The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 08, 1947, Image 4

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OtttaUndlnff ( «det Hill Dlrk«.n f
Don't Go to Sill Expecting _- 1 _
A Vacation,' Advises Camper
-For U* bmcflt tW »«,
Pl»n to attend cusp nnt
I want to *hrlM
«£». t. r«t Ml .
- »l Fort SUL irmuunf
^ «««*••• wow hold
for 226-odd endoU on July |i and
' ISSSn? US??*’ ^" thoiS
cadet for the entire lix
flrot oai^ WM at^a. "ao
^wtkwMi rren to fa to had*at
f 0 ^ 81 - ** n ' l ' , ‘ r * the atory * ur . . .
in The Batt eoncerninc Mfo •» Fort eo ™ o< *t»dy there
no tap*, tnp* Tf* f! ,, ®* r 7 After the flret few
. -a dan the Antoa fait rWkt ■-
Bllto—-no had check, mm »,
, l *« I *®V*»or-eappiy of e
Thia we filtd away in the
Kyebrow Department Bettia wrote.
Within 24 hoar* after camp had
ha-* h ^j mr y ^ —Bwd for appearance
tape, tripe T** fwnwafj* After the 1
< we£7 the A«te* felt r%ht at 1m«*
a— ^ on the ranfe ."
A ceremonial review waa
bacon sharp rtoairy apranc ap be-* battery was aeored for
tween the beya fro* that “cow *n<i points wore ghren
coil ace" ia Texas »»»«* the three Whe*i tk* rt».i .u.
couece in Texas and ths three ^hon the final racalts were tebo-
outftts of students from Texas of eooree “B Battery was far
Tech. Oklahoma A. A M.. Arkan- »be.,i of the pack". Rams wore
aas State, and LSU. In a >kart riven freely and reneroealy. and
father boastfully did Betti* say
aas State, and LSU. la a short
time everyone realised that B Bat
tery (thafe the Affia unit)
be the honor outfit.
— For the first few weak* at SUL
envy did the first call as at I a. ml, and the day
Mid-Summer CLEARANCE!!!
r° make room for Fafl and Winter om
y°« Great 8avia«a oa Such Wanted
FANS . . .
■ moat A a lent operation.
fuaranteed 1 yr. ref. te-M
W.75 H0.95
• sast aluminum
family ms*. Rsg. II »6
M RR(V) (||»
^ ^^tertea's tedtet *****
with soatrol. »e«.
Maclxinc Elcclric Broiler*. .115.95
U*ke Toa*t Si we 119.95
pop up toaster wiih hotplate for coffee, warmlac
•Of. $11 DA
Doremeyer Electric Juicer*. .19.95
Monitor Carpet Sweeper* .. $4.98
' J" "A. pwen. blue. Mack.
■of. ISAM
Electro Aires $11.95
• — the midpet marvel that freshens air, removes
prsvents mold and mildew
Re*, fit 96
Child’* Record Player* .... .$10^0
- tn red or blue, fatly decorated with nursery flf-
•• • to. AM
that B Battery set a record one
afternoon with 171 demerits. Waik-
af off 2 rams an hoar, no little
wonder that there was no frees to
mow nor woods to hoe when the
troops left SIR.
bi the intramural profram, B
Battery Spain took the lead. The
Affie softball team made it
throujrh the season andofooted. and
tho only asar on o perfect athletic
f? 1 * • bme defeat in a vol-
teyball match. Then Bettis wont on
to tell of a swimminf meet in
which the Affioo oblipinply apreed
to face the bet men from the
throe other eump.mca—ot once.
Af eooree B Battery won—hat
Bottla only mentioned parentheti-
“Ry ^ the Affteo wore -»p.rk
od by Danny Omen."
Tho BOTC oama had a small
•NfaUir paper which os me out five
U »*VV 1 "*A written and edited
entirely by esd. ,. with no pround.
^ • tai -
B lattery ramo out on teR
By new the Affioe ate soatUrvd
W Mobile In wa-
stmtm. Bettis, a woarloame, »wd
•yrlert. worn**! os-oaapor, slat,
•f ^Wo*to fled that country was
fhren to tho Indians 1 H
Hohn Attending
Labor G>nference
C. Hohn, state farm labor super
visor, Is now attend if* a 2-day re-
fional farm labor meetinr in Mem
Phi. Tennessee. The ^nferr^
which started Wednesday, will em
M ( Wilson, deputy director of
ths Extension fans labor propram,
requested that Hohn attend this
mectinp to make cooperative plans
for fall harvest labor problem*
Amonp the subjects discussed ot
PtefcF were the nved for labor
in Texas and the availability of
workers from this state to assist
other states in fall harvest work.
