The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 05, 1947, Image 4
»? ‘ I i ! • . ' : l //,.$ M . ! il 'AT / I i I , \ ./J / , /X / ' // //I JOB CALLS Below are Hated poaition v*candee In the flekk Intereated atudenta should contact W. R. Horsley or MorKHn in the Placement Office, Room 126, Adminis -Taw- v oiurnuu etters Daar Editor: Hon to the r to bit V m -Tho Work—National Go- Company. loaching - SomaniUo Public B a h a o l (Physical Education), Southwest Taxas Junior Collogo Horticulture ■mk' Vocational 8ch(M<l* - Vocation Vatarsna Va- (Dairy ar Anlaud A«TiMaiy). Peralta Boreiao—Natiaaal Car- tea Company (Par BrntTwrE Oraaa Company (Baath Aiaarlaa) i.avtuiri«i At SAtl Con^rcn Soma 8,000 uatarana of tha Uai- ▼araity of Houston attacked eon- graas for !ta faOun to tncraass »uh»ist««Ttro paymrnU. and Ha maintai|»l*t • limit on ntaraM aarninys, last Friday. ■ A mass protest meeting was planned, but H was decided that tha Coufar, campus newspaper should have the first srurd. Friday the Cougar printed an editorial condemning Congress for ignoring the bills for veterans aid, while other bills received last-minute paasaga Official Notices If res em a aew ata«ms «*■ mswil ▲.AM. OiBmi tm We dm Wm tati aammm w* im m- m ww warn, i CLASSIFIED ADS Caws ^ttoa The Battalion Pa«a 4 TOTBDAT, AUGUST 5, 1M7 UNESCO to AU Trotter Council rf an tka k«to W >0 a» Earaaa la tka Virginia Instructor Joins Physics Staff ilar thing to say - —it thing to sayjLto us va up trying to EVEEITT LENNON. J*. A T--- Date Mr Lawton: I hasa rant yanr totter at July ▼ary sarsloily. » f anyone get toe toff—elan m my tomarke to Basreto^ of to Marshall tote I was advo cating military asMan te ^tehto. sjrtj-pS Dnrk. Ill am rear Lsmtoi tot. FHito tor mto. roa iauii w imM -a- fwa. t sew ttoea tJltotor A-1 TsAw Mss. in Bans. hired aa fpefiaan at physics te A. A M., Dr. J. O. Potter, teat at tha Mitel j . te physics at yTiW MtAf/jrjj » • 1/4' I fm 7" L-'7//L, TWW'- » 1 }. l//i ?£ W // ¥ Dress Smartly— . ’ ‘ ,iV ‘i/ ■J^uJMSmTA* rmm ae4 perto. 0-1 Ai WAMTCDi Votasaa *tf you •'ibjcct to his anil for tion of the peace at the of the world, aa wall aa for any military action to toe future. I find myself in agreement with most of your sentiments and I am glad of this opportunity to toll you so. Cordially yaura, BEAUFORD JESTER LOOT Mae’, rtottoem OteiteM. toow. Isnai / / / £ * v MAS UWABD toe mere to Mmfc aeC erM “Pertor »r tori nmrtor nrrstoa totw»— ijaetorts aeC Pm (Xttoa Umere to Dotto 11. Umm Its ChooM SUMMER SLACKS from our mteetton of tropical worsted, rayoa. and cotton — aolld or •trlpaa.... Add a cool abort or long aUtvu SPORT SHIRT and you ara ftaad for tha boat THESE ARE NOW AT SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES /- roa BA LB Uar OeerA. C-U-W Oatoor roa BA LB: New Dtato rm ram*, ton tea e«m tom rwetol.r, lltl.SS. (tows Mrs. DUMa. 4-MU totwme ■ mm4 I. \ Voice, Ears -r-VETS— (Centiaaed from Page One) natural acience, elementary school to Jeep courses, and others. Literal arts courses season ted Voice and ears have been added for the largest number of enroll- to tha ieep in the form of a high-1 ees—392,500— in the totter group, powered two-way radio, to be used Veterans enrollad to other cours- 1 the Navy. Self-powered, the new ea included: agricuHara, 69,118; i be used area when tha rat, 42,006; education, 66,615; flight training, 81,4M; law, S3,233; medicine, SB.316; journal lam, 10,- 614; music, 22.:t:iH; natural science. 46,977; Bocial studies, 35,124 can be uasd area when the vehicle is running six feet under water. The receiver to so small that it can fit late tha glove com- partmn • 1MMIETS GIFT & TOT SHOP leal g. College Ave. JIXT REfXIVED SHIPMENT OF— Even-Flo Bottles^ Nipples & Capn Tour . : j' dio Sick? Wo have tbs aquipmant and jmruonnal to flva you a otunptete dlafiKMfla of your radio * Ulnsas. Bryan VA Office In New Location J. R. VarneO, Veteraan Ad ministration Contact Representa tive. has announced that the Con tact Office in Bryan has been the City Hall to ream 4, second floor of the Howell Building. The Howell Building to located oa 27th Street a mss from the LaSalle Hotel Office hours are from 8 a. hl te 4:86 p. m. Monday through Friday. Yaraell caa a too be con tacted at Hart Hall every Mon day morning and Tbur-day af- Twe Convenient Stereo’' Callage Station—Bryan m/M I I Waco-McLennan Club Meeting Set Tonight The Waco-McLennan County A. A M. Club will mart tonight at 7:11 to front of Kleet Lounge, Dormitory t to make preparations for a tx tween semester dinner- dance to he held in Waco Fra# watermelon will be served to all members proa ant —ANGELL— to (Continued from Fags One) •lien through the Min later Plen ipotentiary, Nethoetento Ipte* ty. Washington, D. C. Tha letter reads to part m fnltewe. rt I tha honor te Mini trad te (te Nel t hr lant phaAf* of th# Europe.” rt deem it • privilege te ha the first to sangratotou you an a oaaaaten of tide award." Every radio should have s complete physical check-up si leant once s year. No charge for checking tubes! -BUSS- (Ceotiaood from Page One) data from tka Unhranhy of Calif ornia, Utah State Afncultural Col lege, University ofBna Francisco, and tha Univanity of California at Lea Angeles. is so much better to smoke I "It’t Always fair weather when good fellow* get together" ... with PHILIP MORRIS! It's true ... if my smoker knew whet PHILIP MQgm ftmoker* know . • • they'd ALL (hanira to PHILIP MORKl v Yrn, toe PH1UP MORRIS smoker cnjjy gee what ocher amokem only hoo* to get. •. PER PICT SMOKING PM AM mf So for niiflSt MRfikiRS pimiia • • • try • ptek Clearance Sale! Eyelett Embroideries Dotted Swtoa Demberg lUyuy Shadow Amt purr siu q songsUe S5 - 56% OFF - Fabric Shoppe Acroes from P.O. - Bryan At WAY* BITTIR-BITTBR AU WAY* M'/, /A /A, Li m