The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 19, 1947, Image 3
l p wjywi | i ON KYLE FIELD ’% BON KNGBLKIM6 whether it bt' Bison m wrucn Univemty of i tops, with U. all «iv®n a sport the Conference ingages in, « ping-pong, football or what have von, the char acters from the forty-acres are usually in the favorites role. But for the first time in over five yean there comas a football season in which the Longhorns from The Tessa are not considered Rice, Arkansas, and 8JI.U. all given | better than even chance of beating Texas this fall, we are placing the ’sins in the dark-horse role with a good chance of copping the crown. Although the above mentioned three teams are supposed to be the only rough conference games for the Longhorns, we feel that TUT will meet their roughest and most determined opponent on Kyle Field Nov. 27. In looking over the reasons why we choose the Long horns for the conference daft-horse this fall we will start with Um backfMd. Bobby Layno,* for I Chart— Tat—n, wbo Is Udarod by sway tha fast—* t tba U. a., will bo rytm the tight tackle Job. The goardo will be h—dad by J o • Maglloto, a former blocking beck, who made all-conference St ♦a** in '43, and one haw Joe Mitchell. Other* on the Steer aquad who will —e guard duty ara Jack Halfpenny, former blocking back, and Ed Heap who— name la now aynonymoua with Texaa football, wfll be the nucleus of the Longhorn attack. V Layne can make the change from Dana X Bible's formations to Blair Cherry'e T' the 'Bps will have no quarterback worrt—. Baching up Larue wfll ha each . Ihc part ef SB HIPUMS and To— la— lha halfbacM ■as lyran rrank Cl Wk MUrme •sis ' Oosit Lnc •quad Perry Samusla, Allan Lawler and hilly Pyto vttt ha around far spot running ^ ThdfUlhack post win be by Raymond Jones, bias m line plunger of last years equi Rap Borneman, high ache ■tar from Houston, who was lurtd tray from The University of kflse- wippt. Jon— will he one of the Steer co-captatna. The Longhorn line, who many my will be the main wsahmas of I Steer* when the ships are down, will be •oiled by several men “ —i Oml a— SMnpnr* The bigg—C intersections] head- ach— for the Steers will probably come from The University of Ok lahoma and North Carolina. B of the— teams are favored to wta their respective conferences. Battalion PORT TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1947 Png* S Two Fourteen-Day Dudi Hunting Seasons Open Nov. 4 and Dec. 16 Ooen rw regulation* of of tha InUrior, ——W— PSSiti'kvs aUve^ few lo th ptoolp sf duty Disk ■Hi, the r.mvsrtdd «•< k le, who mads all-eanforun— at saw* tar last year, wfll Hsm down Um Mft tackle Job while Bd Kelley Bo you think that R Ink— brains play ball. This theory meins to film Miirwufl IS Hswis Brill, tbs firmer • mww wbsrs as mtod b mss tsam 4 eeaeona for duck hunting in Teue thie year will be from No vember 4-17 and Drcemtxrr 14-t9, accoiding to the Texa* Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit and the A. A M. Department ef Fish Game. Under new the Department ■tat— w—t of a certain north south line are allowed to chooa either a season of Hfi consecutive days or a split aoaaan of 14 days sash. Tssas has ch<>»<m the 1st* Mr. Um banthif bag limits have be •rder Is stem (be ■fliHiMl Riee and Texas (,ames Are Sellouts, Ownby Reports Everett R. Heidrich, of Houston, is sure to be sitting on the “fifty*’ at the Aggie-Longhorn football genie here next Thanksgiving; for hie name was the first application in Fold er 83 to be drawn here Saturday afternoon. Many fans gath ered in DeWare Field House to witness, and also participate m the dm wing for seat location 4— for all the Anywy the with firing ef spertfl Bfl in itin—tivw color* well pi sad Am apes- •i Eating Out Is Fun... . — AT — HOTARD’S CAFETERIA North Main - - ' L Byran DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS dian and Alaskan breeding grounds, is better off than eastern states, the breeding grounds for which are in unfavorable conditions. Daily shooting hours for water fowl have been reduced