]J _ f~\
* "TMlirt ONLY ONI
oms seeesvT m »t bbb ...t m
sse assie* sesasHt neveas
Trained Workers
Needed by Tex ax
In Ag Research'
Tminod workers it apricul-
nwxle<l in
tuml ruMprch art
Texna, R. D. Uwin. director
of the Agricultural Experi-
■sont Statioa, stated Wedncaday in
an address before v<K-.t»ona| apri-
•sAural teaehora ronvcninp oa the
campus ♦Ms week.
* ou *bould find early those in-
teUipont young people who have
their scientific curiosities aroused
and direct them into agricultural
rue earth, in order to help alleviate
a oiateity brought on by the war,"
Uwto aaNioed the 600 teacher*.
^kvokal features of Texas pre-
•ont btp problems to research,"
Lewis stated. As evidence, he said
that rainfall varied from 55 inches
in the east to loos than 10 inches
in the West. Of the 40 major soil
poupe in Texas, there are 18 ma
jor farming regiona, which can be
divided into 3b distinct farming
Twenty-one oob*utions and 12
have been established throughout
the teats to serve as extensions for
nmlpmusanont field laboratories
the activity of specific subject mat
ter departments, Lewis concluded.
Dr. Virgil P. Leo, president of
tho Production Corporation, Hous
ton, who spoke before Director
Lewie, warned tho agricultural
Nujkute Mil fanners constituted
tako^cate of themselves in credit
‘ matters
ltd financial
•Tkc boot way far farmers to pot
pood Ctedit service," Lee suggest
•4. "le jor them to own the hank."
Jay L Chapuelle, head of apri-
liAwM— illWtf fSak.
wae cheimtan of the Wednesday
FVlofVllffiM aaaaIa§i
The wafuw—I, which began
TueeMey on tho eempus, wee to cad
thta afternoon.
M. E. Men Visit Red
River Arsenal Wed.
C. W. Crawford, head of tho Mo-
Mechanical Bnpineerlnp Depart-
m * n L aad Jack H. Vandenvelne
Mnior teudeat in Meehanical enpi-
wminp left Wednesday for th.
U. 8. Army Red River Arsenal near
Itotefftana. Texas to see the newly
tetealled engine test cells and dy
Vaadarweine, while ki the Army,
b^P^pten and deign the tost
cells which the Army now use* to
test the engine of tanka
(CMInW fro- P,„ TV.)
* «nt IteJp
it. Soon afterward she prevailed
upon the instructor to move her
dert to the far end of the lab.
After numerous manipulations I
persuaded two apparently identical
liquids to be formed. But the in-
«tructions for one wore "Caution:
do not boil” and for the other
^ flva adnutoa." Desperated
unable to differentiate between the
e W °: ***• °bP c alte of my
first choke end placed R above the
Dame. It bubbled quietly for a
Sr* h?!, " I ^ nl y done# white
nmos belched forth, filling the
f«Ote with a Choking cloud Bo-
in,u ^ ru,r
the aafteoma gas he had boon in-
ba'inr and drifted over to MO
why •tudeate wore jomping from
the third floor wtedoWTT know
A teams similar i<» this lakes
Wto-Uto Ub JK^uTiJUSt.
Jj'sS- JL-nsa z r
terpret.t,on of the document ,11.1
Tad B. Ooldmon, H-ysar old -
jwteran «f tho Venk'W M
Milpu and aoteor tn late year's
5* 0 -?!! tr, »
Now York City. He expects to ar
rive in time to attend the second
amiaal convention of the 101st
Ahhorn Division, his old outfit,
which k scheduled to begin Aug- *
Mt 14.
On the woy back to Dallas,
to stop over in
Bedford, Virginia, to futfill a
t* 4 *"*? “ December, 1644,
m a Belgium foxhole.
_ 9“ ***• 4oy after Christmas
Goldman and John C. Ballard,
Jr. wots surrounded, with the
rest of their companies, by Ger-
man troop* During the battle
the two buddies made an agrse-
““‘r v tf •"ything should happen
40 the survivor
would visit the other's family
upon* return to tho United
.* Asp later Ballard was
killed in action. Now, thirty-one
»?!}*«„*». Goldman hopes to
fumll that promise.
College OfficialN .
At ROTC Meeting
. Rr." f* C. Bteten and Col. 0.
