The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 12, 1947, Image 1
I'lwr* - i Penberthy Succeeds Rollins as Dean of Men Jensen Named as % New Chem Head By CteriU Marray - W. L. Panbarthy, head of tha Phyaical Education Dopartmant ■Inca IMS, waa appointed Daan af Man Friday, aucceedtrn J. W. "Dough" Rolhna, who raaignod af- foetWa Baptomhar 1 to aeoaot a ■Imllar poaltlon at Eaat Tasas Htate Taachara Collaca at Cam* mare#. Hla appointment waa mad# by the A. A ML Board of Dlrae- tora who rmK In Lufkin Friday and Saturday. A graduate of Ohio State Uni* Daan Thomas D. Brooks, who will go on modified aarrlca K« , pii mb. i l in aeeordanoa with tha college * retirement poli ty. Dr. Harrington, who graduated from A. A M in Ittf, aarvad aa aaaiatant to tha Daan of tha Collet* at Bryan Field Annei last year. Receiving his B. S. and M. S. degrees at A. A M , Dr. Harring ton was awarded his Ph. D. degree from Iowa State Unlvoraity. la addition, ha haa don* graduate work at MIT. the University of Michigan, and tha University of vanity. Penberthy joined tha Fay- California, steal Education Department in Athletic Director Named ISM. He Is s member of the South west Football Ceeehos Association. Dr. M. T. Harrington, 46, pro fessor of chemistry at A. A M. since 194S, eras named Daan of the School of Arts and Sctencos, Appointment of W. R. "Bill" Carmichael aa Director of Athlet ics eras also announced Friday by the Board of Directors upon re commendation of tho Athletic Council. Carmichael is principal of tha Stephen F Austin High School in Bryan e«xi axocutivo aocratary of tha Taxes High School Football Coach aa Association aa organisa tion which he helped found. Carmichael graduated from A. A M. in IMS, and since that time haa ooachsd high school football, baaakaB, basketball, tammim god track. For several years ka taught in tke Education Dopartmant at A. A M. The position of Athletic Direc tor, anaatad several masrthi ago, pays an anneal salary of 91JOO. Chemistry Departawet Change Dr. F. W. Jensen, professor of chemistry, waa named head of tho Department of Chemistry, replac ing Dr. C. C. Hedges, who asked to be relieved Dr. Hedges trill c tinue as full-time pPMWMr in that department. Katabliehmeat af a Naval Be- serve BUctroaic Warfare Com pear at A. A M. waa also approv ed ay the Beard of Directors. Under the new ergsalsattea. a technical company for Naval Re servists. hotter equipment than coo Id otherwise he obtained will be made available. The following appropriations ups approved: 64 Vooo for grttnhouaoo for the SgttroHinnl Experiment Station at A. A H H0.060 for tho acquisition of John Tarleton Agrteotair- for the activstion of the It outlying field at tea Agricultural Collect _ to provide bleachava for tho athletic field at North Texas Agricultural College Other appropriations made by the Hoard of Urectort included the ron»truction of a laboratory, office building, and raaidsaes foi the agronomist at the Agricultural Experiment Substation ll, Yaleta. Tetas; and for tho construction M a Freer house and laboratory at Substation 19, Winter Haven, Tra ss. Budget increases for John Tar- Wton Agricultural Collage and Prairie View A. A M. wart also approved. Prairie View received a .$".0' x 1 increase to purchase surplus government equipment.