The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 05, 1947, Image 1

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Volume 47
Number 17
Bryan Band Makes
Debut Friday Night
Varied Program Under CoL Dunn To
Be Presented on Courthouse Lawn
V * \ *
Thu Bryan Concert Band, under the direction of CoL
‘ Richard J. Dunn, will present its first oonosrt of the 1048 sea
son Friday evening at 8 on the courthouse lawn, Tom Sween
ey, manager, has announced.
Sines Col. Dunn, long-time director of ths Aggie Band,
Six Weeks Training a; Fort Bliss Ends
92 Cadets Receive Diplomas;
Bateman Is A&M Honor Cadet
dirrctonhip of tru- Hrv»t
Mvanliation, the t>«ru) he*
rasMIy twprwd.H
Wun Um eSdlUon ef Mv«ral A. 4|
M, |BM mnaber*. the orrhMtr«
4a r> mm #4 w • i L ^ w it w «> a
W ^wUUlT Itlt Vflw fie Wit wwap
on. li yeoaioU, pmsnima will be
proeenlod eoory otbor FvMey olfiit.
Houston Street To
Extend Straight
To North Cate
FriSen eooeert will opon with
TW Star IpencM io—or." fol
WweS by | emteh, "Colosol iogoy,"
by Altford. An ooortnro, “Ihioi
CWA- by CTNoU wUl b« the thlni
number. LL Comdr. W. 0. Boooh-
or** The Ramparts Wo Watefc"
It next on the yrofroA, followed
by “Oyeratk Mlagle," a fantasy.
As o Mt of variety Mr*. Barron
will tinf Victor Herbert’* favor*
itoo, orranfed by M. L. Lake. Mr*.
Barron, who has taken part in srr-
oral production* of the Aggie Play
er*, sang on* of the leading rolea
In “The Mikado,” Gilbert A Sulli
van light operetta, which was pres
ented on the carapua last month.
“Danube Waves" by Ivmnovinci
will bo the next feature of the
band, and Sousa’* ever-popular
march, "Star* aad Stripes For-
will conclude the program.
Ken S. Hallaran of The Radio
Ninety-two ROTO cadets from
five western college# aad univer-
•itieo received dipiomaa sad awards
at Fort BUsa Friday. August 1.
marking complotion of six weeks’
summer training.
Major General J. L Homer,
Commanding General of Fort Bliss,
made the eommsaesmsat addrsa*
at graduation ceremonies held at
10 k m. In ths ROTC arm on the
Post He complimented the ondots
oa their outstanding work during
tho training period.
Tt la upon ROTO groups such
i yours sad similar units
throughout the eountrv, that ths
Army will dopes! for mo majority
Plana frv the art mi A rut nt of Ito Junior officoro In tho fut*
rmm iw um sxmwou oi - ^ ,. M , lkktr ^ ^ . r%i i
Houston Btrsst,runnliigbs- *
tween Sbisa Dining Hsll and
the Aggielsnd Inn, In n
straight lino to Sulphur Spring.
Road at tho North Gate, wars an
nounced last weak by T. R. Spence,
manager of the college eonutruction
Houston Street, which now eurv
es in front of Duncan residence,
will extend straight to the northern . - , , . . M
border oi college property, and 0,1 the basis of outstanding
looa connection from the aew road | formanco aad demonstrated
will serve the post office at North
The revised Houston Street will
X M.
El Paso
Presideat of the
of Commerce,
from that or*
to the honor cadet of
Tai wtsmtu were Cadet Edward
D. Bateman, Texas A. * M. Col
lege; Cadet Frank P. Remington,
University of San Francieco; Ca
dot (ieorga L Haan, Jhr m Ualvur
•ity of ('alifomisi OadH Omar H
Awarding of vanoun
ceded the |>r*»*ntation
•err* through traffic on the cam
pus, leaving the area in front of
the College Station past office to
serve patrons. In this way much
of the traffic congestion during
Shop will provide the b * '*"“*“<* “ ®
“ 1’ 1 I
People of Bryan and Colleee SU- ^ ^
Ban^T Since there a^no eestinc ,tn * tioB e*P^ted to cost ap-
Band.. Bince there are no prosimately K5.000 Work will re-
rr ■ ? suss o"*"
everyone to hrmg his own lawn
General Homer prsseatod the
medal for the honor cadet of the
ROTC camp to Cadet Jamee V.
