The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 05, 1947, Image 3
. \ 1 :«<P ON KYLE FIELD % DON KNGBLKING' OwU, Favorites to! Win Football Rice, Hive the Stuff •I bow 1 I l'\ ^ Y V; • . ./If: Dorm 10 Defeats Dorm 8 To Lead Softball Race If—Die..I vt- How York H ■wbotb-H Vo^woloS STS mli •Tfcir On^o wte 9 wm m ifmnm l , IF l» dofootod WO will ron. tK,n to ti>/rW47" Smahwo'.t'Sn’ ,oo,h » i1 r,kc *- tho favortu-. Boat, will boot two **** lh,ra ,ro " ^ Tho Owl Uckflcld tor this fall will U exactly tho same aa K wm ■ mr ar> when Jaooo Nooly'a •MIfoa continuously confuse! the opposition by their foot and tricky rround fame with a few auceooo- thi TmuT* thr ° WB 40 eotvfw The Owl atartinf backs wfll bo Hoot Keeney, the toaJtef punter in the Conference last fall and a member of more than one all-eon. ference backfield, at loft half; Don Anderson, who will be In the mm$ •Pot for tho third straifht year, •t rifht half; Carl Russ, the lead - l»f ffroand rainer in the Confer- once last foil, ot fullback; ahd last bet not loast their brilliant “ •ad field General "Urn" the*’man under", at Q—«— TWs talented atartinf backfield will be aapflomcnted by the apac> taeular ranninf performances of ona, Gorfooua Georfe Walmaley, "to yiD be thrilllaf Southwest football fans for the fourth eon. MeutiTO year. Other capable back- fjold substitutes will bo Tobin KoU, Hmotso, and Charloa Easter. In frowt of this powerful back- field, which will operate from the DIAMOND EDGE POCKET KNIVES * (SPORTING GOODS Hillcrest Hardware 2013 Collega Road Martin Pitches No-hitter for Dorm 11; Trailer Camp Swamps Dorm 6 14 to 1 •Otnpofti of J W. Mo J. Roberto at ruard* aad Ralph Mo MdoR WlUiaau . w « WoadoO Wnhaaw aad Sttl TyUr ot oados Mi olthor UVen Wateon er Gerald Woatherly at 3 by Cliff Renewing their fetid of Uat A Friday to a thrilling ball down DoraS, last mt^ . Dora 10 opened, _ inninf. Shortstop Fergus led off aad latotMarad oa a hH by oatok Tarda. Pirot baseman Do( —-7- ^.e hit and Tarda ooorod tho Mlootog. froa wall will be the Nichols, Rloo'o forward moo of Humble pw,au> r«£ — Dora 10 and Dora with Dora 10 eettlng ‘tot runs to the eeoond ■econd with a hit Battalion PORT TUESDAY, AUGUST 0, 1047 Pa*f Tho downfall of the Klee Owls ■ay come at the flret of tho Mas on becauM of their frueDinf and ro the Southoastarn Ceuferenc* own. On the fottowtef week-end the hays from the Institate journey to Loo Anfeloo, Calif, to tanfle with U. S. C Tho Trojamiuo labeled aa tho only tesuu on the Pacific coast capable of dethron inf U. C. L. A, the Pacific Coast Confereace champs The Owls play Takas in Louisi ana for their third fame, then ro- turn homo to meet 8. it. t7. For their fifth fame they tangle with the Longhorns in Memorial Stad ium. Quite a rough schedule for the first fire weeks, don’t you afreet If Rke surriwes these first firs fosses without a tie or a defeat, they •hould undoubtedly be VsS the number one ' la the nation. •ad Tarda fotdaf Mto la tho sixth inninf Dm I made ■bottftaad to mots their loaa run. With one out pitcher Lists ■?