* Authority to transfer an unused balance of approximately $18,900 from tha lunch stand account to tha recreation center account at Prairie View was granted, and u> transfer $1,000 of unosed income to rlawusm equipment ot North Tex as Agricultural College Tha Agricultural Experiment Station waa granted authority to ie $7 acres of load to ha used by tha swoet potato investigations laboratory at Gilmer for experi mental purposes. Substation 17, Yaleta was given permission to lease from El Paso County < barracks building for use by iu* search personas 1. Stephen D. Pearce, of the Ag* rkattaral Ea pert meat Station, was placed on modified service, having reached 66, the retire- meat age. Harrington Dean Arts and Sciences A resolution Board •xpressod B. Frans, who for tho past S96B >tL passed apprecla Dr. 0. S. Frapa, who for t 44 yaara haa Wn connected with the college as collaborating chem 1st. He retired July 81, having serv ed as head of the Station's Divi'ton of Chemistry until 1946, when he was placed on modified service Grants-in-sid totaling 12.926 > ' ompany. am Manufaetnrta* toepted by Um ahman bulla foi ware acknowledged Saturday aaem ing from Midwest Research In stitut#, American Cyanamid Com pony, Dow Chemical Company, arv tha A. E. SUley Company. Gifts accepted Board included I Brahman breeding purposes: $841.14 from T K Lawless for Prairie View Ilk ranr; $1J$0 worth of rooe plant and $S&0 worth of gardooia planu from JoM-i.h 11 Ihl of Hichman#. Indiana: ||M worth of chryaan thomume from Yodefi Brothers of Barberton, Ohio; and fl.ixio from ware entortained with a at tha Lufkin Country Out Visit Lamb* Saturday niomiaBj./kftar 0 tWU- hour meeting, the group .n.pecte,i •mral Boat Texas himb. ring in- dastriea at Na.-ogUcK-hee, Alas, Hal*/ tF. Lufkin. They Were honon-.! with 4 Joint lunenosn Saturday noon with th,- Texs. Lumber Manu facturers AaaoMMpBT Nacog W. Goodrich Jones face Oft use In developing recreational area on the W, Goodrich Jones State M« mbera of the of tors attending were; 0. 9G*, P** 4 * • h *lT? n "' Tyraa BeO. Dal- las; John W. Newton. IK-aumont K W Harn.oM, South Bend. Ru- Poe^t I - ■!t u> P**P‘*». Tehaaranaj C. C ror * rt - Krueger, Ban Antoni..; Henry After a four-hour session Friday, Basse, Consoles; and Roy <: I'ott • members of the Board of Directors. Belton The only tiwmbetl H. L. Kokomo their wives, and A. A W officials! was •Mflmt, Jr., «f Alpine. Congratulated at Fort Sill w * Texas A. &. M. College ; — Volume 47 COLLEGE STATION (Anrieland), TEXAS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1947 Number 19 CONGRATULATIONS!—WiUUm P. Dickson. 924 North 23rd Street. Waco, is congratulated by Colonel Jerome J. Watera, Jr„ Training Executive of the ROTC aammer camp at Fort Hili. Oklahoma. Dickaoa waa selected aa the out utanding field artillery cadet from A. A M. The ROTC audimer training bet’ tn on June S9 and ter minated on Auguat 2. BtudenU at Fort 8111 raprenented A. A M., Texan Tech, Oklahoma University, Oklahoma A. A M„ Arkansan Htata, and Idialaiana Htate I'nlveralty. Senior Graduation Invitationn Here Graduation invitations and en graved name cards ordered by summer graduates have arriv ed and may be picked up at the Student Activitim Office. Grady Elms, assistant director, requests all students to pick up invitations as soon as possible. The Student Activities Office ie located In Room S, Adminis tration Building. Bluebonnet Ordnance Plant Gets Board Okay as Experiment Farm jpiebrfei Given Approvwff^ To Complete Pantexf Deal . Military Department Makes Corps Dormitory Assignments Dormitory aMignmenU for members of the cadet corpa were announced laat week by the Military Science Department. Although the aasignmenta are tentative, students en rolled in the second semester of summer school were aHowed to sign up for rooms according to outfits. Whitis Announces A&M Consolidated Holidays, Faculty Faculty members and holi days have been announced for the A. k M. Consolidated Schools for the 1947-48 year. A. M. Whitis, superintendent, re vealed that classes will begin Sep tember 8. thanksgiving holidays will be held on November 27 2* Classes will dismiss for the Christ mas holidays on December 20, and will resutne Janaary 4. - A spring semester holiday has been scheduled from March 26 through 29. The semester will end May 28. L. S. Richardson will serve as principal of Consolidated High School. He will also teach indus trial arts classes. Other high-school teachers and their suhieets are: Mrs. Sue Harrison, English; Mrs. Effie Lee Duncan, history; Mrs. Carl Londiss, home economics; Mrs. Muriel Orr, mathematics: Mrs. Lester Smith, .