Traughber of the University of
CaUfonua at Las Angelas. Spon
sored by the El Paso Chamber of
Commerce, this award was made
during the aummer training
Frnadsen, Utah State Agricultural
Collage; and Cadet John X Lop-
spiech, University of California at
lx>s Angelas.
Three r t f 1 • marksmanship
•ward*, also mads by ths Chamber
of Commerce, wore presented by
George 0. Matkin, Chairmen of the
Chamber Military Affair* Com-
mittee. First place modal wont to
Cadot Frank XlRrmington of Uni-
versity of Ian Frnnciscoi oecond
piaoo to Cadet Vera W. Alien of
Utok 8toto Agricultural Collegoi
and third place to Cadot Xennetk
lUrKentlo of tho University of
i •llfornl*
AthWtle awards far Iwtor ashool
Vets Must Report
To VA This Week
Pre-Registration Information And
Estimate of Earnings are Required
/ Every veteran enrolled in A. A If. under Part VU or
Part VTII erf the G. L Bill of Rights must report to the Vet
erans' Administration office sometime during this —*
Failure to do so will result in at least a 50-day delay tn re
ceiving subsistence cheeks during ths fall
Veterans throughout the
will have their ednea-
1 y ;—* lr >bcmiptod oa AmA is,
Executive Editor SSSsS#;
Of Far* Magazine
Here for Ag Meet
Definite Goals In , b. Uto A « „
■ r, f mm f hono* C.det St Port BttaS, WSS
View for Most Of f.—S
fA X 17 A n I exerdsoo held Ai
GIs, VA Reports
■St 1. draw mg Jo *
weeks of summer training
M. * W.
ksr of the *adota, to tho
ooftball team from Ttsas A. 8
Mw to the bowling team from
Utah State Agricaltaral College
sad to the volley boll team of
A. A M.
General Homer prooontod diplo
mas to ooch of tho eodots, congrat
ulating each oas personally.
Bateman, ths A A M. honor
sadet, was n battery commander
Mat year, and s member of thp
Economics Chib and Camera Clab.
Ho is from Wills Point, Texas.
Two Aggies Named
Officers at Bliss
During Last Week
friMMK _
Office in Woao la
registration far th
Heretofore, many i
chair or sofa pillow and “enjoy the
cool breeae along with the band
Vet Med Entries
Restricted to 64
For Fall Semester
Enrollment in tbs School of
Veterinary Medicine has again
been restricted to 84 students,
President Oibb Qiichriet stat
ed Iasi week The demand far vet
erinary medicine was mek as to
mmmrorw vw w g ivv » wr •* v
I and again lkt« fill A
i abwTa admit only d4
Is l|a fiipt yotf of^voto-
Fetorinory nCalwas
. rough which all spolt
cntlnn* f<ir •'TnlMmnl VMS IgStsd.
After a earoful study oi
VSA Key Design
Deadline Nears
Only five days remain in which
to submit satrisa la th* Veteran
Student Asaoeiatioa's key deaign
eouteet On Angnat • the enrtoln
will ring down on a emtfoat that
wW provide IIS, St, sod throe
dance tickets far Aagaot tl to
five loeky
Entriee, wltk no Mmil aiaeed
•e euhjeet matter for tho deoim.
lissll la IMsHtted to Bns tt.