■- Meloy, Jr, PM SAT, are attend-
Jag a wateri ic# of Third and
fwwwt Army ROTC officials In At-
(.vurgia, At
plan* for sadst trainings
rimmons Returns
To Biology Staff
. PhfwaM 1 Timmons will rs-
to Bryan Field annex,
■last loavtag his teaching posi-
£ ^ this^prtng after f n£3y
two yuan, Timmons has boon en-
«agod to ranching in Colorado Hf
»awind his master of science de
gree from A. * M. to Moy, 1642.
(Cestissed from Pope One)
semi-classical, and popular melo
One of the world's most famous
•toping groups, tho Westminister
Choir, will also appear on the
Town Hall program during the cur-
'V*'-?* trained from
childhood, members of the choir
maintain headquarters at Prince
ton, New Jonty.
j-'V 1 ^r-Popotor pianist-singer
•tot will appear on the campus
sometime during the fall season.
Harry Nebie, pianist, and Francis
*•*,♦ •oprano, play symphonic im
provisations of well-known ballads,
novelty tones, and pieces from op-
The eight Amkeaaedora of Song,
artiste whose repetoire include.
1°°?*“ Verdi, Wagner and
SSgtoltgP ^ included in the
19 kJ ^v 70 ^ ®*P P ro * r *n»- The
oehtet has rscenUy made a tour
wid Arisons audiences
V* 1 »|tioi particularly enjoyed
their ballad# and seml-claaskal
■banding out tho Town Hall p
pw-ars tho Madrigal Bin^
North Texas Btote College, 1
“ pro.
„ a of
CW's Modern "choir ond^AgJie
^•s Singing SSL ^ AWW ’
4 Day Service on Ckaninf
and Staffing
1 Day Service on Main
Springs and Crowns
Week Guaranteed
North Gate
Some new can are now
being built . . ( but we
don't know fust when
there will be enough to
go around.
Keep your present Ford
in dependable condition
... you'll gut more satis
faction from driving it
•.. k will be a safer car
... k will be worth more
on a trade-in. Bring k
"back boose" to as reg
ularly for inspection.
Tear FHoadiy Ford Dealer
77te Battalion
miDAr. Apausr s. mr
Official Notice.
.TTmHTIoi. ^rNn.Be.AD-
It Mi at* a aew »■ Sir*i■*■*>«
Is rse
classified ads
Tretae at Item m4 team* * w*mt
rr- * iseT 1
M. Brraa. PteM S-STSS.
k StmSmt VwUrmm *md wtf*.
NM* osyes* Sm raSer* mi »kM
r 4 ■Wku Ste WUUam 0.
MaA C. B. PaeafUMet
'»» 11—. Ml
New York Cafe
114 8. Main Bryan
FOB BA LA i i»«e ^rr.rjRM «--- ■
teLTtSriS 'tT t!^ 7
mXZ 5^*“ cS! to* » » to TU
m. PtLOTUNxa. -no* a Mt •
A —els*, m UnH, mmtbmm*
WAN1EO: SteSrat far I—■ -*-■, work
a* (Wter ,--n I. BrWjLl^lrZ^!
CMto teTytewfaste^sr^:
ftotoa* Vfaesr at Cau»— Tteetw. Coi-
A & M Radio Oub
To Meet Tuesday
A special meeting of the A A
M. Radio Chib will bo held Tues
day, August 12, ot 7Jo “
wae announced yesterday, the
Topics for
tranemlttoi) and a proi>oaai to
^•ngv •toUon sail le£v! to W»-
A(, IhoM first need la 1614.
All amateur radio ..p.r*u,r. and
a t other students interested to ra-
4to m arged to MteiiT - /
raqulro tending
■tos 1S-B to sseeiiem oundlUoti
■pura, chains, and ptnii hoot
panto, Mm 11. too Don FarroU
No. 4-422,
by** bottle warm. f^Kalm
it easy to hold ... Protect
■ from breaking Boxed
to pairs, pink or blue
Wo have a new crop of
the new crop of babies
who'll need 'em.
South Mato
■I y /
l * {/ / / f ' '
. : X :
^L' I to 7
If» ao# o Mmya Tho Mforod style yoo too in
NOWS CASUAIS Sport Shirts is rooBy dmro—pko
cool coedort. Prsaooted k o wlde im*, pi oobn
and patterns, they ore mode of premium prod* «odfaj
flMe cotton and rayon fabrics. Oft is and mtk§
your sofachoo today.
*a T j i ' f}/ m 4./ / ’ I' "ff/.J /
“^■viN# noLAji kmmm
// /.