The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 29, 1947, Image 4
' T 't * CALLS ^Mow.rf listed position »—wla In the fields indionted. !S?ai! •hooW «rnuct W. R. Horsley or Lncten ** t** Ptooement Office, Roota 126, Ailminlstrstion * compieie informstion • wi - — a* ; ; ;.'r,rr<«%Sa _o)ll er AroMerte- W|f«M ommv It burm*4 la »*ti far •aiMinwtlan an mptIm gWj> tMlBiBfcV 1 Utr, *1* MMlMtn fat a land (WT'lonMt project in the Rio Grand# Vallajr. •aalnaaa and AaaaanUnc. Baa- IjrtWlfatll tr-onomim lant ftaiMoay -The ]jh#ri> Mut. «al Inaaranea Company employ* ■•n In tka following caUgori#* 1) 8aiaam#n, (2) Claim Adjaatara, (i) UndarwrHara, (4) boat Pra- ▼ention, and <l) Payroll Auditors. wita^Yon.^iT^^ TT- ■ar Callafa (Hr—arin), La^a- lua Palytackalc laatitat# sad Bmi Jaoa Stata Call#*# (Pky. ■ho). Saotkwaat JaaUr CaBoffo (Acraaamy. Vorttooharo. aad Eatomolof y). Mechanical, Management, and BntlMariaff—Sale of oil refinery equipment with Man ning, Maxwell A Moore, Ine. Chemical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineer- Ms Hutineaa and Aecoonting— InBtaMn Kodak Company. Part time or full time petitions are open with the Texas A. A M. Raaearch Foundation in the inves tigation of the causes of oyster ■ortality in the waters and or mods of Southern Louisiana. AMMfv lit PAY "ffiSwEU/S -BOOKS- ■mat■ a# asMskPtMa m#n heme from t Taras' a Which that mo Um homaa tf tha pa alao Um u I) tuched ■ Thial in M was aafaly In hh. after hte aeala wt la atemidofTWlt. — la a r alary ateapat _ .... kwt. h la alao a ateiy af tadtel- 'ioala, UMte MMfmrlag, their dr ^d.anT real Indiana who vary at all ho maa beings- Indiana who are Im personally creel, simple and friend- Vi *tet. l-rutal, sly, kind, proud, aalf-effedag. laughter loving it is a atory of a Woman's ataadfast- naas in the face mortal danger and the kma of afl that had given her pride and confidence in livta*. In othar words, H it a story worth who have written plays and radio »ws, have now turned their ads to tha writing «l a novel, MRS MIKE. MRS. MIKE la first and foremost a love story, the story of Kathy, a young Irish Bos ton girl, and Sergeant Mika, a Ca nadian Mountie, who is priest, doc tor and magistrate to all in a groat wilderness of millions of square miles. Kathy's aad Mike's Uvea embrace a score of characters whose lives are lived out against the tremendous Imckground of the wildemeas, at times hmmtM. at times terrifying and Ike level ef sheer ea la extraordinarily Ugh. There |t an acceptance « thalinrineaa, tha chances, the aeaentlal goodness of both the mala and fsasaie char triers and addad MtlHaidty. ft u emotional, ualnuUeriual, and re- It dtaan't pane any great queotion. la the remter, or offer •elution U life. It'a jest a well •pus yera DsLUXR CAPE — Bry Alt aw UM Where ill A| -W. Atm Information Staff Members to Attend Meet in Minnesota Fhre membert of the A 4 If Cxdtefe InfonaiUon aUff wllJ attnna the AMMIAl Bteriing of mtSssS^ ".VS II w. — 1 end ritual afilt will ^ 4neaaU at the matting Ex hiMte ef various informatioa me dia used la the variona atataa will be avaiLhic f„r Praalm win oarva at chairman of the agency rtteflion committee which win make lit report August T aad wm alao Serve at chairman of the agency relations Tmurirm ~ maL Four of tha Texas representa tives will fly to Minneapolis in the Oollaga owned plane with H. Q Smith, manager of EaaUrwood Airport, at pilot Geology Prof At Work in Kentucky Dr. W. L. Raooall of tha A. A M. Gootegy Department la spending doing apodal re March I field the in structural field geology aad m- dicnethrtty af different atraU in northwestern Kentucky, 8. A. Lynch, department head, has an- A KinCM. In his radioactivity studies Dr. aaseU, who has base appointed by the Oxford University Frees to write the chapter on radioactivity in a new edition of 'The ftrieacc of Friroteam”, it using oqeipmcnt of his owa ' Veterinarian to Go To Gncinnati Meet 1. A. Ortri, Estanatoa voterin- ariaa. Witt attend the annual matt* M»« tf tho American Veterinary Mtdteal Ataaeitttta In Otnelanali, Ohm, August it at Msmharehtp of thte ataooitLon ^tem rut turns A taaformwo tfl ktum veiertnartans will h. at which wnrh in aoanoriten hrttcellnets and mariMis will SO EASY : * | TO KEEP COMFORTABLY FRE8H . . Let tut give you promt, efficient , a . • ** T ' ,* CLEANING A PRESSING CAMPUS CLEANERS Island Attends Meet Of Accounting Board T. W. I alaad, hood tf tho