. ttsdasii. AassM
Stotioa, Tevae or to
iy offieor of the are
v WW
About two out of every
three of the 1,825,000 veter
ans recently enrolled in edu
cational institutions under the
GI Bill are taking courses lending
to definite job objectives, the Vete
rans Administration reported Inst
The Veterans Administration ar
rived at this cone ins ion from at
sampling of the record* of vete
ran* who were enrolled in school*,
college*, unlversitie* and other in
stitutions on May L
Engineering ranked first with
22y OOO students, and crafts and
trade* was eecond with SOSJOO
students. Third in popularity were
commercial course* with
students. Busiamm admiatatratioa
WM fourth with ltd,4(H) itudrnU.
Those sourse* which the Vete-
raM Administratlou emtsidsrs as
not gene rally falling within dsf-
Angell Presented
Dutch Order Of
Orange Nassau
E. L.
Angell, assistant to the
t of the college, receiv
ed the Order of the Orange Nas
sau Saturday at Randolph Field.
The Dutch medal was presented
by Colonel Roos, military at
tache of the Netherlands Govern
ment in appreciation of Angel’*
work in the evacuation of Dutch
inhabitants in flooded areas.
Angel helped to plan the mov
ing of those people in flooded
« ia of Holland during ths war.
grasp with which he was
affiliated was ths Dutch Repat-
fOMTsiiy faMaa with In Set- nrimaiea wn* me wuurn nepei-
. wS&riXtflroiLii.; rlXrBtaS*.
Two A. A M. cadets, Ed
ward D. Bateman of Wills
Point and Raymond A. Hen-
nig of Tyler, served as offi
cers for the ROTC battalion
in the sixth and final week of the
summer training period at Fort
BIim, according to announcement
from the camp information office.
Bateman was appointed cadet cap
tain to serve as commanding of
ficer of Battery B, and Hennig,
appointed cadet first lieutenant to
serve as s platoon commander.
Appointment ns battalion offic
ers for the final week of train
ing whkh ended Saturday, Aug
ust S, was made on the bases of
overall standing and demonstrat
ed ability of the individual cadets
during ths first five weeks at
camp and upon the rerommenda
tlons of Mflisfe.
Betide* ths A. A M. men, bntto
lion officers fer the final week of
training period included ROTf ca-
(Bee BURR aa Page Fear)
Maloobn Orchard executive
aditor erf the Southern Afri-
culturist" at Nashville, Ten-
naaase, will be on ths campus
title week for the meeting oi the
Vocational A gn culture ten* her*
and Rtudenta, it was *nnounc«Nl
Sunday from headquarter* of tho
farm publication.
Former profooaor of Agriculture]
Education at A. 4 M , Orchard will
contort a number of college per
sonnel for a story of *pecinl in
formation on farming develop
ments in tho Southwest
Approximately WH> teacher* and
students ore expect.-d this week
for the campus conference, which
began this morning with an add
res* by W. E. Lowry, executive
director of the State Board for
Vocational Education from Austin.
Tomorrow's address on problems
and trends in farming and ranch
ing will be presented by Oris V.
Wells, chief of the Bureau of Ag
ricultural Economics, U S D A.
Washington, D. C.
Thursday is set aside for the
professional organiiational meet
ing of Vocational Agriculture
V. C. Marshall, farmer and
notified by the aehool that the
wrif—a was Mi in school Much
MMp sad Sm WM assfit by bsfi
the vriiisa 'W’<i ** TA ln
rMrnmg out th* rOMlting
•ring as quickly as
Two forms will be flDed out:
tho SM-fUgietratloaf form, and •
monthly anticipatod earning* Mank
for those itofsats who expect to
be employed during the 1947 48
•chool year. Advanced contract
students shook) not include their
army subsistence payments in their
estimated .earning*. *
'Earning Your
Aggie Senior
cutiwo director of th* State Soil
Conservation Board at Temple, will
apeak on Friday morning.
About 600 teachers and 200 stu
dents art expected at the seven-
day conference, th* first since 1040.