to the per> iod from sunilse to one hour be fore sunset, with hunting not per mitted before noon on the open ing day of cash split season. Tbs duck bag limit ha* bren reduced to four a day, with tight in poa- Mioa. Tbs daily bag limit far f— or brant in Tessa is aim four, with only on# Canadian ar on# whlto-fronted g<K>*e l'»»t migratory fsms it still no d*y. DggA iMftflm | hsm *a seism tmseekdi «4*s*e4a may bs Iwludsd in the ksi of four, AmsHsan and red brensted mar> % bMBi hi with birds coming C&nl Flpray from the Cana mer- sanssra may bt psmeassd M Mg* ly ar tn the agjrmmti. I ftegvUtlens prohibit taking terfowl hr bait or with llvt soys. Cardinal Camp For Youngsters Begins Sept 1 As announced t few days ago, the World’s Champion St. Louis Cardinals will dispatch three of their ace scouts, A. B. “Vedie” Hirnal, Hugh East and Ray Blake, to Houston to conduct trail camp for young baU play- s beginning Monday morning, September 1st Work-outs will get under way at Buff*lo Stadium at IS o’clock each morning with camp activities com ing to a do— Wedn. «day, Sept. 3rd. The Cardinal System, which has sent more young ball players to the major leagues than any other baseball organisation, will conduct over 50 such camps this summer with an anticipated attendance of nearly 6,000 boys. Of this vast number, if past record* are paral- led, 70', of the players signed will be sues—eful In pn.fe*»ional baseball, An sppsrtnnltr te eater pra- fsesl—si ba—hell will he effered the MaUfled ele»er* ettendlai the Hauetea samp. Play era should hrlSg their owi gl»v« and ba—hall dha—, Tha— who have unlfwrme are asbwl In bring them slang, as the Cardinals do ant sualy this typs enulpment for I heir trail eampe. Ad eatwn —• Ineidon* to attending Ih# samp will be refunded any players slgnerl to s«mtrasta, Open Season On Mourning Doves Sept 1 - Oct 15 Open season on mourning doves in certain parts of Tex as will begin September 1 and continue to October 16, ac cording to the Texas Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit and the A. A M, Department of Fish and Game. The— dates apply to the— counti—: Val Verde, Kinney, Me dina, Uvalde, Kendall. Comal, Tra vis. Hays, Williamson. Milam, Robertson, Leon. Houston, Chero- k—, Nacogdoches, Shelby, and all counti— to the north and w—t of the—. In another group of twelve coun ti—, shooting of mourning dov— win be allowed from 4 pm. until sunset on flopte—bor It, 14, and IS; than from October 20 to No vember SO, from one-half hour be fore sunrise to ■on—t. The— reg ulations apply to Cameron, Hidal go, Burr, Zapata. Webb, Maver ick, Dimmit, LaSalle, Jim Hogg. Mi •Hilt*. Kenedy, and Wlllaey —un ties. For the remainder of the ■tato. the season will be from Os- tuber to to December I, The whlle-wtngvd dove Mason will be fleptember II, 14, sad la, from 4 »m, until euraet, In Cam eron, Ninal Ma E Wlllaey, Va I „ ■tor, Fr—ldt«, Jeff Dpvls, Dulbor* •on, Hudspeth, and Kl Fa— —un- lira, s Aggie football gam— on the *47 schedule. la effect it was a “goldfish bowl” game, f— a corresponding number for each of the 116 folders wa* placed in a capsule and thone than mixed up in a fish howl before they were drawn by the fans. Spik.' Am old, Houkon, a former Aggie foot ball center in the mid-twenties, drew the Texas game capsules. Other fane draw for tha other gam—, and strange as it may seem Arnold'* Folder No. I was drawn la the No. 1 position for both th. Southwestern and TCU gam— and he drew It in Na. IS apet for the Texas game hknaattl "TliriP prMMrftnn ^ •lalina't I&: Ml MMt#f ESKL- somk member af lha Athikle SwmNiR R MtMNm. ana* ratira Mfratary af Um AMt«la> llaa ti Fnrart/|MHH mb avw^B^rw v^r^B^fl^PwM Irt la ufl—rt hi drawing. The next lucky dosen In Folder No. M who Mffi he sitting m the "fifty” Include: John Br*«-ltnn I orsicana: A. L Gambretl, Cope- ville; William Nutto, Houston; 1^ roy Wade. Houston; N. B. R*«d. Dallas; Lerop Johnston, Fort Ar thur; Monroe Echols. Dallas; Carl Scudder, Wtabarley; Cart D. Moul- don, Caspar, Wyoming; W. N. Re—, Dallas; and Joseph Fort Sam Houston Almost as lucky were the fifty applicants in folder No. 75 wkich was drawn second. Rounding out the first ten folders were numbers 98-74-31-82-34-61-67- and 88. Fold er 116 which ara* the last one to get in the draw came out ia 19th that the last shall 19th from that instead of being shot eat ea- rav; to take care md S3 fold ers will wet receive Tex— tickets f— any —hag gam— f— which the applicants applied. I h(».