* • boM on hoik followed by •hortodop Moos who drore Lists homo on a fielder's choice. tin • roared hack la the tap af the aoreath whoa third baao- “*■ kd off with a walk followed by catcher Ritchie who got a hit sending McKinney U third; Rkhkfefaw to eecoad •a the play. third and the winnlnf run on aae- ond, pitcher CPMara Med some do. — ftfMMy and put tho Pioa. ^ n himself by intentionally walking Fennel. Then in a ■tirring ftokh O’Mara put down Warner Ceopor. the next two batten, ▼in the strikeout route. Lists then to} bit n high fool down the f irst base hne to first w»mna Dyaa fo, tb. third out . .C^eber Tirda waa the leading hitter for the fame haring a per- f *^r #eopd (2 for I). O'Man waa the winning pitcher allowing 5 hits. Lists, the losing Aggies in AU-Star Game Aug. 22 j Daniel To i (oadtjSchreinef’sj^ Backs This Fall 7 Tjrf j|! J- I- Dolaaay, Prakdaat of ^hrsiaer laetituU ot Korrrilk, Tomo, has announced that Daakk Amrio haokfMd Mar of •JMt, will become tho Schrein- baekflold coach sUrting in Sep- ■hor. Donkk, who Uttered in foot ball hen at ARM In ’41, *42, and Main last year, was aa aE-cen- ference back in 1942. BoaMas hk MJMWaiowikllftlllllmaitm Ann •• wv _ iok lettered the oaaMUuuo yean te baseball, making the alf-con- u 1942 and piloting thk pact oaaaon " i- Cats Down Bears 7.4,To Keep Lead At College View . Til Cata rallied ta the third sad fourth innings last Wednesday sx*^rv&as?S to *‘b s t run load Os to. Clark was tho whuiiiw pitch- hko and 10 strikao onto. TjMwUy, tho Eager Bearers • wild contest from tho AtokOln ao the teams og hits. Th. Eager Beoron hit 1« for It: wh t.n7 A,kwu » *«» for 2 ium. Williams was the wia- ning pitcher. ~ Bean took a eoauaaadhw ^ — 4 MONT* MONCftlKF wffl tigMfcu for Um laet time as tW T kAMU *■ "• Oellege AB-Staie egMd la tke , ^^aOMtege _ Id. Chicago. Dickey aad Mawerlaf, kot yean start ^oa the Aggie ekrea, will hath pky pro foothal, etartiag Along with Donkk, Jha Pyler, x T v fridator, eras ako hired Wdk Dyer, tho St. Look Cardi nals manager, was firon hk first major-league pllddBg aaolgnmont u y 8hc,tton . mw pilot of Brooklyn The AVALON CLUB It ML W. Bryaa—Hwy 21 BoliciU your patroaage We Mrre the beat of food— SEA FOOD* IN SEASON K C. STEAKS SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN Air Conditioned, — Beautiful Dance Floor. For Rooor. • 85S2P21 IrsA'JVSHH Completion of World’s Fastest Expected in 1951 Gennany, during tho war, da- ▼•loped •ubmarineo far superior in B.W»1 ( rum In Um thin) Inn. Jjl™ nvml’^! Umm bunched fa, the ne<Sd tn^ tag- ' After takiag it m Man their entry k n-petitka the RilUl ^ tan kat Tbaraday with o 12 to • wk ever Dona f. Nixoa waa lA* 5 B [HEN YOU FLY PIONEER! By Two now American uorm Te NilOto wtt E A FEmwricm* MMMknMt, ^• wiaMag pitcher allowing en- !f 1 S , ilL , *i! 0 >L.” ,n 5 ,#ud ln 19S1 ly I hits. " w, » be the woridk fnstoot umkr- wotor combat boots, the U. S. ‘ today. Construction oothorisod by Con ^ fol nifAU , tar • CAttttt KAPI0 "«W CtSM *T4*TI WOMPSP Qpod paying pcoftM»on«l (oG, arc sraMag for quelffiodmea aad wamaa b RADIO. Uiw today tor thnuah with aeren runs fa, the „ ta^Uakg to heat Dorm I, T to K and^he With the aeon tied ot 2 runs each Dorm 2 rallied to soon t hum ta tho sixth inning to boot Dorm 4, 8 to 2. Leading hitters won McKnight sad Gregory for ^ orH> * «jeb getting 2 for 4. For Dorm 4 Sorrels waa the winning pitcher with 8 strike outs to hk credit. The Traflor Camp team broke taoe in a 14 to 1 victory over Dorm «. Pitcher McDonald allowed Dorm • only 2 hits. Left fielder Snider of Dorm • hit a home run with one man on for hk teams only Ttog will be named the Tang M the Trigger, being onmooow of famous submannea of tho some ■amoo, both loot fa, 19a, that took * bnyr toll of Joponooo thippfav. rontiwt you h aw modorn. wol torG.L INITITUTf ■+RADIO BROADCMTING 2900 NO. FITZHUCH DALLAS 4. TEXAS t .1 Sta*u6v%d orf the, VUice1S79 Mortto of Dorm 11 pitched a ** ta* •• Friday, Aog. 1, y team teak an easy 11 t« • wia from Derm 7. After their defeat on Thursday. Dorm B came back to over run the Hlllel club. 10 to 2, in their Friday CM»o Flanagan waa the winning pitcher. * BOX SCORE Derm 10 ... AB R R i Bollard, If 8 0 0 Dixon, 8b 2 0 0 2' Mlira > P ' I 0 0 Fergus, aa ft 1 i Askew. 