Students will compete in state
Judging contests in poultry and
eggs, livestock, moat, dairying, and
milk. Winner* in the live*took and
menu Judging will attend the Kan
■M City Royel
Kansas City mi
d..iiy catti,?, milk, poultry
eggs division, winners will
peto in a ooatoet al Wat
os September 10
I Bbovi at
Vi In the
Waterloo, Iowa
roeorda and interview* with oppll-
cants, 64 men were considered the
beat qualified Tbis year all the
students selected were from Texas.
In addition, 10 alternates were
chosen if for any reason one
Hidden Aptitude* Drought lo l.lghl In Romp G, Hart Hall
• • e
Guidance Center Helps Vets Select Proper Vocation
V By Vleh Ltadtoy
tailed achievement teste,
■how what has boon learned ai-
sue of thooo loot*.
a student baa are
sometimes traced back to inouffl-
etont preparation. Ciaaoes may
bav* boon passed, but tho Infer-
ready. By m
4 h» _ 4 ■> . ■ » a t —. —
Toiling eolleg* students things
they never knew about themselves
is the job of one office at A. A M„
the Veterans' Appuslaal and Voca
tional Guidance Office Established
»~bl. t. Uk. tk. rffto
opportunity. President Gilchrist erans Admiaistratioa in teeing that
matedk students do not waste their GI
A total of 108 applications, in- education by taking work for which
dading some from other schools, I they have little aptitude or inter
wore received up to June IK, tho
Of tStatotofmunS^thal M * ny W* 1 **®^! *••** are
wimt aVe^aSS^rirTTR’Tbl arm,1 * b,c Bt ^ Appraisal Office,
grade point average was 1.78. Ths, ^ which h4dden are
csMSrtw Jm*. iTSs.^ | rrnni^i. w i, kh k *”
Other tosts eheek Into environ
ations and TrobUrnTmay°be *e *p.
sotting tn * student that be can
not concentrate on his work. This
will show up on th* teat, if quea-
tioaa are enswered boneetly. It
is possible, of eourse, to give wrong
a newer* deliberately. But aa ths
tosts are fee the benefit of the
student, he I* tbe loser If he "fad-
C " on bis snewere. Ail informs-
MimMm Ism moamAk sa AAa«e4mo*A isk
l |i wn wy •urn ■ vuwswnv m
treated M confidential
The Iniwest battery of teats is
used to rind th* student’* true
shilitio* and interests. An able ito-
dent, whose interests lie hi fields
outside his studies, Is
himself "buehlng" hla
•Id* tntoreeto are
t to find
Bn eut-
hy l
ing student may
Don Kuykendall, Tim Me
n*od, 0. ll Martin, and seve
ral other Aggies are featured
in an flluSli atodi article is th*
August issue of "Farm and
Ranch", southwest farm maga-
sino. The article, which wm writ
ten by C. G. Scruggs, senior /
Sgrieshursl Sionomica ntudcnt
st A. A M. College, is entitled
“Earning Your Lemming."
Throughout the article numor-
(>u* opportunities for pnrt-tlmo..
wmm *t colleges MU pointed out
Beruhn oilto attention is tho
nourishing toother bustnem of
Ku> krihUll MeUlend'a l*min.
fMbst rootring work, tad the
and that of the 10
t.06. The grade point
the remaining 164 who
Barring some unforeooen conti-
gooetoo. It is eatima
lea* than 80 of the 64 men selected
tho student,
like to be
'Z'X'm 0 '' ^ Unfortunately,
applied was| who ^ wmM
engineer*, for instance, learn af
k rotta.M th.t
to quite differeat from what
had expected. Such n student.