*e unlurk* numbers hwlud- «dt 48mi-41-164-33-4-IS8-47-14- Z4 -39-4 3-47 -M-37.21 -43-37-34^4- 91. and 74. AppHcanU la the— fciders will r—ctve reloads far the money seat I* for Tone Uek- Before the drawing .tartod a D. Owahjr, basin—■ minjjjw at mlhlMlu*! MiiiMMifiefeii tkat H4^ —1—— — wv*a — ••saw—»*Ww— a^^^VW IS s eel leal bat that Uu Just enough Uekete to I uf the toiiiiltrcUorn vhifh Ihc UflSi Im avallali place proving tha' be first—at least «.rpaT either ti h da—«t— f ggWvfWa ral to * W KfwIvVga those gam—. Fans prsssnt aapraaacd tha spin- ion that so fairer method of die- tributipn could he found than that » rkw! .,ut by Mi <'w hy A-. OaKBppliratinr w*» inceived they were pnK*e*a^l and placed In fold er* conUinmg 5<) ' aaptketmn* Bach folder w— assigned a number and the— 114 numbers were tho— drawn. Each applicant received a card acknowledging hie order and advising him the number of the folder containing his order and the line on whifh the order epp—red. Instead of a ffcrat-eome-first serve all had an < di awing. The tions w— August 9 m. . eoual chance in the e deadline far applies- of English mm show* Hollj'wood entirely. jry qoo»* New 'B—’and movies almost nm^ldalmTlIUrr, Kaimia, Wahb, laravwk, Jalaiwy, Dimmit, La- alls, Jim Hoff* Brooks, Kenedy, rlilMfi Val verde, Tamil, Brew I • • • “OUR FLOWERS "I * ‘ vSajrIt to^You^ Plenty of lovely flowers for ooratfea for Uu w.v k-ond fiance Aggieland Flower Shop PHONIC 4 I2U M Food Shipments to Needy European Children Planned By fteience Borvlee First ehlpmenta of food to Eu- rope's underfed children and ax- psotant and nursing mothers from the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund are ex pected to bo made next month. Medicine and cloth— for needy mothers and children in Europe are also being planned as the ICEF carries on the work of the now- terminated United Nations Reha bilitation and Relief Administra tion'. Austria, Greece and Poland were mentioned at the sessions here — the countries likely to receive the first shipments of food In all, a dosen nations and 20.000.000 child ren in war tom are— are expected to be covered by the emergency program. DeLUXE CAFE — Bryan — Where all Aggies meet "We Serve Um Beet” Top priority food need* ef these children, as outlined by nutritional experts of several nations confsrence here, are animal teins calcium and vitamin*, sup- pli— of whole milk for European children leM than one year old, and skim milk for older young sters wars urged — basic nssfe. First part of the food program is being financed from a fund of more than half a million dollars which the group inherited from UNRAA. Most of this sum is going into dried milk. U. S. contribution of 140,000,000 for the ICEF h— been authorised by Congress and the first payment of $15,000,000 will be made soon. By the end ef the year, ICEF hop— to have spent $70,000,000 in improving the diets of five to six million European children. Goods o • o FACTS OF INTEREST ABOUT NEW TIES FOR FALL... now on display MeClTRRACII MEN’S TIES— Now silks, find* tad flottdfl- n uo • 150 . All wool *.. Nor Ea* ... Non Crash Solids sad Fandoo— 11.00 . |U0 1 LEON B. WEISS Nat to Cfpflfl TkosUr BE SMART WITM Summer Quality Is readily apporeni M ihe distinctive, to lofedl / a) >paorooce of NOtBS CASUAL Sport Shim. They era Ml CMt, vkth generout pockets ond i^ws pointed collar*. KAaOe o! woshoble cotton ond royon fabric*, they ore pre- sanied in • wide rang# of color* and i*i'tetoB-T ou ** wurtl — fwmil* **,—dw lor Ova warm v.milhar ahaad. UrMWev ^to* W »Wv »w» vw’* wVW^— 1 j* ' /. A / // THE EXCHANGE/STORE