•onwm.rclal subjects; and Colonel R. J. Dunn, Haiti. Junior high-school Bffulty mem bers and their aubjseta a««t Mrs. G, P. Parker, prineipal and lang uage arts; Mrs. Edna Jap Lmm* rum, msatf ard art; Mrs, Mary Ru* Pender, acetal science; and Mlaa Otcrta Neely, mathematics Mrs, Fred Sloop will serve primary socrvicor and first grads . IIMMh fm fMMlnder «f the grades art! Mite Hulk Wilcox Brat grade; Mia. John Buchanar and Mrs. BUI Dulaney, as sene grads; Mrs. Raymond Bushanar and Mrs. Moselle Streetaaa. third »; Mrs. C. K. Leighton C. B. HolUmann, fourth Mrs. Pear! Teaser sad Mrs. luth Mitchell, fifth grada. Sul Rons Maaons To Meet Thursday The Sul Rose Masonic l^xige will hold a stated meeting Thursday 14, at? ♦ Two innovations which will go4- into effect this fall are expected to increase the efficiency of corps planning and operations. The en tire Corps Staff will be housed on the first floor of Dorm 1£. and the president of the Senior Class will have an office on the same floor. On the first floor the Guard Room will function as it did last year, la case of any great differ ence between anticipated earoll- aieat and the artaal enrollment far the vartans aaita. this Hat will be altered considerably. Assignments are as follows: Dorm 2 ' First floor: Company A, Engi- Second floor: Company B, Engi neers Third floor: Company C, Com- Posits | Fourth floor: Overflow Derm 4 • First floor: Troop B, Cavalry Second floor: Troop C, Cavalry Third floor: Company A, Com posite Fourth floor: Company A, Com- p<- ■ Dorm 4 First floor: Tn>op A, Cavalry Second floor: Bgaadfi C, Air l p orce Third floor: Squadron B, Air l p orsa Fourth floor: Bqaadraa A, Air ft!" wight. August :80, in tha l>xlge Room on the top floor of ion Legion Project ir Area No. the old American House, near Trailer All student Masons and Masons are invited to attend. Berry and Franke Place in National Ag Editors Parley Editorial exhibits of A. k M 'a HxUnaUm Service and I xiM-tlmrnl Station publica tions dapartmant wm award ed on* second plnr*. three third ! place*, and a pair of honorable mention* In comnetltion with 88 other elate agricultural colleges at tha annua) meeting of the Ameri- eaa Association af Agrieultvra! College Editor* in Minneapolis Mst week. Howard Berry, A. A M. College i hoU'grapher, won second prtae In the photographic division for i scries of picture* showing the de tails of skinning a lamb. Thomas Bishop, Extension Service drafts man. did the art work on the oerioa. An Extension Service show win dow educational exhibit, ita edi torial exhibit aa a whole, and the Experiment Station's annual re port publication all won third place among the 33 states competing. Extension Editor Louis Franke's feature story on hoof and mouth disease, published in the April "Extcnsioncr", was given honor able mention in feature story com petition. The Extenaion News Ser vice* weekly agricultural prees let ter was also awarded an honorable mtion. Collage will bttfin opgration ot a larga-arala ex- •bout W. L. Penberthy Dean of Men Absentee Ballot* Taken Till Aug. 19 Absentee ballots for the ape- rial election oa Aagast 21 for the College Building Amendment