Phoning from Train Inaugurated Aug. 15 My HCKNCB AU*U* 16, CommulMtioM ( onmlMion ha. «nr Am txperlmmtA} •rrvtc# at thia n flair ^anayiT*ni* ^ a. mm MmpMfMbU with MmlUr rales for r^Ular Um* 4l.U 'VP^ o< Ih. .rtl wor?!?7 ESCff ^ ■ijf- on tMat BffiJvSa »> inaUltoMan far* ■ervtr* •H »He faiMM| SmImPwiRm^ MMmUhv IM ahr wt* New T«4 wm Havtai Mirty • y—t MA la Ml ayetem aU 110-wall Un4 iranamlttera an aw4. On* U •I «Mk mi4 W the MM, and the • thw four at way atettone h li alortlar to tHa ayeUtn ahoodjr Hi ooa In aeeMrml American rttiee which providec telephone service nMoon hemes M office* and mev- ° ,or tb « *f- fair to be held at 6 p.m. Admission wfll be accepted un- Sl noon ln ^ of *«rstary in the C. E. Building. All civil engineering students and their frieads are in- Tit * d - *t was added that children will be admitted free. Mashaaised farming has enabled United States farmer, to produce a third more with 10 per cent to tal labor than during World War L Mbra than *,150,000 has been S mt to provide education and on- S-Job training for tote ran* of World War II. The Battalion TUESDAY, AUGUST U, 1M7 CLASSIFIED ADS ir,"" rw» IITW irr v,. IKmrlUS III FOB SALg: fan Hats Ow wear at D-S-A Colima Vlw fob male : Oes sNtonh «**• Ssm'safqm •vtae roam. Ala lac ♦Wrtrte rang*. DaVrfie. Late vWAw^w^ta a W CaOas*. Hlsk-a, No. S. wwd hLw FOB BAUt Cirl'i MryvW. rood e Uw. fair sriw. Apartwrat cTTs. Wea Vkw. Col. FOB SALS: Oaa rmkr AggW boot* —ftiftr A.b*Mt MV I Cb^Vkkrw. 1111 Baaqa* Bird FOB BALM: Bwrity la prr-f«b | 114 MmairUa DHvw Uaawdlau p. a*w. Foar waaw. Call Mrs. MeWit ^-4»M Mwa | :SC pja. waaS Sara or ■o* MS. Caliaga. WANTBB: Kapwt aaeaUv* rata lor part Urn* waai at haw*. Sloppy •ra nw4 aat apply. Phaaa I Mif/ ^U•ii4i;. A c*=: , vc, Frew. JOB CALLS IM^SSL ^ ® n ^nc\m in tho ftolda indicated! InirreaUd BludonU ihould MnU* W, R. Huraloy or Lucian HuuSSni K Magnolia Petroleum Com pany ha« an opening for a coat ae- rountott. (f) Frio* Waterhouse Company want* men to handle public ac- counting work. Some positions available in South America for •Ingle men. POULTRY HUSBANDRY: (1) North American Hatchery has an opening for a man to manage their quality baby chick hatehety. Prefer a man over 30. VETERINARY MEDICINE and ANIMAL HUSBANDRY: (1) The Veterinary jerviu In stitute is interested in employing a man with a animal husbandry background to take charge of their office work. (2) My. Osborne Besanson has an opening for a farm manager on hia ranch in Northeast Texas. Prefer* an Animal Husbandry ma jor. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE: (1) Griffing Nurseries is hi need of the services of a landscape ar- chitoct who is especially good in making drawings. FOREIGN SERVICE: (1) The War Department has K itioas open for men trained in ige Management, Agricultural Economics, Civil Engineering, Ag ricultural Engineering, Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Economies for service with the Military Govern ment in Korea. TEACHING: (1) Clint Independent School District. Math. (2) Marshall Public Schools, Ag ricultural Education. (I) BamrOle Public Schools, Phy- Hto, Chemistry, Msth, Physical Rdweatton. and Psychology, (4) Callahan < ouatv Vocational ■Hxh.I, Agricultural Eduction INTER VIIWI: <»> Parkersburg Rig and Reel OctoMhy w* be on the campus Tueaday to Interview mechani*! — ■■**' ■■ 1 —-— - —i wfi* slewWsft • CORSAGES— Eor Your DaUa This Wookood PHONE 2 PtoBM ordgr early Bryan'i Main Stmt fioriat BLOSSOM SHOP Plowtri — Gifu 1 .: Official Notices la res . • ■ dm sf eg nonet or gBAamo' Pa™ Morwr UN?