The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 08, 1947, Image 2
f /) V Battalion EDITORIALS FRIDAY, AUGUST 8. 1947 ‘Good Deal’ Offered to A&M... An opportunity to mine our state coUogei rankinK thoir well doeerved, top-filthi ena of Tex \ to will be granted the citixeni of ^Texu when the College Building Amendment goes before the public for vote on Auguet 23. The amendment provide* for a 30-year 160,000,000 development program for 16 •Ute college* and univeraitlea. Thla if the moat Important development In higher edu cation in Texaa during the peat 26 year*. It will give Texaa one of the nneat ayiteraa of atate operated milage* In theTiation. The beauty of the whole propoeition la that It oan be done without Increaalng tax- aa. In othar word* it la a "free ride" for aome 16 atate e Made .Force By H. W. ymn age, the Yantis to Return to A&M in Fall Force. The i coll, n... From a aelflah view It la to the ad van- Ladies an' Gennulmen... tage of every aupporter of A. A M. College to aupport the amendment. Thia amendment permiU A. A M. College to laaue 66,000,000 in bonds, payable out of the income from the invested portion of the Permineot Univer- aity Fund which income A. A M. aharea with the University of Texaa. A. A M. will obtain Ita needed funda from this aourca leaving the total of the Income from the 6>eent readjust ed tax for the other atate-eupported college*. With college* and univaraltiaa over crowded by thousand* of veteran* and an Increaalng number of Texaa high achool graduate*, it la important that thla amend- meat goes over. Bo let's get out the vote on Auguet 28. ter* of • •‘•pa S. Air e of th« •orvieM has madr MitehoU’l dream a reality. Now the Air 'Xtt- equal to that of the Amy and Navy. Only ie- cently the Navy was the first Hm of national defaea* today, the Air Farei role. Qd* lone mM* • |irena* haa Um e ft* hanre.l l,y thr awtent praa- Wo can't all ba perfect, w can't all ho pewteal aed true to o«r words, ao don't lot yov e yoe aay nasty things shoot thia poor sinner who hasn’t had his artkioa 1ft m tiaae al I ••• K, if ovary ono did as ho pmmiood there would bo only good in tha world, hot if au was good there would bo no bad by which to judge tha good, therefore no good, I maintain the balnees, for which you should be grateful though aMipamtod, (My wue hrethar wants you to write an explanation for that paragraph). To bo truthful, I have boon slothful o should hava boon picking out things on wna instead running away to Colorado, the dings, baptism*, buh ■aeoinna, and othnr et juat ain’t no dnemod good Howevor, I wffl tag4 n bei ft better boy in future. Yantis Speaking af tha future: thia unworthy ono will b« returning to A A M- am-der-Braaoa for tha fall (and meyba tho viator). Prepare to the ‘‘roving" part to •enroving.'* I will nood a detk. so hoop on tha look out for another Say, what department is thla Prof. Experience bi? The radio hasps toll lag am ho is might want to taka a count under hiiH ? The worth Of home-cooked food dopaftda * let ehof la leuayt ad you guessed? While I rial gatharinga. I guess I orangt a tha best Why do people get ao hysterical over ’on ttiel ena* A power- __ to block ^ Ruaaia. TWU. la fariewoved from the Several yean ago a young Texan with an elementary education was looking for a new job. Ha waa considered the intellectual light of tha community; therefore, he waa above doing any menial task about town ao he went out into the world to aeek his fortune. After ituccpeding miserably aa a musician and then aa a flour salesman. he decided there waa on* golden opportunity ... polities. Our hero did not know much about poli tic*, but he did know that to be a success ful politician he first had to find something to be "agin". In his search to find something to be "apm" he arrived hi Austin. After learning that the University of Texas was a state-supported institution and was located in that fair city, he began a comprehensive investigation. It was not long before he knew that he had discovered hia "scourge of the paapla", something he could be "agin". Upon returning home, he called a politi cal rally, and from a flag-bedecked platform he cleared his throat and began this fiery oratory. "Ladies an' gennulmen,* as you all know I hava juat concluded an invest unit ion of our State thrivaraity down in Austin. 