ran he •reared hi th* County Clerks office in Bryan. Absentee voting mast ha completed by Aagast 19 ia order to make the August 23 deadline. •i A. k M. partmantal farm at McGregor about Heptmnbor 10 If plana run according to achodulo, tho Board ofJMractnr* ngnw-.i th# dlnitora auWj VSEja* contract which ha$ »I ready bren •frtwd upon by Nuuthwoat- ' ‘ ♦apt War A Met* Administretien af- Ariel# and a eommltte reyrm Rig natures af afVWiala af Waahington War tration are the completing negot fleiala have aTrei to the terme of the contrart.' I The BMaaail Or$nni Ftant at McGregor, which has been an- . . .. «ler diaeaaeien far at moot two Gilchnnt, th© Oklahoma Oty years, involves aboat 10.000 acres A. k M. Club ur^ed that the | •t land. Original coat of die Blue Aggie Band be aont to the A. J*'""' 1 TtST, 1., R r Th “ *“ m . -100 per pr—ident, .„d L. “J 22*3^" located on 4 corner of the land. I will not be used or aaaintainod by Sooner Exes Urge Band Attendance At Game on OcL 4 In a letter to President Gibb Dr. M. T. Barrington Dean af Arts and Sciences Ag Council Meet Slated Tomorrow The Agricultural Council will hold its regular meeting Wednes day, August 18, at 7:80 p. m. in the YMCA Cabinet Room, Le Roy Hendrick, chairman, announced yesterday. All representatives are urged to attend. understandable for the smalt num her of Aggies to sttend th* game "But it has alwsys been a ques tion as to why the famed A. A M.| Mad- could not be in ita proper place with the team fci this game." ! The letter, in part, reads as foi- 1 lows: "People in this part of the coun ty have been told of our fine hand, second to none, and we are moat togtr that they might see for | themselves that the praise’ given this outstanding musical organixa tien ia well deserved. "It is our sineeMP desire and urge that this year, for the annual October 4th meeting of theae two fine schools, Texas A. A M. be (Be* SOONER EXES. Pago Four) the college. According to D. W. Williams, vice-president far Amihultnis at A. A M . the land will b« uaod for r-.A'.-h agricultural studies fat tenancy, model farm work, termin al training on management, and vimilar work Part of the land would be mhiaaaai at the start of operations, with the scale of 'col lege’s experimtids to be increaaed gradually, he stated. Panicx Preject Okayed President Gilchrist was / also authorised by the Board to sign • contract for graxing rights oa (Bee BLUEBONNET, Pag* Fear) / (AA). floor: Batten D, Ar- floor: Battory C, Artil- Derm I First floor: Battory Mau rCi tort F ourth Boon Battory B, Ar tillery Dana 16 Flrat floor: Company C, Infantry Sasond floor: CmnpMy 1. Infan. floor: Company A, Infaa- ,r V floor: Battory A, Artil- lory Dona 11 Ftrat floor: ( ompany A Vet- irans Second floor: Company B, Vet- Third sad Fourth^ fleers: Bond Dorm 12 Corps Staff; Office of the Sen ior Clasa; Guardroom Second floor: Company A Southside Realty Agency Diaiiolved The South*Id* Development Co., in operation at ColMf* Station for the past 10 years, will bs dissolved, MMMliM9 if MM firm decided Tuesday evening. Originated by Pr F B. Clark, the agency wns formed ta pravtda haatea far paa^de of College Rtatton, making H pne- sible for residents to own their Third floor: Parts of Companies A and B, Seniors Fourth floor: ( ompany A Sen iors own horn** Reason for liquidating the eom- pany le that pfaaUeauy all th* baa ^1^1461 mM. TV agency waa atartod between 1911-14, and on* of Ha largest pre lects was tho development of Col- log* park. Civil Service Job* Offered in Texaa The U. 8. Civil Service Commis- m has aanooneed examinations for th* position of Accounting and Auditing Assistant Salary ranges from $8,644 to $8Atl par vaar, and employment will be in various Fed ora) aganciaa in Texas. Application forms and further information may he obtained from the Regional Director, Fourteenth U. S. aril Service Region. 