2b 2 0 1 I—***, e 2 12 Dofnn, lb 2 0 1 Btoaonaad, of 2 o o cf 200 Eberhart, rf t 0 0 TMala 24 1 « Mon. aa Frymlrv, 2b Bder. If Oalbroath, lb SfiST; *' Fennel, af Warner, rf Cooper, of LkU. p in Sol Ssr' U. S. to Make Bid For 1956 Olympics «S£=S; at the aaao York City. Also eon "to the^United ?tata* ^ Ptaa would bo put I fcfrbovtogmdy one U. city bid for the affair. In tho Md- JtaRfor the 1982 gnams five tJ. oo^i other. Aa iTTooSl*h3oS? Ftokwd got tho nod. .Hull, machinery and Ptano are being prepared in Wash- D C by the Navy Bureau of Sh.p. All deairahk enemy and AUad wartime developments will be included in their design They will be speedy and confer- table for crews and wiU have radi cal departures from conventional huD and machinery design. These are the only details announced However, it is known that the U. S. Navy has two captun-d Gor man U boats in American waters for testing and evaluating, and much information about other*. “snorkel" iSSL.’TKnTtE! SSfaMSwr too, but Still wall hidden i to water. Snorkel-eoulppod fob- iMrlnoo ore known to ha vs m •d submorgod up to 70 day*. Another important Gorman da- Jtaopmont waa * atroamhned hull to taka full advantage of ' battory power. DaMgiu wore cap- toad by the Allloo of the U-boat which would have an undorwatoi gtaa <rf M tomto, whfchkSS: than proaent American suhmarinos can make on the turf ace. It waa to ba propelled with hydrogen-par. oxide gas turbine nigipm The birth rate in the United States fa, 1946 was 2AM a 1,000 population, the highest rate sines the early IWO’a. SO EASY TO KEEP COMFORTABLY FRESH . . L*t us give you promt, efficient CLEANING A PRESSING x- CAMPUS CLEANERS 'Seauemsv What Arrow Shorts havB... Ml - ■of , j pmrwl- MCI OPPOITIMTIES III llOWIIt IIIIITIT *-— —-- _ toto. d too Fori Worth Fubiir School ■yiam. oiiero you um opponunirp w complete your training wttnout aorv appruntif fnhipl r Qualify for A AK Ucsnsst In 14 Montlift ftotomm e+mmm 4m Au *hm UfllYft Bocnuoe tho Aircraft School k Kcnoed fin I a by tho Gvil Aeronautics Authority. Any* one may now get both licenses in L4 v montho... and i with AM. experience may obtain both Book (tor FREE is what they haven't! OTHER COURSES OFFERED AM OIMOTKS1Q • ADTO BOOT KPASL OIL lini I71HMQ AMD FABVTBIQ • ADTO MECHA*: ICS • MU A CAMHET MAIS0Q • PBWW • men ■nan art • ddsel • as CH1TECTVBA1 DRAFTIMO • menue motor wnroma • Arrow Shorts hove NO to Imlf. Mokm thorn tho f ' A A7 •omn to mw yoo eomfortsble ever And Arrow flkotto ore good-looking wuto Gut tol so thoy jan won't mm A dot- CONWAY & CO. Acroaa From Post Office—-Bryan • Texans bought f97 mfflio taro worth ofU. S. Savings ta the tet five months of 1947. In the Philippine laUtadt tho. S* tf^touefieterte. of World MMlotsling iMUfv A GOOD PLACE TO EAT New York Cafe 118 S. Main Bryan iadoo « • BUCTWC 8 ACETT. than IV Droptmd //•-• - 7+7x7. »* TmkmkJ Irnmimmt ef «to Farf Wer4 NUr 5cW rykm * ?°J. * Mr ^f^Wky Tto rum ^C.A.A.oW VET. ADM. 'noMiTTOMY! TBCRMICAL INSTITUTE JjwcsumuNR HQAD^rorrwoxm rxx 7' v CLOTHIERS College and Bryan 4 Art Vk* ft** Mmi Fzz~A/UIOW- li ■Ml AT LACK’S Auto Stores r- — —" JOE PAULK, '82 to SdbroiaOT'a new^Une maSk.^ SoUthaid « 217 8. Main -MJartsa* - ' 2Sr / / .