De- tartmaat of Buohtooo and Amount ing at A. A M, waa ta Chicago for a mooting of tho hoard of dir- •dors of tho American Account- tea Association which was hold July 24-28. Hooding tho depart ment during his absence was Dr T. R. Hamilton, professor of sta tistics. Business transacted at tho meet ing primarily concerned the nation al convention of the association to be hold In New York in early Sep tember. • 'fv# smokwd ChestwrfiEld for y®or» and find Hiay compUtEly Satisfy. Tkkhn By Georg* * Oops! I mutt have tightened tha wrong heft. ‘Look, No Handsf Truck Steers Itself If one of those days you shoulde-from a big truck come lumbering down tho road with the driver mak ing “Look! No hands!" gestures, tTlTlS^ h *’ , ****7 ^ teko ‘hteh in terror. It wiU only bo Victor Severy’s idea hi action; you will bo In no danger whatever. S"«ry. who hails from Atlanta, proposes te make motor vehicles sutomstieaUy oteorablo by turning fcArr-JL* hookup thsi will follow pa.nt .tnpj ■Ini down the middle af tW driv- r™« :! •'ztlL'? I»,U. h. throw, . t».m of lijhi Kxanv for Merit AmmhI i=::=H3SSS Prr""" 0 ” Hb- He hoahh laboratory positions, and . eo,,-to * M evaluation rf training and experience and a writ ten examination Veterans prefer- •net will bo allowed applicants who Iteve base honorably discharged from the United States armed forc es and who make a passing score on the examination AH appHaationR must be mailed before midnight August 10. Posi tions for which examinations will be held, and their entrance oalar- Laboratory Assistant ; o Laboratory Technician Moratory Tachni- Application blanks may be ob tained from Russell E. Shrader, Sy*traa Supervisor, Little- fWd Building, Austin, Texas. Next Chem Congress Set for US in 1951 The Twelfth International Con- P*** “d Appllad Chem istry will be held in tho United States in 1951 It was announced at the elooe of tho eleventh Con- tress in London, first to bo hold since the war. Dr. W. Albert Noyee, Jr, prsai- dant of tho American Chemical Society, said tha 1941 meeting ^ ^ to s lamp with reflector. This bmua, thrown back to the photo cell on the opposite side, actuates the steering mechanism whenever the vehicle tends to drift off courts. A second set, with lamp and photocan disposed oppositely *f lh# , f |ra t * tebes care of devia- t*^ns in the opposite direction. The gyroscopic steering raech- ■Atow. or -Iron Mike", was long •to devised to relievo ships’ helms* "*•" rioot of their routine labor; ^ • l *° boon fcjgl/ or ,•« •Irpltnoa. ^fG!*JSXXXaZ to the Farrar Granted Aero Gas Patent •terJ&sraes i 'WALTS ■vtation •aoellno, Tbo frooMo, desert hod as las- m#r I Ration tf normal butane to l.o bpteM, was <te«ii<.p#.i during tho r^^bon Fsrrardidinooarch work f0r Spoils Prirolcum com. pany In Ite Dellas laboratories. It compares favorably, from an scon °«‘J riandpoint, with tho wldoly- wd^Sholl process, according to b^n amignod to . ~ y V *® uuni Corporation, wfckh Farrar left lari February to accept Ma appointment bar*. • TRY a delicious . . . CHIP STEAK Sandwich and MILK SHAKE for Supper at GEORGE'S CONFECTIONERY The Battalion Pare 4 CLASSIFIED TUESDAY, JULT 20. KMT Tqi l ^ '• •-m*. The Groat Lakes are tha princi pal or only sourw of high-quality frooh-water flakes in tha tho Uni ted States produced for ths market. Mors than 150,000 World War D raterans now era taking some- M v’SSL announced this woek. / 4 Day Sanrice on Cleaning and Staffing 1 Day Service on Main Springs and Crowns Wark Guaranteed R-LMcCARTY JEWELER North Gate I /1 /[ • mjNB / * A /.[ / >sf /fi/' ' /jUr / KTty the Squirmawrigs are Vanishing! i f «NB tomxMAi n embers of tfiat tribe of and wriule m uncom- t: fortabl# But the tribe is bopomlnt extinct—thanka ko tha advent, of Arrow roai/y comlorfbh Seamless- crotch Shorts I What a boor—no center team to sit on. What roomincm to sit ini And they’ll stay that way be cause they're Sanfomcd labeled (fabric shrinkage leas than i%). We have plenty of A -row Shorts for you. Better stock up today. ARROW SHORTS 11 cagg CLOTHIERS L Oolafa and Bryan First Baptist Church Revival OOLLKOB STATION, TBXA, BEGINNING JULY 27 . . • l 1 • 4 • a a a a aT’a aa A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL irV | /// DR. FRANK WEEDON f' t !*“ - Former tW. ^ A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU YlM p. HL • • • • • a a • a a I ! !«’’ 1 /* ' ' m OOMX AND BXINO VOCR nUCNDS . vYWivL ’ZZZmt • A ■ Wm ■ z / WM