210 Souh Harwood Street, Dallas Texas. White to Speak At Chemuipc Meet W. E. White, director of the Texas Forest Service at A. A M. I the Ranks of 3^200 Papers . •. be held In Shreveport. lx>uisiana, 1 on Auguat 18-14. TV announeo- iBattalion to Receive AP Wire ir of Commerce Them* of th* conforsua* wM ho "chemurgy aa a vital fore# in th* economic life of th* Louiaiaaa-Teaaa area.' Other apeahera listed on tho pro gram Include Elmore R. Tom, exae- uMvo vice pre#idem of tho Teias Chemurglc Council and formor ag Service Beginning September 15 TV AP The Battalion, official newapap- [*r of A. A M. and tho City of On- I lego Station, today announced Ita affiliation with The Aaaoeiatod lofting over nearlj The Associated ricultural and forestry direefar 4f I ^ M ,w. wn.M 1 . >a 4 » nr - th* East Texas Chamber of Cum- ff#: Ulll of Gilbert C. WUeon and Com-1 ^''TET mo#V comDlet* ' sml AI K ( u.llipp. »e<^rt*ry of the will Taxaa_ 111 if Manufacturers As- mptember 1$ an which Gilbert C. WUeon. president through era tha ir*ih*rinr >rraniantian, hich It will hring rend- •octal ion. AgronomistH Hear 1 rotter Tonight Dr. Me F. Trotter. dtr*< af th* A. A M. College Extern Service, will aAdTOM th* Agro- nemy Society this evening at 7:86 p. m^ Roy Aaderaen, prcai- daut of th* group, aanow yesterday. Tke huetooae me* wiR ho hold ta tho Arto ladaotrieo Lector# Boom. Aadoraon urges al men and guests to attend. ■tart on September !$ on which date the first paper will he leaned for th* fall acmester. High anaed teleprinters—aaaohin. aa that tick off sews at tho rate of 60 words a mi—M ■ frill ha install ed in TV Battalion office thi* Unking it into Th* AP*s global network of leased wti cable*, and wireless channels, s This vast network will bring TV Battalion into virtually in stantaneous communication w AP'* large staff of reporter*, edi tors, and correspondents arm tho worid. The A P's professional, career aewsaaen represcat the f set tradition of accurate, unbiased nows reporting—a tradition which building and ir a century. Proas Is a mut- non profit association, owned by (he newspapers H serve*, It ia free and Indspendonb of any pub Ur ov private tggmf' y more than h.2«n) member news- taper* and ■abac ribs re are served qr TV AF news and new.i-h. '<■ service* around ihe world, h'Hu.l in r »i’t>roil—lisli 1,W member newsp«mera la the United State* • loo,. Hs virtue at AFs far-flung fartiitiee, TV Battalion will ‘ many article# at to this community have heretofore gone anro Every 84 hours a total of 1^90 r ooo word*-—equal to 7 or 8 average novel*—are produced by AP writ ers around tho gtebe. Big news from Wa.hirnrton. Moscow,London. Melboumo; from state Capital* or any other city in the state, 044 ks within a matter of the larger ones. Th# only difference la th* volume, With TV AF*a great ■Uff and elaborate faeitHtea at Ha ittaltan win he able off., . . I IgMitei h* ^ mBkmte 4t\—m / itained in hey eitiea arroae TV the te fever stele, national and national news In tb* Mm# « H AF news ar* maint _ th# nation. SjSQiHHHH full-time eraplayaa. phm of special eorrospondei th* af; It that 66,000 person# wore Into the nationwide AF covering the last national alaaften. TV Asxx-lated Pre#* had H# fanning ta 1861, when 6 New York p*p« ra, straggling te —V edflelaat a*e of th* new "electric telegraph" tovuntio*, agreml te cooperate in the complicated prob lem of gathering new*. jJ; Mark Twain one* *ahb HV## are only two fores* Mm# eaa carry light to aD conwra of the glob* the sun In th, heaven# and The As