‘oS'KC * K) _ ' sj? n> r SB any °* CLAIR mo ANY S r *rp*» TT,NG FHOITCKTY OS ™ww. Ai?D TO ■ istona, and «u | —' dsRitae say rarh - tor h.urw« tSawta. rie to -?r?Sr. •»»h»e. rlaiaia* or Int—._T , ! Uto pr«weilir tor of . Tk *- CK » CwweU of tW City at Col by duly gga** heritors s: jto Bocoasity far. ^ ordarod 3 cXT *■ «*• City rvw, T »—». lo-wlt: COONBH CTRBET frsw th» nrht of toy of Hlstway No. « to tW N-Uv ufl 2L£l c *$ }*** «** toew. a ad by tto ooaatmrtloa of a to sr-ryra r=t ziH? r ,w— Cltjr fUe la tto •WwtiMaH rsN mjM Uts so* mA» , Tks —M City OmnmII to* wwad mM to./.*'): • h ,f •** »»*•• Itnwl C*ai# 11).Mi W TK * totoma, prr fmal tod W ?hVr . tn ** ° m ** t 'V "Wtow l. f /aid to»cwwt»n,ta -•rlu.i,, of f»rb« and nMrrs la On* Dollar aad Forty Crate I ll M> > per I law I tod f. > ^ UI *«**—ated amount prr front property and tto rral aad Irw waw or JTfT* r^! 0f J?.T** •»4 a***n. ly-n*o Corns I It. Til prr llnoal font; Tto wtlwated total ww «f urn «tol* tofhmd to RI.M Ttowaad Ms Hundrod aad Slity-wvw Dollars ll.ML. . 7^* u,< * 1 wttoatod east of sold to- rr-rr ** T ^ ^ u»* cnyc«i. , T »to» te On. Ttooaoad Two "^^H.FseW tou Dollars I|1J«X M|; TW Me) fUmmU* c“££. g ^ toae*V«mto atoM tosaUdsti any aawsa- ■*e» or wrNftoate toaml In rvtdaaw t T T, *f- toA oe—rttolsw sack panel ef •to Itoto drftaed. aad tto ml aad tret •wan- or awaara ttorsof. atoll to cbktsad "kiw *?*..*? tokW tor. aaM awoaMwat w ^ k MaO to saMd wtottor or not saab owaor w ownrrs to aaatsd ar eorrwSly ■SasadL all a* prerldsd fw aad ns tor tto Acts^of 1«1. Mtb Laetoatar, of teTeute •d Tssaa. First CaBod “r ‘n. Ctoasar L**-. smwaaly knows a* Articte l|*a-b. “ o4 Taaaa, utoto wbtoS •Wectad. par An amd aad Tto tollewtas Is a Uat ad tto apparsto ownrra and i!♦•«<'rtpltona of Bftkd abkattinw awwwty. Which totte totodto torsi! —Mb aa aa aid bo aaatet la elWaa eattw *■ % -R —» ^ tew oeEw, MwR ■tototoe mww. S»d U lawalsg ■ ad. oed te addlWsa to, tto rssshllM of tto —«to* w rrorUad fw to aaM Arte atom* Mm lifted, which aottes la K- HOME OWNERS . WE HAVE everything for the anutU home m woU aa tha lam. Baa ua for your Houaehold Naada, SMITH-TURNER COMPANY NwO o.u nmw ,.,| M Wfm tTo -I terMBuplI IQS.:! H rS am omi w — w9GEft&r«& DR N. B. McNUTT dsntist' Office to Parker Building Over Canady's ~ Phone 2-1467 QRTIFIED DIAMONDS W* sea My te ike Ire Art ftoaete Mag ye* key to,#, beaeesa aete ssesutoH sawnted L* am Btonead h wtdtoi. e«d in Ovetoy a HRtor Mm to toM THANKKY PARK ... Ill N. Main BRYAK itWw, A 'Mjf/ B.V.D. UNDERWEAR A speaxlist i» ooe who knows how” about a particular sub- jea. When it comet to underwear, FR-V D s M) yean of wpencncc nuke* them specialists in shorts, briefs and shirts. TW « whr douoni of am, "Nw ,c ; Uk, THE SHORTS: Pleated fullnese, patented seat that stretches with _ as your skin. "Gripper fastenings, cencred so no metal you. THE V-NECK SHIRTS: Cool and comfortable . . won t ahow beneath white RVb/». ^ "** ,p0f, Mn !t W f 0 * 1 «° !• next to THE BRIEFS: 'iw ir« l h , ' ipc ' ' 0mb,,i “"T top*” Vte "ay tod Other Finn Underwear IJn<4 by Arrow and Rais CLOCMCRS