1 want) you to know thet I found this to be the moet corrupt Institution in thla fine state of ours. and I shall go on record now aa bain' solidly ftflfc A* \ "I pledge to you all that when I am elect ed I will not vote one dime to support thia den of Iniquity. I will do my utmost to see that thia vile condition is cleared up or the University will be abandoned. “An' furthermore, ladies an' genulmen, do you know that in the course of my Investi gation of the state institution I found that our childrun practice co-education under the very eyes of the faculty? "An that ain't all. Do you know the first thing our gala, our clean innocent lil dotters, are forced to do? They are forced to matri culate. Furthermore, both boya and gals have had to use the same curriculum for the past twenty yars. Ain’t thet shameful ? What haa become of the money we have been givin* them for all thia time? It seems thet they should surely have enough to at least build separate curriculums. "I swear by God above that when I am duly elected. I will change this sorry state of affairs and do away with all such immoral practices.” Needless to say, our budding politician to •vant ef a would sorely sat aft* a la heart of Reasts and greatly set- . k_ _ A M fa nuTiiix*rw<i dy rtoviiM ffiiin powi*r * is tha Air Porto that aan b« uatd hack la the attesk which ■a by sir, * Civilian Jmmm Forrwtal is tha Sacratary of National Dsftnas. Un dor hia ruldanaa military plannlni will, of course, include all branchac It la expected, however, that in this reapeot the aviation branch will play a predominate role. Under tha now Raasarch and De velopment Board, the airmen an to ba even more favored Tha Ar my and Navy ordnance branches will continue their projects through the Board, but the development upersonic planes and guided ilea an both laigoly under control of tha Air Force. TTie first “Secretary of the Air Forc^” will probably be W. Stuart Symington, the present Assistant War for budget for hit station is expected to ha shout M M billion, mote than cither tha Army or Navy. Strength of the new, separata Air Psessl will ha 400,000 man, 11,000 plaeaeJ ■onto af tha mare ehvlmia rhang- ■will ba In tha unifanna andl [ranks for airman aa they amarga lln their now status. Uniforms wU bt new Mid different, perhaps light was elected as the champion man end sent on his way up ladder. idmg i of the the common political ear cooking I tha ehef, and my on tna cnee, and my eftal to i.mayi Brother Alaxi deeded io.iay tha»4 r ial aa a steady mat loaves much ba desired. OaesaquenUy, ha de clared that ha would whip Secretary of Air. The blue In wlor. Air Fora* jargon to I noted* tech tarmi aa **lr tosh- nlrlan," "flight officer,” and “alf marahallis lieu af aurrant army draigoationi Tho Air Porw debouchment ef Army authority will incur IS per cent loss in appropriations and 40 par cant lose in men power to tha Army. like tho Navy, the Army loose Cabinet rank for Ita top offi cial. It retain* about 000,( half of them Involved In occupa tion duties. Tha Navy retains tha Marina Corps end ita naval avia tion and keeps soma 471,000 man in uniform. These are tha outward changes emanating from tha recent merger, change* which raise the position of the airman considerably in tha future defense perspective. Othar xhangeo will co-ordinate military planning with foreign policy, and will make permanent the present joint boards for research, muni tions, procurement, and intelli gence. meal to bring a benign smile te tha far* of Duncan Hinas, whtta I weaad my mustache ha •adaved shout So kitchen tike tha proverbial mala saw In tha <!iBury Thr cHocAlAtf* isd*. altar much arduous Eia joy to beheld, bet 1M muriuvp vmiuv «»x a h* kfi contained wax awles. I aarieualy hss discovered a woo<l that aan ho poured like Being Incllnad by nature a kind ly aert, I mad* aavaml valiant attempts to aat the pta thet Akxai bad coneoeted to hnghun our dull menu. I nudged It gautly with my folk, than brought tho kalis: Into play, than tha meat eleaver. Noth ing availed, not oven tho aaw, To after I have had my fill- nI, I am going to put in the/atons wall we id HI wager thet *U tha graaftftala the well lea fallen in dual the enduring crust will remain to fla arahaeUfiata. Alanai u a aaek would make a go...! h.M carrier, and that to rre aiaely whet I will have him A-iha, liW-lMpA'a WMIIaat dlaplay of salinary proficiency, I may net be an aiaallont seek. personally but I wfald e and hr re that's what emmu. About ft* per wnt of the veteran* who hava entered education or training have terminated tbsir courses, the Veterans Administra tion has reported A Short Story Friday /C Saturday ■A) The A-Bomb—Two Years After... Two yuan ago this week the terrible fur- * ry of the atomic bomb descended upon the world. In two yean the blast of tha first atomic bomb on Hlroahlma, Japan, haa help ed split In two the ideal of on* world. The repercuastona of the bomb's creation and the resultant scientific, politicals and diplo- malic problama hava affseted every city and village on tha globe, v .. The two coalitions are pouring hitUone of dollars Into atomic research with the "Bomb" aa the chief objective. In August, 1646, it waa predicted that the minimum period of time for anothtr country to tfiamver the sec ret of the atom waa two years. Aa yet thia deadly secret remains In the hands of the United State*, but there la growing convic tion that one or two more years will be suffi cient time for another country. Russia per haps. to achieva Ita goal. The single chan**? toward a better world la in the use of newly made radioactive pow er has undoubtedly been retarded by the international political situation. Atomic power win not arrive