S5, s* ” 7
Lodg es Sponsor
Joint Barb
l/odgi No.
tho Bryan
Star No
A. r. A A. M,
( haptcr Ovdar of
VtS wW bo Joint hoots st s bar-1 who showed little intorsst in
hocus Friday. August 15. at 6:60 tor farming and n
p. m , ssssHtog to a X Ntobet, | toreat in art, wm
Worshipful Master ef the UdM.‘
the profestoon eventually. Many
more, after n few terms in college,
realise that sasssthh^ is wrof<
and turn to tho Appraisal Office
for advice.
tho office is able to
s small change in enrri-
whkh makes s grant differ-
to th* student Involved. An
agricultural student, for instance,
who shBi
nwrwt in rtn-
con Ride rut) if in
•dviaed to take
lx>dgc landscnps Mt and h*esms 8 nur-
Th# bsrkeeu* will be bold at the eerrmna be eould make full Me ef
Bryan Country Club.. b '» afncultural training and
All Mneon* and Fas tern Ature bia artistie eenae.
in BruiM County, tudMiiW thoa# | Bometismu it It neneennry to
from College Itetios; Wei
ow «■ «w w . ,
wbu wtub to uw titel udvtoe la given, «
I Mil OM of ibe UtoUM eending s •indent to T*«m
| UMbMi M| MIm tbun Unlvefelty,
wr I JrvvM3 ir
an engiusori |
hues U great dee ire to build dams,
ret find the seeeeesry mathematic*
beyond hi* comprebunaion IV
toeto often Indicate that he eould
Ibu umu»m<UHu mum allied tin*.
the difficulty ie
found to Hu in poor atudy-pro-
m—• AMaaf Aj VteA r 1 — 1 *— M 4aai
wwggWv WWW
•r hmmmI iwldHIf si Yskmfs Af-
prsissl off Mi, Hump C>, Hsri Nik (In
rmr) Manager Hobart N Hughe* giooi
HreeUan for written toot being taken bp
HiokarS 0. Thomas.
Mudent new*
tin aperstee to DMM I.
Vuluubto sdvise it
to young p
telveu wl
E ta Mm
“ TV
•igbt into
U stele
D to fu ting thut
written aueh an
bu Vowk' from
* part-time worber to
F-'rv.t S*’r\ u','
its to bool
SJ\£ Course Aug. 27-»
few peo-
i Industries Short
ance when they fbut learned tot
read weeds in irrade school,
not a disability to be aah
surveys have shown that lew peo-1
pie rend ns effectively as they i pi,__ . .
might. Th# collegulitti s program , ' 'V L . fo T *
to help Mich students, once the /' , ru * <l * t,>t ? 11
difficulty is recogetond. l *2 J*
At present meet of these taking * ” Monran
th* tests me veterans who have directac
had Mine years of schooling. U* ?.P?J 1> * l M irilt ° ffW ' "jounced J
ually, if n change is tedteutod, ii\ >• J .
it possible to chooe# u HMliiriii ^ *>• ««ntoet-
whSTsave* many af th* acme*- i* n ** Lector* R-m
ter hour* already (audited. ** ■*<"* «muu* is under the epou-
Eventually it t* hoped that etu- fOT»k|P of .the
their eolleg* euroera, and avoid tne fetroleqn
chuagtog at a later tima. The *n-|y ***1
taring freshman teeto, glvon by the I "‘IJ* 0 * • to if
Registrar's office, gt* detigmd to | Au W
assist in such early acrrcning. I A banquet far the
M to impossible to eliminate all attendants will ho held to Bbtoa
of course, but the par- Hall at 7 j . August If. Tick-
■witchae” might be|«ta at $140 each may V
- tk. - - d, "*V. l V.«^ ■‘l’***"
ef the etouatneauen testa. During
World War II both tV armed Mr |
vtoea and war toduMrim found mek
to have a grout practical val-
Mhtage of
New Studenbi Notice
Umfi: ^ AD
ttl sorrtoe to X V
M fMeitUy illifNj
Mtoiuu to •tSSuiifikt
VMlH|fp flff t 9U$k 9*
tV first tisto this summer wV
•upset to eeutiuM to ueVul dsr-
w v run m «to
tuto thtotuH wduv pyugar uutih
'I l i