratofem ** »to# Aaraa* t?. ■•••■•Kjr at toa-pias ■ad tto R a# Uto -to- ACCREDITED BIBLE COURSES To be Offered ■ ... ;; i A J v During Fall Semester (For datalla mu 1947-48 CoUifu Catalocue under heading "Religious Education") Wto-w Stow No. AOAa. Titles of Canraeo Offerad Tenehmu 800 (1-U) 1 Old Test Character Studies Pi Animmm MO (1-0) 1 New Teat. Character Studios 7-10 Powtar 810 (8-0) 8 Old TeMament History \ MW11 Powtar SIS (1-0) 1 The Gospel of John ThlO Powtar 818 (8-0) 8 Survey of New Testament TThll Smith 818 (8-0) 8 Survey of New Teat., Sec. 001 WPS Smith 814 (8-0) 8 Survey of Old TmL, Sac. 500 MWF10 Smith 814 (8-0) 8 Survey of Old TmL, Sec. 001 MWP3 Smith 817 (S-6) S Minor Prophets MW8 #Jiftwaon 818. (1-0) 1 Acta of Apoottao ~ 819 (8-0) 8 Pauline Epistles 880 (1-0) 1 Urn Book of Revelation 831 (1-0) 1 The Oaneral Bptattao * <•:. si. |* i 1 .‘1. •ta ttorcof will to raONT FOOT RU at i •tty aa# tto raal I era ttomf for cm Dollar aad TWrty ItoMl foot; Tto MtJmatod *i to a****a*d aemlnst aad tto raal aad tiwraof far MM at rarto aad sett Porto C*aU (11.44 TV total Mtiau an ttorraf Is tr-fto* Oats (*LT Tto wttowlid 1 lundrad aad BUI Tto fatal Mtto .rnnaiMt* to to l*C* Stattoa. T*aa Hundred Porty-tw, Tto total iiHh ■Mato to to aaM I aa# tto saaTaa# tkaraaf Is Bscs* Tw*ato-#ri* Dolln A toaria* will I aatara tto Ctto i 1 A before you ; t • t ir BS Davta TTbS Davta T-8 Smith P-11 Davta HOME OWNERS . WE HAVE everything for thu small home as well aa the lorn. See us for your Household Needs. SMITH-TURNER COMPANY Nw* O.U rim. 4.1141 V LAM. FOOD MARKET TO OOLLBOE STATION Fh. 8-S1SS Va/A?ak ^liO.OO’ b . j m/ Fsr the BSW RSBBSB RTS here. They are naade up is School Csfters aad hear the pteyteg guriitile.^JJe b Team sticker on your ear NOW! . EXCHANGE STORE "Serving Texas Aggies” FAST ACCURATE WATCH REPAIR SERVICE 4 Day Service on Cleaning and Staffing 1 Day Service on Main Springs and Crowns R.L McCARTY JEWELER North Gate m V •Tax m A Two V JA