until it can compete with coal, since nuclear power is in the form of heat. The United States, with 52 per cent of the world’s known coal re serves, has cheaper coal than anyone else. France, short on coal reserves, is frankly striving for atomic power, and England also hopes to relieve Britain's coal shortagaa with uranium and plutonium. Russia's great spac es are ideal markets for nuclear power. The exiatlng aituation. suspicion of ev- tryone throughout tha world, naa curtailed even the progress of American sciential*. The exchange of ideas haa not only been stopped, hut also two of the great democracies, the United States and Great Britain, have an acted penalties for aoientlata or anyone tlaa who gfvea nuclear power Ideas to unauthoris ed receivers. In America the penalties in clude death. The atom may he harneaaed and can easi ly become man's servant. Juat aa easily it can become his mortal enemy. To prevent the latter Bernard Baruch submitted hia plan for each nation to give up some eover eignty to make possible e small measure of control over atomic weapons. This plan the first step toward an international state Russia blocked the movement. Will the world reap the unlimited benefits of nuclear power? Or will the world become its slave? Will Hiroshima become only horrible memory, or will it again become flaming reality? A Lab Neurotic-U2MAyBl By Laftia Morgan With the audacity of a Judas Goat, the instructor led us into the chemically laden atmosphere of the laboratory. His fiendish laughter | (in recitation I had thought it a nervoes giggle) echoed from atom to atom throughout the vast atillneas. “Now you know what to do," he apoke with an assurance I didn’t 1 , feel as he assign*-,! my desk. Then he retired to a dark corner to sip nitric acid through a length of glass tubing leaving me alone with an array of bottlaa whose contents were carefully disguised behind a perplexing variety of chemical' formulas. Uncork tag my teat tube contato- ing a small amount of innoaeat-ag- tearing liquid I began my quest 'or tha unknown Thy manual said add hydrogen aulfida and I did A somewhat suggestive ■ tho Immadint* result* It waa than that I first noticed the big hlondel ■walking opposite ms. Her star* was uprassshtl. Resenting the Inalnsstian hut navarthalass foaling that soma explanation waa <**♦ NKt ROTH m Page Four) DIAMOND EDGE POCKET KNIVES A SPORTING GOODS Hillcreat Hardware 2013 College Road Clearance Sale! Byolott Embroideries Dotted Bwise Bemberg Rayon Bhadow Sheer Pure Silk Georgette Remnants 66 - 50% OFF Fabric Shoppe Acrtwa from P.O. • Bryan Out of the Deep . • . ♦ Norman Rosa, the Chicago radio announ cer, disk jockey, music store proprietor and ex-long distance Olympic swimmer whom we reported on June 20, seems to be a man who likes his little joke. One day he was swim ming way out in the middle of Lake Michi gan taking a constitutional. Eventually he started back to shore and when he got fair ly close, noticed that a big crowd had gath ered and was watching him from the beach. This sort of thing had happened before so Ross knew what was coming: when he got to the beach he’d be surrounded and bomb arded with "Ohs" and “Ahs” and a lot of silly questions. ' So okay. Roes swam into the shallow wat- . er, stood up, shook himself and asked: "What city Is this?" Everybody hollered: "It’a Chi- lagor Roes said: "Oh, hell. I wanted Mil waukee," dived back into the lake and swam afiRy. f —TIDE One Hour Flat A certain Ed TrenL. new staff announcer >eth Ui on WNCW. Elizabeth Lity (N. C.), threw a personal stint—a casual mention that he needed an apartment for himself and fami ly. One hour later he had the apartment— and a bill from the station manager for the cost of one* spot announcement —TIDE AIK conditioned! opens 1:00 p.m. Ph. 4-1181 BRYAN FRIDAY AND SATTRDAY Newell-Emmett. which handles the Ches terfield account, keeps a girl to see all movies in order to look for scenes in which Chester fields are used. So her latest assignment list included Laurence Oliver’s production of Shakespeare’s Henry V. —TIDE Clark (table in ■ *The Hucksters'" TODAY A SATURDAY Doable Feature —No. 1— COMING SOON — VAN L- JUNE AP COPY reaching the ManKfitld, Wi»- consin Newt Heralds "LANSING, MICH.— With the deadline for filing nomination peti tions, four candidates had their JUUm in the ring today.** The Battalion PREVIEW SAT. NIGHT - SUN. — MON. — TUBS. Oallag* noons, eases A«tv*rtteing rnntrlb* Coll*** of Taxes and the City af muraday, end letarday after, ■vets $4 par ashoel year. Yvonne DeCarlo In “The Song of Scheherazade" , ************ QUEEN Offtss, OMQckStd OStetSa fty fltorftt nqrto - STwl M toll—i 1.1. west rarrte Mte •— USStta D W. SUNDAY - MONDAY aid TUESDAY dime Ttrrne) la “The Ghost and Mr*. Muir* —Also— JOHNSON. TlERHEY-lffniEYS-ta* —m n rax anm •—to* • SATURDAY PREVUE SUNDAY 6 MONDAY “Miracle on 34th Street" Ith— O'Hara John Payna Tom 'a Jerry Cartoon (Whew aaoiy tom's draan aanas tosal) Ham MITCHELL • Mean MAXWtll Jr. OMMWmamMMII. totaathrlMKCOHVn